What's the difference between a decent gay/trans character and an irritating pandering one?
What's the difference between a decent gay/trans character and an irritating pandering one?
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The difference? A decent gay/trans character doesn't exist.
Depend if I ship it. And what with transmorpher and Veeky Forums?
They're all pandering to the deviants and the mentally ill, and a shining example of western decadence.
I've opposed the law about criminalizing "gay propaganda" in my country at first, but now I think it's a huge step in the rigjt direction.
t. russian
it's a subject that isn't openly ignored like it doesn't exist, but when it does come up it does so fluidly, not with someone barging into the room and screaming about how much they love their girl penis when no one asked. Then leads into appropriate repercussions given the situation- be it some kind of backlashed, a change in the way they interact with another character, or absolutely nothing- it isn't just hand waved as not existing as if it isn't some new or unusual situation (unless it's specifically known that sort of thing isn't actually different or unusual in universe) and it isn't played as some excuse to make any kind of statement.
But that's wrong.
Don’t shit this place up too, /pol/. You already ruined /v/ and Veeky Forums has its own problems to deal with, fuck off.
The same as making a decent ANYTHING character.
Is there more to the character than the fact that they're X thing? Is anything except X thing about them ever actually shown or used in the story in a meaningful way? Is the player playing them for any reason besides X thing?
Do you like the character?
A good gay/trans character is a dead one
In terms of RPG? If it is a defining feature of your character, it's pandering. If it's just a side trait to have some peculiar advantages/ disadvantages, small encounters between actual adventures, etc., it's a good character.
If, upon looking at the character/hearing the description, observing the behavior in the first session, it is plainly and blatanly obvious the character is gay or trans, it's panderific shitcake of a character. Actual, commonplace, well-adjusted trans and gay people just act normal.
>it's bait because it makes me uncomfortable
Go back to /pol/, faggot.
Kill yourself faggot
>peculiar advantages
So, for example, a trap Halfling Rogue who uses cuteness, high Dex, and small size to constantly worm up against the burly Half-Orc Paladin? Because that's the situation in my game and my struggle is deciding how tsundere my Paladin will be before finally just allowing it.
I am just waiting for the mod. What the latest record before a thread is gone?
It have no relationship with table game.
>How should I play a decent gay or trans character?
only reasonable answers in thread.
Like with every other trait, it's good when it's mentioned when it's relevant.
More likely it's bait for SJWs, honestly. The collapse of neogaf has made /v/ and Veeky Forums ripe fishing grounds for the oily flesh of far-left newfags who haven't built up any spiritual calluses yet.
Not everything that makes you butthurt is bait, you're just an oversensitive little babychild.
A decent gay/trans character will have it be only an incidently trait rather than their key feature. He'll be a wizard that happens to loke dick, not Faggotron the GAY wizard.
Their homosexuality/transsexualality will only come up in conversation where actually relevant.
If he has to anounce that he enjoys sucking cock to everyone its a bad character.
>there are people more left on the political spectrum than me so they must ALL be from neogaf and shareblue because /r/thedonald said that Veeky Forums was always a 100% alt-right website!
If the halfling is uses his cuteness for everything else too, because "muh transgenderness hey look im transgender", that's stupid and borderline magical realm. But if the character is being cute to seduce a tsundere paladin and is a consistent character otherwise... Just go for it, if your paladin is into transsexuals.
The paladin isn't obliged to ever allow it.
Really if its made clear its unwanted tue halfing is obliged to stop.
What's the appeal of traps? character is very cute but I don't see what a dick is adding.
>but I don't see what a dick is adding.
user, you might be gay.
pretty much this, does the character have more depth as a result of making them gay. Take for example a young nobleman, he is fully aware that he will both probably be arranged a political marriage and will also be needed to continue the family line, he can even aknowledge the importance of him doing so but at the same time he knows that loving a woman romantically is something he'll never have. There's an entire character arc to be made of resolving that conflict, personal happiness and desire vs family loyalty. I guess you could do something similar with a more standard rebellious noble but that's basically a cliche at this point.
how much does it pay to shitpost on the internet in support of President Trump?
If your elf character is 'elf', your dwarf character is 'dwarf', your blonde character is 'blonde' and your gay character is 'gay', what you have is Bad Writing.
Same with trans characters, really. Very few fictional characters have an identity based entirely around their genitals, for all it matters every single Star Wars original trilogy character except Vader could be trans and it wouldn't change the story at all.
>Veeky Forums is a safe space for my tranny ass
Just like janitors, I do it for free. Big fan, actually. Watched his rallies.
the one that doesn't shove anything up your face or your ass is the better-written one.
>Except Vader
In before the evil character has to be male because men are evil or some other nu-male SJW shit.
>gets angry at hearing different opinions
>accusses other people of wanting a safe space
Whats the difference between a black man saying he's a white man and a man claiming he is a woman?
first post best post
> 2edgey4me
Only one is argentinian.
How much they talk about it. The less, the better.
Pic related.
Not, but I think that Vader needs to be able to father children.
no one will believe a black man
>implying most Charisma-based characters don't use their cuteness for everything
Not him, but what if the Halfling is Neutral Evil?
Don't pretend you haven't noticed the influx or think Veeky Forums is some left-wing safe space instead of a lulz-oriented right-leaning-but-degenerate fun hellhole.
I do it for free, anyone who doesn't like Trump doesn't understand negotiation, media bias, or what good banter looks like.
Yeah but then Padme would have to be able to mother them as well.
A decent gay/trans/etc. character is... well, A CHARACTER. They have depth and a personality. They have interests and ambitions and goals and a life. Their sexuality and/or gender identity is a facet of who they are, not the entirety of it.
An irritating pandering one is a character whose orientation/gender identity is the core of the character. They have no REAL depth or personality aside from being "the gay/trans character." They bring it up at every opportunity, or at least in situations where it's barely relevant, if at all.
I can't think of something witty to make you reply to this reply.
Master baiting and anal at the same time.
I am worry if my new character is too one dimensions.
Not him, but I'm picturing something along the lines of
>I thought you were a woman.
>Yeah, but I mean wouldn't Mom be my dad?
You have the right to your opinions, but they're going to be mocked, dissected, and derided, just like any and all facets of your personal identity and views you share on this website. The way you respond shows you still don't get how this place works, with actual safe spaces and ideologies fighting over territory. This isn't that kind of website, anyone can believe anything here so long as it passes through being torn apart by literally millions of autists. Lurk more before posting.
>not wanting to get prostate violated by the lewd female BBEG's girlcock
Astolfo, Sieg, and Jeanne are literally the worst part of that dumpster fire.
Padme didn't show up in OT, so Vader being the only cisgender still works.
I know you're trolling, because you have to be over 18 to post here, but it's still SAD that some kids actually think his flatulent flapping is what banter looks like.
Reason and accountability.
of I'm fully aware of that, and I have no issue with any viewpoint being criticised, but when people get upset at nothing more than other opinions existing, it stops being criticism or even humor and starts becoming 'criticism/humor as justification for why my hurt feeling are completely rational and yours are stupid' which is frequently what we see instead.
Looks like you need a safe space
Veeky Forums has always been irreverant and full of assholes. If you can't stand that then fuck off you whining pussy faggot nigger republicunt
Trans and Trap characters have no depth, because they are made for the sake of being trans/trap. You can make characters of both genders, and yet you make a point of making a tranny or a trap.
you seem a lot angrier than I am
>anyone who doesn't swallow whole the MSNBC/CNN screechfest and blatant Goldwatering aimed at the POTUS is underage.
Sure, buddy. It's not like statistically being older and having a job makes one more likely to support Trump or anything. From start to finish, Trump has been a source of prime banter, especially after two men who were remarkable for their inability in the field of bantz (although Bush at least never tried). I'm sure it's not some snarky freestyle postmodernist slam poetry session, but that's one of the reasons why Trump banter is good.
> you used bad words so you're angry
You're clearly new to Veeky Forums, buddy
> when people get upset at nothing more than other opinions existing,
No, you still don't understand. That's the whole point. It's FUN to get mad at other people's dumb opinions. The fact that the left can get hurt feelings over this stuff is the reason why the left is losing, the right just doesn't give a fuck,
This guy gets it.
reverse traps are the best
>get mad at other people's dumb opinions
>The fact that the left can get hurt feelings over this stuff is the reason why the left is losing, the right just doesn't give a fuck
these are contradictory, you're saying you're getting mad at other people's dumb opinions then criticising the left for getting mad at other peoples' opinions?
Which makes a better squire for a valiant knight, a trap or a reverse trap?
No third option, so no taking an easy way out.
>I am angry, angry about _elves_
Reverse Trap. Hands down.
They can pass for a boy in public. and a truly chivalrous knight would never ask for the truth.
Yes what this guy said. Also the trans characters background can inform their personality as long as its not their only personality.
So you know they were bullied for being a trans orc, they ran away to find themselves, found a lust for gold and pirate anus and etc etc. Perfect character.
You're halfway there, keep going! The difference is that the people here don't have any hurt feelings at all, they're enjoying themselves and their anger. Nobody cares about potentially damaging their reputation because nobody but tripfags maintain an identity between threads.
eew, cooties.
Nice going. You summoned a tripfag.
>these are contradictory
I think liberals genuinely have some kind of mental filter where they hear words differently than what's spoken to them, hence this thing like what you're doing here where you ask "oh, do you mean something else that better suits my internal narrative?"
>what if the Halfling is Neutral Evil?
Then the paladin should be DEUS VULTing them.
First of all, they need to work in the setting. A gay character will work in any setting, but a trans will work better in something like shadowrun than in something set in the middle ages.
Then you need to understand that being gay/trans isn't their defining feature, it's just a trait. No one wants a character that is screaming "I'M GAY! I LOVE SUCKING DICK!" all the time. That's pandering.
Either you make a normal character that is also gay/trans, and then never really bring it up again. Or you go with If you can't do any of these then a gay/trans character is not for you.
If the only gay/trans character you can think of is an overly feminine, naked man that only wears a rainbow flag and flirts with all the male players, or a passable trans-woman who flirts with every male player and can't shut up about how trans she is, and OH SHE STILL HAS THE DICK GUYS!!!! FEMALE COCK AIN'T GAY!!!!! Then you got a problem.
For the first time, I feel shame.
I am so glad that Paladins lost their evil radar in 5e. It made a mockery of most moral questions. Now orc-babies are a real question, as opposed to a gamble to turn them good. Not that I'd ever actually use a catch 22 like orc babies.
I think that's what the Halfling wants. That and snugs.
Everything in existence depends on context because fuck me in the ass, but generally speaking, I'd say that the difference is pretty simple: a decent gay/trans character isn't consumed by their sexual orientation or gender identity. There's an actual character underneath those labels and, in the vast overwhelming majority of campaigns, those features of them might as well be footnotes 90% of the time. A lesbian does not begin screeching she's a lesbian at the top of her lungs as she charges into battle; if she pursues a romance then the romance is just like any other and isn't treated as fundamentally different than any heterosexual romance.
Tl;dr, don't play a homosexual/trans person, play a person who happens to be homosexual/trans.
but there's no way of telling if someone's actually butthurt or just trolling, so why assume that all of group A are always one and all of group B are always the other?
Yes, imagine if all straight characters were this guy, only not as awesome. That's what a gay character of the type you described basically is.
Isn't that the game mocking you for collecting all the pictures of actual Japanese porn stars they scattered throughout the game?
As someone who grew up in a Soviet Satellite State I find it amazing that its always the same type of educated, middle-class college-tard that actually believes that they are the "normal average person", the Everyman.
In the same vein you commies always miss how the "poor workers" that you claim to speak and fight for are never interested in your lofty goals. You know why? Because unlike you they know hard work and they know how it to care for their families.
Communists and Marxists are all broken people, completely devoid of any empathy for other people, so of course you cannot fathom why people would like or vote for Trump.
>reddit spacing
Go back to your safe space
If tripfags cared about their reputation they wouldn't be tripfags.
Because both groups are pretty open about it and it's easy to observe them long enough to understand they both mean it? The new right actively tries NOT to be butthurt about things because becoming butthurt is a loss of emotional status, where on the new left victimhood is associated with morality and therefore being butthurt/offended is inherently righteous.
By the way, yes, actual nazis are leftists. They're big-government Marxists who believe in sweeping social and political change and view their victimhood as a badge of honor. Did that blow your mind or what?
>monitor ink
No, it's the game rewarding you for making friends with a guy who is initially introduced as Walking Erection.
i grew up in italy and here (like in every non soviet european nation) communism, while loved by the middle class has had and still has traction with the low level workers.
Of course they have no depth, just like the trannies and traps IRL who build their whole personality around their gender.
This is also why they get offended so easily, because that's all they have.
>They're big-government Marxists
But they privatized a lot of industries
>big-government Marxists
Marxist-Leninist is a thing. Marxist-Hitlerist is not. It is called the Third Way for a reason.
Generally speaking they think our towns deserve to die, but that they will assume the role of noble saviors and let us survive on welfare while robots do all of the nasty work and they run the arts division of the New Worldwide Government. That's the world the new left desires, robot workers, welfare queens and kings, and party members.
This is unironically a pretty accurate description. Both sides shape their identity from how they react to trauma.
>Trans character
Don't even bother
>Decent gay character
You never figure out that he's gay unless it really matters. He smashes goblin faces with the best of 'em, enjoys his drinking games, plays dice in a while and is otherwise your standard adventurer. It's just that if a prostitute starts jumping on his lap, he shoves her off and says "I'm more into men, to be honest".
>A fucking faggot
"Hey guys, did you know I'm gay? OMG I'm so gay! Like, gays are so oppressedn and stuff! Look at me masturbate in public! If you don't like the idea of me spraying my jizz alll over you then you're a homophobe! You don't want to be a homophobe do you? Like, the paladin has such a cute butt and stuff! Shame he's such a homophobe, I'd totally let him 'smite' me with his 'greatsword' teehee"
tl;dr: Don't let sucking dick define that character, it's just something he does in his free time. Like chess or collecting bottlecaps.
It really just comes down to skill of the roleplayer. Think about gay or trans people you might know irl: some of them are annoying and never stop beating you over the head with their sexuality, most of them just behave regularly. That's not to say that being a gender/sexual minority can't inform your characters decisions and personality, merely that it's only one small facet of their being.
Thoughtful, well reasoned responses.
Literally lmao tier
>I am so glad that Paladins lost their evil radar in 5e
Thats because you are an idiot and so are the people you play with.
It is however very telling that so many people had a problem with handling such straightforward ability in a fucking narrative game.