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Christmas Battleforces Edition

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Is that a bloody candy stick?

>when someone in your group goes all out and fully customizes their model, re-poses them, and all you do is just do a competent paint job

Hey man, I can attest to you, you really have to be fearless when converting. You have to look at a perfectly good kit and be willing to cut it to pieces and repose and remodel. You have to be willing to use greenstuff to fill on the gaps and sculpt missing parts.

Don't ever let a monopose model prevent you from reposing it.

Sometimes the converting doesn't work. Sometimes it turns out weird that you are not sure why. But when it happens, it's YOUR model. Nobody else has that model, and yours is unique.

Tried to push through and get my Arch-Warlock painted to be close to the preview since I really liked the paint scheme but god damn...

I'm so incredibly unhappy with how this is turning out. I'm not done yet but I dont think I can really even salvage this. I might have to just buy some acetone and give it a bath.

I thought to try to do Leadbelcher base for the black armor and then darken with subsequent coats of Nuln oil, like the Warhammer TV suggests for dark steel, but that just ended up thickening up so much I lost detail. Took like 8 coats to get this dark and it was such a stupid idea. The white cape I tried Rakarth with a light nuln wash and then another layer of Rakarth to brighten it back up, and then some white scar but no matter what I do I cant seem to blend anything. I try watering down and all I get is ... watery paint that is still the same bright thickness where I lay it, just uncontrollable. Everything is spotchy, bent, the lines are just gross. Looks like some cheap shit china knockoff. So fuckin upset I wasted this

this guy is right beside, you can always start small, like mixing bits of differents kit
for my slaighterpriest (the one with the chain), i simply had a crest, cut the point of the blade to make it look more like a hacker, and i glued the chain straight instead of down
bam, converted !


Buy P3 Turqoise ink. Spray it on the metal, , highlight edges with white then ad drakenhof nightshade and you'll be much happier with the armor. Helmet highlights need a much stronger highlight, I would even go for a drybrush option.

Picking up the Stormcast one with a nice 20% off extra. God bless internet retail.

Is the Death box actually a useful start to some sort of Death army? Or just a box of random GA Death models with zero synergy and will die on the table to everything?

Continuing from previous thread, this is the current winner for which model should be sacrificed to the spider queen in this army.

Any other ideas?

Go with the magic realm!/Woman-in-trouble/p/94418719/category=5965007

I really like your army!

Thanks, user! It's nice when a plan comes together.

It's not the paints layers, and painting you need. You need to work on your technique and color selection.
I'd recommend looking up techniques for dry brushing and gradients. You also need to broaden your color selection to more than just what GW recommends. For example you use 3 colors to paint that head, while in the GW version they have 13 at least.
Layer paints is a good skill to have, but it you need to branch out and it is physically impossible for you to get those glow and gradient effects layering and watering down paints.
Also be patient, I guarantee you that the artist who did the GW's paint job, probably spent around a two months on that thing and more than likely made several attempts.
Just an example of my own work, this took me a solid 16 hours of painting, dry brushing, inking and detailing and it's still no where near close to the quality I wanted it to be, but its an example of what you can do with dry brushing and gradients.

Guys, ¿is this box Christmas exclusive?

>every army I like is Order
>I really want to play Destruction or Chaos

I want a heavily armoured, non-horde, melee-focused army.

This is tempting but I think I must use GW minis to enter tournaments?

monsters of chaos with slaves to dankness support. you know you want to.

eternalised rubber intestine
pastrami tongue.

Man, these are just few boxes and a start collecting slapped together. Literally no discount here. Better get a start collecting, Weirdnob Warband and a Megaboss. With an ironfist battalion you have everything you need for a 1000pts army and extra 5 ardboyz to test some paint schemes

>I must use GW minis
the giant has a tied up peasant I think.

Someone did the math a while back and it seems the SC and city allegiance boxes are the best value. Everything else is just slapping together other boxes, as you say.

Battleforces and allies boxes are okay too but yeah - Start Collecting are the best stuff

And as a bonus I get a free giant as an ally in my army...


minis like this are why society thinks wargamers are weirdos

StD and Ironjaws do seem to be my best options, but Ironjaws don't really have much unit selection (brutes are just ardboys but stronger) and StD need lots of support pieces to be good.

Getting good takes time, I know its not what you want to hear, but its the truth. Keep watching online tutorials, keep painting your best and you will see progress eventually!

I said the monsters. use the choas knights as filler. bring the beasts of the warp forth, my child.

>needs a lot of support pieces to be good

LOL no. Even your standard Chaos Warrior is better than a Liberator. Support pieces CAN help. But StD is generally pretty powerful on their own.

Of course you'll have leaders to help them, since you can't play the game without at least one leader.

StD I think will be the better choice just because Ironjawz are 1 dimensional as hell. All they do is run and charge forward turn 1 and that's about it.

At least with StD, you can buy demons from different factions to make the list that YOU want. Tons of options available to them.

Don't do this because all the monsters are finecast abominations.

Yea I'm just not sure what to do. I thought I had seen the guides for blending like what I would need to do for the cloak to be just water down but that ended up really poorly

I just started wet blending myself and I'll admit that it can be hard.

The hardest part to learn is finding the right consistency. Instead of using water, what if you tried Lahmia Medium? 4-5 parts medium per 1 part paint should have it sufficiently thinned enough for blending. It'll take quite a few layers of super thinned paint before you start noticing it though.

the mutalath vortex beast wants to stare into your foetid soul

Look. If Im about to start my way in to Tennis, I don't go buy expensive gear and try my way around curving balls and do backhands. I focus entirely on the basics. I take my time to learn to even hit the fucking ball!

The same goes for this hobby. When you start out, go check out GW´s own tutorials, and when you think "this is to basic for me now", move on to more advanced techniques. You gradually get better and better, but no matter your skills in blending it wont look good if you can't even fit the colors in the right place or lay down a good base.

Don't be that guy who gets involved in painting, try out a painting Buddha tutorial on youtube only to realize your model looks like shit in comparison, and then quit. Let it take time, and most of all, have fun while learning. No it wont win any price any time soon, and no it wont take a week to get good. But showing true grit will get you there one day.

This is my problem with the Duncan tutorials. It encourages running before walking. New painters should be worrying about wet blending or OSL or hell, even line highlighting.

What they should be doing is: Prime, basecoat, drybrush, shade. These are all techniques that should be second nature before you even start worrying about shit like wet blending.

... So your problem with Duncans tutorials is that its not about all the things you find essential, when it is just that?!?
Well, you got me confused as hell. Because if Duncan shows anything it is, how to put a model together, how to prime it, how to basecoat, drybrush and shade. Hell, even a bit of simple highlights and edge highlights, but always makes sure he mentions "well you can stop now if you´re happy, but if you want to go a little further here´s what you do". How in gods flaming arse is that running before walking?
And then you proceed to say that new painters should all be worrying about wet blending and shit? I assume you simply had a lot of spelling issues in your text .

>And then you proceed to say that new painters should all be worrying about wet blending and shit? I assume you simply had a lot of spelling issues in your text

My man, you might not want to be casting any aspersions about anyone else's spelling when your reading comprehension is so fucking bad.

>New painters should be worrying about wet blending or OSL or hell, even line highlighting.

I didn't pick up a bunch of expensive equipment. I have a set of cheap brushes, a home made wet palette and the paints I could afford. I know being new I'm not going to match the professionally done image. I'm not stupid. And yes, I do check out GW's own tutorials. That's where I got how to do the dark armor, that's how I do my wood, that's how I got my rat skin.

>New painters should be worrying about wet blending or OSL or hell, even line highlighting.
>New painters should be worrying about wet blending
>Should be worrying about wet blending

To worry about something is to concern ourselves. Had you said "New painters should NOT be worrying about wet blending", it would mean exactly that. They should put those techniques to the side and aim for the more basic stuff.

But thanks for the lesson... I guess.

You misinterpreted my message. Im in no way trying to offend you. Im simply stating that you should stick to basics and as you say, basic equipment before moving on.

You have no idea how many people gets in to the hobby, buys a expensive airbrush and 2 full size armies, and then just quit. Because they couldn't paint better or didn´t have the stamina to finish what they started.

Keep at it, and go back to basic with the Skaven, he will look a lot better with just the simpler techniques I think (base, wash and a simple highlight). Keep at it and have fun, that's what its all about really.

So for my first time jumping into sigmar and painting my fyreslayers I'm actually pretty proud of how the skin has turned out on my berzerkers. I'm running with a somewhat basic set of paints, I kinda just grabbed what was listed on the citadel app. But it turned out nice, at least to me for diving head first into it.

Especially with Skaven. When you're staring down the barrel of 60+ bare plastic rats, your motivation is gonna take a hit.

>not painting black dwarfs

y ya'll nerds so raciss?

The skin tones look surprisingly good for a first attempt. However I have to give you some classic advice to thin your paints

I have been mixing a bit of water on my brush as I paint them, though. What else should I do to thin them.

How much of a faggot am I if I want to play Stormcast?

Not at all. You are a faggot if you actually give a fuck about shit-tier memes. Just don't run broken lists and you should be fine. People are okay with whatever you play as long as you are not waacfagging

Not at all. You're only a faggot if you believe you are. Don't let trolls dictate what you should like or find acceptable

Sweet. Because all I hear are memes about how they're overpowered and how they get better with every release and they're the only faction in AoS GW actually care about.

And I just like heavy armour greco-roman dudes who deepstrike on lightning bolts.

Try dabbing paint onto a wet pallette (google it, its super easy to make and will make painting 10x easier)
then dabbing some water on the paint, mixing and testing the consistency, continue until your happy.

>how they get better with every release and they're the only faction in AoS GW actually care about
Well, I see no point in releasing new stuff to actually make a faction worse tho. Yeah, GW gave the SCE a lot of love because golden boys are also poster boys of this game but this gonna change soon. Also SCE are designed to be a newbie-friendly army so only fantasy cucks could be mad about new player playing with SCE

Anyone else hoping the new create a tank rules will go over well in 40k so we might get something like that in AoS? I'd love if you could convert a really cool centerpiece model for your army and give it legal stats. personally I'd want to make a skeleton dragon or giant amalgamation of bonez

>Buy P3 Turqoise ink. Spray it on the metal,

Any options for this if I dont have an airbrush?

Doubtful, since none of the monstershave anywhere the modularity of the LR kit.

Basecoat black (army painter has a really nice Matt black), light dry brush with leadbelcher? It's easier than trying to slap on glazes, and if you want to darken/bring the blend together slap some nuln oil on it

>The Virgin round
>The Chad Square base master-race

I do like how the preview one isn't quite black... is it worth doing the basecoat of black, drybrush with leadbelcher, then instead of nuln oil do the drakenhof nightshade? Might give it a slight blue tinge but I dont know if a black base would overwhelm it or not to make it not visible at all

>some of my models are on 20mm squares
>Guy tells me its unfair because the bases are smaller meaning I get more room to attack and shit
>guy tells him that you can go on top of bases as they dont matter, example being if you go base to base you cant attack achorn as you wont be an inch to his actual model unless you are actually ontop of his base
whos right?

by the rules, him. The rules say model to model, but everyone plays base to base because of how dumb the rule is.

You could take a spellcaster and put them on a base that's 8" high and no one could ever enter melee with them

Official rules are model-to-model but I have never seen anyone not playing base-to-base desu

rom the BL Weekender & the Combat phase interview of Josh Reynolds, there is a LOT of Age of Sigmar books coming !

1) Black Library Weekender 2017 Anthology :

- A Dirge Of Dust and Steel (Josh Reynolds)* - it happens in Shyish...

- Shiprats (C L Werner) - linked to Overlords of the Iron Dragon ofc

2) Soul Wars (June 2018, Josh Reynolds)*

3) Black Pyramid (Josh Reynolds)* - a sequel to Plague Garden

4) Neferata, Mortarch Of Blood (David Annandale)*

5) Nagash : Undying King (Josh Reynolds)* - General release of the Warhammer World exclusive

6) Black Talon, a novel about the Knight-Zephyros Neave Blacktalon (defo want this mean bitch)

7) two Eight Lamentations Short Stories (Josh Reynolds)

8) Audio drama / 4 CD set about Gotrek in the Mortal Realms !!! (but without poor Felix)

So, Shadespire. Do we have any idea about how the next wave's warbands will be structured or played? I mean, we know we'll get five guys for the Skaven warband, but how will they play? What about the Stormcast rangers? I can't imagine their mini-crossbows to be anything but nasty...

>5) Nagash : Undying King (Josh Reynolds)* - General release of the Warhammer World exclusive
Fucking finally. Now do a general release for the Erant-Questir and Ixion Hale, the price scalping for them on ebay is horrid.

>8) Audio drama / 4 CD set about Gotrek in the Mortal Realms !!! (but without poor Felix)
wait, what? holy shit i am looking forward to this if true

Skaven, apparently, will get bonuses to manneuverability and ganging on lone fighters.

>I mean, we know we'll get five guys for the Skaven warband, but how will they play?
IIRC rats are all about cornering the lone warriors. You try to hunt down the separated guy and kill him easier

ive considered doing this for my slayers, since they come from a climate that would most likely have dark skin, if wouldnt be impossible to paint either with the APPS help

Jesus, Josh is busy.

So according to Robbie Macniven, Blacktalon is getting her own novel and Gotrek is returning to the Age of Sigmar.

>and Gotrek is returning to the Age of Sigmar.
I find this interesting, because i wonder how Gotrek would react to the fyreslayers, or kharadron overlords.

Hell, he'll probably be disgusted with the dispossessed living in the free cities with elves.

This is of course assuming he like wakes up alone in the middle of nowhere, with no memories beyond the end times events.

The author would need to treat this transition very carefully, to make it seem natural, and not sudden or a blatant betrayal of the character.

Theyre not overpowered. Most of their lists are pretty middle of the road after the changes in 2017 neutered double battalion armies, but they have two standout lists.

One such list, the Aetherstrike Force, is incredibly powerful and is defining the competitive meta. It's one of those lists you NEED to be able to beat in order to win tournaments, because if you are unprepared you will lose very quickly. People are starting to build lists that can play around it by summoning dudes with the right abilities into play (Seraphon and Tzeentch, notably) but some factions that rely on melee damage really struggle against it.

The other list is a Stardrake and 4 Castellants, but that one is super cheesy and nobody actually runs it.

Vanguard Hunter art shows they have an Aetherwing and boltstorm pistols, so theyre probably going to be like Liberators but with more maneuverability and some shooting at the cost of doing less damage.
There is one card with VH art and it has to do with No-Man's Land so they could explore some mechanics with that.

Blood Warriors have a flesh hound and heavier armor than the Bloodreavers

Fyreslayers... who the fuck knows.

A ranger warband? I think I've found my Shadespire team lol.

Same. I really can't wait to read it. I heard it was an audiobook somewhere but I kind of hope not. I mean, I don't mind audiobooks, I just prefer to read before bed lol. I also hope he gets a new model and rules. Mostly so I can use the rules with my 2000's Gotrek model.

So I mainly play Free Peoples, but I kinda wanna expand. I'd like some Vanguard Stormcast only because I really like rangers and they seem cool. Would it be a good idea to toss in some Vanguard hunters with my Freeguild?

no but it doens't help.

Would you recommend Tzeentch or Skaven to a new player?


I heard its going to be an audio drama, rather than an audiobook, theres a difference. I love audiodramas.

What is the difference? I am somewhat new to the whole audio thing BL has going on, and I've never really looked into any of them before.

Tzeentch is really easy to get into right now. They have an up to date battletome, good allegiance abilities, and lots of great new models.

If I was starting tzeentch I would get 1-2 of these boxes

Do you know when Skaven get their Battletome?

Clan Skryre I mean.

Probably not any time soon. Skryre has allegiance abilities in GHB17

Probably not for a while. Expect things without Allegiance abilities to have battletomes first, I think.
Hopefully, we'll get new acolytes at some point, so we can get our 10-40 guys in boxes of more than fucking 1

this looks like a really fun box set from a modeling/painting standpoint. How well would the contents hold up in matched play?

Do they deliver to the US, and if so what fucking site. I can never find sites that sell discounted to the US.

So, 40k virgin here, wanting to become an AoS chad. Naturally I am inclined to start the manliest of armies: wanderers. Whom of the HQ models would you recommend for starters? And as far as line troops go, I was thinking two times 20 archer and one 30 elf mob of eternal guard as center. Would that be a solid basis?

And are there any decent formations out there other than the waystone pathfinder one?

If I have a bunch of daemons of tzeentch, is this worth getting? I'm still on the fence about which army I was to go in on, and I have a decent stock of daemons (pinks, princes, changeling, metal LoC, flamers) to make up about 1500pts or so, which I feel I'm stretching a bit. In was debating grabbing a SC box and maybe a box of blues, but then I saw the Christmas boxes. My other choice is wanderers, which I'd need to get a bunch of eternal guard and sisters individually.

Can I proxy this as Nagash?

Pretty sure that what happened is that the idiot typo'd, and did indeed mean that newbies shouldn't be worrying about those things.
But rather than just up and say it, he decided to claim that you couldn't understand what he was saying, even though it's pretty clear - he's never actually paid attention during a Duncan video.

Felix upgraded to SCE when?

I just finished doing a salt water test on a box of Chessex 23806 translucent dice. They seemed to be at least fairly balanced.

Even GW's own GTs use base to base because of how retarded model to model is.

This is correct, though I've def played against that turtle drake list.
A third to add would be old school skyborn slayers which some people still run. It's not amazing or anything, but in any given tournament it'll get 11th.