ITT: We discuse the future of the most unrepresented 40k armies
Are the SoB being remade then? Chapter Approved is about to bring them rules, so they are not forgotten. Will we see Plastic Nuns for this Ed?
ITT: We discuse the future of the most unrepresented 40k armies
Are the SoB being remade then? Chapter Approved is about to bring them rules, so they are not forgotten. Will we see Plastic Nuns for this Ed?
As a marinefag, GW should squat SoB or give them a proper release within a year. If no release after that time stop the crap already and kill the fucking army.
The situation is just stupid at this point.
I know marines didn't have a release every single years but it sure felt like that, specially when I went to buy something. There was always something new that I didn't have.
It sucks ass to have all this fancy new models with re-release of the same unit over and over again while your opponents are still running decades old models not by choice but because GW never updates the bloody model line.
Also for fuck sake, release the Aberrant box for GSC, it is retarded that you need to buy marines in order to get models for an army that can't even use marines as allies.
>Chapter Approved
That's something I expected even less than sisters... Since when has it came back?
Anyways, the Ecclesiarchy could do with more fluff. It's the most barebone of the imperial aspects, despite supposedly being a major counterpower like the AdMech.
They have been posting entries about stuff to come in Chapter Aproved since last week in Warhammer Community
>It's an upcoming book and not a series of experimental rules and scenarios published in WD.
Every day is a deception.
No, arbites have the least fluff.
But pissing aside, as an SoB player I have models that are literally older than some of the people I play against.
On the other hand, the models have the right damn scale and I never worry about how GW's gonna' fuck my army.
They can't squat sisters until they get more female miniatures onto peoples tables. Better representation is a stated goal in the most recent investor report from GW and while Token Woman Faction by itself isn't great it's still something.
I'm reasonably confident that we'll see plastic sisters at some point, given recent events. The weirdness of Blanchitsu being present in White Dwarf and the release of Celestine & Co primes people for a the return of more gothic weirdness in terms of the church and their murderous battle nuns. Half the reason people love the Adeptus Mechanicus is because they lean heavily into Blanche's concept art and away from the increasingly clean designs we're seeing on Imperial marines these days.
Since 8ththere was talk about CA coming back as a errata/update thing plus new things to try.
Gib plastic SoB, I want my angry nuns back.
I fell in love with them so many years ago and that love still burning.
I love their models too. Hell, even if I wouldn't collect them, I would love to see them in plastic.
Dunno, the Chira Calpurnia books, Necromunda and Inquisitor fluff, and the Book of Law for DH fluffed out the arbites, meanwhile the ecclesiarchy outside of SoB is "ecclessiarch - often evil; cardinals - when we need a villain that isn't a planetary governor; lots of preachers."
Let's pray they can adapt Blanche decently with CAD. Pic still gives me shivers.
>Chira Calpurnia book
Shira Calpurina.
They should just squat the whole shitty setting at this point desu, they've fucked it way too hard for it to ever be redeemed. Just like WHFB prior to AoS
A comprehensive pdf some user posted in the 40k rpg general
>Are the SoB being remade then?
no they are getting squated and female marines are going to be introduced as a replacement
If they don't update sisters, they can't remove their boobplate.
Have faith, sisters. If Admech had a plastic release, so shall you.
Kopinsky is the boss.
If you had to expand the sororitas vehicle rooster, what unit would you provide them with?
My dream is pic related on a Rhino chassis, used as anti-aircraft.
But I have a fond spot for the Gau-8 Divads prototype.
This edition is probably the best chance we've got with how much crap has come out recently.
Me too. My dream is Sisters models done Kingdom Death-tier quality.
Plastic repressor, the hunter, the stalker, maybe a an exorcist/something else either-or type kit?