Has Veeky Forums ever played Too Human? What did you think of the setting
Has Veeky Forums ever played Too Human? What did you think of the setting
>>Of God, Of Men, Of Everything on the title
no actually.
never played it, not because the setting was weak or anything, but because it was a shitty game I didn't want even having a save file on my console.
the setting was ok, it was just wasted on one of the worst games ive played in my life though
i vaguely remember playing it, and i did enjoy it from what little i remember
give me a refresher
Norse Cyborgs.
The Valkyrie animation that played every time you died was too damn long and unskippable
The setting was pretty interesting although it was basically just Lords of Light with Norse shit instead of Hindu shit
The setting was different and interesting, but was ruined by shitty writing, mediocre voice-acting, a paper-thin plot, laughably bad dialogue and a combat system that actually gave me Rollaids.
>science-fictional futuristic retelling of Norse mythology that portrays the Æsir, the Norse gods, as cybernetically enhanced humans, tasked with protecting mankind from the onslaught of Loki's army of machines. The player takes the role of the Norse god Baldur, who is less cybernetic than the other gods, thus being "too human".
Before the Dawn of the Æsir, the great machines called the "Children of Ymir" stalked Earth, bent on destroying humanity. As the war escalated, man and machine exchanged nuclear and anti-matter weapons, leaving a once-lush world frozen in a thousand-year winter. Humanity now teeters on the brink of extinction. Earth's population is now only a few million sheltered in the walled enclave of Midgard. The great sentient machines have prospered in the eternal winter. Humanity, however, is not alone. They pray to the Æsir and faithfully worship the great Organically Distributed Intelligence Network. As protectors, it is the Æsir's duty to ensure humanity survives. Their cybernetically-enhanced bodies and minds make them far more powerful than mortals, and they are properly revered as gods.
I dimly remember it. I really dug the concept of the setting but the gameplay was meh. Not as attrocious as people tend to describe it but not good either
Somebody took three to five pieces of good concept art and tried to make it into a game.
AMAZING setting and concept wasted on the worst fucking game ever I was platinum goddamn mad holy fucking shit
The idea is fine, the excecution abysmal.
Neat setting and good game unfairly shat on by memes and people who never got past the first level.
Why Veeky Forums?
Becuase Veeky Forums hates /v/ for the same reason /v/ hates /pol/
Sounds a lot like pic related.
this shit is a fucking game
go to /v/ you retarded piece of shit
And yet /v/ doesn’t tell /pol/ to go back to Veeky Forums
I would kill for an Asuras Wrath tabletop
Mutant and Masterminds might be the best thing to even simulate something close to that
But /hist/ tells /pol/ to go to /bant/...
So either it was okay or the worst game ever to exist
But the setting was cool
Game was shit, never got past an hour of play. Made me glad I rented the disc.