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Is your character a lone wolf or does he like being part of the pack?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Is your character a lone wolf or does he like being part of the pack?
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"Lone Wolf" characters stay in the shadowy corner of the bar they begin their life in.
Are gunslingers fun?
That depends? Do you like starting out killing things slowly, and eventually just ruining your DM's day?
Plenty of lone wolves get forced into parties by circumstance, though.
>This Summer
>From the director of Watchmen and Man of Steel
>Asterix & Obelix
I'm cross-posting this from the last thread because I never got an answer but I'm positive I'm not crazy and the Infernal Legalist feat really does exist. It's 1PP too, I didn't mention that last time but I should probably clarify that. I want it so I can have it on my Imp familiar I plan to get in a few levels. The ability to summon contracts whenever we have the opportunity to make a deal with someone seems dandy and really fun.
Are you sure you're not thinking of the Legalistic oracle curse?
Yes, I'm positive, although that is also a cool thing. This was something meant for devils, not Oracles, and it was definitely a feat because I remember looking at what feats Imp get to see what I'd be giving up if my DM would allow me to trade one of the Imp familiar's default feats out for this feat.
When I tried to find this feat with a Google search, I only got the Legalistic curse as a result. But I know I didn't just dream the feat up!
party has ranks in the following crafts.
do any of them allow, assist, or synergize in crafting a ballista?
"Mr. Devil you have so many contracts. Can I just have o--"
Newest Book of the Damned hardcover, page 203.
Infernal Legist:
You can instantly conjure an infernal contract into being.
Prerequisite: Devil subtype.
Benefits: As a full-round action, you can produce an infernal contract. To receive the contract’s benefit, a mortal creature must sign its name of its own free will. When it does so, that mortal’s soul is sworn to Hell. As long as the infernal contract remains in effect, the victim cannot be restored to life after death save by a miracle or a wish. If the mortal is restored to life, you immediately sense it and gain the benefits of a discern location spell targeting the resurrected creature.
A. Needs to be part of a pack; falls into bad habits, and dangerous pastimes when left alone.
B. Prefers to be alone, and has trouble enjoying the company of non-like-minded individuals, but is making do with their current surroundings.
C. Lone Wolf by circumstance, rather than by choice. Struggles with trust, but bonds deeply once it's worked past.
I mean, he does a lot of lone stuff (being the sneak in a group of kick-down-the-door types will do that for you), and he might be a tad paranoid, but he's willing to get assistance when he needs it.
He trusts the group, relatively speaking anyway. When you live in a world where charming magic, madness-inducing, and numerous other methods of impersonating individuals exist (and you've witnessed firsthand several of them, and they've whammied your party as much as any other) it's believable to be a bit... cautious with others.
Thank you both! My DM has basically already given me the OK on the feat but still wants to actually see it first. I'll have to hunt down the new Book of the Damned, since apparently I don't have it. I wonder where I saw it before though, that I didn't or couldn't save the book. Must have been leaked pages in a /pfg/ a while back, so I'll try diving through the archives if I don't find the book in the trove.
No problem. Try looking in one of the troves.
So, I've got a character with 4 arms and 4 natural attacks. They are each 1d4.
It says I GAIN two claw attacks at 1d6. With my 4 claws already being claws, would I say
A)Have deadly feet, with claws on them, and kick some folk at 1d6?
B)Have two claws ugraded to 1d6
C)Have all my claws upgraded to 1d6, because it's making the assumption that I only have 2 hands
E)gain nothing
I've got a DM who is pretty much wants everything as a written rule and RAW. To me, that says I get two more attacks, but I'm not sure.
Alright, so I'm trying to squeeze ONE MORE bonus to spellcraft than I currently have.
I'm an alchemist
I'm currently planning:
Tears to Wine (+10 enhancement)
Heroism (+2 morale)
Skill Item (+2 circumstance)
Gloves of Elvenkind (+5 competence)
Are there any items that provide even just +1 to spellcraft or int-based skills?
Or spells that an alchemist can do themselves, that would work too.
How much money do you have?
I should specify here, not including uses per day or other cost based items, like Four-Leaf Clover or Ring of Terrible cost, just a consistent +1 or more that doesn't require outside help, or charging. Though long durations of bonuses would be fine.
Absurd amounts. Not an obstacle.
Barring designing new items for it.
Second one. It says two claw attacks because that's how many it's meant to give you.
Normally you'd get nothing, since you already have all claws, but because the claws you have are crappier, two of them get upgraded.
And there was a specific thing about putting claws on feet, it's no gucci. Claws only go on feet if you don't have hands, otherwise, talons are for feet.
I should add, this already includes my +6 headband and full wish-based inherent bonus.
Okay. I take it if I upgraded my claws at some point to 1d8 it would do nothing, then?
You should be able to get a Luckstone, then.
Also, there might be a trait bonus you can get, not sure.
Ooh, why yes it is.
You have unleashed a terrible thing into my campaign, friend, thank you.
Upgrading the claws you started with? Then they'd all go to 1d8. You can basically use the best claws your abilities can provide you with.
Okay, I'm curious. What are you trying to do, exactly?
Circumstance bonuses stack. Look at Nethys' entry.
The actual Altar of Nethys works fine too.
Is there a not shitty way to use it?
Through shenanigans I'm starting with 16 acrobatics at level 1. Are there cool leaping abilities I should look into? Attacks? Should I just write it off and tumble the fuck around everywhere?
I'm going through an extremely high level dungeon, and worked out a deal to trade four artifacts we gather along the way to rent a single item temporarily from the Pathfinder's Guild.
That item is the Codex of Infinite Planes, and that +1 tipped me over the edge to +57 Spellcraft, or enough to guarantee hit the DC 40 + (2 x spell level) of the at-will 9th level spells you learn in order to avoid potential catastrophe.
Thank you all, by the way, I appreciate the rapid response this late (late for me, at last)
Good lord, your DM is making a terrible mistake.
>56529986 (You)
>56529975 (You)
>56529960 (You)
Thank you even more, then.
She loves being part of a pack. She doesn't like being alone at all.
Lone wolf. Not so much craving solitude as completely fine with it. He's used to working alone, and his shitty personality often ensured that he did.
Similar to B, she's been alone for so long that she doesn't mind it. Few really understand her, so she often feels alone even with others. She wants to be understood, it just hasn't really happened.
Cleric of Cayden Cailean, definitely part of the pack
Half-Orc Arcanist, grew up in Orc society and was shunned for being a nerd so he learned to not need other people
>learned to not need other people
There he goes with that nerd shit again.
fuckin' nerds
Is this a bamboozle game?
Who are you, and where are you getting this?
I'm your worst nightmare. A leaker.
Nightfall pls go.
really, you're posting this?
How typical a Tuvarkz character is this?
not enough nodachi
Actually loses points for being a stupid fucking DEUS VULT meme
It's Arkwright shit, who gives a fuck.
Is Tuvarkz' other app here any better?
Get a fucking life, Succ.
What's wrong with Arkwright?
guilt by association
Isn't he part of the 2hu crew
He's 2hu's fuccboi. You can tell on account of him being the only one putting game ideas on google docs, and that they all use Maptools for the board because 2hu is incapable of using Roll20 for some reason.
>2hu, Aiden, Argentum, Ceri, Felyndiira, IKID, Lily Fae, Red, Shoka, Voipclock, Wist
Doesn't that mean QANON, Wist, and DrowAnon are all guilty by association too?
those three are just nice people who associate with nearly everyone
no, they're not all equal amounts of dickrider.
In comparison, Voip and Aiden are beaten housewives. At least Voip has been slowly fighting back by leaking Discord logs.
Didn't QANON and Wist play in a game with 2hu for real?
I did too. It wasn't great.
there's a different between playing with him and riding his dick
This theory doesn't make sense because it's not like they're living in a house together, if they really disliked him they'd just leave.
Maybe QANON and Wist get along with 2hu better than you do? Group chemistry is really important.
I don't think any of them are actually 2hu's friends. 2hu is the kind of person you call a "charity project." He resists friendships, but is so clearly deficient that people want to try and help him, no matter how he hurts them in return.
Actually my use of google docs predates Maptools and 2hu, back to when I was running games using Google Drawings as a tabletop.
Is this a Magical Autist Raising Project?
Where do I sign up?
Well, they aren't 2hu's friends according to 2hu.
2hu will never love you, user. It's not worth it.
How many meme games does 2hu/Dr. Pavel get involved in?
2hu will love you if you love him hard enough.
What if I WANT to go into the foxgirl (male) abyss?
Bookmark a Booru, ask nicely and write two paragraphs of sample RP involving ordering tea from a fluffy-eared Balor at a maid cafe while simultaneously probing your server for information about the establishment's owner and their mind-control abilities.
What class is she?
>unarmed, unarmored fighter in high heels
>fights solo, so no party buffs
>god-tier hearing and perception except against doggirls
>really good at playing music, so high Perform
>uses lots of sonic damage
Level 12 Earth Seraph Edna (Actually A Girl archetype)
That's an Oxycoccus not a Zestiria.
Sound Striker bard.
See if you can grab Dervish Dancer if you want to go solo-focused.
who is this and why should we give a shit
Both alter Suggestion.
Yeah, I was trying to imply you should talk to your GM about homebrewing something so both would work.
>These hooded beings travel through the planes with the sole intent of bringing about the end of life, slaying with a deliberateness inscrutable to all but themselves.
>grim reapers stalk the planes, spreading death and despair for their own sakes
Is this the most murderhobo of monsters?
>Wake up
>Entire last thread broke down into PLD shitposting again
Literally how are we not past this?
Because it still hurts that we didn't get in.
Going to be in a gestalt game soon, going Sorcerer/Oracle, spare me your talk of optimization.
Basic character concept is that he's so overloaded with magic that he's insane.
Sorcerer is going to be Arcane bloodline with a sage/figment familiar.
Not to sure what to do with the Oracle's curse and mystery though, do plan on going dual curse. Any suggestions?
She enjoys travelling with "her boys", but she'll never admit it.
You be made a twisted idol of Vult, you know that? He's likely to get magical powers at this rate
Ia! Ia! Vult ftaghn!
*distant angry drake noises*
Hey guys, I have a question.
Friends of mine got interested in the hobby asked me to be DM. I suggested low-level small adventures first but they insists on starting high. (they heard about the 'cool shits' and want to use them soon) So, Lv 14, 1 Fighter 1 Barb 1 Wiz 1 Sorc.
Well, I can work around the heal-bot issue, but how can I work around martial-caster balance? I don't want to cheat them with shit spell list or magic immune golems etc, but at the same time I want to make the martials to feel they're equally important/competant.
Any tips or variant rules suggestion plz?
Oh god.
Yes, the variant rule is 'for the love of all that is holy, do not let them start at level 14.'
Alternatively, 'give them level 6 stats at most and just put '14' on their sheet'.
Previous GMs I've had generally just used extended fights or fights with large groups (depending on the casters) to wear down available spells, which gave the martial characters a chance to shine. Most of the onus should be on the players, though. Do things to encourage them taking risks (go easy on outcomes for the better in the beginning to get them more interested in taking risks), and try to get them to think outside the box.
>Comb through the casters' spellist to snuff out possible bullshit, but also to properly advise them on what spells are actually worth taking. Newbies are always amazed by BIG NUMBERS and won't look at shit like Sleep even once
>Use EitR rules to make the fighter's (and to a lesser degree also the bard's) job easier
>Give them very little time to rest. Maybe they're sieging a city, maybe they're running from an horde of monsters, maybe the dungeon has a time limit; full casters surpass martials 100% of the time only if you assume both to always start out at full capacity
And if all else fails
>Introduce PoW
One of these days I need to run a game where every PC is required to have a class dealing in Teamwork feats. Possibly all ratfolk too, or other races with further swarming/teamwork options.
Sorry, what's EitR and PoW? Not good with the abbreviations.
>Elephant in the Room
Optional set of houserules to lessen the issue of feat requirements
>Path of War
Third party splatbook which is basically the PF equivalent of 3.5's Tome of Battle. I'm don't use it so i know almost nothing of it
Just check the OP pastebin and you'll find both easily
Why not just give them free teamwork feats? Plus most teamwork classes have abilities such that they don't need their allies to have the feats.
He is a bit of a lone wolf but doesn't turn away help. He knows his limits and is very open to the idea of working together if he thinks he can trust them.
He isn't really the friendly type though, his parents are basically the only ones who have ever seen him smile. To everyone else he is very polite, but quiet and very straightforward.
But don't use BOTH EitR and PoW together or Dexfags will reign supreme, unless the Strfags do butchering axe size stacking.
Lone wolves die alone.