Hi guys

Hi guys.

So I'm creating a crypto gambling website that uses Monero. It will not have any sign ups. 100% anonymous. 100% safe and secure. Nobody on Earth will ever touch your money.

Currently I'm working on simple sports betting. What else would you like to see on there?

Other urls found in this thread:


Gl doing that without smart contracts

Excuse me?

>No accounts
>No way to identify users at all
How you gonna pay em back?

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Send money back to the addresses we receive them from plus their winnings.


Criticize this post to the maximum.

ur a fagget dumb pajeet

have a bump faggot.

Oh yeah, so nobody will know if you rip off others?

Nice scam.

What sports did you have in mind? Good concept.

Soccer, cricket, football, CSGO.

Start betting window 24 hrs before game. Close window when game starts. There would only be 1 page and it would show all the money being bet live on either side of the game so you'd know how much money there is to win

>nobody on earth will ever touch your money
Except you then, and who the fuck are you?

Sounds great. I honestly think I'd try it. You'll probably need to use smart contracts to get that working tho.

Gladiatorial fights to the death.

ability to cash out directly in drugs or loli sex slaves




Already exists. Eth lottery, smart contract, all transparent. Check it out. Only one player entered atm lol :d but contract looks solid, no trust required.

What if they disconnect / lose their session?

You're not a developer, are you?

With a smart contract, no trust is needed. Ive posted above an eth lottery i stumbled upon. Contract is open, you can take a look to make sure it's ok.

Add SSBM and I'll bet

Look at nitrogen sports. Do that for monero I guess.

Don't think Monero has smart contracts.
Every single deposit will be shown live, without the account numbers of course. I just don't see how it's possible to pull off a scam. I could fake numbers bet on one side, but what if my bet loses and I have to pay the winners from my pocket? My whole "scam" would be out in the open within a single bet

It's not about sessions buddy. It's simply returning money to the addresses it came from + their profits from people who bet on the losing side.

cryptoluck.fun - smart contract lottery. If you wanna gamble eth, get in. Only 1 goym in atm unfortunately. But shoule be good if it gets any traction.

I don’t think you understand why «decentralised» is such a big deal with crypto... or what it really is

Explain what you mean. I don't see a problem here. If there is, tell me.

I would definitely use it OP. Don't forget boxing

My nigga i know what a smart contract is, just came here to make fun of OP because he obviously doesn't

The problem is nobody trusts you, some user from Veeky Forums, enough to send you their money and think you're gonna "send it back plus their winnings."

>What else would you like to see on there?

DICE, Nigga!

>What else would you like to see on there?
Everything that directbet.eu had. Such a loss for the crypto world. Not just sports betting but political betting also. Also, fuck Monero. Yeah, not interested in them $10 transaction fees. You need to add Dogecoin, Litecoin and Ehtereum as well. Especially Dogecoin.

Ahahaha, you haven't even thought this shit through, have you?

Fucking good luck with your super trustworthy and completely regulated, safe to use anonymous gambling site that uses imaginary money from an unknown source.

I'm sure it'll be great

I'm a semi-professional sports gambler. I'd be happy to work with you on concepts and ideas. I've also done a small amount of web design.

Hit me up [email protected]

Check out stox.com

Do you have discord?

I don't, I'll get it now

Umm dumbass monero doesn't show the address it came from holy fuck do more than 1 minute of research please before you try to create a gambling business.

E sports betting

Only the receiver can see the sender's address if they set private address to false.

What the fuck are you stupid? Learn what ringct is, there is a minimum mixin, you can't just uncheck a privacy setting with monero that's the entire point of it you dumb nigger.

Isn't Monero implementing multi sig soon? That should help with projects like this.

Ok do I need to make a server?

My user is redrovah

I'll message you in a sec

Do this with smart contracts, zk snarks and ETH and I'll join up. Monero can he an exit path, but it doesn't have the capabiltities to do this securely.

user what is your email? I own the domain for a monero themed betting site and I’ve set aside money to develop it. Might be better to work together than to be competitors.


Just do it with ETH, smartcontracts and zk-Snarks

Eth lottery -> smart contract + website already working.


No referral bullshit.

Have fun!

Nice. How long did it take you to program that?


Lottery on an eth smart contract.

Doesnt have privacy, unfortunately (yet, maybe they'll implement it). Maybe ping the developer on the Telegram chat?

so some retard can just dump 1 ETH into this shit and just snipe everyones money?

>100% safe and secure

Like that guy said I wouldn't be decentralized and therefore not 100% safe and secure