Warcraft lore and tabletop, as established in the board games, WC3:TFT, vanilla WoW, and now WoW: BfA.
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Warcraft lore and tabletop, as established in the board games, WC3:TFT, vanilla WoW, and now WoW: BfA.
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We should figure out what we want in the OP.
Thisalee best druid.
I would say they are REALLY category, some where awesome, some where...yeah.
In the best one are probably the Shaman (You really feel like you are arguing and negociating with the Elements so they do something about the Legion), the Paladin ( classic but effective) and the Rogue. With rogue being the best one in my opinion (but my Main is a rogue, so I'm not really objective).
Priest and warrior sucked ass. Druid, Warlock and DH where okayish. I didn't really like the DK one, but that's just a question of taste here.
Hunter and Monk where so fucking bad it's almost feel like a joke.
Campaign hall:
Rogue : Really cool but a bit lazzy, comfy.
Paladin: Paladin-Cave, with secret Cathedral.
DK: Lazy (Archeus)
Monk: Lazy
Hunter: Lame
Warrior: Nice but flashy
Warlock: Nice
DH: A bit over the top
Druid : Meh
Priest : Lame
Shaman: Comfy and class-fitting
>not playing a mage
>alpine lodge full of bonfires, eagle totems, and hunting trophies
>less comfy than a rocky cliff in the middle of an ETERNAL WHIRLPOOL
Hunter is just bad, I'd put it in the same tier as warrior. Monk is straight up a joke and deserves to be alone at the bottom. Priest gets a special shoutout for their entire campaign being about how healsluts suck and paladins are so much better.
Class Hall wise, DKs did get shafted. Literally had their class hall for 8 years already, although it did get a neat new loading screen.
Campaign though, probably my favorite. It's a whirlwind tour of Azeroth doing everything they can to fight the legion, not caring who they upset along the way (Literally everyone).
I like the idea of Trueshot Lodge better than the implementation.
>be honorobru orc
>lose your son and kill him again after becoming undead
>fuck this shit im out
>Garrosh stop being like our old Horde you fucking idiot
>years pass
>bust a nut because Lich King with boobs said FOR THE HORDE
Are orcs inherently retarded?
Nah, being Saurfang is just suffering. He's taking what he can get right now, and what he can get is cinematic screentime and Chuck Norris memes.
>Priest gets a special shoutout for their entire campaign being about how healsluts suck and paladins are so much better.
I heard about that a lot. Priests get shown up by paladins practically everywhere they go during their campaign.
>High Overlord Saurfang: I drank of the same blood your father did, Garrosh. Mannoroth's cursed venom pumped through my veins as well. I drove my weapons into the bodies and minds of my enemies. And while Grom died a glorious death - freeing us all from the blood curse - he could not wipe away the terrible memory of our past. His act could not erase the horrors we committed.
>(High Overlord Saurfang pauses)
>The winter after the curse was lifted, hundreds of veteran orcs like me were lost to despair. Our minds were finally free, yes ... Free to relive all of the unthinkable acts that we had performed under the Legion's influence.
>(High Overlord Saurfang nods.)
>I think it was the sounds of the draenei children that unnerved most of them ... You never forget ... Have you ever been to Jaggedswine Farm? When the swine are of age for the slaughter ... It's that sound. The sound of the swine being killed ... It resonates the loudest. Those are hard times for us older veterans.
>Garrosh Hellscream: But surely you cannot think that those children were born into innocence? They would have grown up and taken arms against us!
>(High Overlord Saurfang shakes his head)
>High Overlord Saurfang: I am not speaking solely of the children of our enemies ...
>(High Overlord Saurfang pauses)
>I won't let you take us down that dark path again, young Hellscream. I'll kill you myself before that day comes ...
>Garrosh Hellscream: How have you managed to survive for so long, Saurfang? Not fallen victim to your own memories?
>High Overlord Saurfang: I don't eat pork ...
>(High Overlord Saurfang spits.)
Monk campaign started really strong, I thought. "Oh fuck shits on fire! Oh fuck go cartwheel and save the children! Oh fuck those NPC's I did dailies to train with every day are dead!" That, plus the actually fun playstyle of a Windwalker monk, after weeks of the misery that was Hunter, I was super psyched to do the Kung Fu Troll Roll. By the time it ended, I didn't realize I'd even done anything, and forgotten who I was even fighting.
Paladin Campaign was pretty much what you'd expect. Deus Vult around the islands, grabbing other crusaders, and kicking in demons teeth. Ending was fun.
Hunter was painful to play the entire xpac, and it just made me sad that my main character id played since early Vanilla was so un-fun to touch.
Fug forgot mage; their hall is nice, but their campaign is...eeeeh.
Have we really reached the point where the forsaken and scourge have no meaningful difference anymore?
Did. Did the Orc veterans kill their own kids and then themselves?
Nah, it's just humanfags making her out to be worse than she is. Which, she's bad, but not Lich King tier. I'm going to assume Golden is probably going to write her having a significant shift in how she feels about the Horde and the relationship she has with the leaders in the Before the Storm book, but we won't see that until May. So all we're left with is shitposting disguised as theorycrafting about why characters are doing the things they're doing.
They will adapt. They will become a mudbrick civilization.
Teldrassil was a Flame Druid operation. The Firelands was merely a setback.
I swear if that actually happens...
The issue is that Thrall was going to ink a deal with the night elves to let the orcs harvest the wood in a way that wouldn't harm the forest; essentially, let the night elves handle the lumber and send it over to the orcs. The Warsong bothered not to wait and started chopping trees down themselves. THAT is what pissed off the night elves.
More importantly, which druid character will go crazy and evil next?
Unfortunately theorycrafting is all we'll EVER be able to do with character motivations. Characters in Warcraft don't behave in accordance with in-universe circumstances. They behave in accordance with whatever agenda the writers are trying to push this xpac. WoW characters are unbelievably meta to the point where the only explanation for ANY OF IT is some variation of "a wizard did it."
The coherency of the setting is crippled not just by shitty writers, but by the fundamental disconnect between the characters and the setting, and the fundamental linkage between the characters and the real world. Thus there will never be anything other than shitposting.
Never knew about this, when was it told? Vanilla or Cata or other literature?
>Warsong berserk and do stupid shit.
Oh, is it a day ending in y already?
>tfw you keep shitty notes for a campaign
As a Paladin main, I felt a little cheated that the Priest order hall campaign had the same ending as ours. It was cool to have the two Orders to stand together, but it was a little lazy.
Rogue was fun, Death Knight was a fun campaign but good grief they were dumb, Hunters and Monks were sadly a little forgettable, same with the Mages.
Monks clawed some ground back with their class mount, however. Ban-Lu is great.
>As a Paladin main, I felt a little cheated that the Priest order hall campaign had the same ending as ours.
>The paladin feels cheated because priests were there
Have you not heard about the priest campaign telling the priest PC that they're shit for not being a paladin?
You misunderstand me; if felt it was lazy storywriting which meant that the Paladins had to bail out the Priests, and the Priests didn't really get a moment to shine themselves.
Also, the fact that all the explaination about Lothraxion being in the Paladin campaign, and none of it in the Priest campaign.
True, hence why I don't get the people who still have legit discussions about the plot. Just say ''Whatever random dev feels like that day''
Things are looking... interesting regarding the future. Because I just read into Sylvanas's plans. I think we may see a schism among the Forsaken where half of them defect. Entirely due to Sylvanas being an insane bitch.
I mean I don't think that would have worked out well for anybody, all the leaders of both sides down in the hold there would have killed each other and left the remnants of both leaderless and wide open for say, Azshara.
I found the Death Knight hall campaign fucking hilarious. More could've been added in substance, but the actual actions themselves were great. I fucking love the fact that instead of asking for Tyrion's body, they decide, "Fuck it, let's pillage Light's Hope."
And then the Light itself had to intercede to prevent the Paladin buttfucking.
I hope so, but at the same time I know for a fact that Horde players would basically be told to kill off the defectors rather than being able to sympathise with them.
That, plus Taran Zhu called dibs on Garrosh's trial on behalf of the pandaren, so both the Horde and the Alliance ceded to the pandas to let them deal with that.
For that, we got the War Crimes novel out of the deal.
Is there any explanation for the floating necropolis' the Scourge used and now Ebon Hold? The mechanics behind how they operate and fly, that is?
The Death Knight World Tour gave zero fucks about anything and anyone they crossed. It really sold the "victory at any cost" angle they've touted since Wrath.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "it's magic."
I regret only that you didn't get to raise Garithos and Blackmoore as Ghouls.
I'd have liked it more if there was less gophering for Bolvar.
Pretty much. Plus, the reunification of the Neo-Scourge is kinda nice in that it gave the Death Knights some much needed logistics and menial support.
I really, really hope to see something come about and a strong Paladin vs. Death Knight rivalry come about.
Yeah. I hope they keep the World Tour going and we keep drafting old heroes and force old villians back into the fight.
Well, it all comes down to WHO burns Teldrassil. This is the Who Shot JR of WoW.
Candidates so far:
1. Sylvanas
2. Vereesa
3. Wrathion
4. Twilight's Hammer
5. Goblins
6. Ragnaros
7. Burning Legion Homunculi
8. Dreadlord-possessed [Insert Name Of Any Character In The Game]
My money's on Ragnaros and the Dark Irons now that they have free access to the world.
Isn't Ragnaros dead forever since we killed him in the Firelands back in Cataclysm?
The Player
There must always be a Fire Lord!!!
Some orc veterans couldn't live with the burden and shame that came from people who didn't understand what they did trying to be sympathetic and understanding. The closest correlation we can draw to the orcs coming down from demon blood are Vietnam veterans from America, and look at how fucked up they are.
Since canonically warcraft harpies reproduce through rape, I can only assume the nelf is pissed because her man got raped and ate by a harpy.
>implying anyone is safe from retcons
>laughing kael.jpg
>Thisalee best druid.
Thatalee is better.
At this point wow and the warcraft series should just be split continuities
I was surprised when the harpies were legitimately classified as flying rats and unabashedly evil and that they procreate by capturing and raping men.
Nah. That's Thisalee Crow. Knife druid.
Which is a shame, because their patron demigoddess Aviana is a legitimately good individual.
Are we talking hunting season or mating season?
DK camapign was on its own level, quality-wise. Idek how that happens.
>it's canon that aethas sunreaver got raped by a harpie and a banshee together in legion
Being Aethas Is Suffering.
With all the hype I'm hearing about DK's, I'm super sad I never had one to play through the story.
It's pretty great and well worth it, if you like the Death Knights. It really makes them out to be an organization with their own methods and goals in securing Azeroth from gribblies. It feels like a collection of Death Knights instead of a collection of heroes from other groups.
So is there anyone who's not a PC that actually knows about Bolvar anymore?
>tfw you just did the Thoras Trollbane quest and you thought that Galen's voice actor was the guy who voiced Raziel in Soul Reaver but it was just Yuri Lowenthal.
Instant disappointment.
>Aethas Sunreaver shifts uncomfortably
Varok Saurfang is Master Miller.
Tirion, but he's dead. So yeah, only the PCs who raided Icecrown Citadel know what really happened at the summit.
First replaying WoW, and now these thread have me thirsting for a Warcraft game. I love the mmo so much, yet somehow it's SO. FUCKING. STUPID.
Why not both.
Well, them plus every single death knight.
It's been a while but I think it was said in the Cataclysm book that very high ranking people like the faction leaders know, but very few outside of that.
However in another quest a joke was made about there being "rumors spread about the late Lord Bolvar". So I assume at some point one of the 25 murderhobos inevitably got smashed in a tavern and started yelling "DID I EVER TELLYA HOW ME AN MY BESHT BUDDY TIRY TURNED THAT ALLIANSHE DUDE INTO THE LISCH KANG?"
>It's been a while but I think it was said in the Cataclysm book that very high ranking people like the faction leaders know, but very few outside of that.
That would be the absolute extent of it, yeah. There's no way the average Stormwind peasant would know that Bolvar is the new Lich King, or that there even still is a Lich King. All they know is that Arthas is finally dead, the Scourge are gone, and the world is a better place for it.
>Did. Did the Orc veterans kill their own kids and then themselves?
The orcs that took in the demon blood were turned into psychotic berserk monsters. It's how they managed to overcome despite being less technologically and tactically sophisticated.
The implication comes down to the notion that they basically did the same shit to anything too weak to fight back.
Sylvanas definitely knows at absolute minimum, seeing as her sudoku took place directly in front of iced Bolvar.
Cheers guys, I thought so.
With the death of Tyrion it seems like Bolvar's effectively gained the total freedom of non-personhood to do whatever he wants now.
>I must apologize for Aethas. He is an idiot. We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.
It's hard to fap to this image when you know the harpy is about to get her throat slit.
You CAN choose to spare her in that quest.
It's hard not to really
>The who was into snuff porn
Anything is possible if you're willing to try, honestly.
t. human warrior who solo'd the murloc quest in Elwynn
Now I know you're full of shit.
As far as I'm concerned, they are. If it isn't from an rts or a manual for same, it may as well be fan fiction.
Forsaken like to watch making more of their kind just like everyone else does.
We live in a society governed by rules, sir. I'll cover for you this time.
Is it really snuff if there's necromancy?
Not openly available to the players, mind you.
How old are the Windrunner sisters?
>tfw you will never be a necromancer
Nah trust me, he dead. A part of the Shaman campaign was helping to elect a new Firelord.
Sylvanas will be the new Lich Queen. Not the helmeted soul of Ner'zhul, but a Lich Queen nonetheless.
>forsaken's "sole mission" is to revenge on arthas.
>revenge taken
>oh, uhh, now what?
>I know, let's kill people and make new forsaken!
>she's called on it, but not stopped
sooner or later she's gonna be a villain.
We're told Alleria fought in the Troll Wars, so she's at least 2,000 or so.
>Forsaken realize that the last thing they want is to create more like them, because they know what it is to have everything taken from you and be left as a shadow of your former self.
>turn on Sylvanas, headed by old knights and nobles of Lordaeron
>Nathanos is a loyalist, maybe?
give it to me now.
Would making necromancer a class been a good idea or would it have been warlock 2.0?
Shadow Priest mixed with Demonlogy warlock and frost mage if based on Lich from WC3 I suppose. Would be a pretty cool late game upgrade if they become outright liches.
New Forsaken should've just come from the undead who broke away when Arthas bit it.