Hey Veeky Forums what are your thoughts and opinions on the two total Warhammer games that have been out so far?
Hey Veeky Forums what are your thoughts and opinions on the two total Warhammer games that have been out so far?
They are okay.
Casual as fuck but okay
I liked the hero mechanics, could have been better though. poor launch on the second one, endless chaos until you die even though the chaos waves become shit after the first few waves and never have more than 10 stacks on the screen so you can just reduce them too some two unit stacks.
however the fucking disunity of factions pisses me off. I get that orks and chaos wouldn't be unified but why do I have to conquer averland to rule it, Even if I confederate every one is pissed off for a few turns that's bullshit. karl was elected by about half of the electors so they must have some sort of unity.
And the high elves god damn how pissed off at each other, they always fight to the death more than orcs. and the greenskins are always exterminated by dwarfs before the vampire counts come about
>high elves
>pissed off
Nothing new here
10/10, best Veeky Forums vidya.
Tomb Kings when.
Why did empire armies fight each other on the table? The answer is that every faction is full of assholes.
Hell, the most straight unified faction in the lore is the one that gets the most bonuses to confederation.
And beyond that, it would simply be a boring game if everyone started totally unified.
No opinion, I don't into any warhammer
Quit good but it could have been more.
It's sensibly less grimdark than its tabletop counterpart, which I don't especially mind.
The game still has no faction endings. When I finish the game I feel empty and unrewarded.
Where’s the fuckin Tomb Kings
Lore wise the campaign starts when Karl Franz waas elected, so some elector counts are butthurt.
I always turn on the "no negatives to confederation" mod
Any good mods you guys use?
I think CA just wanted to avoid the huge diplomacy insane junk you could do if confederating didn't have major drawbacks. It's fairly simple to quickly confederate if you rush for it, and confederating can give you some huge boosts in just about every area.
For 1 or 2? I really like the high elf sync marching mod for 2, it looks really cool in my opinion.
I really like the first one, from both a Total War and Warhammer Fantasy stand point. It isn't perfect, but they did a pretty good job of balancing factions despite having radically different play styles.
I wish that there were more options to play minor factions like Border Princes and shit.
Everything being a DLC instead of just being part of the core $60 game is kind of annoying, but with the amount of hours I put into total war games it's still worth it.
Haven't gotten 2 yet.
>No Ogre Kingdoms yet
It's shit.
I like them.
I find the combat very enjoyable. Huge diversity of units and races.
But the campaign map isn't as interesting as let's say Atilla or Shogun 2. There just isn't that much to do on the campaign map except build some buildings, order a few armies around and maybe moving a hero from here to there.
There was a lot more strategy to it in earlier games.
They need to put more effort into armies animations and make the forces more distinct. Also, they need to release simple packages for the game and not be massive jews with their pricing structure.
>Core Game
That's it. We don't need Blood DLC and other bullshit.
It's pretty obvious that they are just calling it Total War Warhammer 2/3 because sequels sell better than expansions.
To be fair, this is probably the most justifiable they're going to get in terms of faction DLC
Unlike with historical titles, they're actually putting in effort for their campaign mechanics, units and unit models.
Skaven are best bois
Creative Assembly are still on the downward slope.
Medieval 2 (or Rome 1) was the high point gameplay wise, Shogun 2 was the high point content and customisation wise.
Since then they've just been cutting and cutting away and everything that made those games great.
That said I found TW1 okay (except for the massive loading times even on my SSD).
TW2 butchers the map and lore a little bit too much for my liking but overall it doesn't seem too bad either.
Yeah, the Skaven are by far the best treated army. Unique animations, most kill animations, no reskins on their special units. Which, isn't saying much because it should have been this way for every army.
OK are meh and always have been.
Bad lore, shoehorned into the Warhammer world in place of a proper mercenary army.
Didn't help that all their models are ugly as fuck too.
Real pity they fucking suck in campaign and multi
Aren't they just a less imaginative rip off of the Green Skins? They should have made a Giant Army, instead.
I hear they're ironically best used with their elite infantry. Ignore their lower quality units.
They are scheduled for game three. Along with God aligned demon armies and Chaos Dwarves
You shut your whore mouth. Ogre Kingdoms are the best army ever, and serve as a unique and exciting army focused on Monstrous infantry. They're the sickest fucking shit and you need to shut the fuck up with your shitty unsolicited opinions. Bitch.
I don't even think it's ironic. Skaven have shitloads of access to their cheap infantry for free in various battles, so there's even less of a reason to run the lower stuff.
I've been experimenting with how well the plain old clanrats take a full on buffing general though, to see how it goes.
Which is better.
Giants or Ogres?
Their models look fucking amazing
You can always spam doom wheels when you are feeling frustrated.
Good to see the Ogres have their fans, too. Honestly, I hate the elves.There isn't a single interesting thing about any of their factions outside of the cold one knights, and it's pretty pathetic when you are somehow lamer than 40k's Eldar. 1st edition had the Sea Elves, which had some potential to be awesome, but they were abandoned.
>Lore wise the campaign starts when Karl Franz waas elected, so some elector counts are butthurt.
According to the book that comes with the game, all the elector counts voted for Karl.
I get why they wanted the Empire to be broken apart for gameplay reasons but they could have handled it like the WRE in Attila instead. Even better, have both options avaliable: one the same as now, the other where you start with the whole empire (but not just easy mode because the empire would start in bad shape and need fixing ASAP).
>tfw using the Mazadundi Slann dunk combo and wiping out 300 infantry
I'm glad they took on board critique about sole caster lords being shit and fixed it
I like the idea of a giant faction, but I doubt they
I'm curious how TWW will handle them, given that they'll be hideously vulnerable to anti large.
Maybe a dedicated unit that bypasses anti large, or expanded Gnobblar or gorger units?
Make them anti-anti-large, duh.
Which is better.
North West Asian fat slobs or Grizzled Ogre Mercenary Veterans for hire?
A Mercenary army list with a mix of Regiment of Renown, random mercs and Mercenary Ogres would have been awesome.
With options to do full Merc Ogre armies.
It has my consent.
>there are people who don't want to protect his smile
I could see Gut Plates being a buff that stops anti-large on the charge or something.
Fun as hell, but a bit of a tough learning curve for me. Filthy action gamer, ya see.
Skaven have so much personality it drips off of them.
The worst Total War game, by far. complete shit desu
>Arcade gameplay
>forces always start in throwing range of each other
>battles won by whoever has better micro
>siege battles look flashy but are absolutely 1-dimensional
>every faction feels like it's competing to be the ~~~coolest faction~~~, therefore none of them are actually unique or cool
>ugly, cluttered, noisy visual design
>fictional setting feels incredibly overplayed compared to actual, real history
Excellent. Best adaption of a wargame i've seen.
Go back to /v/ cunt.
He's not even /v/, m8.
Even they mock assblasted historyfags
When's the new patch for mortal empires coming?
I want my new Empire and Dwarf start positions, damnit.
Can't even escape the endless /twg/ shitposting here...
it's not that real history is better than fantasy worldbuilding, it's that warhammer's worldbuilding is shit
the gameplay being awful is definitely the biggest problem though
It's one that people paid twice for. Hate these fucking cowadoody kid runts overrunning the historical TWs.
Really really good, comparatively to any other game/mod.
It needs polish though. Especially ME campaign, but the new patch to have latest shit is coming in a week or two so its good.
In by itself, is still good, they have learned a lot and are improving it, so its good overrall. What things you dislike, mods got you covered.
Balance needs to be fixed, norse are too OP atm and just faceroll the AI.
I've never seen someone be so wrong about a game.
I've been playing since the first Shogun, and this one is probably the best to date.
The gameplay is awesome. And the world is awesome. Go back to playing Rome 2 faggot.
As you can see, most of Veeky Forums quite likes it, (including me) but I would wait and get them on sale. CA does killer FLC, but it's DLC policy is pretty messed up.
`AHAHAHAHAHAH please kill yourself you fucking loser stick your pretentious brainlet stalk up your asshole a little more
>I am retarded and have no idea what I'm talking about: the post
Historyfags embarrass themselves enough without you false flagging.
At least I fucking hope you're false flagging
I'm not a huge fan. The sieges are boring, the AI is still bad, and a number of cool mechanics have been stripped out of the game from Atilla. Just one example is the ability to set foliage on fire on the battle map, which allowed you to do some pretty cool things. The heroes are the opposite of fun and early game you will be forced to send a unit to it's near total annihilation just to keep him busy until you win, magic feels mostly worthless except for a few spells or abilities that are blatantly OP like the skaven plague bomb thing in II, the game feels a little too 'rock, paper, scissors' with some of the units right now, and certain game features like auto-resolve are totally broken. The lack of formations is annoying, the fact that handgunners don't have a reload animation is lazy and is far from the only lazy thing you will see. All in all it's popularity leaves me very worried about the future of TW games as a whole as it represents a stripping out of features in favor of adding in "cool things", which is an entirely unnecessary trade-off, but I have to hope that it is just for warhammer.
Vermintide on the other hand is fun. It's like Left 4 Dead but better.
oh man, this is some real nerd outrage. I'm so sorry I offended the steaming pile of cliches you call a setting.
this user gets it. Regardless of someone's opinion on the setting, TW:WH has some serious mechanical issues which turn things boring which should be exciting.
It had no mechanical issues. The issue is you, user. As everyone has pointed out.
>karl "If it's green, make it scream" franz
By sigmar, NO!
>It had no mechanical issues. The issue is you, user. As everyone has pointed out.
Wow, the game has NO mechanical issues? Sounds like the greatest game of all time! Total War: Warhammer, everyone! The game with NO problems!
Or maybe I'm criticizing the thing you all like, so people are swarming out of the woodwork to defend their sacred cow.
Top lad Karl
I have generally found that people are unwilling to look past any of the issues because they like it, which is alarming because Atilla, despite being mechanically quite good, was harped on for having a bunch of copy-pasted factions, a weak religious system, and the sanitation system being kind of not good. The fact that people are willing to overlook shit to the point of , a blatant and factually incorrect statement given that auto-resolve as a mechanic is actually not working as intended and hasn't been for some time, is disheartening.
Go back to fucking Medevial 2 history cuck. It's clearly your favorite game.
The people who dislike TWW tend to be self centered, and incredibly jealous history fanboys, that run off to write about how a helmet is period inaccurate on Total War center. Just ignore them.
I have nothing against historic Total War games. Hell, I've liked most of them and I really enjoy history so I've always been a TW fan. But I think the people who whine and bitch about TW:W are a little too butthurt. There are a dozen historic games or so by now yes? And CA is working on more right now. There has been 2 Warhammer games and they've been insanely popular. Of course CA is going to expand on them.
Historic TW fans need to chill the fuck out. Fans of Warhammer have been asking for a fusion between it and Total War for years now. Let them enjoy it. You'll get another "realistic" historic game soon and you already have plenty now.
See. I have a problem with that line of thinking though. I am a Warhammer fan, much more than a Total War. I played Brets up until three years ago when I sold my army to some kid who always liked it for a pittance when I moved out of country.
Of my complaints, the only ones that can be chalked up to pure taste is the sieges (which are an emulation of the tabletop sieges), and the heroes. Everything else is just either annoying, lazy, bad, or as I said "an unnecessary trade-off". At this point, the blatant refusal to recognize anything as being wrong, or any of the points of people who play the historical games as valid, seems to be purely tribalism.
>Go back to fucking Medevial 2 history cuck. It's clearly your favorite game.
I like the pseudo-historical (fyi: that means the LEAST historical) Total Wars the best. I fucking loved Shogun 2, because I think it was a delightful blend of fictionalization and reality with tight gameplay and great presentation.
I don't like TW:Warhammer, mostly because it is boring, and only somewhat because the setting is ass - not because I think it's drained CA's attention away from other franchises.
>Complimenting Shogun 2, the game with the least amount of faction variety in the series.
That's how we know you are a retard user.
How can other leaders even compete?
>complimenting Chess, the game with the least amount of faction variety in history
this is how stupid you sound
This, they had some potential but watered it down to draw in a larger crowd.
They’re fun overall, but each faction in the first one has a problem with a lack of an actual goal of mission beyond kill the enemy, conquer the territory.
The vortex missions weren’t the greatest.
I want to hear the White Dwarf respond to Malekith begging for peace so badly...
Best Ogres are Stirland Ogres.
>no mission where Grombrindal has the mission “avenge the first great grudge”
Is anyone else weirded out The Beastmen, and The Norscans (a fucking OC faction) are a thousand more times to play then the real Chaos? It's fucking weird.
They're incredible games. Probably the best total war games to date and beautifully capture the lore of Warhammer in a way nothing else has or likely ever will.
It's really where warhammer fantasy lives on, the units and armies are created with such devotion and love that you can basically recreate games from the tabletop just at a real time speed and it's accurate to what you'd imagine would happen in-game.
Haters will never be pleased but some people just love to hate and be edgy and contrarian for the sake of it.
> Creative assembly create Rome 1& medieval with a variety of weird and wonderful units from 'return of the mummy's Egyptians to Byzantine flamethrowers units.
This is shit historically inaccurate cartoon garbage
>Creative assembly attempt be more historically accurate by creating limited unit rosters as would be the literal case , most armies were just peasants with elite support.
Lol this game has no unit variety 3/10
Fucking contrarian arseholes.
TWW > Historicals
You can see it in how well it plays. The amount of unit diversity is huge, and you can tell the developers got to stretch their chops for the first time in ages after decades of doing the same swordman vs spearman vs knight vs archer.
The factions also do a great job of being balanced, despite radically different play styles.
Honestly the best Total War game to date.
it's almost like different people want different things from the series
Get ultimate chaos 2.0
pure chaos autism.
>>battles won by whoever has better micro
>literally every total war MP match ever.
>a thousand more times to play then the real Chaos
Chaos is fine. You're just meant to be spending the first 40 or so turns dicking around in the north subjugating things. And not hitting the empire with 2+ full stacks until about the same time they do when they're an NPC.
>>literally every total war MP match ever.
What? You mean maneuvering units for tactical advantages and flanking is how you win instead of just pushing your units directly towards the opponent?
That's why Fantasy is superior in every-way. I actually want Roman Ninja's like in Rome 1.
People have mods or paradox games for that.
I play against chaos with a bunch of overhaul mods. The gameplay is so much better it's not even a question.
The best gaymen experience I had last year was getting a bit drunk, blasting the night elf music from warcraft 3/WoW and saving the world from chaos as ORION
Pre patch Chaos was fucking boring though.
>move for 5 turns
>curbstomp someone
>have the occasional faggot that turtles
>spend 5 turns recuperating your army
People are just angry Total War Warhammer introduced gay characters to the setting.