The climax of gamer proselytization

>The climax of gamer proselytization.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Edition

LotR brought GW into the mainstream more or less 15 years ago.

This too shall pass.

It will actually be funny seeing all the nu males in 10 years when they're all on TRT and HGH and steroids with shaved heads and swastika tattoos because that's the new trend.

These people will literally do anything to fit in.

Oh no, some people are playing Monopoly in a bar! My hobby is ruined!
Damn those normies, they've won again.

>Geek game
Man, journalists keep getting better now do they?

>Monopoly: Lord of the Rings
I didn't even know this existed until now and it makes me a little bit upset

And now that Christopher has left us, expect things to worsen ten thousand percent. The sea wall has crumbled. The inexorable tides swell.

Have some pride in your interests man.

Why did they put the circular blur effect on that picture?!?
Oh my god I can't stop laughing.



I don't think anyone anywhere has "had a blast" playing Monopoly

that's the basic one for "drunk" overtones

user... How sheltered are you?

Monopoly's been interbred with almost everything on earth. It's the Hello Kitty of board games.


user... Please.

>Board games: Not just for geeks anymore
Were they ever "just for geeks"? I mean, I've been playing shit like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Sorry! with my relatively normie family for as long as I can remember, and even recently, have played Catan with my dudebro-ish brother and his dudebro-ish friends. Even hung out with them while they were playing Risk once, for crying out loud.

What plane of existence is the author living on?


>Oh no more people like the things I like!!111

The amount of licensed properties with a Monopoly variant is actually staggering. Bear in mind, this list is still incomplete.

I just don't play Monopoly. It's not a very good boardgame.

Just shut your brain off bro.
It's a beer boardgame.

user, it's vitally important that people on Veeky Forums know that OP is upset over a "news" article from four years ago.

Not with incompetent tableflippers. My gf never buys properties and gets mad when she starts bleeding money after I own most of the board

Of all the posters, you seem most upset.

What is it about those that begrudge the interloper that fills you with such rage?

Fucking... I was only joking when I was comparing it to Hello Kitty!

>board game
Dude, please.

I'd imagine she has other qualities that make up for this particular shortcoming. Look into cooperative games, it might be more up her alley.

>Gandalf buys Mount Doom


Can't wait till this spreads and society remembers that being a nerd is a shameful, shitty thing

I'ma go-ahead and call this a /thread.

>my interests
What's wrong with this picture, user?

>Magic The Gathering explodes
>Catan explodes
>Quality games for adults become big business
>Game Awards make game design a track to recognition and often riches.
>Game industry explodes
>Games for adults get better and better and readily available
>20 years of this
>Adults are now playing boardgames

Wow who’da thought.

It is a golden age though most of ky local bars and coffee shops have a board games nigr advertised now and theres at least 2 dedicated board game cafes in my city.

She's competitive without competing. For example she LOVES the Game of Life, a no-skill spin-to-win. It's fine though we do puzzles together and have a blast.

It doesn’t need to make sense, the entire point is merely to reference pop culture.'s_Edition

Publisher...... USAopoly

It's post ring-crisis Middle-earth that went through industrial revolution and embraced capitalism. Land of Mordor, though largely inhospitable, is still valued for its mineral deposits.

>most coffee shops have a board games nigr advertised now
that's, like, really offensive, user.

From the writer's perspective

>You're just doing something fun because you're trying to fit in!
You're a faggot.

I don't get why a bunch of college kids playing monopoly in a bar and someone writing a fluff piece about it triggers you so much?

Is tabletop gaming "purity" (whatever the fuck that means) really that critical to your self image?

This whole autistic shrieking about "fake nerds" confounds the shit out me. This whole made up "baawww the cool kids used to make fun of me but now they are trying to pretend they like the things I like" narrative is garbage anyway, even without the fact people try to pretend the "jocks vrs. nerds" paradigm even existed in real life past the late 70s. Growing up in the early 90s most of my tabletop friends were goth and alt types. Who were loners because they though it was edgy and cool, not because a football player stuffed them into a locker.

We've gone too far in some places

>someone writing a fluff piece about it

It really boils down to this. Like the dude would care if he was in a bar himself and saw some cunts playing Monopoly while drinking. Christ.

Imagine being a lifelong hunter and suddenly the forests are filled with naive and foolish newcomers that heard on some daytime TV talk-show that hunting was a good way of losing weight.

Perhaps not everyone enjoys their hobbies and interests being dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>he doesn't know about Gandalfs tax plan

Dumbed down? It's monopoly, it's basically the most mainstream board game already.

Right, because only a set number of board games exist, so too many players means you don't get to play. Also, new players scare the board games deeper into the woods, meaning no one gets to play.

It's definitely not the case that more players means it's easier to find people to play with and everyone gets to play more. That would be crazy. Board gaming is a limited resource, not a social hobby! Gatekeeping and purity policing are super important!

You're a fucking idiot.

I mean, audience attention is a limited commodity, and if you like something similar to but not the same as something that gets popular, you're usually fucked.

Like, you can act smug and superior and like all audiences are equal and willing to try anything, but really, have you tried getting a game of something that's not D&D running without using the internet to set it up?

That's a retarded analogy, dumb wojackposter

No matter how many amateurs just looking to do whatever is trendy at the moment get into gaming they aren't going to magically show up at your table to ruin your group that's comprised of you and your friends unless you invite them. You can't complain about newbies overrunning the hunting grounds when every group has their own privately owned game preserve.

I forgot where the normie fun-police where storming my rec room to confiscate my older RPGs and board games, leaving me with only "dumbed down" new stuff. The old grognard games still exist, your grognard friends still exist. Put two and two together and stop projecting so much

Gatekeeping is my hobby. By complaining about Gatekeeping, you are Gatekeeping the Gatekeeping hobby.

There is a healthy middle-ground where inquisitive newcomers with suitable dispositions are encouraged to immerse themselves in a world informed by culture and tradition. Turn some away, but certainly not all. A healthy influx must be maintained, but allowing anyone, or worse yet, inviting everyone will certainly dilute what was once a world apart--one of brotherhood and silent understanding.

>post a giant wall of text complaining about gatekeeping
>tell other people to stop projecting

>your grognard friends still exist
Pretty sure his friends never existed.

>normies are stealing our geek culture

The Green Bay Packers were really into Catan a few years back. I know, Wisconsin, but still.

Man why do I give a fuck about what others do with their spare time? If anything this benefits me because more money in the gaming industry means more budget into games.

>The Green Bay Packers were really into Catan a few years back.
I remember that. We used to have daily threads celebrating how cool it was that a pro football team was getting Catan more publicity.

I'm sorry, are you talking about board games or the Ministry of Magic?

I'm pretty sure people are allowed to buy and play board games without getting permission from existing players. We have stores for that. Heck, that's HOW most of the existing players got into it.

What kind of man seeks to broaden the horizons of his hobby to such extremes?

Imagine a rapper who thinks everyone should rap.

Imagine a biker who thinks everyone should have a motorcycle

Imagine a model train enthusiast who thinks everyone should collect model trains.

>Imagine a model train enthusiast who thinks everyone should collect model trains.

That would be pretty damn awesome. It would mean everyone has some appreciation for what I do in my spare time.

Worry not, the purge will come.
The obtruders will be sloughed off like old skin.

Just imagine someone who plays games who thinks other people should play games, how horrific.

>Imagine a model train enthusiast who thinks everyone should collect model trains.
Have you ever spoken with model train enthusiast? Hey, it's okay if you didn't. But let me tell you that I did - and they were thinking exactly that. Every single one of them.

I can. They are all horrible people who only want to shove their specific interest down everyone's throats.

The rapper only wants everyone to gangster rap.

The biker is only into Harleys.

The train enthusiast only cares about bullet trains and thinks model trains are for faggots.

In short: Autism wants more autism.

What's with all the projected ironic outrage?
Poor rhetorical technique.

Black Tokyo.

>they were thinking exactly that. Every single one of them.

This is why we must wage war on them.
Let their every rail be bent or shattered.

I prefer to lay paper clips across the tracks when the circuit is off.


No you fool! They are peaceful solitary creatures unless provoked. But they are dedicated, resourceful and at some regions deceptively numerous. This wouldn't be a war you'd want to wage. Just respect their territory and keep your distance.

They were the First Ones. We respect them, and do not rile them to anger.

Who cares?

Frankly, if people are interested in something I'm interested in, that's fine. It means we have more common ground. There's only really something wrong with this if you're so socially maladapted you can't handle maybe interacting with people that don't act exactly like you.

>its fucking monopoly

This. People who think gatekeepers' fears don't have at lest some basis in fact don't understand this: changing the demographic of the fanbase changes the games we get.

No, they will not budge down on our basement doors and insist they they get space in our groups, they will they will not ban the things you like. But These people have money to spend too, and they will spend them differently than you would have. Which means different games will be made.

No, I do not think I have any right to get the types of games I want from the free market but I am aware that when you get in more women, more people that's not from a european cultural background, they will have different backgrounds to me, and those backgrounds make them want things somewhat different to me.

Not worse things.
Not incompatible things.
Not different things.
But they will want things *differently*. They have different life experiences and different outlooks than I do.
And as such, this hobby which catered nearly 100% to me in the past will cater to me less. It's not in my self interest to make the hobby more diverse, and seeing as it's just a hobby, I feel no moral obligation to act in the interest of others when they go against mine.

the fact that altering the demogr phics

It has tournaments.

Gonna be honest with you - I'm not sure what either of those words means.

Imagine owning a viking-themed bar that suddenly becomes a celebrated tourist destination. Year after year, annoying tourists flood the place. The prices are increased to gouge the visitors. The large tables are replaced with smaller ones to fit more people. Old-timers who once spent whole afternoons in conversations are told 'loitering' would no longer be tolerated. In time, those who made the place their refuge are driven out. Some find a new home, others become recluses. A few years later the tourists stop coming. The place becomes silent and empty and goes out of business.

One means spurting semen... The other means bending over and presenting ass to be probed... Yeah. Sounds about right.

Welcome to the free market. The people have voted with their wallets fair and square and if you don't like it then I suggest you work on dismantling money based economics.

This people has always been scum

Like, half the pubs I go to have scrabble, monopoly, chess sets and other basic board games for people to play. This isn't anything new.

>Playing monopoly
>Been a geek

And you are always free to start your own viking bar.

That would be great. I could rake money on the wave of popularity, shut it when interest declines and then either open new place or peacefully retire.


>fuck you got mine

such a totally sympathizable point am I right?

Thats not it at all. Having everyone have to switch careers back to primary producers so that we can trade again wont solve this.

The problem is that you had an illusion that you owned this place, and the actual owners had a different vision than yours. If you want to keep your cosy viking bar than you have to run it, or find one run by a guy whos like "I want to run a cosy viking bar" as opposed to "I want to have a competitive business."

Even then, guy A is likely to have to turn into guy B because small business, at least where I live is a living nightmare that chews and spits our most contenders.

user. Look at the videogames industry. Because there were no proper gatekeepers, the state of the industry is going to shit.

>The problem is that you had an illusion that you owned this place
That is indeed a problem and not the fault of anyone other than yourself. The owner decided to do things that don't align with your views because it's not your property, who are we to say his actions are inherently bad because they don't appeal to us, the minority group?

See what SJWs do with anything they touch.

Sorry your indie board games have become mainstream. If you really want to be special that badly, just go deeper until you're ten days into a single-player instance of Chaùmberielle: beta edition, jerking off about how secret and indie your tastes are.

There's about the same number of quality games coming out as there was 5, 10, or even 20 years ago. Sure, there's (new) Bioware and Bethesda with their diversity quotas, but nobody forces you to deal with those.

I didn't know microtransactions, season passes, unrealistic publisher expectations, and bloated budgets had anything to do with "gatekeepers"

As far as I'm concerned increased diversity in the video game market has led to a whole bunch of really neat indies. Everyone points to the Biowares of the world, but that's "diversity" by committee and sucks as hard as appealing to the monolith of 12 year old boys by committee did for all the CoD clones last gen


The problem is more with the absolute flood of garbage games cluttering up the place as steam doesn't give a shit.

I feel like I'd be fine with more normal people playing games, but it isn't my main hobby.
If everyone started buying exotic fruits and fruit trees, though, I'd probably kill myself since now everyone knows everything about the one subject I had over my peers.
just kidding, I would always have years of knowledge over everyone I know. You should feel the same about board games.

It took 90 replies for this to show up

If this was anything of actual significance, as opposed to a fun thing to do with friends, I'd agree that I should stop being a douche. But this is not a question of jobs user, it's not about sexual harasssment or access to healthcare or putting food on a table.

I want to keep this tiny insignificant thing, which means nothing to the world but means a lot to me, in a state where it keeps meaning a lot to me, user.

>there's a ton of niche rpgs that still get published catering to even the tiniest segments of nerdom
>but omg girls and chads will destroy everything reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

yeah fuck off with the false premise comics already

>Not plays Monopoly at very high speeds

I was going to call you all a bunch of elitist gatekeeping pricks but then I saw they're actually playing monopoly so basically fuck those posers


Are awesome and will only salvage the medium. SJWs can fuck off and die.

>mobile gamers and mobile games market
>mobile gamers considered casual gamers
>console/PC companies start catering to the new breed of casual with encouragement from industry journalists that do not represent the audience they claim to represent
>start adopting mobile game market into the core gaming spaces to milk casuals
>microtransactions, lootboxes, microdlc, in-game currency, XP gating and level locking, "adaptive matchmaking" based on lootbox drops

Gatekeepers were supposed to be in the journalist department (games journalism has always been bad), but the transition from paper into digital mediums has only further opened up the doors to persons whom were never really a part of the core demographic in the first place.