Does Veeky Forums like dieselpunk?
Does Veeky Forums like dieselpunk?
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>and we're actually getting it
Oh fuck the hell yes.
Now they just need to give us an official english release for 3.
Seriously, Valkyria Project, I WANT to give you money, why must you make it so difficult?
Dieselpunk is my absolute jam.
That said, I find selling it to players is a little hard. You really gotta go the extra mile in your worldbuilding if you want to make it work.
>Valkyria Chronicles
Ironically, not my jam. Anime aesthetics are a huge turnoff for me.
Post music for dieselpunk campaigns.
>I find selling it to players is a little hard
Get better players. If "WW2 with crazy supertech" doesn't get them rock hard, they don't deserve to be in a Diselpunk game.
Nah, that's not really my problem. My players will play literally any game I put in front of them.
Dieselpunk tempts me to get really heady and weird with my worldbuilding, and I don't think my players are imaginative enough to "get it". They're at their best with very basic action fantasy stuff.
Whatever happened to that Valkyria Chronicles conversion for Only War that Veeky Forums was working on, anyway?
That trailer was a huge turnoff. Valkyria Chronicles 1 was good, but this just turned the anime tropes up to 11.
Veeky Forums doesn't get shit done anymore...
Mostly just wondering if anyone has the pdf of the furthest they got. I'm thinking about finishing it up and using it for my group.
VC is wasted potential. Instead of hardcore delinquents with pompadours we got a bunch of fags as the penal squad.
Veeky Forums generally prefers it to steampunk though often with objections to the whole "_____-punk" bullshit for everything.
The furthest they got was modified character classes
Console, apparently.
Still not a thing.
So how long until we enter an argument over the semantics of 'punk' again?
Eh. Just define it as "invasive technology, ideology and/or era with accompanying aesthetics" where "invasive" implies a focus on a certain fetishized (not in that way you fiend) element... It's essentially synonymous with the art world's "movement" (cubist movement, modernist movement, romantic movement, et cetera).
>not WW1
WW1 and the post war period is the closest we'll ever get to dieselpunk
I liked the dieselpunk aesthetics, but you have to admit the gameplay was absolute trash. Most of the time the enemy movements felt completely randomized as they milled around without any kind of tactics or even basic cooperation. If a fps from the 90s (Half-Life) managed to make its enemies work in squads supporting each other then it's unforgivable that a purported strategy game from the 10s can't.
It'd be more helpful to separate it...
-end-stage/modern steam era (pre-dieselpunk)
-implementation era (pre-WWI)
-development/diversification era (WWI)
-refinement/experimentation era (post-war)
end-stage/modern diesel era (WWII; pre-atom punk)
The implementation era is as it sounds, where the technology existed in the previous era but there are prospective uses for it. Dev/Div sees the techology and its derivatives successfully applied to a variety of situations. Ref/Exp era has the technology with firm roots in society and thus specialized niches are created. End-stage/modern era sees a varied ecosystem of child technologies with major technological advancements coming to a close and revolutionary technologies in their formative stages (leading into the implementation era of the next age).
Fuck yes I do. Fullmetal Alchemist is my jam.
>but this just turned the anime tropes up to 11.
Mate, you have no idea how much they've pulled back on the anime tropes since 2.
>Post music for dieselpunk campaigns.
>complaining about anime tropes in a Japanese game
or even:
hell yeah,
Got to add onto because of certain tropes Japs love: technologically advanced dead civilizations.
So the Ref/Exp and end-stage of dieselpunk (or other) tends to turn into "expedition" and "rediscovery" stages in Jap media. (FMA and alchehistory.) This tends to run in parallel with the running punk themes, sometimes overtaking them and leading to an early revolution into some other punk branch not necessarily based on reality.
Example of a popular parallel theme: Nazi occultism and the Vril society.
I fucking love dieselpunk.
Nah,I just like Raita.
Unrelated question: anyone remember that anime like WW2 tactics game on the 360 that had nazi werewolves that was overshadowed by the first Valkyria Chronicles because they were released around the same time?
Operation Darkness?
>mecha performs bayonet charge on the machine-gun spidercan
Well I'm sold.
Thanks. Could not remember the name for the life of me
Didn't they do "the Jews were actually ancient technowizards" before Wolfenstein made it cool?
Kind of? I think there was a lot of back and forth tech stealing in Valkyria Chronicles, like the Darcsen originally made like somewhat advanced technology but then the Valkyria came in and beat the shit out of them with their super advanced magic tech shit before getting almost all wiped out, then the regular people continued shitting on the Darcsen for whatever reason.
>the Jews were actually ancient technowizards
More like ancient magical girls were the precursor civilizatino, and the not!Jews were just regular people that survived under them, and outlasted them after they all went Final Flame.
>Got to add onto because of certain tropes Euasians love: technologically advanced dead civilizations.
Fixed. New Worlders need not apply.
Because the Aztecs and Mayans ARE the dead civilizations.
I love the aesthetics of this period.
That's a thing? I thought they shitcanned the franchise after disappointing sales (and colossal mismanagement).
Not that I'm complaining, I even liked VC2 on the PSP.
I vaguely remember there being a spinoff release of VC recently. Was that any good?
It's coming to everything but PC in the west next year, so it looks like it lives again.
Definitely Operation Darkness, also known as "Liam O'Brien Talking To Himself: The Game".
Or "that piece of shit that spawns a horde of enemies directly behind you mid-mission with no warning, forcing you to load back several turns and use your knowledge of the future to avoid getting wiped".
I like the idea of a proper Valkyria Chronicles game, but between 2's highschool setting (not horrible, but really strange in tone) and Revolution's absurd pandering and assorted dumb decisions I am really worried for this game.
I *hope* it's a return to form and I hear 3 was alright (I'm too stupid to make it work on my psp, apparently), so maybe this won't disappoint.
I'm so happy. I'm so fucking happy. I haven't been this excited for a game in years! At long fucking last, Valkyria Chronicles looks like its returning to its roots and it looks so good for it-!
right above you
Have you played Revolution?
Revolution can suck my nuts. While I appreciate a little bit of fantasy in the setting (ragnite and the very occasional Valkyrur) and even have fun speculating what could be done with just what we can observe from those elements; adding too much is a fucking disaster.
I mean for crying out loud, spider-tanks in an industrial revolution? Machines that advanced aren't present in the first or second Europan Wars, so why are they around a hundred years before?! And why the fuck are there so many people on a modern battlefield using hammers and swords, or being fucking BUGLERS?! It makes no god-damn SENSE!
VC1 was consistent in tone and had just enough fantastical elements to remain interesting, while still staying grounded enough that it was believable. Ever since then, it's just got more and more stupid and inconsistent in tone. I don't mind fantasy on its own, but I DO mind when a series breaks its own internal logic!
I haven't played Revolution, because the screenshots I saw nearly killed me.
Scythes and fuckhuge swords? Mechs? Gothic lolita fighters? Fucking hack'n'slash gameplay?
VC1 was amazing, VC2, while weird and limited by its platform, was also pretty solid and VC3 looked like it was pretty good, but Revolution turned me off super-hard.
If that's dialed down then I'm glad I never played 2 and 3
>Sega releases VC2
>"What the fuck is this highschool will-senpai-notice-me bullshit?!"
>"And what is it doing in my anime war drama about child soldiers fighting in a civil war?!"
>Sega releases VC3
>"Ah now that's a bit more like it. Still bullshit anime swords and why is there another valkyrur, even an 'imperfect' one here rather than on the front lines, but hey, it's a war story again about a punishment squad being send on suicide missions! I can dig it!"
>Sega turns it into a bullshit online card game
>"What the fuck?!"
>Sega releases VC: Revolution
>"What. The. FUCK?!"
I swear to fucking god, VC4 better not screw the pooch on this one.
Replace Nintendo with Sega here.
I'm just glad they're giving the franchise another shot.
I didn't even hate the 'military school' idea for VC2 all that much, my main problem was with the vilains being a laughable assortment of non-threatening buffoons compared to the guys from VC1.
Which is an achivement in its own right, considering Maximillian wasn't exactly very impressive.
>humans that don't look like humans
>dogs that look like dogs
No thank you.
I disagree.
What is this then?
>Don't look like humans
Let's see... Two eyes, two ears, nose, mouth... Two arms and legs, no great amounts of hair anywhere but their head... Look like humans to me user, are you sure you're not just autistic?
I like over engineered guff as much as the next guy, but I do not see the point of putting those legs on the machine gun mount. Seems like it would be maintenance hell.
IIRC the Darcsens once possessed a civilization comparable to th Valkyrur, but since they didn’t have superpowers they were eventually defeated and their homeland was nuked into a crater. Then for some reason the Valkyrur civilization collapses (a plague? Civil war? Boob growth renders females immobile?) and can no longer control the primitive Proto-Europans militarily so instead they establish themselves as gods and the Darcsens as mythological bad guys to take the blame.
Or, you know, the fucking elephant in the living room WIZARDS. Yeah, they call it "Alchemy" but at the end of the day your dudes are still shooting fireballs and ice blasts all over the battlefield.
>The Jews are ancient magical girls.
This is bizarre and retarded enough to get me intrigued.
They weren’t, they were nuked by them.
Steampunk with "magical science" elements, sadly.
>but I do not see the point of putting those legs on the machine gun mount
It's a unique idea that hasn't been done before and adds more personality and flavour to the game's setting.
It's science-fantasy, so maintainance is a non-issue.
That too. What the actual christfuck were they thinking?
Yeah, that's about how it went down. I think it was a civil war that brought about the end of the Valkyrur; part of their whole thing of each one trying to prove their lance was bigger than everyone else's until it just hit critical mass.
Speaking of though, I am reasonably sure that when Veeky Forums tried to create a Valkyria Chronicles hack of Only War, there was a brief discussion of how the Valkyrur all seemed to be unusually 'blessed' and there was some brief speculation that it was all the exposure to ragnite that did it... So who knows?
Veeky Forums didn't make that up, it's a very common meme to point out that all the Valkyries are ludicrously well endowed. Sega itself seems to be in on it because it almost seems sometimes like they've made an inside joke out of making each game's token Valkyrie even boobsier than the former.
Aliasse in VC2 was flat-ish... But then she also had that FUCKING RETARDED WHIP-LANCE, so I don't consider her to be canon.
I mean a whip-SWORD is silly, but at least you're making slashing motions with it, so I can kind of accept it. A whip-LANCE is just fucking dumb! It's a LANCE! They are meant for THRUSTING! How the fuck do you thrust with a WHIP, Sega?!
And yeah, I know it wasn't 100% Veeky Forums-original, but I still giggled at it. There was some talk of ragnite-assisted cosmetic surgery too. Is there nothing that wonder-mineral can do? Of course it helps thatsmyfetish.jpg
No Valkyrur were the aryan masterrace that arrived at not-europe and with their superior technology and the aid of some not-jews they wiped the most of the jews there and settled in not-europe.
>Aliasse in VC2 was flat-ish
Check out concept art of her as an adult, each of her tits is the size of Selvaria's torso.
The concept art was back when they were thinking of a Valkyria duo instead of just Aliasse
First game was so good and hit all the right spots.
After that those idiots just decided to go full anime.
Why cant those retarded japs see that the entire market is filled with anime tropes and people liked VC because of its different realistic and gritty style.?
>different realistic and gritty style
The first game also had the kind of melodramatic story the Japanese like, had the squad adopting a cute winged pig as a mascot, and the protagonist confessing his love on the battlefield and convincing her to not blow herself up.
It's not terribly gritty, just more down-to-earth. Most of the characters are treated like regular soldiers instead of superpowered badasses, and the superpowered badasses are treated as genuinely terrifying.
Agreed, it was in tolorable levels.
By realistic i tried to convey that it held true to the in-universe rules it set.
People acted like real people and responded more or less in a predictable way to situations.
I don't see the steampunk influences here, mind elaborating.
>People acted like real people and responded more or less in a predictable way to situations.
That did not change in the sequels.
You're the one "being retarded" here. Not the Japs.
Dieselpunk is the shit.
So is Art Deco.
Combine the two and my dick gets hard.
Pic unrelated.
The MC shooting himself in 2 to fix his friends fear of blood was totally what a real person would do and I totally saw it coming since it's so predictable.
That was pretty much uncalled for unless you are a jap.
Go sit at the corner until you learn how to behave yourself.
What makes your -punk "punk"?
Yes I do rather like alternative-history and Weird World War.