Im seriously considering buying this piece of shit

thoughts good idea? bad idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

idk it 2x'd for me but then stopped. and that was a long time ago

strong like bull

too high cap, too slow losses/gains

get into UFR, guranteed moon mission

eth-based platforms are already in existence

smart contract


$$$ bitcoin?

buy now!

meh - gains better elsewhere

If you're in it for quick gains then look elsewhere. It is a nice longterm hold though, especially with all the normans coming in and thenupcoming upgrades to the blockchain. ETH maximalist here because I think it will be a good coin to have when I inevitably want to cash out

yeah, best dev team, most money behind fixing scaling, good ui

Best bluechip in the game - if you want 10x seek elsewhere, but if you want a sure winner, this is it.

long hold tho, like 3 years but probably 10 till its really mainstream

OMG, go in your own threads, shills please

You've made 100 threads in 4 hours and i'm not exaggerating, and I do hope you all literally go to the literal moon and never come back you annoying fucks.

Literally the lamest shills we've had since xrb

And stop spamming other threads with this crapcoyn

probably a good time. buy now before it actually does start pumping.

I was real high on ETH like a month ago but not so much anymore. Watching it get completely cucked by Ripple was a major turn off, and they promised staking on at least some blocks by the end of Q4. It seems they are just falling behind and there are too many major smart contract platforms releasing in 2018 that will be superior and start eating into their market unless they get their shit together fast. ADA, Tron, ICX, Enigma, Ven...

If they don't have a major update with staking out by like February kiss it goodbye.

No, not a bad idea. It's one of the safest choices you can make. The only downside is you'd better be willing to hold onto it for a long time, as you watch other altcoins move past it. Low risk, low reward coin.

God this entire market is full of idiots

Not the worst idea. It's low right now. It will most likely go up to the 800-900$ area and sooner or later decouple from BTC.

Wait until Bitcoin goes to 8k, then go in. It'll probably fall with it until about that point, then decouple because people will use it as the new normal (they already do, honestly).

relatively stable price wise, for now at least

will it ever be able to separate itself from btc shitcoin though?


BNTY is having a fire sale right now
just bought 25K

once Binance picks it the moon, thank me later

1st network effect

Look at the ratio - it's moving in this direction.

It's one of the few coins to have steady and constant gains.

Backed by one of the more impressive dev environments and if you combine the entire ERC20 environments it's easily King.

Nice counter argument retard. And also Vitalik is becoming too much of a risk lately with his retarded tweets he keeps making. He doesn't have what it takes to be the face/leader of a trillion dollar platform. I will take moneychink any day.

because this is some ADHD retard logic. Just because a coin doesn't pump 300% a week doesn't mean it's falling behind.

well he talked about better smart contract competitors

You'd probably be better off buying BTC if you want to play it safe.

weak b8 is weak

>Vitalik is becoming too much of a risk lately with his retarded tweets he keeps making

imagine if that kind of person was at the helm of a company with that kind of market cap

>Watching it get completely cucked by Ripple was a major turn off

very first thing he says is price action commentary. nobody on biz has any real insight into the development of these projects.

infinite supply pisspool

>I'll take some chink with a fucked up haircut over the guy who literally invented generalized decentralization and has written numerous white papers, presented countless speeches, and has an internet bibliography so obviously demonstrating his understanding and advanced thinking in the technology because I have a extremely high time preference like fucking IDIOTS DO and I'd rather gamble away my money then actually understand anything
This board has depreciated in quality by like 95% in the last six months and I can't fucking take it any more

You are a fucking idiot. You understand NOTHING. I hope you lose everything.

Funny you say I understand nothing when your entire post is completely out of touch with reality. Sure Vitalik is a genius when it comes to smart contracts, and coding. But he is a fucking business retard. Saying his coin is worth $5. Attach Chain Link and saying it isn't worth its current market cap when it is trying to help bring mass access to your platform to the outside world. Constantly drabbling on about fuck Drumpf, complaining about pedophilia being illegal, and saying you are going to abandon the platform because you don't like a few memes from retarded redditors. The dude is a fucking child.

Meanwhile, money chink is out hyping the coin, meeting with the most influential people in China, and will probably have a fucking Alibaba partnership soon enough.

Vitalik is great to have stashed in a back room writing white papers, and coding, but not as a front man for a trillion dollar coin. (the eventual goal)

ETH is the most undervalued coin there is right now. it is king by every metric other than market cap

Enjoy playing musical chairs with pump and dumps.

Your business doesn't mean shit if it falls apart, you know

IBM is getting into crypto (Stellar).

Amateur Hour Is Over.

I will spoonfeed
1. You take ripple serious in any comparison to ETH. They are doing entirely different things, and ripple is extremely sketchy for the average crypto "investor"
2. You consider vitalik a bad face of crypto, when most of the popular crypto leaders (besides szabo and early folk) shill their own coins, are literal felons, pay celebrities to advertise etc. And bitcoin core is horrible. Vitalik is weird but decently thoughtful, unless you are a hypeslut and thinking of crypto as penny stocks or a startup.
3. ADA has no product, the other projects you mention have essentially no team and relatively little institutional connections

Real issues with ETH
>PoS might be a mistake, most smart leaders in crypto are still supporting PoW for practical and philosophical reasons
>Solidity is a hassle, needs to be fixed. Inconsistent syntax for simple things like inheritance

this will have much better gainz

BItcoin went to 19k, so why not ETH?

ETH is low right now.

Tell me exactly, in specific terms, and in specific length, what Stellar's """""""""""""""""""""""""partnership""""""""""""""""'"""""""""" entails.

pretty much this gaurenteed to be around for as long as crypto is around because half of these coins now a days are built into the ETH platform.

a partnership

Stellar is partnered with NEO, which is partnered to Elastos. Which brings together IBM, Microsoft, Foxcon, Huawei, Tencent and Alibaba. The age of Eth is over.

Also adding that I do think you can make more a lot more gains with slightly riskier projects, so I wouldn't recommend ETH for huge or even decent gains.

Ethereum is quality though. Especially considering everything else in the top 10. IOTA lol..

Thanks. That explains it

imagine if that kind of person was at the helm of the only global superpower

This. Most brainlets in here are too retarded to understand this. You can tell when retards are shilling/fudding without doing research let alone understand the intricacies of blockchain

>2. You consider vitalik a bad face of crypto, when most of the popular crypto leaders (besides szabo and early folk) shill their own coins, are literal felons, pay celebrities to advertise etc. And bitcoin core is horrible. Vitalik is weird but decently thoughtful, unless you are a hypeslut and thinking of crypto as penny stocks or a startup.

and this is why corporate backed coins will take over the market.

Tron will have the tech and financial backing to compete with ETH. Justin will hype and make connections for the platform while Vitalik sits at home posting on a broni forum.

don't. a retard like you doesn't deserve the gains.

Bought ETH when it was 70$ just 8 month ago sweet 10x gains buddy, but it is too late for you my friend im affraid. But listen here my friend i just sold all my ETH for SKY i have a good feeling about SKY

I like ETH a lot but I find Mr Skelly too young and unpredictable to go more than 20% in.
Once (ples Jebus) BTC pumps again I might get some more.

1. It's been stable. I sleep well holding it.
2. It seems to resist crashes and sometimes it pulls a 2x like in November.
3. You can easily sell it on coinbase if you want to cash out.
4. Or you can trade eth-usd and make really easy money when you need cash.
5. Most exchanges have Ether pairs, can use eth to buy altcoins, avoiding bitcoin's fees.
6. Fast and cheap transactions so far.
7. Decentralized exchanges like etherdelta and bancor are usable, you can trade shitcoins without having to sign up.
8. It's being used by thousands of developers around the world. It's not a shitcoin and there's no doubt it has a bright future.

It's my coin of choice.

>It seems they are just falling behind and there are too many major smart contract platforms releasing in 2018 that will be superior and start eating into their market unless they get their shit together fast. ADA, Tron, ICX, Enigma, Ven...

>there are too many major smart contract platforms releasing in 2018 that will be superior


You are a fucking child. You have zero substance. Please explain the technical details that make these alternatives "superior".

"muh tweets"

All of you children will eventually get BTFO'd.

is NEO a valid competitor?


They are all SHIT. Number of developers building on top of Neo's VM is like 1/300 of the number of developers building on the EVM

Look at this. You mongoloids need to learn how to look at github at the very least if you want any chance at guessing how projects are faring.

345 commits. Last commit 10 days ago


Last commit 22 hours ago. 10,779 commits

Well, ADA has a PoS that will actually work.

Wtf I'm with her now

Money chink will be my new God
I pray to him and offer him my mother and wife for sexual pleasures

not even one of them has a working product LMAO try harder. ethereum is a safe bet and will be for the rest of the crypto era

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two biggest things in the whole of crypto. Other than private transaction coins, and possibly lightweight coins like Litecoin, everything else is literal PnD shit that you'll get lucky with or scald yourself with.

Don't be a candlenigger, buy valuable shit before its very valuable, just hold it and forget about it, don't even check crypto news. Have a look at how much its worth in 6 months.

I'm currently looking for a good opportunity to get into ETH. I'm still hoping BTC drags it down a little lower, but I don't want to be too greedy.

Does anybody have an educated guess in what window I should buy ETH in the coming days?


Yup. Follow the money - in this case, the corporate-backed money. Yes, you may lose out with Ripple or Stellar or Etherium or any other coin, but if you want to invest in something, take the risk that the real players are taking on while it's (semi-)early. You're getting information about what the future of blockchain-based tech may be.

See and just sit tight. If you're that scared of your money going up and down, I'd hate to see you with retirement funds.

>Wait until Bitcoin goes to 8k
and when will that be user?

There is massive accumulation happening with BTC, ETH, and LTC right now. Take a look at the order cue for all three. Something is happening. I dunno if this is good or bad but there is a disturbance here. Movements are being made by some pretty big whales.

Better than ripple

If i'm reading the volume tonight correctly, your buy window is right now.

drumpf btfo

I'm a noob how do you measure if a coin is undervalued? I'd like to learn rather then just picking pretty logos and praying a lot.

wow can trx shills get the fk out what are you doing here?
btw guys do you think ETH will do a bull run in January when ppl cashed out for tax buys back in?

Ripple is a Chuck 'e Cheese token. It's not even a crypto.

I might be wrong, but I think most people who bought in at

by looking at what it actually is and does instead of what everyone is saying about it.

what makes you say this?

i would not be surprised, its certainly time for the main coins to run

Under 700 is good.

Anything stay wise, such as EMS or RSI that would be a good indicator. I'm trying to slowly ground my reasoning in number then emotion and feelings.