Hey fellas, lets talk alternative TCG to MTG.
I like printing off top-tier decks and playing against my friends with them. I'm gonna do it for YGO, but wanted some advice. Like good beginner decks, etc.
Hey fellas, lets talk alternative TCG to MTG.
I like printing off top-tier decks and playing against my friends with them. I'm gonna do it for YGO, but wanted some advice. Like good beginner decks, etc.
Decent beginner decks in YGO:
>Blue-Eyes (last meta 2016)
Nostalgia factor, while giving a mixture of simple strategies and modern playstyle. Can effectively run every summoning mechanic but Pendulums, which adds to the effectiveness in teaching.
>Metalfoes (last meta pre-MR4 2017)
Solid Pendulum deck with simple effects that can be used in a variety of ways. Can be mixed with a fuckton of other decks.
>Blackwing (last meta: pure - 2012, as an engine - 2016)
Straightforward Synchro deck with intuitive combos and synergies, but enough of a learning curve to feel progress with the deck as well.
>ABC (still meta)
Powerful deck that's very forgiving - you rarely ever truly go minus in card advantage. Also has a nice combining mecha aesthetic.
>True Dracos (still meta)
Great control deck. Good for teaching players who like control/midrange in other games, and/or players who don't like Extra Deck play.
only true answer is Ancient Gears
Pendulum? Links? Other complicated shit? Fuck that noise, just fuse a giant robot of destruction, and wipe your opponent's battlefield, as they stand there, unable to do absolutely anything to stop your assault.
are you referring to the new fusion boss card? i remember there was a discussion of the many ways you can counter it.
>printing them
really? how?
Chaos Ancient Gear Giant? That's the one I'm talking about. There are ways to get around it, yeah, but boy, am I ever satisfied whenever I get to play it.
>other TCG
What can make this bitch playable?
>other ccg
I know for a fact I'm not alone here even if it most of the time feels like it.
Damn I like vampire, the rules are simple and it plays like a role playing game. Also the fluff or card design is amazing. Also it was made by the guy who originated mtg after he wanted to make something better.
A classic and I see it talked about a lot on Veeky Forums
The group I used to play with totally borked the rules and soured me on the game forever sadly.
Mainly just because one autist went to split hairs on what was negating a summon.
>I see it talked about a lot on Veeky Forums
Wait what when? I usually get shouted down when I bring it up in wod generals, then on occasion in threads like this there's like 4 people saying something like "yeah I love it".
>borked the rules
How? It can get stupidly complex if you for example mistake reaction mechanic to work like instants in mtg.
Gotta bump with an obvious masterpiece.
I have a deck or two of these, but haven't been able to really play it.
How is it?
My understanding of it is Magic with guaranteed land drop, and you can specify creatures as block targets. Is that about right?
Is it fun?
Anyone have any thoughts on Dragoborne? I bought pic related recently, but I haven't had a chance to play yet.
OL butt. Thank you.
Still dabbling in CFV since 2012. Though did step out during legion era since Murakumo and Pale Moon didn't get shit during that time.
These days they're still floating around the bottom, but the decks are certainly more entertaining to play.
I'm literally about to buy some New Legend Precipice starter decks to play with a friend. The cards look fucking rad and put m:tg quality to shame.
Am I wasting money?
chaos giant gets my ancient gear dick ancient gear hard
big BOY blam smash kill everything
If you like Commander but think the ruleset is kinda shoehorn-y, you'll like Force.
On the matter of wasting your money, that's a subjective thing, but the starter decks won't kill you. Just don't get the Blue one. Blue usually sucks in this game, and this round has an especially boring starter.
What kind of thought process led to choosing this abomination of a name?