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What kind of person does your character want to marry?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What kind of person does your character want to marry?
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>muffled yelling of "AT-WILL FLIGHT"
>muffled yelling of "AT-WILL 960FT TELEPORT"
>muffled yelling of "ALSO 80% OF THE DPR OF A ZEN ARCHER"
What are you planning to apply with for the upcoming app circus to fill the FotJR vacancy?
>implying there's going to be an app circus
I dun rolled good
16, 14, 15, 16, 15, 13
I got somethin' in mind she have 4 lungs? How does she breathe though those small human-sized nostrils?
Centaurs are like turtles in that they can breathe through their anus.
FotJR isn't going to have an app circus. Now SotJR on the other hand. Those memesters wouldn't be able to resist taking another month long shit on the thread.
The heck is FotJR?
>Stealth nerf to Create Soul Gem in BotD
It's the Rise of the Jade Regent game that runs on Friday (basically book 1 of Rise of the Runelords threaded into the whole of Jade Regent). One of the two memegames that really sent this thread on its downward spiral of CELEBZ n APPZ
>horse cock
Rolled 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 5 = 91 (24d6)
Don't mind me, just rolling stats for a halfling bard.
>Str: 10
>Dex: 10
>Con: 16
>Int: 18
>Wis: 11
>Cha: 16
That's actually not bad.
swap Cha, Int, and Dex around and you're pretty solid my boy
For what fucking reason?!? No one used that spell in the first place, now you can't even use it for long term storage/selling, which was the whole point of the spell!!!!! god fucking damnit paizo!
What would a 2hu meme game be like?
It's 33 point buy, though he makes a better witch or wizard than bard. Still though, knowledge bards are a thing.
Everyone works in perfect, optimal, predictable turns at all times. So a game that's just a computer simulation run by algorithms rather than a game with actual players.
2hu would take everybody's sheets and then send them a message to tell them how far their character got into the plot before they died.
Draph everywhere? Yes please.
I'm pretty new to Pow, what's a good initiatior to play if I want to do maneuvers with pistols?
Two of them would be nice but I'm fine with just one gun.
That's an au ra, not a draph.
However, the other one is definitely a draph. No doubt about it.
>captcha: road road
Anything that gets Tempest Gale.
Anything that gets Solar Wind's level 1 infinite ammo stance.
Anything with E. Flux for elemental pistol shenanigans
Gunsmoke Mystic
Desperado Warlord and Gunsmoke Mystic are the best for it, but you can make Hawkguard Warder work for it.
Au Ra are fucking trash.
>What kind of person does your character want to marry?
Someone with a true heart, devoted to them, reflecting their own devotion in turn, and they already married that person!
Someone who loves them and that they love too, and they already married that person!
Someone who accepts that the struggle against darkness continues until the world is reborn, and will grow to include the lives of their children as well.
Someone that makes them feel less afraid.
Probably some kind of loli.
Someone with a kind heart and helpful attitude who might even come carousing with her sometimes.
What's the story behind this?
What class should she be?
Something really brave and cute from Varisia!
Maybe an Avowed from Kaer Maga
What kind of classes are already in the party? I'd probably want to do something to fill a role that wasn't too crowded.
QANON you already have someone. Stop being greedy.
They're already married!
His childhood sweetheart, beautiful and brave and funny. If not her, probably someone who impresses him just as much.
He's from such a screwed-up background that he probably wouldn't be able to do committed relationships right, but someone he loves and who loves him back and who can keep up with him in the bedroom
Someone who would love him back and make him feel like he's worth something.
And both bigamy and murder are out of the question?
Of course, they're deep in love!
Which ones left?
Robots don't get married, OP.
Yes, they do!
Why is B so lewd?
Clearly someone has introduced foreign programming to that unit. A virus, maybe?
Son, you have no idea...
>Never taught by example how a functional relationship was supposed to work in early childhood
>Used for sexual relief and for breeding experiments while still in teen years
>Has an abnormally high sex drive due to bloodline shenanigans
>Now brings mythic powers into the bedroom
Which character is this? He sounds familiar.
I’m no expert, but it sounds like he needs to hear the Good News, Praise Iomedae
>What kind of person does your character want to marry?
My character has been married twice. His first wife passed away over a decade ago in labor. She was a sort of childhood sweetheart. His second wife was a young women of the noble house my character served as a knight who had a crush on him since she was a child, and made a move on him soon after his first wife died. She's a good deal younger than my character, which caused a massive scandal, plus she married down.
>His childhood sweetheart, beautiful and brave and funny. If not her, probably someone who impresses him just as much.
I'm sure Ameiko will come to love Rubio one day.
>DSP material
go back
Isn’t Ameiko a confirmed thot?
depends on how hard you optimize
Whatever happened to DHB?
She's whatever the DM deigns her to be, since her only "canon" relationship was a teenage love.
Currently retooling Ricktor's character sheet.
She's a bard, and in the Middle Ages a female performer was almost a byword for "prostitute."
Grab playing in several games that don’t greentext. Apparently he is causing PvP in Intrigue game as a LG character in a majority evil party.
Ricktor creepily stalking Ameiko during the journey north would be fantastic.
>my headcannon is relevent
I mean he does have enough diplomacy to smooth it over.
How far north have they gotten so far anyway?
Does anybody have a copy of his backstory? I don't remember much about him other than the NToRacle memes.
He had a whole thing about a curse, a missing mentor, and an abusive father who disappeared mysteriously as well. Basically Ameiko was the only thing the guy still had.
>How far north have they gotten so far anyway?
Kalsgard, I think.
That guy with the waiting room pastebin probably does.
>t. Procopius
More info on this?
Shit, already? Isn't that usually not until like Book 3?
The game has been going for eight months. It’s be weird if they weren’t in book 3.
Book 2 of JR
Yeah, but I just assumed a large chunk of that was Book 1 of Runelords.
Too caught up in his mission to settle down and probably never will.
When his adventuring days are done, he wants to settle down with the girl he loved back home.
>3, 4, and 5
Hasn't really thought about it.
The following series of events happened:
>party is traveling south on a ship owned by the company Mycroft (the party half-orc investigator) works for
>they stop in a port town to quickly grab supplies
>on the way back from a meal they run into the liege lady that Godefroy (DHB's knight) is sworn to
>this woman is also Godefroy's cousin, and as we learn later he had a crush on her as a child (they're the same age)
>Godefroy also freaks out entirely with paranoia
>turns out there is a stowaway on the ship, she disguised herself as a prostitute
>the party splits up to find the stowaway
>they find her, invisible and having knocked out two crew members
>half the party detain her
>on deck two undine attack and kill the first mate
>the party return above deck while combat is still going
>DHB suddenly freaks out and looks from the stow away to his liege lady
>shouts at his son to defend the stowaway
>combat ends with DHB's liege lady stabbing a undine
>DHB and his liege lady drag away the stow away to a cabin
>the party asks what's going on, he stonewalls them and says it doesn't involve them
>after he comes out he refuses to give any info
>Mycroft confronts him that the girl and the undine are connected
>he confirms they likely are but says he can't say anything else
Basically the conflict is he seems to be hiding things and his liege lady might be endangering the mission. The rest of the party confirmed he likely doesn't know anything, but fears a massive scandal surrounding the girl so he is refusing to speak on it. This is just making the party trust him less.
His vows are making him side with a NPC rather than the party and it's driven a wedge. The session ended with him taking the party to his liege lady and telling her that the party is demanding an explanation.
I would pay to watch Ricktor get added to FotJR. It'd be like throwing gasoline on a campfire.
Why don't you get 2hu to fill in for FotJR?
How does /pfg/ feel about conflicts like this? One one hand, it's playing true to the character that was written, but on the other hand, shouldn't you write a character without the potential for issues that will be disruptive to their relationship with the party? If it does happen, what's the best way to resolve it?
as a gm id marry anything that tells me what it wants and we compromise.
>thread on Ultimate Wilderness reopens
>Paidrones come out of the woodwork to be slimey dickbags to people with complaints right away.
If want to know why the quality is dipping for pathfinder then look no farther the forums. Any criticism is shut down vigorously creating this bizarre echo chamber where paizo only hears from people who love everything they do.
Not really the players fault imo, the DM is the one who created this conflict of interests presumably because he wanted this to happen for drama. The Player could have ignored the chance and stuck with the party, but I don't think you can blame him for going "oh, the DM wants me to have a scene here, ok cool I'll make one"
If the players are mature adults, it can be resolved through roleplaying their characters as mature adults. If not, trial by combat.
It'll probably end fine. DHB's character just doesn't trust literally anyone except his sons.
To be fair, I was not the one who decided which noble house DHB would swear allegiance to.
That's the thing. He's already a Paladin of Iomedae.
He just never settles down or had much of a real relationship, even though he always made sure to be honest with his lovers about what he had to give and what he wanted.
I love party conflict. I keep a general idea of a dying speech for my characters at all times. Shame my parties rarely get into them.
Fuck off, Disk.
You're an idiot with a fucked-up idea of how game is supposed to work.
You couldn't have gone for the actual prostitute in Shensen? Who is not only a bard, but is also a literal dumb-as-rocks 9 Wis bard whose tendency is to get into trouble for sucking too much dick?
DHB is 100% in the wrong here.
There's a time and place for party conflict. It can be used to strengthen party bonds oddly enough. However, if blades are drawn, it likely has gone too far.
question, so 2 people of the party break into a mansion to find out where the family treasure is after stealing the key from owner after he was passed out drunk. cleric wants to find him, but wizard is annoyed by them so he stops communicating.
cleric tells paladin he is worried so they need to get inside so they enter from the open attic window.
so technically its breaking and entering, this seems questionable actions by the paladin since there was more things he couldve done. how would the more experienced people handle this?
>guy makes thought out post about why he thinks shit's fucked
>is blasted with "lol true motives, didn't even need to break out psychology 101 for this one"
Christ almighty
No one has drawn blades yet at least.