PoSW rebranding with masternodes and TPOS

I told you guys to look into POSW a few months ago when it was hovering around 1200 sats.
Almost trippled the value already.
Guess what happens next month/start of February when they rebrand to Stakenet, release masternodes, trustless proof of stake, masternode pools, treasury, private transactions, and a scaling solution that ACTUALLY works?

Yes, this is a biased shill thread, but I swear to God, if you don't see the fucking potential here, you are FUCKING retarded.

>Whitepaper: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2186549.0

>Discord invite: discord.gg/akK3BZ

I wish you all a Happy New year btw! Love ya all!

Other urls found in this thread:


What happens to my POSW tokens stored on poswallet.com after the brand refresh?

ohhhhhhhhh yessssssss posw is gonna EXPLODE

Loving the articles they put out on their website, really gets me pumped!!

You will have to move to the new chain. It's either gonna happen on a new exchange, or on Poswallet itself. Still not fully decided yet. Everything works though, I'm part of the testnet where we test the new wallet for bugs. It's gonna be fucking huge.
TPOS is a game changer, letting people stake their coins in cold storage letting Masternode holders stake their coins for them trustlessly using a shared key

Me too. The new dev team are fucking amazing, and they actually communicate with their investors, unlike other bigger projects im involved in.
If any of you are curious or have questions, then you're welcome to join the discord and ask questions.

don't forget the future lightening network implementation, atomic swaping, and privacy with zsnarks

Im glad I bought in months ago when it was under the radar. Good research pays off.. and BIG time if you are smart.

It's tempting to go all in, however a wise man once said: "Never put all your eggs in one basket"

Should be able to setup 5 masternodes though, enough to quit my job. Feels fantastic

wow I wish I had enough for a masternode... maybe some of my trades will pay of and ill have enough

FOMO is kicking in and I'm getting a little anxious

I completely understand why you're FOMO'ing. Depending on how many coins you are away from having 20k coins it might be a good idea to scoop up enough before the price rises even more.
POSW is gonna do CCPOS as well (Cross Chain Proof of stake) to make masternode rewards even higher. Read more here: medium.com/poswallet-weekly/posw-weekly-ccpos-cross-chain-proof-of-stake-de1ac87055cd

It's an insanely ambitious project, so I'm glad to be such a huge part of it before it explodes

Cross chain Proof Of Stake is fucking genius!

Guess I'll have to get at least 1 MN. I wonder if I can scoop up some below 3k satoshi.

Wait.. You'll be able to do atomic swaps with this coin?

I wonder why I haven't heard about this before. I entered crypto a few months ago, but this project seems promising. Seems slightly undervalued with all those upcoming features at least

Posw had a rough start, but it seems like they are getting their shit together at last.
Still own a few thousand from earlier this year which I never bothered to sell. I'm up 600% FIAT wise, so not complaining I guess

$10 next year

Personally I believe it COULD go way way higher, but Just $5 would be awesome!

Proof that it works on the testnet.

Pic related


Where do I buy this coin?

Cryptopia is your best bet. Or Livecoin, but not as much volume there

what ever happend to the marketplace, which was supposed to open before christmas?


I have 3,400 POSW that I bought forever ago for a few hundred, now worth about $1400 USD. It's an insignificant amount of my portfolio so I kind of forgot about it. Is there anything I need to do for the rebranding? It's just on the posw website staking.

Not sure. I think they are focusing on the last steps of TPOS, masternodes, and the new wallet and chain in general right now.
Ask on Discord, I don't know the answer, sorry :)

Well, we are moving to a new chain (a fork of PIVX) that the TPOS implementation can actually run on.
There will be a 1:1 coin swap on either Poswallet.com OR on a new exchange. Still undecided at this point

Wow I read all the articles... I guess I'm buying some.

So... wait and pay more attention to it. I'll have to get back on the slack.

Must suck to be so poor that you can't afford a masternode.
Go cry somewhere else.

Were on discord now


Wise decision. Good luck!
We moved to discord buddy. Check the link in the OP

Let me guess. You are invested in Link? Fuck off sheep

It's all good. Like I said, completely forgot I even had any. Maybe I'll buy enough for a masternode if things seem to be moving forward. I have to say, it's seems tough to find any info online about it. The subreddit is dead and the website mentions nothing of rebranding. If you're actually involved with the project you might want to think about marketing it more.

How many poo poo coins do I need for a masternode?

Posw.io check it out
And.. Join our discord if you want any specific info. Pretty friendly community

20k coins

>"Pajeet pajeet pajeet pajeet pajeet pajeet" - biz

Also. Check the domain: Stakenet.io

Nothing on the site yet apart from that animation thing, but we got the domain

I'll be joining shortly, not like you'd notice since I'm no whale in this coin. I'll definitely hold the 3.4K coins I have. Not sure if I want to shift $9,000 worth to it for a masternode, but will consider anyway. If that was closer to 10K coins, $4500 USD I'd buy that much tonight. I've always liked the whole staking wallet idea, since keeping a pc running all the time to stake my STRAT and RDD has always been a pain.

I completely understand you. It's a pretty big amount to invest to run a masternode, however they are gonna pay for themselves pretty quickly.
Hope to see you on Discord when you decide to join!

GitHub has been dead for a year now. How do you explain this?

Ask the devs on Discord buddy. Is it really that hard?

It's a completely NEW project with new devs. Soon to move to a NEW chain. THATS why

I think they are in a private repo and will release upon swap.

If they cant even muster the knowledge or the code to make the switch on their own wallet website then I think they are too amateurish to pull anything else off too.

You are expecting me to believe that a professional company is based on a fucking Discord channel? Fuck off.

It's about using the swap as leverage to get on another exchange. They CAN if they want but it'd be more benifeical getting on an exchange with more volume.

Are you retarded? Every info you need is on either Posw.io OR Poswallet.com

Not gonna lie to you, the condescending attitude doesn't inspire confidence. I get that it's frustrating to deal with the autists on this website, but there are a few people here who usually just lurk and it's not a good look for the coin. To be honest, I wouldn't even be posting here, it's just not worth the trouble for a good project.

How often do you get that payout?

Welcome to crypto newfriend, all are welcome!

This is a certified moon mission

If you miss this you are pathetic

Depends on how many coins/masternodes you have, but otherwise daily

So, just once a day?

Right? These 2 shills are being ridiculous and they just killed my will to buy this coin. I'm done with the research, everything I have to know about this project has been projected through these morons.

1 Indian guy with a VPN switch

Kid, you thought they were based on discord. You are dumb as fuck and should be happy this guy is spoon feeding you info. Im happy he answered my node questions because they are keeping it a little under wraps.

It's a shame because this one really is a good idea. Provide a place for people to store coins that also stakes them without running multiple wallets on a personal PC, minus a small fee. It could be great, but trying to argue with people on Veeky Forums is counterproductive. Focus on development, then market on websites normies use, aka... not here. Build a good reputation for everyone involved and success will follow.

Stay poor then. I'm doing everyone here a favor by spoon feeding valueable info. Take it or leave it, we will moon without you then

I'm starting to believe this is the case.
What a nice attitude from a supposed PR for a "brand new ultra secret" project.
Supposedly there had been issues with the wallet like hacks and coins being removed without people being alerted. I'm just trying to do some more research on my own but it does seem like a promising idea.

Hello ragjeed
Please come back outside to the tuktuk im waiting to finish my street tour.

I do remember a hack occurring at one point. My coins were not affected and I'm not sure of the extent, since I only held POSW on the website. My other staking coins were moved to a personal PC. Originally, they had a ton of coins staking on the website but delisted all of them over time to recover from the hack and regroup. I actually believe these guys are for real, but completely retarted for talking down to potential buyers.

I wish you'd just join Discord. Heck I wish I could show you the testnet channel, however it's for whales only (100k+)

It would open your mind a LOT more to actually see a working wallet in beta testing..

No users where affected by the "hack". Coins where stolen from one of their many cold wallets, so not a HUGE deal, since then security has been a top priority, and probably why they got inspired to work on Trustless Proof of stake

See, that's the problem. You're not talking to whales here. I believe you're trying to spread the word and actual help people get involved early-ish, but it's not coming off in a good way. By not addressing the previous issues you're being shady. Hell, this place is anonymous... a promise of results from a testnet for whales only is worthless here.

Agreed. I mean, my coins weren't affected and I didn't read of anyone loosing anything. It still happened and won't be forgotten though; best to not try to avoid discussion about it.

Im not a PR rep and I didnt say it was ultra secret. I said they were keeping stuff about the MN and the payouts and shit a little under wraps. I have 41k of these babies, if you want to make money then you would too.

I bought $61 of this shit back in April on fucking Cryptopia. It's up 2,000%.

What the fuck.

Nice! When did you buy in? That's a pretty good amount to have, and should get you 2 masternodes running.

Question for you, what exactly does running a masternode mean? Say I buy enough to run one, how would I go about it? Run a program on a pc?

I bought most at around 10-15cents. Back when Veeky Forums was making fun of it really bad. I buy the coins Veeky Forums makes fun of because they are wrong a lot. Works pretty good most of the time.

You are locking 20k in the official wallet. By doing this you help the network as a node, and you'll receive TPOS rewards, transaction fees, cross chain fees etc.

It can make you a good amount of money. Check Masternodes.pro and see for yourself

So similar to staking with another POS coin? So, I've been staking STRAT and RDD on an old laptop for almost a year now. If I were to sell most of those positions i could buy 20K+ POSW. Could I run that masternode on the same laptop, running Linux Mint?

The masternode allows you to do much much more than simply tying up your coins.

It allows you to act as a merchant, managing the rewards of other peoples POS coins trustlessly and taking a commision for doing so. Even allowing you to take 100% of these profits and return it to your client in the local fiat currency.

Testnet is open to the public

Yes, that's all well and good. What I mean is how is this accomplished? Is it as simple as running a program, or does it require active management?

From whjat I understand it can be as passive or active as you like. Run a MN and do nothing with it apart from collect the rewards. Alternatively become a merchant and take a very active role in managing people staking portfolio. Either publicly or anonymously.

Honestly, I'm still trying to grasp the implications.

You follow a setup guide, for every MN you need a different IP address, a 24/7 computer(no spec hardware specs needed), or host a vps
