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Peak shitposting hours! edition. and/or SECRET CRIMSON SLAUGHTER CODEX.

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First for Nightgaunts

First for world eaters

Red Ultramarines Go.

nth for Seth was right

buddy's sallies


Reposting link to these videos in case any anons like me also missed them.

Did he slap a bunch of gloss on or something?

seth was a manlet

I haven't read that book yet.

>enemy wraithguard shoot my Blightlords
>4 wounds
>1 of my guys is on 1 wound left
>4 damage from cannon
>make all 4 DR saves

Based cheat dice.

>he has dice with a symbol instead of the 6 or instead of the 1
Fuck you.

What book is this from?

OK what is the advantage of running Kranon over a regular Chaos Lord? I don't see any. Isn't his rules just the generic rules for his model?

I thought he was supposed to have daemon artificer armor that also gives him extra attacks on the charge and regeneration, and a daemon sword that gets stronger the more kills he gets?

how would you recommend someone making a chaos army based on the Crimson Court from Darkest Dungeon?

>seth was a manlet
>seth was stated in the book to be a least a head taller than most manlet marines and a imposing hulk
Even the tallest of the manlets can't be saved.

Devastation of Baal, (around the) last chapter.

wtf I love Flesh Tearers now

Fairly impressive. Makes me wish for more, and of other audiobooks, especially not fucking ADB


>Seth waved his hand. ‘Open your eyes, Dante. These Unnumbered Sons, they are Legions in all but name. I have spoken with the newcomers. They are only too glad to tell me of the Avenging Son’s plans. Wherever Guilliman goes, he leaves his men in place. Through the codex, he gave the Adeptus Astartes their independence. He is more than willing to remove it from us. Soon, the Chapters will be free in name only. And these new Space Marines, he has the gall to interfere with the work of the Emperor. If he is willing to do that…’ Seth fell silent suddenly.

‘>What are you suggesting?’ said Dante quietly.

>Seth mulled his words over, even as his anger tried to force them out of his mouth. He would not speak at rage’s behest, but decided to say them in calmness. They needed to be said. ‘If he is regent, why not Emperor?’

>‘What you suggest is treasonous!’

>‘My words, or his actions?’ snarled Seth. He drew himself up to the fullness of his considerable height. ‘Be careful of him, Lord of Baal. Be very careful.’ Without waiting for a reply, Seth walked away into the darkness.

Yes he was. I dont know how Dante and the rest are so accepting of the coming oblivion. Hell they even say in the book that once they are gone there will no longer be any Space Marines. That primaris is going to be the only thing created.

> opponent has a mixture of dice
> some with the symbol on the 6, some with the symbol on the 1

Double fuck!

Is Devastation of Baal a good book? It looks like it. ANy other good 40k standalones?

Can nidfags ever recover?

>Primes will not replace us

someone needs to shop tearer helmets onto these guys

These dice are awful. They feel so light, and roll so badly.

Slaanesh daemons and assorted mortals, those guys were as depraved and decadent as they come.
Have the Countess be a suitably powerful monster or Daemon Princess (or a stand in for Fulgrim assuming he gets rules)

maybe? they didn't look that shiny in person.

his and another buddy's project titans


Digits suggest Slannesh slapping the Hive Mind. Again.

> they're the size of children

This is real? I expected Dante to agree with Set desu

but then the un-numbered sons were disbanded at the end of the Indomitus crusade so Seth was wrong


Those are just the generic rules. Crimson Slaughter got fucked.

Why is the one on the right wearing a diaper?

>most of every angels chapter is dead
>let's say no to help


it's a nurgle titan?

>Chaos BTFO by Tyranids again

I only use these for DS saves and regular dice for everything else.

Don't ruin FT with your faggotry /pol/

Looks awesome, lookin better than the Lord Inquisitor movie (heh)

I'm glad your friends are taking the time to make sure their titans are getting a proper education.


>"Ok, men, remember where we parked."

Immediate cheating red flag.


Wouldn't be the first time the Blood Angels are devastated to point of destruction

Not cheating at all. They're official GW dice and using them for DS saves is fluffy.

>Hey here's a bunch of reinforcements
>REEEEEE! muh culture! They're better than us!

Probably because Dante is a soldier first and not a bitch

>I dont know how Dante and the rest are so accepting of the coming oblivion.
Dante sees both the Red Thirst and the Black Rage as flaws. Seth sees them as a weakness, granted, but a weakness that can be wrestled into a great strength through self-mastery.
Dante and company just want to throw away the true Blood Angel lineage due to the flaws they inherent within them while Seth thinks that abandoning the flaws that the Emperor gave Sanguinius is paramount to sacrilege, plain and simple, and that the Blood Angels should harness their flaws in order to become more than they can be without them.
It's the basic idealogical clash the Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers have always had.

I expected Dante to agree with Set desu
Dante is an old idealist. Seth is edgy as fuck, but he's right more often than any other Blood Angel likes to admit. Their basic relationship is just like that of Sanguinius and Amit, though I'd assume the parallel is intended.

>Is Devastation of Baal a good book?
I only read bits and pieces to sate my own curiosity. It's not really my type of literature, but if you like 40k and BA/FTs then you'll probably like it.


using specific dice only for your saves and no other rolls is suspicious as hell dude

Cheers repeating digit guy

What I wouldn't give to own 60 square edged, pitless, 14mm d6 dice with pic related for the 6 in turquoise, and 5 of the same but d3 with dots not numbers.

It's okay to be suspicious, but they're still GW dice.

Why do all the tyranids have gaunt heads? It'd be like if every space marine had the same helmet. With exocrines it doesn't make sense for them to have angry dino heads, shouldn't they have a head with huge eyes for long range targetting?

Seth is a tool overstepping his mark, they are tools of the Imperium like all others, they should accept their reinforcements and and continue their missions, nothing more.

>want to throw away the true Blood Angel lineage
you mean he wants to throw away psychically corrupted seed and replace it with pure Sangy seed

>find out I can take a shotgun AND a shield on my dudes
Goodness, this is too much

It's actually impressive you managed to miss the point this badly.

So are Primarchs basically tervigons to the marines being Termagants?


My mate used to roll important single die rolls on a 22mm brass dice and I only ever saw him roll 6s, so my group called him out on it. We tested it out and it rolled ridiculous amounts of 6s

My life is suffering

It was a design decision by GW to unify the tyranid designs so they looked more coherent as an army

Is your name David?

Why are tyranid warriors bad again? Other than their piss poor ballistic skill.

I had 3 come up with a trygon, fully kitted out with a venom cannon. They shot up 3 marines, stripped 6 wounds off a dreadnought before charging in from deepstrike and chopping up 5 more marines, keep in mind the shooting was aided by the shoots twice stratagem.

>so they looked more coherent as an army
It worked a bit too well

Are Warriors or Gargoyles any good?


>they should ignore heresy and treason

Where is this from? Chapter approved?

No, but they're both good-looking.

Don't you know? According to the wonderful Horus Heresy™ series, Sangy had both the flaws long before he fought Horus. Therefore, both the Black Rage and Red Thirst must have been implanted within Sanguinius by the Emperor's design.

You wouldn't want you tamper with the God Emperor's perfect design, would you?

Space marines are not IG, and they are not IG for very good reasons.

No such thing

Well if the accusation is legion building and no legion was built how have I missed the point?

Yeah, they have all been near extinction at one point or another yet came back

Give it to me straight guys, no bullshit.

How are Warp Spiders with the new codex? What's the strongest way to run them?

user, Its more than likely the next time these new Primaris encounter Ka'Bandha the gene seed is going to go into overdrive most likely. The Red thirst is in the original Geneseed. It took Ka'Bandha murdering thousands of them in one movement and almost killing Sanguinius to cause it to be realized in all the marines tho. The Black Rage on the other hand is probably never going to happen again. Hopefully.

Talons on warriors look so good but swords are just too good to pass up.

Just starting work on my Vampire Hunter fellow craftworld duder

Dante has been given command over the cut off half of the Imperium. Out of 29000 BA and successors less than 2000 remained. Roboute basically gave Dante the OK to legion build.

For a species of hyper evolving super bugs they all look the same. There's like five different shapes of nid, just in varying sizes. Exocrines are just big pyrovores. Tyrgons are just big raveners. The gaunts, despite being different kits, look pretty much identical.

Compare the two to the ad mech troops, which despite being the same kit, look pretty different. Is it really too much to ask that GW make a variety of heads and looks for tyranids?

He always had red thirst and so did a small number of his sons, psychic backlash from round one with Ka'Bandha activated the red thirst in all of his sons and death with Horus sent through the second shock activating the black rage

yes I know

I've started a Death Guard force but I don't have a color scheme in mind. Any suggestions or want to sell me on one of the Vectoriums?


They're mediocre. They're fairly solid in an alatioc list with webway support - you can effectively deep strike in and then fire and fade to gain the bonus to durability as is enhanced by range. I've played a few games with larger (8+) sized units of them and they can chop up some infantry well and then play to backfield objectives.

I don't know that they'll ever wow you but if you don't mind investing they can play a role in your army without hamstringing you.

Sanguinius only had the red thirst, even then it wasnt as serious during the heresy as it in 40k.

Model talons, field as swords, fuck the police.

>tau empire smaller than my fingernail on that map of the imperium
>GW and taufags except me to believe the Tau are a threat to the Imperium

get outta here!

>‘Look at that,’ said Guilliman. ‘The arrogance of the Neverborn remains as great as it ever was. But it is we who remain, and it is we who shall prevail. Dante, there is a lesser task I will set you.’ He lifted his hand up to encompass three worlds. ‘These planets were hells. For generations we have recruited the strong over the weak, in the belief it makes our warriors better. I do not think this is so. Cruel men make cruel warriors make cruel lords. We need to be better. We need to rise over the need for violence and recognise other human qualities in our recruits. Your Chapter has ever understood this. If we do not, then we will fall prey to our worst excesses, the kind of thing that that represents.’ He pointed at Ka’Bandha’s name. ‘It has long been in your capability to transform these worlds. Baal Primus is dead, but you need not let your remaining people suffer unnecessarily. Will they fight any better for dwelling on a world that kills them? By sacrificing their children to the Emperor’s service, they have earned a better life. Once you have torn that blasphemy down, raise up the population of Baal Secundus. Teach them what we are fighting for. A line must be drawn between what is good and what is evil, for if the Great Enemy comes with offers of power to a wretch, what reason does he have to refuse hell if he dwells in it already?’ Guilliman was tense. Dante had not expected that in the Lord of Ultramar. Guilliman was impatient to change things. He was angered by what he had found upon his rebirth, and he was not hiding it.

Is Girlyman in the right here? Does the Imperium of Man and its method need to change?

It's more like they could become a problem in time because they seem to be advancing so rapidly. They shouldve been killed off early but the Imperium doesnt have the resources.

>pick a HQ model
>pick a weapon he can't use but you wish they could
>tell us why

I wish my Captain or Lieutenant could use an onslaught cannon because I love miniguns and dakka.

I'm partial to Glooming Lords but you do you.

Thanks user, I was about to start a new project as Craftworld Kaelor and the Conclave of Tears but was worried that Warp spiders were terrible as I haven't heard much about them and never used craftworld stuff.

Were the last hunt or rise of the ynnari ghost warrior ever leaked? Or the geld?

Yes. Stop asking. You are comparing apples to Mac. Tyranids stopped being goofy as fuck due to the aesthetic unification. It's a good thing

how many lascannons does it take to kill a crusader turn 1?

>Tau and Necrons right next to Ultramar
>Still no opinion on them by Guilliman

Things have pretty much been getting worse for a long time, In the Dante novel, Dante, gets upset that the Imperium is stagnating evermore. Bobby needs the imperium to be something worth fighting for.

Why do all the Space Marine chapters have dumb names?