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Three lifetimes of blessing!

poor fags will stay poor. this will hit $500 in a month

Am all in neo , wtc , and UFR



Why do I see 2 threads up right now about NEO all of a sudden? Did they announce something or is this a PnD shill?

Well I've hard enough to be convinced. 100k, etc.

Bought in at 30$. This steady climb feels super comfy.
I'll buy NEO if you give me an invite score for this PnD group deal?

Third time today it touched its resistance, if there is a break out, expect a pump.

pajeets go away

Fuck we are so close to breaking that ceiling

wow 2 threads

>seriously implying that poor ass pajeets are buying NEO

I'd buy in, but the price is pretty high, I don't want to hold if it doesn't break.

Set conditional buy orders at 75 dollars

So when if shoots up I catch it, and if it doesn't break it won't activate?

They announce something everyday. Its shill coins that flood the main page and people don't notice it.


How is it to high? Look at NEO and then look at macap. This shit is 500$ next year.

How far do you recon it will go up over if it breaks?

This is actually the truth.


I dare to utter the sacred words
>One hundred dollars in D E C E M B E R


The prophecy must be fulfilled....

better buy now pajeets, with all the icos on NEO in Q1 2018 this shit is gonna move fast and GAS will follow

I'd rather not buy at ATH, does it look like it's breaking?


100+ easily if it breaks out

Perfect, if it doesn't go now, I'll buy in the dip and wait.

Buy now or wait??

Feels like whales are accumulating. It hasnt gained nearly enough to get dumped

ANT SHARES aka NEO, only went up recently because ot the icos that just came our

watch it dip

I don't know, same position as you. I'd wait a little though.

This coin is a cock tease and a half. Would have sold my bags if I didn't buy in at 4$

One big wall and gas will explode too. Buy Neo Gas for more gains

Fuck off eth shilling pajeet.
Neo gonna moon big time.

Is Biz ready?

つ _ ༽つ NEO TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ _ ༽つ

Bears trying to fight it, but its in vain. Dragon has been awaken.

Buy in now? Or after it breaks?

reminder 1 NEO was only 20 cents 9 months ago... its x400 jus in 9 monts, if it goes at least x10, it would be 800 eoy2018

Thats on you. I would be buying simply because I know NEO is 500$ coin. So few dollars here or there don't matter to me.

who else a neo millionaire itt?

Poorfag here. This is the biggest coin i own. Will i make it?

Well 5 neo won't make you rich but at least you bet on the right horse.
700 neo 100 has here. Also 50 neo in theKey presale

No. Next year you will have 3000$ from NEO, but won't make it no. Should have bought 3x IMO.


do you guys still live under a rock? XLM about to blow everyone out the water in 2018

lumens has literally nothing to do with any of those three coins

where's the ceiling at?

Will be if you pump me to it

Add enigma and icon and your gonna be riiiiich

>tfw only 1755 NEO


how does muh chinese and japanese ethereum hold up against that

>muh stellar


I forgot about the koreans

Give me 418 so you become cool

No. Buy 21 more and lead us in the revolution.

Mind you, there will probably be XLM/ADA/NEO/ICX pairs anchor'd onto the Stellar network so it doesn't really matter in the long term

like $115

The 'gibs' are strong with you
Sorry but Im all in HVN right now

He's trying to pnd but his buy wall got DESTROYED. 420k left of a 2 mill buy wall lmao Good try though ;)

Let’s take down this binance wall on NEO GAS. This is lagging behind NEO and should be around $40 based on historical ratios

what is 418 if you're l33t

I'm waiting for it to break, can I go sleep and leave a buy order for $75?
Should I also set a sell or hold after?

>leave a buy order for $75
Nigga it's at $70 right now

i can buy like 250 of them lol

How long have you been in crypto my man?

>what is 418 if you're l33t
Principles. Think what you want. But I can tell you my general trading strategy that helped me to grow my stack.

I'd buy, but it's only in BTC and I don't want to convert ETH.
I've never used a stop limit before, isn't that how it works?

Sure I'm all ears

Tell me more.

I haven't either, I just feel like it's a dangerous move with cryptos
Neo is a safe buy and not a p&d so buying it now would make more sense than putting a buy order above the current price

1.Pick two projects
First should be really promising but completely under the radar. It'll be you hedge. Since its under the radar BTC trend want affect it much.
Second project should be from top 10 (i picked NEO).
2. Divide your stack.
Regardess how much you can put in second project, you divide your stack 70/30. Use 30% to trade. When your 30% becomes 50%, put the difference in your main stack.
3. Now comes the good part. There is a secret in NEO trading. It follows two main indicators: ADX/DMS and Ehler fisher. Use them to predict when itll grow. Confirm your entry point with stochastics.

Yes. Better buy it at 75 dollar.
To buy at 70$ isn't worth it.
Good goy

Yeah so basically no selling any neo
That's what I'm doing and I'm trading a small amount proportionally cause I know it can take off like crazy

Buy Neo Gas instead, lagging way behind the usual ratio, this thing is going to gap up once this sell wall gets eaten

It's allready pain in the ass to spend neo in ICOs but a few are so good you will just multiply your neo.

Yes kinda. The secret is all in right indicators. Each coin perfectly follows two-three indicators. But they are different. For NEO - ADX/DMS and Ehler fisher.


Gas Wall is nearly done.
I repeat y someone's is inhaling alot farts.
Gas moon imminent


Should I sell my ETH into BTC and buy GAS right now?

You sure should. Better faster

ok, done. shall we continue?

Don't you feel it's a bit late for a newfag to be getting into something like NEO, though? Given the price. If you bought in at

Neo has stagnated for half a year, you know. Don't you feel that it has some catching up to do?

>Market cap
>Not once

NEO is now where ETH was when its price was 40$.

Imagine a year or two from now it hits $500. Wouldn't you wish you'd picked up a few at $70? Neo is a long-term hold.

Depends on if you would rather gamble chasing 1000x Moon missions or buy into something that should at least 5x based on the tech and team behind it

curious if any of you have taken a look at any of the other platform chinese projects?

i dont know much about cardano or its goals, but i looked into qtum and it seemed to just be a copy of bitcoin with a couple of extra op-codes that let you run ethereum bytecode. didn't seem like anything special to me, or does anything different from ethereum alone, am i wrong?

there's also nem but it's been around for so long and doesn't seem to have any real traction.

Bears are trying to hold it down, but this moon won't be stopping just yet, too much push.

It depends on how much do you have and how much you are willing to lose. If you have like 100$ of course NEO isnt for you. But if you have at least 2k you should give NEO a chance. If you are a complete newfag in crypto then find some good project (check out spf) and put 70% of your stack there. While you hold, you study charts and learn trends and price actions for coins you want to invest in.

Bears are not the problem. The resistance itself is completely artificial. We have a 5k sell order at +-580k.

I had 500 NEO at 8$
I sold at 16$

fuck me right

NEO has been losing against Bitcoin since mid August and only until recently.
If you sold near that peak and you invested your gains into coins that did actual gains (unlike NEO), you did the right thing. That is, if you remembered to buy NEO back at some point.

Holding is for people who don't want to look at charts or move their positions at all.

Just sold at 580k, already got a 50% increase in two days.
What's a good point to place a buy order in your opinion?

1D 100-MA seems to coincide with the more global 23.6 fibs retracement level.
You could observe how it behaves if/once it reaches that level.