Did GW miss an opportunity by not adapting Skaven to 40k?
Did GW miss an opportunity by not adapting Skaven to 40k?
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No. If they thought it was viable i.e profitable they would have done it by now.
The semi-official reason is that Fantasy Skaven are already a kinda high-tech race and wouldn't be much different in 40k.
I thought Nintendo got to them first.
>mfw when no 40k doomwheels
I forgot the question
We already have an equally disgusting side faction, i.e. Rak'Gol. They're like the end spawn of an Ad Mech Magos fucking a Tyranid hive queen.
Do the deserve minis? I was thinking of bashing them from nids, skaven and dragon ogres and such
They look like they're gonna need custom models (unless you can pull off "close enough"). Do these guys even have a codex? If not we could use one.
They're primitive barbarians, though. Skaven's techno-brutality is their coolest feature.
Id say that not releasing a completly new xeno army is a missed opportunity.
Those models look like shit.
Got any more?
Space orks are just fantasy orks and skaven combined. At this point the skaven would be superfluous, which is a shame since they are my favorite fantasy army.
doubly superfluous because now the admech exist and they fulfill Jes Goodwin's gasmask+jezzail+trenchcoat fetish perfectly
Orks: Rampaging lunatics, Smash, Dakka, waaaagh field Thunder down the hill. Speaks in cockney, schizo tech.
Skaven: Zealus Fanatics, Poison, lots of blatent magic, deception, Hide in the darkness. Speaks in meth-addict, schizo tech.
>*Utterly*different asthetics. The only piece of asthetic overlap is their use of wacko warmachines which is something that all the factions do.
Ad mech don’t use dark magic psykers, sneakery, Low quality units, extensive magical poison or build stuff that is purely bio horror.
Skaven are a mesh of Ork, Ad mech, Chaos, imp guard and Dark Eldar. To many things really call them superfluous.
>>mfw when no 40k doomwheels
it does chaos ones.
(only in epic)
Skaven also have tyranid aspects too.
Did GW miss an opportunity by not adapting Lizardmen to 40k?
lizardmen are now grey knights in fantasy.
I think mini's would be neat, but we probably won't ever get them since they're FFG's idea, and any conversions would require some major skill to make them look anywhere close to decent.
40k skaven by Jes Goodwin, from 1991.
More pics (and explanations) at taran.pagesperso-orange.fr
(just ctrl+f skaven)
>Ad mech don’t use dark magic psykers, sneakery, low quality units, extensive magical poison or build stuff that is purely bio-horror
Yes they do. They do all of those things. Have you forgotten who built the golden throne?
Skaven have no niche in 40k. They're dark mechanicus with speech impediments.
They're dark mechanicus, except with DKoK and coke.
Also note that your post fits the Dark Eldar to a tee.
Wait what the shit are these the new Skaven models for Age of Smegmar or are they some kind of 40K trash?
Most of the things Skaven did in Warhammer is covered by other factions in 40k:
Mad contraptions that are as likely to kill yourself as the enemy? Orks and Chaos have that covered
Bioengineered monstrosities? Tyranids
Sneaky backstabbing motherfuckers? Dark Eldar all up in that joint.
You never know though, they might make the Hrud a playable faction which are thematically similar to Skaven in some ways
skaven were initially intended as 40k race.
They decided during the design process they'd be more original in fantasy.
In 40k they got a mention as Hrud though.
When you think about it, Metroid's Space Pirates are kinda 40k-esque with their species variety and the fact that one of their leaders is a space dragon. They'd be like an unambiguously evil counterpart to the Tau.
They did, they just never really went anywhere with them after Rogue Trader
No, they wanted to avoid that. We already have Elves in space and new-crons are basically Kangs in space.
This was the reason they dropped Squats.
>an unambiguously evil counterpart to the Tau.
The nice thing about 40k is that it is a kitchen sink plus setting. Everything is already in it.
Skaven could work perfectly well as Chaos Guard, heavily mutated CSM, or original Hrud.
Personally, a Nurgle aligned Chaos Guard made up of Skaven tickles my fancy.
Skavengers might have been an attempt to hint that space Skaven existed at some time in 40k.
But this was the first, and last, mention the Skavengers got.
If they got models then I might even start playing 40K.
Me likey. Mutants hiding under imperial worlds
I don't see any other faction with radiation cannons.
Also, Skaven having good technology would be boring in 40k because there are already at least four factions who "have the best technology".
>I don't see any other faction with radiation cannons.
Doesn't the Imperium have those?
I think having chaos aligned xenos is something the setting desperately needs.
because they don't exist?
Always thought the 40k analogue to skaven were the Hrud.
Warp-plasma weaponry. Advanced technology in some aspects, but primitive technology in others. Squad creature that live in warrens and infest worlds. Have a weird psychic or otherwise aura that causes stuff in very very close proximity to them to age prematurely, including inanimate objects.
Much more clever than merely porting over skaven directly to 40k. There’s more room for craeativity.
Yeah, mainly in 30k.
honestly the way they could take skaven is down more of a dark mechanicus kinda route and throw in basically a two for one sub-faction for chaos. you can play with boop-bop chaos robots and chaos space rats, or either or. i think we'll never get them in any other kinda scenario because genestealer cult
The 40k version of Clan Skyre would absolutely be Dark Mechanicus. If they already aren't.
40k Doomwheels are needed
Give them an actual scavenging theme. They don't have the best guns, they just take everybody else's best guns. That's a currently unfilled niche.
>They don't have the best guns, they just take everybody else's best guns
That's basically Orks though.
Skaven have seen the technology of other races and shoved Warpstone, a comical disregard for lives, and insane techno-wizardry into them.
The Warpflintlock, Warpfire Thrower, and that Gatling gun that shoots Warpstone bullets. Fucking hell, the Skaven somehow made a Lascannon in Fantasy.
>That's basically Orks though.
No, it really isn't. Orks just take other people's metal and bash them into vaguely functioning guns. They don't even have the ability to steal vehicles anymore. There's a definite niche for Skaven here.
>They don't even have the ability to steal vehicles anymore
What. The. Fuck. That's completely stupid.
Orks should always be able to steal other races stuff. Its what they did in their best version.
Yes. I was about to say this. I would fucking love to see Lizardmen 40k style.
Nah we already have nids, Orks and necrons basically the same thing.
So...dark mechanicus...
If Orks lost the ability to loot on tabletop, they aren't giving it to a new race.
Lore-wise they had better fucking keep Orks looting shit tho.
Not even remotely.
nope, 40k skaven huff wyrstone (and use it to power everything from rifles to engines).
> (OP)
>skaven were initially intended as 40k race.
>They decided during the design process they'd be more original in fantasy.
Interesting. Got a source for that?
Dark Eldar dont have psykers
>Me likey. Mutants hiding under imperial worlds
That niche has been filled by GSC though
Man all GW would have to do is release 'Ork Looted Vehicle Upgrade Sprue' and boom, they will sell 400,000 more Leman Russes. Why they so dumb guys?
40k is big enough to do whatever you want tho, I would love to fight skaven probably counts as GSC right? Anyone going to that effort i'd let do what they want.
fuck now i wanna take the extra bits ive got from my mechanius, grab my Skaven, and convert them over to count as pseudo dark mechanicus nonsense.
space clan skryre sounds fucking glorious, but it wouldnt feel right unless all their infantry have burrow mechanics or at least one unit thats a cheap cannon fodder option.
a while back in one of the previous iterations of the GW page they had a blog. And witch each new army book they'd usuallly do a post about the inception and design of new and old stuff.
So that blogpost where Jes Goodwin explained how Skaven happened in the first place probably coincides with an army book release. Can't really be more specific about the date from the top of my head.
Not sure if GW archived the posts either.
So you may have to use the way back machine to try and find it.
Or try looking for Jes' old sketches maybe.
They considered it and then didn't do it. The WFB Skaven are Steam Punk allready so if someone wants to use them for 40K purposes they easily can.
See pic attached, somewhat related.
Hopefully they just need a suitable gimmick to get off the ground, like the Kharadrons did.
We have melanin rich intelectual here.
fun fact: ratling sniper rifles use rodotoxin, a poison made to kill skaven.
So skaven exist somewhere in 40k, and they are distinct from Hrud.
Stop tossing Skaven in with these Chaos fucks. They should be a independant race of backstabbing cunts that go about ruining shit for anyone.
Skaven work well as Genestealer clut. You can even use the vehicles for the most part since they are sufficiently skavenish and their ambush tactics work pretty well for the rats. You even get to include rat ogre.
user, skaven eat warpstone, they're gonna be chaos corrupted no matter what.
You know skaven are canonically on the chaos team now, right?
Do they still do their own thing and plan to claim the surface world for themselves or have been demoted to cannon fodder for the armies of Chaos?
As if Chaos in 40k had an united agenda.
It's not that they have the best technology, it's that they have a distinct approach to technology that's both scientific and death-cultish. The Mechanicum are obsessive collectors who want *all* the technology, orks are basically innocents working from instinct, and the other sides are mostly working with stuff they have sitting around.
Skaven have a single-minded, hate-fueled devotion to making killier tools. They could keep using oddly effective dark steampunk tech and being frantically evil alchemists in a distinct way.
Skaven arn't corruptible by chaos because they're basically a 5th branch of chaos with their own god and beliefs.
Skaven don't fight for anything but themselves.
Nobody denied that. The earlier user just listed possible "count as".
Holy fuck yes. GW is so fucking stupid. Fuck squats bring in Skaven/lizardmen to 40k
Well, I'm using some of their models for Admech Biologis counts-as. Stripping three Rat-Ogres ATM to make into plasma Kataphrons. I was thinking of using three Stormfiends to make some Castellax or Kastelans, but I'm thinking that if I replace my Kataphrons with the Rataphrons without some serious chopping and changing it would just look like a Skaven counts-as army. If I was to remove all the rat heads for Admech or generic ones, remove all the Skaven iconography and spikes and just left the bare flesh, cloth and mechanical parts intact like pic related would they look less obvious? Stealing a lot from Fantasy for this army from the Kairics, Skaven and Crypt Ghouls, since Admech kits come with all the spares in the universe.
Absolutely acceptable. Throw in some DE bits too.
Hey, there's an idea. I have a friend who has an entire Carnival of Pain coming down sometime around Christmas, I'll ask him if I can buy his Deldar sprues and get some mad science syringes and such. I haven't seen Stormfiends standing next to Ogryns ever, but I bet that I could swap their heads for Ogryn gas masks, filed down all the spikes on their armour, added Admech parts and greenstuff in place of Skaven symbols and stuff and maybe swapped some shoulderpads out for Breacher trackpads they'd look about right. Shame I don't have any Kastelan shoulders left, or I'd use their more rounded look.
>But that's retarded by your logic Skaven are redundant even in Fantasy:
Every mechanical contraption in the Old World is unreliable.
Mutated monstrosities? Chaos
Sneaky backstabbers? Dark Elves.
Should Skaven be removed from the Old World?
Give them guns and run the models as Guard.
Mantic are getting better at making models. Still not very good though
More like the Horned Rat(which Mazdemundi has said is the Skaven collective unconscious) has been elevated to become a new chaos god. This is helped by Slannesh being fucked up in WFB, but its just as individual to the goals of chaos as Nurgle or Khorne. In other words, it doesn't give a fuck about the other gods it just causes havok and spreads its influence far and wide through its worshipers.
I think Skaven's tech skills were fully adopted by 40k Orks. Ork shit works through psychic bullshit of Ork belief, and I'm fairly sure the only reason Skaven tech works is through warpstone bullshit. They put that stuff on everything and somehow it works more than half the time instead of blowing up.
I agree with most of the thread that Skaven already have their role filled in by Tyranids and Orks, but I would love Lizardmen.
Crazy Sarons with double sided Chainblades, riding on cyberntically augmented Carnosaurs? All of my Yes!
Slann would still be floating super Psychers, and maybe along with a few Skinks with some psionic potential, you also get the few, very rare Blank skinks that run around trying to fuck up Chaos without fucking up the Slann and their Great Plan.
giant space rats? No, not really.
MINIATURE giant space rats.
The show sucked.
>More like the Horned Rat(which Mazdemundi has said is the Skaven collective unconscious)
I thought the Horned Rat came first since he created the Skaven to worship him.