Previously: >Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.
> thread question humans need a good tribal commander to be viable, spirits need better cards and good commanders to be viable.
Eli Flores
>Forgot to make a new thread question dude ...
Ayden Nelson
what do you think is the most overrated edh card?
Jaxon Carter
Sol Ring
Mason Rodriguez
Temple of the False God.
Ryder Adams
stop trolling
oblivion ring or any such effects
Robert Parker
I have an intense urge to build a Child of Alara awakening deck that just makes land creatures then blows up all "nonland permanents'.
Is this stupid or would it at least be moderately decent jank in casual group play
Gabriel Thompson
seemsfun/10, remember to pack ways to shuffle your graveyard or exile Child from your graveyard because it does have to hit grave not command zone to wipe the field.
Lucas Rogers
Sol Ring is good in exactly two scenarios:
>1) You get it t1-3 when getting 2 mana is a huge deal or >2) You're playing untap effects and need 1-2 colourless to combo off.
Sol Ring isn't bad, but it's a dead as fuck draw in the lategame, and generally overrated. Signets are generally better.
Eh, not overrated because most people dont thing it's very good.
My vote is for Counterspell. Sure, it's "good", but it rarely wins you the game, is required to be in your hand, and anyone with half a brain is ready for it.
James Wright
the problem with awakening aside from just not having enough cards is that wrath effects will kill your lands
Asher Allen
>Sol Ring is good in exactly two scenarios: ) You get it t1-3 when getting 2 mana is a huge deal >or ) You're playing untap effects and need 1-2 colourless to combo off. >Sol Ring isn't bad, but it's a dead as fuck draw in the lategame, and generally overrated. Signets are generally better. Dumbest thing I've read all day. Ramp in general is a dead draw late game.
Liam Roberts
>dumbest thing he read all day >says the guy too stupid to greentext correctly No, Sol Ring is not the game warping bullshit you think it is. The only argument for banning sol ring is based on how often it's included in decks, and by not including sol ring there's some half-assed "the format will be more diverse" rhetoric. It's objective power is rarely an issue outside of the exact scenerio I described.
Want to see some actual bannable cards? Lab man, Ashnod's Altar, Necropotence, and Foodchain. Try comboing off t4 without that bullshit.
Daniel Mitchell
Actual Oblivion Ring effects are based. It's the rise in Banishing Light effects that are underqhelming.
Jeremiah Lopez
>What tribes need more support? Bears
Jeremiah Richardson
No mention of As Naus? Or Paradox Engine? Easy to still combo/storm out T3 with either of them.
Also, you really can't see what's so powerful about a net+ mana rock with next to no utility cost? It is an insanely powerful card. Its power will vary depending on meta, as cEDH decks are in their mid-late game by turn 3. But just because it's a dead draw late game in a casual meta, doesn't stop it being one of the most powerful cards in magic.
Colton Harris
If you had land creatures from Awaken and played Brass Herald naming Land would that work?
Jose Foster
Land isn't a creature type, user. Can't name it with Brass Herald. However, if I recall, Awaken makes them Elementals, so you could name Elemental if you were so inspired.
Aiden Thomas
Building pic related as stax/tax/aristocrats. What am I in for?
David Peterson
>Paradox Engine Eh, lots of moving parts, and pretty easy to shut down. It shows up in my meta a lot, so I guess I'm a little biased. Ad Nauseum was a genuine miss though.
Anyways, you're over thinking things. Sol Ring has a niche where it's supremely powerful in casual magic because most people are running 3 mana rocks that make 1-2 mana. In cEDH god I hate the concept unless you're in one of the two situations I'm describing, it's not very good. It's a part of quite a few combos, but really at that point, you're comboing off with a dark ritual to start things, you'll very rarely tutor sol ring anywhere after t3 if it isn't a key piece of your combo. Brago, strionic, and sol ring? That's a winning combination of things, but it still requires a fourth card to actually win. It's overrated by virtue of your exact assessment: it's a net positive mana rock with no utility. Unless your deck is made to specifically use it, or you luck into it early, you're never really going to use it, and it's never a wincon in and of itself. The amount of play it receives isn't really justified outside of "oh what if *insert magical christmasland scenario here*"
Adrian Foster
are there any more budget dance/animate dead options? i'm only looking to get a creature for one turn and be done. exile effects are less preferable but will still do the job.
Connor Russell
Necromancy is only a few bucks
Justin Butler
Are you reanimating your things, someone else's things, or every fucking thing?
Do you want lots of things reanimated for a couple of turns to control the board, or do you only need your wincon for one turn? Just monoblack, or other colours too?
Bentley Cook
Wake the dead is instant but only usable during opponent's combat
Adam Rivera
Iconic Masters pulls?
Iconic Masters pulls.
Lucas Anderson
just to pull at least one creature from my yard for that turn, orzhov colors
Liam Reed
In and of itself, I agree with you. But fast mana is powerful, and Sol Ring is arguably the second/third best piece of fast mana in the format. If you're running a redundancy of 0-1cmc rocks and dorks/rituals you can reliably win early. Sol Ring is just the poster boy for fast mana. So the discussion is warped onto just being about it, rather than fast mana as a whole.
Caleb Kelly
I mean, he said it was "primarily not Greece." What was it?
Andrew Evans
I don't see how this is good in EDH. How tempting is another 2 damage?
Gabriel Taylor
Sure take a peak. I think I did okay for 7 packs. Note that foil ancestral.
Logan Miller
Christopher Lewis
when someone says something like notGreece it usually means that it really is a copy-paste of Greece in whatever setting it's being referred to but just called something else
Daniel Russell
It's the same as calling Amonkhet/Hour of Devestation notEgypt
Jaxon Barnes
i picked up a pack on a whim today and got a sheldred and a foil aether vial which i immediately sold. still think master sets are fuckign stupid
Chase Smith
for token strategies it turns all your 1/1s into bolts on a stick Or the more patrician strategy is to get multiple combat steps
Jaxon Mitchell
Victimize Sun titan (depending on what you run) Necromancy Dread Return That one split costed enchantment from lorwyn, door to something? Some user help me out Diabolical Servitude
Brandon Flores
>No, Sol Ring is not the game warping bullshit you think it is.
You can't expect post-2015 brainlets to understand this user. Wizards of the coast has been trying to kill manadorks/rocks for several years now to where Birds is "over powered" now and idiots swallow it. Even some shit like Llanowar Elves is too strong. This shit mentality than creeps into EDH where faggots cry for bans that wont come because the people who run the ban list have said multiple times if you hate it discuss it with your playgroup because we're only banning shit that's truly busted like Biorhythm.
Liam King
That does make sense, yeah.
Nathan Long
>Wizards of the coast has been trying to kill manadorks/rocks for several years now
how have they tried that? they put rings in every new deck
Luis Hall
In Standard you mong.
John White
Butcher of Malakir. It’s in almost every edh product with black mana.
William Edwards
>Or Paradox Engine?
Incredibly easy to shut down unless your Meta is shit and people don't have artifact destruction in their deck.
Jeremiah Thomas
Any counterspell.
Yeah, it can be good but it's incredibly situational and only good at a specific time. If you miss the boat, you've got yourself a threat on the board and a useless card in hand.
Oliver Garcia
i cant stop stomping on one of my playgroups, what commander do i build as a 50 dollar deck.
must be scrub friendly, so my idea of ga4 wont fly cause >muh tax
Luis Cruz
>what do you think is the most overrated edh card?
The ABUR duals. They're cool to have but don't break the game like some faggots on this board actually think. I've seen several non-generals where some autistic faggot is RREEEing about them and how they should be banned in EDH which makes zero sense since they don't offer that much of an advantage unless it's some five color commander and the dude has all ten and I've yet to meet anyone like that. I've only ever met people who've got one in a two color commander or three in a three color commander and I've seen all of them get destroyed in games.
Camden Roberts
Would this be solid if i dont rely on my creatures while everyone else at the table requires them to do anything?
Carson Butler
I play it with humility
Jayden Myers
Why the fuck is this silver bordered? This would be such a good card in a legitimate way for a lot of decks.
Ryan Rivera
You're absolutely right. Fuck, never thought of that.
I always figure I should educate because I make the mistake of assuming they know how to play magic if they're talking about bans. They banned fucking reflector mage, smuggler's copter, and that flicker cat, how would they react to something like Blood Moon or even Kalonian Hydra?
Sol ring must look like some crazy arcane old-timey nonsense.
Dylan Gomez
it's too close to LD and LD is badwrongfun also random redistribution is red effect
Nathaniel Thompson
Don't forget they cry about Mox Opal in Modern when it's only useful in like two decks and is the weakest Mox to date since it's legendary and requires two other artifacts which to be fair isn't hard in Lantern or Affinity but Opal still isn't on par with Chrome or Diamond.
Hudson Thomas
FUCK well time to go back to playing orzhov
Adrian Gomez
Dominic Hill
Thoughts on this man meat? Worth it or just grab a Bushwhacker instead?
John Roberts
fug :DD
Jaxson Reyes
Humility always makes me feel retarded, regardless of how many times I read the rulings. Just to check, layers will strip an entering creature of his ETB before it has a chance to fire, right?
Jack Ward
What's the decks colors? Since I know it's got Red this is a much better source of haste.
Jacob Sanders
my playgroup has banned sol ring. im glad we did, its nice being able to slot a little something else in their.
Isaac Bailey
Why don't you run Fervor instead?
Lincoln Nelson
RW The commander is a 4 drop though, wanted to try to keep it under that CMC
Evan Stewart
>Not making everyone go fast
Liam Peterson
doesnt zada kinda need both gauntlets though, I think the deck would go too hard regardless for this playgroup of mine no etb's happen, nor dies triggers
triggers that happen once it enters graveyard happens (written like old kozi/ulamog triggers)
Jordan Wilson
I think the problem with "nu-magic" is that they create things that are powerful in a vacuum, and obviously powerful. You read Emrakul and you're like "woah, that's like 10 game winning things slapped on to one card", or you read Griselbrand/Blightsteel, and you instantly know it's good. You put Swords to Plowshares and counterspell into the same standard environment and they're laughable afterthoughts. Skullclamp is powerful card in a subtle way that new people don't understand. Jitte is powerful in a subtle way. The Scarab God/Archangel Avacyn are blatantly obvious.
Ethan Kelly
Aaron Baker
Let's crank it up another notch
Evan Carter
>my playgroup has banned sol ring. im glad we did, its nice being able to slot a little something else in their.
And that's how it should be rather than arguing like children and ruining threads about shit that wont happen.
The beauty of Commander is that it can be Singleton Vintage or Singleton Pauper depending on who you play with.
So for faggots to come along and declare that others are having BadWrongFun is obnoxious.
I remember back int he day people didn't think Aether Vial of all things was that hot. That's the difference between than and now. Fatal Push was obviously good (and also a savior to Modern)
Cameron Thompson
How is that different to Lab Man or Food Chain?
Aiden Hall
Actually, this and Thalia 2.0 seem bretty gud
Oliver Cruz
You seem really angry, given that no-one has asked for Sol Ring to be banned in this thread.
Luis Price
You must be new here.
Juan Lee
I'm building a Pharika deck cuz I like her and I want her to be gud. I'm building around field sweeps and enchantress, and then winning with the indestructible beat down. Pls suggestions, I want Pharika to be ok!
I thought fight club would be a good angle from the perspective of death touchers but I think ulvenwald tracker is the only good fight card basically ever printed???
A phyrexian arena in your command zone, which doesn't even have to be on the field to be active, and can be recast if/when you lose monarch. Even if you lose it getting a couple deathtouch tokens is pretty good in some situations. Its a one card CA engine, mardu is not the best colours but besides that she's very very strong.
t. have a token / superfriends build with her
Landon Young
Artifact removal is run by every single person ever for a variety of reasons.
Foodchain makes infinite mana as soon as it hits play, and you can remove it, but doing so at instant speed is much more difficult than removing paradox engine because it needs to be on the battlefield, and it has a cast trigger afterwards.
Lab Man is bullshit incarnate because you stick him and combo off at instant speed, so unless you can stifle his trigger or counter him, as soon as he hits the battlefield they've already won.
Austin Brown
That's a 2-color, 2-card Urabrask.
Connor King
I will support this. They are a cool-to-have sort of thing but hardly provide a significant boost over many of the other options available in this format. And considering MLD and stuff like strip mine/wasteland are present, fancy lands only really provide significant advantage if you need a really really fast deck.
Thomas Rogers
They always make me laugh when they bitch.
You're playing a 40 life format, and the duals don't offer anything significant beyond shocks from a fetch standpoint, and unless you're doing it 10 times, it's really a moot point.
Eli Howard
See also: Blind Obedience. I hate that fucking card so much but run it in all my white/x stax decks
Gavin Morgan
I fucking hate that unplayable garbage card no one ever used outside of EDH. If they get both and a mother of runes, you're basically fucked.
Jace Roberts
>fancy lands only really provide significant advantage if you need a really really fast deck. >One guy at my store has a Mishra's Workshop >Regularly gets destroyed by an $8 strip mine that everyone runs in their decks
Justin Young
I think I've settled for RUG Surrak for my $50 deck, what theme should I go for?
I was thinking flashing stuff in to interact, so I'd pack in good flash creatures and then creatures that benefit from being able to hold them up.
Brayden Ward
Both of which come out before turn 4
Brayden Rogers
>someone posted my favorite card You're a cool guy user.
Jeremiah Martin
>He posted the card again So the true power.... of double strike
Angel Fisher
>Only bloodspill can end this now. >Call forth the warbringer. Probably one of my favorite quotes of all time. Lots of cards have cool names, but Avatar of Slaughter has to be one of the most metal options.
Josiah Price
Please someone name me the most fun EDH deck.
Was gonna go gitrog monster but every list has like 5 50$ cards
Juan Richardson
I’m about to fire on a $50 order. Should I go ahead, or do you think Iconic Masters prices will continue to fall?
Solemn Simulacrum does not deserve to be in nearly as many lists as it is. A 4 mana Rampant Growth with delayed cantrip is dogshit without some form of ETB abuse.
Xavier Robinson
Fuck you, Sad Robot is my wife.
Tyler Parker
>Solemn Simulacrum does not deserve to be in nearly as many lists as it is. A 4 mana Rampant Growth with delayed cantrip is dogshit without some form of ETB abuse. for fucking real
Wyatt Cook
The reason it's so ubiquitously used is because it's colorless. Colors like black, red, and even blue don't get the best ramp, so Solemn doesn't only offer an answer to that problem, but it replaces itself and ramps, as well as offers a small body to block/trade with. His use is well-deserved. I remember pulling one as a kid and thinking that he was lame, only to realize later that he packs quite a punch.
Sebastian Perez
I would argue that Commander’s Sphere is a better option, then, especially since it works better with mulligans.
Aaron Cruz
90% of playable rocks are better than Solemn, and many even replace themselves. The ones that don't still offer far better acceleration than Solemn. He's really not that good.
Owen Baker
>4 mana Rampant Growth with delayed cantrip is dogshit without some form of ETB abuse In blue, white, red, he's worth his weight in for certain decks. Paying double for an effect you don't normally get in your colors is fine. Also, blue white can bounce, while red white can do artifact recursion abuse. Also, people don't like to attack into him, so he can save you a few life.
Probs trash bad in decks with access to green usually, though.
Asher Morgan
Solemn offers more permanent ramp and a card draw, while Commander's Sphere only offers you ramp until you want the card draw, instead of both. It also doesn't come on a body, which some decks prefer. If you break down Solemn to 'Rampant Growth' for 2 of his cost, he's a 2 mana 2/2 that draws a card on death, which is more than you can ask for on an effectively 2 mana body. Sure, he's definitely slow, and in faster/more competitive metas he's often cut. But EDH is a format where you see black/blue decks running Burnished Hart because they're so desperate to ramp lands, even though they all have access to the same mana rocks.
Robert Perry
It encourages your opponents to swing at each other rather than you.
Adam Gray
there are so many better options that cheaper cmc though. honestly any random mana rock is better
Nathaniel Flores
ABUR duals are auto include tier in 3 color and above decks assuming you have the money for them
Isaac Cox
They're auto-includes but not game breaking or changing.
Carson Sullivan
>targetted for who the commander is rather than what the deck contains Scrubs will never not upset me with their shit threat assessment
Benjamin Cook
>or do you think Iconic Masters prices will continue to fall? It's a gamble since some prices drop over the holiday season when people have less money. On the other hand, the prices might be in shock and recover over the next fortnight. For $50 you won't end up saving or losing much either way though.