Fucking love this. The app is awesome

Fucking love this. The app is awesome.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yep, but only first takes profits or all the podium or who else?

Just started using it...

what is that


Forecast app

explain this shit

You give your predictions, the more accurate they are the more points you get.

People with more points win prizes ($ and BTC)

>platform that rewards you for guessing the next moon mission
>hivemind AI turns this into an extremely reliable prediction that becomes reality due to meme magic
>need at least 200k CND for the prediction bot

tldr, if you hold more than 200k CND it's impossible not to get rich.

have you received today's intel from the bot?

>mfw when I bought this shit at $0.05 and sold for a loss

yeah, it's bitbean.

it said i'm successfully registered and my balance shows the correct amount of cnd but i'm not getting anything.

thee app is great, but not for you or anyone else except those who have access to the data. The coin is kinda irrelevant, they are literally profiting of others for cheap.

>have 80k Cind
>could get 200k if I sell everything else
>wouldn't have any spare money to trade off what the bot says



Lol it was about Tron being listed on either Bitfinex or Bittrex

no idea, haven't actually used the app yet, just trying to pump the price even more.

I can afford 200k CND should I do it?

I would have to sell half of my total and I would not feel comfortable gambling the rest of my coins. This shit seems like a legit pyramid scheme except they lock off everyone below the capstone.

I hope someone buys 200k CND and releases the data to the public.

Thanks, but to see the prediction of users, I have to pay?

Mfw rank 36424 with 0 accurate forecasts out of 5. I assume the machine learning algorithm weights my predictions by like 0.000000001. At least ima make bank with the coins i got

i feel this thing is primed to double this weekend though

wtf is wrong with the background noise on this page?

yeah...luckily i bought this at like 1.5 cents when everyone was creaming about buttcoin going straight to $100k. another gem ignored and shitted on by Veeky Forums, typical.

lol seriously what is stopping this?

this was shilled heavily during the ico if i remember

explain to me how that would work...

>hi Veeky Forums, the next prediction by cindicator is that coin i own massive quantities of. just trust me, i really own the cindicator app, i even provided a screenshot as proof (it wasn't shopped, honestly)

same here user

cnd will steadily increase in price, don't even think about selling now for a quick profit, it will be worth a lot more in a couple of months

How many CND do I have to buy to see the prediction of the number 1 on the web?

> my first ICO
> receive mail that it will be traded on binance
> excited as hell to get rich
> starts trading on binance, price start to drop like hell
> wait a couple of days nothing happens
> everything else mooning
> sell at 150sat

and only a small percentage of people who applied for the whitelist were accepted

cnd is the one of the coin you want to have in your portfolio medium/long term

to use the bot you need 1mil cnd


But what does it mean to see the bot? On that is based to put your prediction? Do you average the best users? Of all?
If I can't select a user's prediction, why should I use that website?

>could've bought a million CND for $10k not that long ago
>now it'd cost you almost $100k

actually makes me wonder who the fuck would pay that much for such a product. if it works perfectly, it's worth even more, I guess...

If it works there is nothing in the world that could control information that valuable.