Fairies have started to spread rumors about your party in town

>fairies have started to spread rumors about your party in town

>purchase a pair of fairy panties
>roll it in dirt and masterbate on it
>bring it to the town center and give them "back" as loudly as possible

the fuck is wrong with you boy?

Fuck 'em. Literally.
They love cocaine.

>Rumors have started to spread fairies about your town party.

Chuckle politely then regale the faeries with droll stories about the d'Oyly Carte opera company. That's the best way to deal with goodly fae playing a goof on you, be amused but incredibly boring.

Cast nondetection and pass without trace like I always do.

>They found your 2006 paper guro folder

People who trust fairies aren't worth dealing with anyway.

This. Same goes for people who listen to rumors.

There is literally NOTHING inherently untrustworthy about Fey you fucking racist


Around Fairies, always be weary.

>Around Fairies, always be weary.
See, they already got you. Weary means tired. They want you to fall asleep so they can turn your pate into a donkey's head.

Try 'wary'.

So? Stuff them up your as.
>It's Pete time

Don't make me bring out THAT spell.


We try our best to live up to them.


Who the fuck would trust fae?

Who are less trustworthy: Fae or Demons?

>travel to the feywilds and spread rumors about those fairies
See how they like it.


It’s like you guys don’t want fae allies

>They promise to stop spreading rumors if you awaken the crystals.

Fey do not lie. Demons do not lie.

Fey will tell you the truth you didn't want to know. Demons will tell you the truth you didn't need to know.