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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
reposting from last thread
Help me finish out this list, the problems are obvious
1) I need to decide on 3 more HQs, it seems I have the choppy part covered. Maybe a lord for shooty aura?
2) I don't know who to put warptime on, the DP or the sorc
3) I need 1 more elite to flesh out the final spot in the renegade detachment
The unbound detachment is just there for summoning purposes, I don't know how else to include it.
So where's the "crimson slaughter" 8th ed army list at?
Dubs pick my hive fleet, and one unit I have to include in it.
Black Templars>Your dudes
Prove me wrong! pro tip: its heresy to prove me wrong!
scratch part 3, I think splitting up the 10 man possessed squad solves it.
I do lose 10 points for another icon, and can't use psychic powers on all 10 units though...
Hydra and Warriors
How often do you guys hold back against people in casual games?
Hive Fleet Nibble Nibs
1 maxed out Ripper Squad
I tone down the list but not my play.
Literally all the time - there are 3 people at my shop I can play full bore against.
I mean, not a valid hive fleet tactic, but you did dubs rippers in.
Game continues I guess?
What do they look like?
Have to... ppl at the shop are too relaxed....I usually play what I like but the one person I wanna murder never shows up anymore
I usually play a fluffier list and/or hold back tactically if the armies/players are unbalanced.
Oh and a big unit of Raveners.
My dudes are the Thousand Suns, named for the thousand suns their legends said the emperor ruled over.
Don't mind the name, they were cut off by a warp storm with very fragmentary records when they were founded.
Ah, you wanted an actual tactic.
I'd say Gorgon but let the rolls continue.
Lots of gaunt and Ripper swarms.
They are a Daisy yellow chitin with green under bits.
>taking 40k seriously/competitively
Pretty gay t b h
Well, I already bought nine Raveners so that's doable.
Is there a uploaded pdf of the new Tyranid codex yet?? Does someone have link cause would love to check out some info......
I love those Snakey bastards.
Your Templar aint got nothing on the purity of my knights.
Get the fuck out if here you heretic. You ain't no true son of the Emperor.
Check the friggin OP
Reposting once since I wrote it at the very end of the previous thread:
How are fluffy Salamanders' armies this edition ? I'm starting to get bored of my Dark Angels and fed up how they're becoming bigger and bigger team killing assholes in the fluff and I'm considering reselling them to a buddy. In their place I'd like to start a new army that no one plays at our club and I always liked how flamers, meltas and their good guy fluff.
I want to spam as many flamers as I can and field some Lieutenants for rerolls with them.
>he doesn't check the OP links.
Xth for glad that at least Aetaosraukeres and the other apocalpyse daemons outclass the daemon Primarchs.
Glad you have your opinion - that's the fun thing about the whole thing is I can like something you don't.
I personally fund most of my hobby off tournament winnings.
Are there any rules for the Iron Warriors siege engines?
Or is that one of those "just go with counts as" questions?
And would they bother trying to summon Towers of Skulls, Brass Scorpions, Silver Towers or any of that?
Or are the Daemon Engines of the Warp inferior to their own designs?
Im gay so what?
Black Templars = My Dudes
You forgot to make it "equal to or greater than."
In casual games I try to get a look at my opponent's army or at least know what they run ahead of time, then choose a list of about equal power. Though I don't have anything of true tournament quality
>spam flamers on marines
Don't do this. 8th killed template weapons.
>Thousand Suns
Are they friends with the Knight Lords and the Bird Wearers?
I may need to tone down my list even more. I've been doing both but man the people I go up against must be really bad. I've started to skip about half my shooting and psychic phase and just ignore aoe buffs.
Sounds like me. I always seem to miss the players that give me the most trouble.
Sounds like my store. I have a guy I want to stomp too, but he stopped playing.
That's a good way to go about it. It's hard to do sometimes without people noticing. There's one guy I play sometimes who is really bad, but he always pays attention to what I'm doing, and when I skip something on purpose he points it out. I can't say no without it being weird, so I roll and hope it's bad.
I just want a close game while also bringing units I love and worked hard on. Some of those units just happen to be good. It's more fun when both people had fun things happen and everyone wants their favorite unit to do well.
Against my friends?
Full on WAACmode lists and play, since we all do it, and have really good time playing competetively with and against eachother.
Against random dudes?
Tone my shit the fuck down, otherwise the butthurt and whining never ends. Managed to make my LGS think GKs were an OP army since I stomped a few people too many on accident.
Don't forget Blake's Legion and the World Beaters.
I didnt see the first mega link.......
Sorry for wasting space. I am going slinking back to the void now...... Thanks guys!!!
Is there a download yet, or will I be forced -gasp- to actually pay money for the book?
How does this look? I don't have enough points for transports, so I am definitely going last.
Only other concern is lucius may be not worth his points if he doesn't have a choppy entourage.
That sounds about right. Sounds like a blast to go up against friends who also play strong lists.
Please dont reply to more than 3 posts at the same time.
As a veteran player what is your advice for a noob on making a TAC list?
I play CSM (ec) though
New computer, give me the best of your 40k reaction pics
anyone got rise of the ynnari: ghost warrior?
If my opponent is really bad, I break out my full deathwatch list.
How does one progress to a decent 1000 points list starting from this?
Just fucking buy it instead of constantly asking, its been so long and you haven't been provided with it this whole time.
Alright, I need a ruling from you guys. According to the new chart released by GW, I can take a Storm Shield on my GK Librarian. My justification for this is in pic related. You are instructed to use the normal Space Marine Term Lib datasheet and add the additional parameters listed on the right side of the image. Is this correct? If not, why not?
I've got a sick ass conversion in mind.
Hey, GK librarians won't suck now!
And yes, it looks like you can give him a SS.
Anyone have a pdf of Cadia Stands?
>Worshipping the rotting carcass.
The Night Lords are ten times better than the low IQ retards that unironicaly believe that the Emperor is a god.
swarmlord, shrieks, and squad of gargoyles will get you most of the way there
14 Mawlocs.
Anyone hear anything about the BL weekender anthology?
Like was the collection any good, when it actually releases etc...
>Night Lords
>A band of Murderers, torturers and thieves
>A legion so disgusting that even their primarch hates it
Ten times better, top kek.
>Books actually bringing up the non sanctioned act that was roboute sanctioning the primaris
>Chapters actively skeptical or outright hostile to the idea of the primaris
This is fucking awesome.
Here you go friend.
Doesn't matter since they will all just start making Primaris anyways. So once the Space Marine dies its all over.
I'm going to say... No.
That would be retarded.
Primaris Primarchs when?
Ok, but why?
Except relevant characters like Dante and Mephiston are all A-Okay with it.
Dangles, remains to be seen though.
This I generally bring a couple lists and try to match it to my opponents. Same deal as D&D or whatever, if everyone else is power-gaming I will to, if no one else is power-gaming I'll roll a normal character. Everyone being on the same page is the best way to have a good time. Even if some people can read faster than others.
I bet the the Imperial Fists and Raven Guard aren't complaining about gaining back the organs they lost by gene-seed defects.
>Dangles, remains to be seen though.
the next dark angel book thats coming out will cover that
never since the primaris marine literally have half a parimarchs special something gland
Still better than worshiping someone that actively said that he wasn't a god and even punished people for it.
Guy... am I fucked up that I'm seriously growing to love how fucking depraved and awesome the emperors children are?
The more lore added about Primaris the more that I dislike them.
You and me both, friendo
Yeah unfortunately you'll eventually descend into full on edge lord status and you'll be an even more insufferable cunt than you already are.
Going up against my friends 15 dark reaper altaioc eldar, or my other friends triple stormraven+conscripts is hard, but actually pretty entertaining. I feel as if I'll be playing my SMs and nids against them mostly, as my GKs just arent really able to keep up with them.
>Veteran player
...thanks for the compliment, but I wouldnt really consider myself a "veteran". I just started 40k about 3 years ago.
As for general tips?
First of all, use the models you like. I bring my Land Raider even when I go up against my friends in WAACmode.
Cover all your bases. Have enough antitank weapons to completely kill at least one Razorback/Dreadnought equivalent per turn.
Have enough Antihorde to wipe a 30 man conscript blob a turn/or a 20 man necron warrior blob.
Have one or two backline units that sit on objectives in your deployment zone.
Take a cheap blob of infantry models. Hordes are a toolkit with endless uses. Tarpit, chaff, bubblewrap, objectives, area denial, willbeglad you have them. Believe me, I say this as a GK player.
Have fast/mobile units thag can reach your opponents zone turn 1 (like deepstrikers)
Take at least one psyker. Always.
Build redundancy into your list. Prioritize the most important elements first.
Consider "distraction" units. Cheap, killy units that can me in and harass your opponent for the entire game if he doesnt deal with them quickly.
Compare your friends lists, and consider their point of view. How would they go about taking your list apart with your army?
I mean, TAC lists are, IMO more dependant on the player than the list, especially in 8th. A TAC will always lose against a spam list (infantry/tanks/monsters/etc) in a straight up fight. TAC is about knowing your armies and your opponents advantadges and weaknesses, abusing those and playing the game according to your plans and rules.
And all that is mainly learned by just playing and experimenting on your own.
Looking for more stuff to read, anything to recommend?
Would a Devourer chest piece fit a Tyranid prime?
Considering I'm running straight primaris I'm holding back by default.
Your hate arouses me user.
I don't have anything other than "Fulgrim"
I don't hate you pal. I just think real life meme chaos players are funny.
The new fabius bile is a fucking great read.
"Grey Knight Librarian" has a datasheet in the codex, so you have to use that.
Then you check to see whether the index datasheet has options that aren't on the codex datasheet. Except, there is not "Grey Knight Librarian" datasheet in the index.
Sure, a Grey Knight army in the index could take a Librarian from the Space Marine list, and that datasheet had a storm shield, but you're not playing an index list anymore.
You're jumping through so many hoops that it just doesn't make sense anymore.
I footslog my sisters whenever I go for pickup games. Immolators have just always been S++ tier vehicles.
Exorcists get a lot of “Wow”s but rarely contribute, so I use them too.
The last time I *really* went all out was in our flgs’s sendoff apocalypse game for 7th edition, where I ended up crusading across the board.
I know I’m yanking my own chain here, but it feels good to throw down with a fully optimised list.
dat vagina in the chest .. can not unsee
For what purpose?
I wanna fuck that bugs chest now.
>the warp overtakes me
>it is a good pain
That sounds fantastic.
I still have some hope that the primaris will crash and burn.
Seth is right, there will be no chapter culture anymore, only a bunch of bland astartes.
Because I'm doing Devourer and bonesword Warriors, but I want to make the Tyranid Prime look more distinct.
So I'm thinking give him four boneswords and a chest mounted Devourer.
I usually bring a list for 1000 and for 2000 when I go to my LGS. I let people go back if they missed a step as long as it hasn't been a ton of different things that happened. Usually just casually talking while doing my own stuff.
During a tournament I do the exact same thing.
Fix Me
>seige tank finally excells at demolition rather than deleting infantry
Seems fine to me.
Whats wrong with that, aside from blasts being utter garbage now.