how would you play a tribe of orc amazons?
How would you play a tribe of orc amazons?
I personally wouldn't.
But a Matriarchal warrior society would be interesting if done well.
Other then Wonder Woman and the Amazons I mean.
obvious bit, they wouldn't be all "I'M A WOMAM HEAR ME ROAR" They're a sisterhood living in the outskirts of nature, depending on skill and camaraderie
basically like any orc warband
probably explain their continued existence as a "female members from other tribes go to join this in a religious ritual" kind of thing so i don't have to get into my magical realms to explain their reproduction
Ever see that Kevin Sorbo Hercules episode where the Amazons were going to raid the village of men and Herc and Eolus are all trying to get the villagers to fight off the pillaging but the men never bother to tell them that the raids are just the Amazon yearly sex orgy. Women see their sons, men hear how their daughters are doing. Men make a nice dinner for their ladies then they get down.
Zeus shows up and is all like “oh, please don’t hurt me. I’m a virgin.”
is all episodes of Hercules that fun sounding?
that's dangerously close to my magical realms so i'd probably never run that
but it's a cool idea, could make it two mono-gendered orc warbands
As I recall, the first few seasons yeah. Course I haven’t watched it since the 90’s.
I'd have them act as a governing body to other smaller tribes, taking their best and brightest to teach and train. if they succeed, they leave to return to their tribe to lead them to greater success. if they fail, they stay with the training tribe to continue learning.
other larger tribes would know better than to mess with them or risk hundreds of smaller tribes swarming through them in a tidal wave of vengeance.
other civilizations would see them as one of the few reliable contacts for organized trade and politics within orc society as a whole.
The first two or three seasons were pretty good. They go full camp after that. Still fun but in a bad 90's tv way.
>mono-gendered orc warbands
This is how it works in my setting. Orcs mostly live separated by sex, and only come together when they have to hold council or going to war (camps are still divided).
Male orcs would gladly enslave their women, but orc women are just as big and strong as men, and aggressive. Sex must be consensual, otherwise risking civil war among the tribes.
>they wouldn't be all "I'M A WOMAM HEAR ME ROAR"
A matriarchal society wouldn't be like that anyway. That's a response by women feeling disadvantaged by male privilege, so if women were in charge there would be no need to assert themselves like that. The very act of calling attention to the idea that you're a women who's just as good (or better) than a man in that way enforces the idea that you're the exception, which in a matriarchal society wouldn't make a lot of sense unless they're some kind of female chauvinist.
After all, we didn't have to deal with MRA drama in any significant way until neckbeards started feeling threatened by feminists. If there's no threat (whether the threat is genuine of only perceived), there's no need to rail against it.
You made this thread just to post this, didn't you
Considering I'm not the OP, no.
>Play a tribe
Like the whole party is part of the same tribe or one player playing the tribe?
Adapt their biology to actually favor that form of social organization over a patriarchal form. That means getting rid of male physical superiority and male disposability from a reproductive perspective. I'd do it as follows:
>Women are bigger and bulkier than their men. If a man reaches as high as the average woman's shoulder, he's considered pretty tall
>Orc pregnancies are very short (a month or so) and do not inhibit the woman. However their children are born blind, smaller than human babies and very weak, thus they need constant protection (which is something the men can take care of)
The problem is that orcs would obviously be mammals, and mammaru glands are...well, a thing only women have. I guess the way this could be solved is with a culture that doesn't really acknowledge mothers and fathers as a thing? Perhaps both sex and childrearing are deemed communal things, where the only taboo is incest. Everyone fucks everyone, everyone impregnates everyone, everyone raises everyone and everyone breastfeeds everyone. Tribal ties supercede familial ties. That could justify women going to war despite being the only ones with mammaries: as long as one woman survives, she can technically breastfeed the entire tribe's young.
You do know the MRA "drama" didn't start until men in the US started complaining about being screwed over in divorce courts and everything piled up after that, right? I agree with you that MRA are fucking idiots, but for different reasons. You think they're idiots because they hurt your preconceived notion of women as eternal victims and men as eternal perpetrators. I think they're idiots because they unironically believe that they can get women to cooperate with men to advance the cause of men. They severely underestimate how much women loathe men.
I'd just use the Peter Jackson method of "Orcs come from spawn pits." Genetic diversity is added by shoving human/dwarf/elf/other corpses in to melt and add to the gene slurry. Therefore, an orc amazon tribe would intentionally seek out women from other races to keep their spawning pool pure.
>The problem is that orcs would obviously be mammals, and mammaru glands are...well, a thing only women have. I guess the way this could be solved is with a culture that doesn't really acknowledge mothers and fathers as a thing? Perhaps both sex and childrearing are deemed communal things, where the only taboo is incest. Everyone fucks everyone, everyone impregnates everyone, everyone raises everyone and everyone breastfeeds everyone. Tribal ties supercede familial ties. That could justify women going to war despite being the only ones with mammaries: as long as one woman survives, she can technically breastfeed the entire tribe's young.
Pygmy marmosets have the males carry/care for the young while the mother goes roaming to gather food. The mother's sisters also engage in childcare, suppressing their own ovulation to focus on her sister's offspring. Marmosets are also are polyandrous, with a female having two or more mates caring for her young which are usually born as twins, thus giving incentive for double the daddy care model. You can use these guys as a model; I used them for my setting's goblins.
Another solution is to just have the infants born with teeth so they can feed on actual food like everyone else. Fantasy biology doesn't need to be terribly plausible, just sort of.
Make orcs and goblins be the same species.
The females are the big strong orcs, while the males are the weak, cowardly goblins.
The goblins follow after wandering orc tribes in safe distance, looting whatever is left.
Only during breeding sessions do the males grow enough courage to get close and they have to be sneaky not to get killed and eaten by the females, kinda like most spiders.
That assure that only the cleverest goblins get to breed.
During the time when most of the fertile females are with child, they build a camp where they rest until the new generation is born. The older, infertile orcs keep watch, hunt and fight off intruders.
Once born, the orcs start traveling again, leaving the male babies behind to be picked up and raised by the goblins.
Why would they need women if they just push people into spawning pools to make more orcs?
>That's a response by women feeling disadvantaged by male privilege
Have them raid villages to steal all the shota's for themselves
I kinda like that.
Maybe the orcish equivalent of a nunnery or convent to send socially problematic orcish daughters.
Killed someone for reasons, but no one saw it, and now it's her word against an influential family, off to the Sisters with her
Refused a politically important marriage, sending her to the Sisters is the convenient way to save face
Unwed Orcish spinster, you guessed it
Liked halflings a little too much, that's the Sisters' problem now
>band of socially maladjusted, frustrated and violent orc women
My mind tells me this can't possibly turn out well, but the flesh cares not for reason.
>socially maladjusted, frustrated and violent orc women
So basically a band of orc christmas cakes?
I would play them as an extremely violent yet noble society that is occasionally forced to raid other societies for resources due to scarcity.
Basically, as I would play any tribe of orcs.
Genders come from who they push in.
Since most races are gendered, thus too are orcs. Orc tribes which aren't particularly selective of where the meat comes from have both male and female orcs, while other tribes may seek out specific gendered qualities that mean the vast majority of their victims are men or women, with that affecting the next generation of orcs.
why would they ever seek out women if they don't make babies?
What's it like using Veeky Forums while illiterate?
I disagree, I do not believe women in general hate men.
Can you explain why the honey badgers are mostly female?
>The very act of calling attention to the idea that you're a women who's just as good (or better) than a man in that way enforces the idea that you're the exception
>Last 50 years
They got Prohibition repealed
They're the exception that confirm the rule. Have you ever wondered why female MRAs are taken more seriously than their male counterparts despite men being the subject discussed?
I thought the same thing.
There are male orcs, of course. Don't be dumb. Both tribes - barring the lame or very young - generally split along gender lines. They're semi-nomadic hunter gatherers, who meet up every few months at their few semi-permanent settlements to bring back gathered resources. The females tend to roam the homeland and known paths to keep them safe and tend to their caches of food, while the more numerous men tend to roam far and wide. The reason they split into dual groups is because Orc men are, instinctively, territorial when in the presence of Orc women. They don't go berserk, but it is sufficient to make cohabitation difficult and stressful. So to prevent infighting, they longterm cohabitation to a week or two at a time, spaced out every month or so, when a female tribe will join a male tribe at a settlement to share resources, information, and commingle. After a week or so of fighting, feasting, and fornication they split up again.
When an orc woman becomes begotten with child, she will retire to one of the creche's maintained at these few settlements. Here the women live with the children, the elderly, and a few eunuch guards who will be cloistered around the local priestess. These settlements are invariably well defended, as everyone - including the women and children - is armed and trained in combat.
The male tribes frequently range further afield, seeking greater riches or plunder as mercenaries, raiders, or hunters of beasts. They may be gone for years at a time, so it is not rare for families to go extended periods without re-uniting. The orcs do not have a concept of marriage per-say, but each parent is united through their children as a sort of extended family. It is rare but not unheard of for an orc male to favor one woman and one family above others, though in most cases a successful Orc warrior will have several families.
What is that, a game for ants?
Two exceptions exist to this arrangement: first is that during times of war, young females of child bearing age will join warbands where they command small groups of male warriors, exploiting the males territorial and competitive instincts to make them fiercer in battle. It is considered a test of a young females mettle to control their units tempers and instincts, and one they must pass in order to become a priestess, and establish her own tribe.
Second is the aforementioned eunuchs - any male orc who chooses may, at the age of adulthood, choose to be ritually castrated and so join the honor guard of the hold priestesses. Not many flock to this choice for obvious reasons, but it is an honorable option and not looked down upon, and is often taken by the less fortunate or those who have some great shame. Though they lose much of the savage spirit that defines orc warriors in the process, they gain a clarity and presence of mind that some say are worth the trade-off in benefit to the tribe. These Eunuchs will generally lead the defenses of Orc settlements.
I keep forgetting the fileI have is shitty and ants.
I shouldn't be thinking of sound of music but, orcs!
Those weren’t spawning pits, Jackson’s Uruk-hai were fermented Orcs rather than some indeterminate Orc/Elf/human hybrid.
This would be the best time to use the one boobied archer meme.
>The reason why the amazon archer has only one breast is breast cancer
Couple of different ways.
One: Orcs are an all-female race because they were created that way. They could either be the products of a malign goddess of war (Gruumsh by way of the Morrigan), or a fickle goddess of female protection, or just some mad/perverse mage who wanted sexy monstrous bodyguards who could serve as his harem. Their behavior is informed by their creator and how much they respect him. They could reproduce sexually or asexually or by transforming women of other races into orcs.
Two: These orcs are renegades against standard orc culture. One particularly inspired female orc led her tribe's abused womenfolk to rise up and murder their menfolk and set out for themselves. They're on relatively good terms with local humans, because they're smart enough to realize they need allies and they want fuck-all to do with Gruumsh, so the tribe does have a growing population of half-orcs - but they have a lethal mutual enmity with other orc tribes, and their primary means of growth is to kill or raid orc tribes to steal their women and induct them into their own tribe. If you wanted, this orc tribe could be enforcing the "only females" aspect by crude alchemy or a new patron goddess, ensuring that even when they get pregnant by raping orcs or bedding men, they only produce daughters.
>The other Amazon archer has two boobs, one is just noticeably smaller.
>Nobody ever sees her husband because he’s the group’s porter and stays in town mostly.
>Everyone thinks she hates men because she gives her traveling companion a rough time. He’s actually her father, they tease each other.
>Everyone introduces her as an “Amazonian princess” because her mother’s name sounds like the word queen, and the misunderstanding has become a party joke.
Muscleposter pls go and stay go
even if it's my fetish too
...You're saging a thread that was about to expire from lack of posts anyway?
Orcs are all about pain, self-inflicted and not. So Orcish Amazons would have a shitload of bodymodifications in some semblance of vanity. Piercings, foot bindings, tattooing, scarification.
If they're orcs that are in my campaign world, they're also focused around annihilation, and so all their efforts are done in a sort of buddist nihilism sort of way. It's done, but it will mean nothing.
They probably have a shitload of witches among their number, probably the leaders. Other then that, they still raid and plunder and make ships to kill gods out of their loot.
>Post in a dying thread to say you don't like it
I'm fully convinced they do it cause they know they'll get responses
Christmas cakes, rebellious teens, genuine psychos, the unfairly persecuted as well as the genuinely religious sorts starting to find themselves a little outnumbered and pissed as well that the tribes keep on using them as a dumping ground for odd women rather than the respected and revered spiritual organization they are meant to be.
I think the Orcs just get a bunch of people and shove them in the pit. If they were a man, they come out a man, of they were a woman they come out a woman. The orcs are mutants ala fallout rather than a naturally occuring race.
Id assume they push them in because they are still strong warrior orcs even if they have boobs, and biggest tribe is best tribe.
If I'm going to do it I'm going to lean in and make it 100% magical realm
>Muscleposter pls go and stay go
Is this that infamous "reverse psychology" I've been hearing so much about? I think I'm feeling it, Mr. Krabs.
How far?
If it's something like futurama's Amazons I can understand in a more comedic game
This is accurate. Why do women like to ramble so much in email? I try to match their enthusiasm, but it's genuinely hard to come up with so much to say about every little mundane thing.
Like a fiddle.
Not only are they a bunch of sexual;y frustrated dykes, but they also collectively have the brains of a box of peanuts. Count 'em as a personal army by next week.
Begun,the Shota Wars have
>I'm going to set myself up for the worst kind of dramatic reversal ever
>what do you mean they've just been humoring me because I'm a barely educated idiot compared to their societal standards
>women are stupid! they're no where near as good at men at anything!
It would actually make sense. A bunch of women living together means they're either dykes or child rapists.
Did I hit a nerve with ya, carpet muncher?
Or is it that impossible for you to wrap your head around orcs being as retarded as a buncha lesbos?
>Shota mastermind trying to keep his army of snu snu amazons in check
I'd play it
Well no, but I'd read about the shenanigans/train wreak that'd happen
Post more musclegirls then
With lots of rape.
Like a band of mercs. With some extra rape on top.
Actually have something similar in a game I'm in currently. Orcs are native to the islands the game takes place in, forming tribes of differing views with somewhat different physical characteristics based on that tribes' breeding practices. My character is one of the last of a tribe that was essentially matriarchal and was the most 'modern' and open to interbreeding with the colonist invaders. Most other tribes pillage and raid but hers mostly would just rock up to a village and take in disenfranchised men or women, which is actually how my character was conceived. Though it does go far more magical realm than that as well, as it is a lewd game
Boku no Pico
I somehow doubt that, they're a bit too tall
This I like
Same as regular orcs only they haul off the cute men instead of the cute women when they pillage
Regular orcs with threat of snu snu if the party loses
So just regular orcs
Based Knuckles
He is the best part of that show
thread theme
>we didn't have to deal with MRA drama in any significant way until neckbeards started feeling threatened by feminists.
And we still don't have to deal with it, since we can just ignore their impotent shitposting.
>They got Prohibition repealed
I always forget that Prohibition lasted until 1967. I feel that if the Vietnam War hadn't occurred it could have lasted into the 1980s.
Did you try Google Image Search before asking?
Those skirt openings have only one purpose: easy access.
It's for when after they win they rape the survivors
I know the artist, but the name escaped me. He also does a bunch of trap and shemale stuff.
Very good.
With two fingers and a thumb.
You smaht
>They severely underestimate how much women loathe men.
Go outside and talk to women, you autist.
I could take it or leave it in my amazons
Yeah, know of him but not who he is
Adding amazons makes YOU the one who is all "I'M A WOMAM HEAR ME ROAR". This or a grognard scared by vaginas, like ancient greeks.
What if you just like muscle girls
You can have musclegirls without amazons, you know. There are a trillion way to insert musclegirls and tailor them to your fetishes.
>Once upon a time, there was a legendary order of paladin dedicated to upholding all that's pure and good in the realm
>Entire families swore an oath of loyalty to the order in perpetuity, that was de facto fulfilled by sending the eldest sons of these households to join the order
>In the absence of sons, it is possible (though highly unusual) to send the oldest daughter instead
>One of these women happens to be extraordinarily tall and strong
>She stoically does her duty, as per her father's request and her family's tradition
>With her mouth she proclaims that she has given up on being a woman, but with her heart she still desires to be treated as one
>Because of this, she's incredibly vulnerable to headpats
Okay, let me rephrase that, what if I just like amazons?
Then I must commend you on your good taste. I do have to wonder about their origins, to bring everything back on track. Perhaps a shota wizard was (((tenderly loved))) by the women of a certain barbarian tribe and in revenge he cast a curse on them that made it impossible for them to bear sons, actually making the problem worse rather than solving it?
Eh, sorta prefer them to be the creation of some forgotten/primitive goddess or other nature spirit, do like them to be fond of shotas/cute males for their preferred partners because I know what I like
Did make some fluff/stats for them in PF
Probably should finish it up one of these days
But basic gist of them is that Amazons are a human subrace that'll show up semirarely in isolated human populations in savage environments/when placed under heavy predation
Actually a throw back to a long forgotten human empire who worshiped Zarus and his now lost pantheon, modern amazons are a atavistic remnant that occasionally pops up, a left over from the caste of temple guardian/warriors who were blessed by the pantheon's now dead mother goddess and once used as her servants/enforcers of her will
Fucked up the grammar at the end there
Why would that be revenge?
A better question is why would he want revenge?
Also why is a shota that powerful?
orks have negative int mods.
Most shows with Kevin Sorbo runing sooner or later into the problem, that he literally has a god complex.
The idea would be that because they're so forceful and inconsiderate towards men, they don't deserve to have any men at all. Naturally it backfires.
>A better question is why would he want revenge?
>Also why is a shota that powerful?
Because that's my fetish, alright? Stop questioning it.
Doesn't mean they can't hit 16
>Because that's my fetish, alright?
Mine too
>Stop questioning it.
No, more details=more defined idea
I feel sincerely sorry for anyone who plays with you and your fetish injections
When a prominent warchief comes along occasionally, he draws all the men to him to go a warring. Not even by force (though sometimes), mostly most just hear about the new warband and discard their normal lives and family to go to war. Some ladies tag along but plenty don't.
In most cases the ladies of a tribe are left to fend for themselves though being orcs it's not so difficult. Maybe if the warring goes too long (like years) they might try to entice some other race-d men to live with them, since even sons too young to go to war will eventually age up and leave first chance they get.
But in some cases the ladies left to fend for themselves get fed up remaining sedentary and start to roam around. The great warband has already long since moved far away to war so trying to catch up with them by this point wouldn't make much sense, but roaming around the surrounding countryside is simple enough. This can last for quite some time if the warring lasts, doubly so if the warring goes poorly and most of the men killed off. Eventually, win or lose in the war, the orc men are bound to return and things will go back to normal, but you can have it for many years or perhaps even a decade or more, where lacking their men (because they keep leaving to war as soon as they're able) smaller tribes of orc ladies roam about being orcy and raiding among other things, including prone to capturing other race-d male defenders against them. Unlucky be those other race-d men and half-offspring since if/when the male orcs return home they'll kill most if not all the other and half race individuals, like a new lion to former lion progeny. But if the warring lasts long enough, then those other and half raced folk in the tribe could become ingrained enough as to escape culling.