

Fighting all the evil

All the creepy people

In a war in outer space

Loving every respect

Helping all the rejects

It’s a war in Austin, Texas


It’s a chariot race

It’s the death of the human race

It’s a war in outer space

Fighting for the freedom

Of all the little children

Knowing we can win again

In a war in outer space
And when we can live again

Destroyed all the sin

So long ago

Way before our time


Fail us not even yet

Help us to forget

The evil in the United States


I just want free coins you fucking asshole. Where do I sign up for the free coins. Gibz me dat now! You fucking piece of colon lining. I'm tired of being poor. I want you're god damn bird fucking skykoins.

What can skycoin win against the Feds?

This is the biggest thing since sliced bread user and will be a top 3 coin 2018. If you still doubt this you deserve to stay poor Veeky Forums.
Get on the fucking telegram and join the pajeet revolution.

Can I quit my day job to do skycoin?

idk can you? fucking dumbass

Free internet will help a lot of underprivileged people in remote parts of the world to receive good education . this is a lofty idea

You have a day job? Unlucky

Trying to work out what tune the song is...

SKYCOIN is the next pump&dump shillcoind that the scam discord group wants you to buy.

JUST DON'T buy their coins and they will end up with a lot of useless coins they can't sell :D


This is it my bois the creepy people will lose

User owned and operated


Can I mine XRP with this?

no but you can mine Chinese dictator gfs

but those she have a DICC?!

what do you thin?

Only legit coin out there.
Do the research. They are 100% transparent unlike 98% of the shitcoins out there. If you want to want to learn more and ask questions. Go to

quality maymays and idgfa at this point tin time we are gonna make it

The start of it all...Synth.