/cyoag/ - CYOA General

Prior thread: Archives and other resources: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

What's your least favorite cyoa mechanic (or form of introduction to the content of a cyoa, for that matter [e.g., how you come to "be" in a cyoa]) that immediately kills your immersion? I'm genuinely curious.

Other urls found in this thread:


Personally, I roll my eyes as soon as I see the words "Celestial Beaurocracy." I'm not saying it's neccesseraly a bad mechanic, It just doesn't do it for me.

I'd roll my eyes at a spelling error like that as well.

Third option
First Ascension, Second Ascension, and Just Zeroes And Ones. I think I'll have a better outcome this way than as an Uncarnate

Uncarnate is absolutely shit like wow.



The worst part is that the 90 years limit doesn't make sense. Like, the sterility I get, your body is pretty much just a bone mecha for a higher-dimensional consciousness if you're going Aether and the niggling little functions are getting turned off, mostly to your benefit. But Humans live longer than that NORMALLY in good conditions and despite this there's no indication that Crumbling to Dust is anything other than Game Over.

I get not wanting to have a clear immortality option. It would be cool if you sort of faded out into the transcendant plane so, say, a hundred years after your transformation you could no longer interface with Earth As We Know It, departing forever on an esoteric journey through the cosmos, but that would be a natural and thematic limiter. "90th birthday, your ass is dust" is the definition of artificiality.


?dliw goh og I naC



I'm gonna have to agree with the mother here, what's the difference between a girl and a flat-chested boy who can get pregnant? I mean, I'm not complaining, just curious.



>Become ageless and free from any kind of physical need
>You will die anyways ''just because''
>Costs ALL your slots
What the fuck is the point of this if it is not even worth it? might as well remove this and put something actually good instead


But you get to live to NINETY YEARS OLD

It must have be written by dog

>not training your dog to make CYOA

Hello. I am the Thistleknight.

>+3 Stat
>Martial Arts, Willpower, Enhanced, Overdrive
>Bladed Arms, Ancient Weapon, All-Seeing Eyes, Ancient Arms, Spine Weapon, Ancient Will
>Indomitable, Unleash

My build isn't quite a one-trick pony, but he's close. I think the easiest way to survive and thrive in this environment is to be friendly to all, and maybe a bit uniquely useful. So I introduce to you the Thousand-Yard Thistle, a brass mace in the form of... a thistle. It is capable of extending its shaft and pricks to incredible lengths. The most mundane use of this is to pole-vault/propel myself (and whoever/however much I can reasonable carry with me) impossible distances, but it has combat potential, too. With a max skill stat of 21 (and the o.k. 8 strength/agility that go along with it), I can exercise sublime finesse with the hundredfold pricks and thorns which can be extended from a distance and woven through the battlefield, augmented by the weapon's own will and awareness and my ""all-seeing eye"" skill.

I could probably transport up to two people with me (though the limits of the skills the weapon is built from aren't clear), so I think a small team of me, a melee fighter, and a support would work well. The ""field of thorns"" could harass and restrict the movement of an enemy who has moved in to engage the melee fighter, while the sentient weapon can deform itself to allow the fighter to move unhindered. Being able to exercise great finesse with the thorns and even visually zoom-in on the enemy, I could hit small weak points or joints in enemy armor fairly readily. It may not be a trump card, but it would be one hell of an irritant and a damn good sniper.

The drawback is, of course, that my defense is a pathetic 3, but I plan on being a teamplayer and avoiding the thick of battle, either from afar or above. Besides, in the Culling, it would be in most folks' interest to protect the island's one reliable taxi.

Canadians make the best CYOAs

Anything to escape Canada, even if only in imagination

There's nothing wrong with the cold north, user.

You can't fool me.

Canadians are only slightly less trash than Europeans.

We get so many that don't even try to begin with that it's hard to really judge those that do. When the CYOA starts with "here's some background on the setting, now pick a race" it's lost all pretense of being a CYOA at all. What it is is day 1 of a homebrew that will never ever get a day 2.

Anyway, I guess for those that do make an attempt it would have to be the ones that make some assumption or insertion to my family history, because the only thing less believable than being a wizard is my father being a wizard.

>Your father is not a wizard or not even a shaman
What kind of shitty parents you have?

Winter soon user.





I made my sacrifice skinwalker, you can't harm me or my bloodline, not this winter.

I can wait.


>2nd spoiler
highlander go and stay go.


Scenario: Gestation (15,15)
Path: Villian
Origin: Male Teen Insert
Identity: Higschooler
Costume: Armor(10,15)

Natural Trigger (13,15)

>Profiency Second Trigger (13, 13)
>small arms Second Trigger (13, 10)
>augmentation (13, 5)

Second Trigger X2(5,-1)
Secret Lair (3,-1)
Plot convience (2,-1)
Noctis Cape(2,-2)

Worst Day Ever (4,0)


Martial Arts (0,0)

Faction: undersiders

gift: Plot relevance.

>Requiring CYOAs to be a form of Isekai
I find that genuinely interesting. Remebering CYOA books [which, before the one guy screeches, are not the origin of Veeky Forums CYOAs but are a related concept] at least the ones I read gave you a character; granted, a character who was largely a blank slate for you to make choices with, but a character all the same, so I'd never really thought twice about doing similarly in a CYOA.

>What's your least favorite cyoa mechanic
Hard pick... there are fairly few mechanics for which I bear actual rancor. Call it "Making me repeatedly reference information on previous pages that I had no reason to take down until now".
>that immediately kills your immersion?
Coins. Points are OK, they're an abstraction, but "You have somehow manifested some mysterious currency and now an eldritch being wants said currency and will do strange reality-shaping favors for the currency" takes an acceptable breach from reality and makes it glaring by trying to integrate it. It only really works if the CYOA is parodical but I've seen a couple straight examples.

Postin an old favorite I haven't seen in forever.

I'm sorry, I explained myself poorly. I was half sleep, and just wanted to let you know that your CYOA rly made me think and I was not satisfied with my build because I overreached and didn't flesh out an organic identity, instead becoming too much of a jack-of-all-trades more suited for a global empire than a fell church of kupala demon worshipers. I feel I took a core concept, and failed to bring it to it's natural conclusion. So I was going to revise my [piece of shit] build for a later version, because I thought hey thread is gonna die soon. I did enjoy tinkering with my build and creating a bit of poorly written lore for my faction.

If you want some criticism, it feels like a lot of the options within castle building are insignificant when compared to, say giving your people Fire powers or the secrets of mithril. The cost reduction mechanic -while novel- quickly becomes a chore.

Attached is a pastebin with the lore of my unpolished build, which I won't paste here because the general populace does not deserve to suffer my autism.


>4 Mountains. 1 River, 1 Forest
>Weather, Narrow Pass
>Fort Dallis(22,500 Labor, 12,500 stone, 10,000 Wood)
>The Windwalk (Moats * 3, Barbiccan, Arrow Slits, Reinforced Gate) (-9,595 Labor, -1260 Stone, -85 Wood)
>The Fort (Moats+Waterfilled+Drawbrige, 3 Scorpions, 2 Boiling pots) (about -10,500 labor, not like I'd run out of the other resources)
>Fort Retinue (1 Healers, 3 Engineers, 2 Men at Arms, 1 Archers)
>People (Possesed)
>Elemental Affinity : Earth, Forge-Touched, Far Seeing, Druidic Magic, Unwavering, Synergistic
>Quirks : Pious, Hot Blooded
>Lightbringer Tildarin Rham Elezander
>Powers of the Tildarin Bloodline : Titanic Watcher, War Singer, Champions, Lord of the Land, The One to Rule, Colossi, Inspiration to All
>Weaknesses : Cruelty, Arrogance

Obviously the point values are wildly different, but I think it's a bit funny that Broken Limited and Infinite Ammo are directly adjacent in this CYOA. Definitely a wide range of power levels available.







+1 Skill

Martial Arts
Sixth Sense


Bladed Arms
Ancient Weapon

>Elemental (Lightning)


Deep Plains 2/25
Deep Mountains 3/40

Gender -5
Beauty -5

Library -10
Market -10
Training -5
Scavenging -5
Map -5
Club -5
Bounty -5
Inn -10

S: ■ ■
D: ■ ■ ■
A: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
.I: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
K: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I'm probably dead. I always like to try and make a flashy gish type character for this which would be a lot of fun to run around as until my inevitable, tragic, and ultimately predictable death. But hey I got that skill going for me which is nice. Hopefully the mechanics of this world include a non-strength damage dealing ability like critical hits or armor piercing to make Skill useful.


I miss Highlander. Don't play with my emotions.


Can someone explain work to me. Is it just a book that everyone but he has read?

I have to agree

(50 points)
(100 coins)

etc etc etc, now I'm playing a story but not part of the story.

>thumb through options
>don't even read them
>oooh mystery box
>eternity of regret

So, like, each propulsion system gives you 3 rooms? I'm not sure how you get cells.

Anything that's massively bloated is a pass for me almost regardless of what it's like otherwise. Long multi-chapter introductions? Pass. Takes more than one .PNG? Pass. "Distribute 120 points on these 88 things"? Pass.


What the fuck happened to ZBG

Burnout on a large highly anticipated project, other things competing for attention.


You added Diner on the sheet, so I went ahead and fixed that since it gave you a -5 budget.

So I can't be destroyed, but can I be injured? It says even blood would disappear, so I assume I can still bleed?

I imagine anything that would kill me however, simply doesn't happen at all, or does it only happen as much as it could without killing me? If I jump off a high building am I going to crater the ground then go about my day, or feel nearly all of my bones break but "miraculously survive" in intense pain til I choose to reset?

Do I suffer from hunger or thirst? Do I get dirty over time and still need to bathe? Do I need to sleep?

Exactly how much suffering am I going to experience in my first run as Ouroboros?

Anyone have that big collaborative Roomate CYOA from a year or so back? The one with 95% waifus to 5% skeleton men?

>choosing ouroboros
>not picking dreamer

>What's your least favorite cyoa mechanic (or form of introduction to the content of a cyoa, for that matter [e.g., how you come to "be" in a cyoa]) that immediately kills your immersion?

You're not actually you and/or your life was just a cover-up for something "bigger", e.g. your soul had to mature up for your powers. I don't like being told that I was adopted or that my life choices had no meaning.

I actually like that since it helps with self-insertion and I like the idea of maturing/changing/growing/transforming as a narrative device.

>What's your least favorite cyoa mechanic
Either waifus or tok. I can't pick.

>le lonely loser on Veeky Forums
>magical goddess fucks out of nowhere
>you're randomly selected to go on magical adventures
>waifus involved

So about 3/4 of all CYOAs

>pick the goddess option at the very end
>"y-y-you pick me, user? o-ok..."


Being a magical CYOA goddess is something a lot of bored deities would do.

I actually like anime stuttering in moderation.

Anything with anime pictures kills my immersion completely and immediately.

The Hedge Mage's Tome
>free book to grab
God-like Skill for Dummies
>pay with first fiddle made of gold
>now that I've unlocked the magic skill tree
>use this book to expand what I learned from the other book
The Sketchbook
>pay with second gold fiddle
>draw more fiddles made of gold
>buy all the other books in the store

Those fiddles are fake

your post is fake


Those fiddles are made of gold, they're just very very very small and not 24 karat gold but no jewelry really is seeing as that metal is too soft to work. Nothing said those fiddles had to be pure gold or full sized, so that user has filled the not in the cyoa requirement of gold fiddles.

let me flip the order around then
>The Sketchbook
>draw golden fiddles
>proceed to buy everything in the store

Dustin/Steve best characters with bob/Eleven hitting second.

I don't know, man. Hopper is the show's brightest spotlight.

Bonus points to him for being the next Hellboy.

One element of my project is computronium measured by volume. I need it roughly equivalent in processing power to the human brain by volume, but internet research in that direction has been unhelpful, since flops don't map well to the understood architecure of the brain. The closest guess I've found is about 160 petaflops per 1000 cubic centimeters. Is that reasonable?

Is there another way I can say it's good thinky stuff without explicitly comparing it to the human brain?

One suggestion I've had was to go with graph theory terminology, since connectivity is important to the archecture of neural processing, but that's edging a bit close for my taste.

Any suggestions?

You motherfuckers.
I'm so proud of you.

theryre in different "trees"

Your mother was a fake. You were a test tube baby.

Has anyone else noticed that this past month or so, all of our real creators have been gone and no good OC has come out?

Probably because we're all working on huge projects.
Very slowly.

>real creators

Wow user, how rude.
The empire builder from last thread was nice.

But yeah that's the only good one. Did you see that bookstore CYOA crap from a couple of threads ago? So terrible. A real tosser must have made that.

Long term creators.

I basically can't get interested in choose ones.

I've noticed the threads getting slower, but that's kind of normal this time of the year.

What counts as long term?

Made a handful of CYOAs and not just 1 or 2.

celt is still here

Does he actually make anything anymore?

He makes pot brownies

That's not a CYOA, so he's effectively gone.

It's a cyoa if you want it to be :^)

He chose to make pot brownies, and he went on an adventure after eating them, so i'd say he's halfway there.

fictionland 2
pocket universe 4

I know posts like these shouldn't get to me, but they really do.

If by "here" you mean; "Barely clinging to life"
Then, yeah.
Working on this one huge thing. Hopefully it'll be good to say the least. Hope so anyway, with how much prep I'm doing.
By Christmas if I get my nose to the grindstone.
I wish. All the kief I've been saving for butter keeps disappearing somehow.
>so i'd say he's halfway there
I'm also living on a prayer.