Remind me again why people like this faction?
>Be space commies
>Be a filthy xeno
>Be space weeaboos
>Be technologically advanced, but never met/knew the warp
>Shitty botched Caste system
>Allowed genestealers to fuck up a society once.
>Sterilize humans once assimilated
>Shit melee
>Have to rely on robots to be good (at least AdMech are capable fighters)
>Literally get fucked over by your etherials once chaos pops in
>Shit presence in the warp
>Even Orks think they're shit fighters
>"M-Muh graetur gud"
>"M-Muh Honor"
>"It's da Farseits fault"
>Literal Vagina-Faced Fishpeople with hooves.
>Worse reeducation camps than the inquisition
>Can't combat daemons.
>Haven't fully thought through what will happen if psykers are a thing among the human colonies.
>Literally tried to befriend Dark Eldar
>"M-Muh Ethereals are pure and only see reason n sheeeiiit"
>"Empire of Peace."
The Tau and everything wrong with them
It's unrealistic tvat they havent dismantled their planets and build Dyson spheres with them giving the thousands years of space age tech and no FTL. If you dont have planets to colonize within your reach, you make millions of space stations out of planet-cracking sterile worlds.
>Sterilize humans once assimilated
Not canon. Also, that was only with a planet that would keep rebelling. The sort of situation in which the Imperium wouldn’t think twice about laying down an exterminatus
>uses gundams
>actually advances technology
>has a sleek minimalist design, like the eldar
>plasma spam
>hover tanks
>pure long range combat
>has a lighter gray color than most factions making them stand out amongst the sea of dark black
>uses reasonable tactics half the time, instead of just drowning the enemy in bodies and honor
>uses zeta gundam lasers the other half
if you are looking for complaints, there will always be complaints
but some people just want to play communist gundamns and use 30'' markerlighted pulse guns
among all the baroque and ornate crap the other factions have, some people like the smooth look of the tau
>uses reasonable tactics half the time, instead of just drowning the enemy in bodies and honor
The only good guys.
>space commies
>filthy xenos
Honestly this is why I play them. I feel like they are a good response to the guy who thinks that the horrifying mutated monster clones are the epitomy of positive masculinity.
And you think being forced to a caste instead of willingly picking a profession is better?
You're better off dying for the emperor than submitting to naive xenos. At least in the imperium you have someone to look forward to.
>inb4 Tau females like human males
I play them as a Star Trek Federation expy - we always wished to see a Star Trek vs Star Wars and with the Tau you have it. They are basically the straight man of the galaxy. My headcanon atleast.
Know what? Fuck it, I'll bite, even though this is hardly better than a bait thread.
>Be space commies
Stupid, inaccurate meme.
>Be a filthy xeno
Stupid, accurate meme.
>Be space weeaboos
Doubly stupid, inaccurate meme.
>Be technologically advanced, but never met/knew the warp
Stable portion of space and low warp signature.
>Shitty botched Caste system
Works pretty well for them.
>Allowed genestealers to fuck up a society once.
Can't comment on that one.
>Sterilize humans once assimilated
Not canon, and anti-Taufags parroting this one is pretty annoying.
>Shit melee
>Have to rely on robots to be good (at least AdMech are capable fighters)
AdMech are mostly robots themselves.
>Literally get fucked over by your etherials once chaos pops in
It's a bad policy, yeah. Ethereals are in the wrong there. Rather like Imperials keeping all knowledge of the Warp barred from their citizens on pain of death.
>Shit presence in the warp
>Even Orks think they're shit fighters
Yeah? Orks are genetically engineered to fight.
>"M-Muh graetur gud"
What's the argument here?
>"M-Muh Honor"
Hardly the most honorabu faction in the galaxy.
>"It's da Farseits fault"
? Farsight went against the Ethereals and propaganda smeared his name.
>Literal Vagina-Faced Fishpeople with hooves.
>Worse reeducation camps than the inquisition
Not true.
>Can't combat daemons.
Pulse rounds to the face seem to do the job.
>Haven't fully thought through what will happen if psykers are a thing among the human colonies.
They by and large don't know about psykers, outside of allied races like the Nicaasar.
>Literally tried to befriend Dark Eldar
Benefit of the doubt bit them in the ass there. It's worked for them in the past.
>"M-Muh Ethereals are pure and only see reason n sheeeiiit"
Ethereals are the reason the T'au are anything but savages. Indoctrination, conditioning and ambiguous mind-influence help.
>"Empire of Peace."
More peaceful than any other faction, comparatively speaking.
Castes are essentially subspecies, and there's a lot of variation within one. An Earth Caste will never be a warrior, but he can be an artisan, engineer, farmer, or a bunch of other things. Ascent through the ranks of a caste is based on merit and skill. They have a hell of a lot more to look forward to than your average Hive Worlder.
>A black man will never be an astronaut, but he could be a basketball player or a drug dealer or a janitor or a bunch of other things.
But when you're Gue'la in their territory, what they say goes. If they want you in the fire caste, don't think about being a diplomat. And if you even are a Tau, suppose you fell in love with an air caste, yet you are just a simple EarthC engineer. Not gonna happen. Or an Earth caste tau that always wanted to fly, but Whoops, not air, don't have the body build for it, you can't make your own plane and fly, whether you like to or not.
kek. got me good.
Nothing about the Tau is remotely communist.
>Farsight went against the Ethereals and propaganda smeared his name.
That's the point. Farsight is to the tau, what a Heretic is to the Imperium.
Guion Bluford, Frederick D. Gregory, Ronald McNair, Charles Bolden, Mae Jemison, Bernard A. Harris Jr., etc.
Just in case anyone took that as Not A Meme.
You really take your plastic army men seriously, user.
muh gundam a e s t h e t i c s
>when you love thicc earth caste girls but you're in the air caste
Jesus Christ what a nightmare
>would be BTFO by literally any other faction in the game if not for muh plot armour, muh space weebs
>>Allowed genestealers to fuck up a society once.
>Can't comment on that one.
Ksi'm'yen. Tau controlled former human colony. Tl;Dr: A genestealer arrives in the planet, scientists purposely let it infect and study the effects on it's tau citizens. Soon after, lab breaks, planet goes to global war, fire caste tries to stop it, the planet gets quarantined
Cherry on top: Questionable Ethereal declares the planet after the conflict "Free of taint"
Rumor is he got infected from the Genestealer virus/Is a gene stealer himself.
>When you like that Gue'la but he keeps murmuring to himself "Xeno Filth."
Even bigger nightmare. But at least he's clear from tau propaganda.
>Picking a profession
>In the Imperium
>Where you're literally born just so they can decide what weapon you'll be holding when you die for the emperor.
Gue'vesa aren't put in the Castes. Those are for T'au only.
the tau are literally the less evil of xeno empires out there,they actually care for their people and even for the humans in their empire. the rest of the galaxy is filled with psychotic xenos like the ork,crazy chaos worshipers,treacherous and machiavellian eldars and the bloated decaying empire of man whose corpse emperor works as a perfect metaphor for its current state. sure you are not going to be totally free in the tau empire,but them again no one gets to be free,if you think there is more freedom for a average human in the empire of man you a very mistaken,and i sure you dont think people lives better under chaos rule
Okay, and?
>Where you're literally born just so they can decide what weapon you'll be holding when you die for the emperor.
and thats the lucky ones,most people lives they whole lives as a factory worker or some shit like that
The fact they want him dead because he denied the propaganda. That's it.
>Can't think for yourself. When the ethereal says you shank yourself, you shank yourself, without asking why.
>Not trying to be Arbites
>or Inquisitor
>or AdMech
>or Guardsman
>"What's that? He's born black? Well, he can't be a professor, now can he. Of to the ghettos with you."
You listed three roles you're born into, and one you're cherry picked for.
>Literal Vagina-Faced Fishpeople with hooves
But that's wronh
>Arbites - Come from the Schola
>Inquisitor - Come from the Schola, or selected from very exceptional non-schola individuals. Not something you can really TRY to become.
>AdMech - Born on a Forgeworld, assigned to role from birth by rigid processing
>Guardsman - This probably is achievable for the average schmuck if they play their cards very well. Yay! You can die in a trench.
>Can't think for yourself. When the ethereal says you shank yourself, you shank yourself, without asking why.
and do you think is diferent in the imperium somehow?the army have comisars that shot you for not following orders,even if those orders are retarded
>The fact they want him dead because he denied the propaganda
he is esentially a heretic in tau terms,the imperium use the term heretic for a lot of things and no one says anything,damn techpriest can not do proper science or they get called heretic,everything is heresy in the damn imperium
People can choose to be guardsmen
Depends massively on the regiment, and the world you're born on, and the circumstances of your birth, and etc.
On a lot of worlds they're cherry picked from PDF troops. On some, it's a family thing. On some, you can just sign up at will, assuming no one else owns you (good luck if you're an indentured slave in a manufactorum).
not everyone can join,if you were pick as an orphan by the ecclesiarchy or pick young by the techpriest you can not change jobs later,they decided you are better serving the umperium in your current position,also you can not choose not to join the imperial guard in some planets,like the vostroyans or the now defunct cadia
That's how all armies in the world have ever worked.
A soldier that question his orders is not a good soldier
Remind me again why people like Imperium of Man?
>makes Orks look smart compared to themselves
I think this point is enough.
>Remind me again why people like Imperium of Man?
They're not ugly as fuck.
yeah but not all of them shoot you in plain sight right there for everyone to see,most of them would judge for cowardice or rebellion,and depending of the situation you may get to prision,expelled from the army,off to a penal battalion or executed.
But..but.. they have bigass stompy robot suits! Not stumpy legged coffins, or cyborg zombies, just big stompy robots that look futuristic! You like Gundam or Macross, you collect Tau!
orks are not ugly,they are cute,like a psychotic mudering pupy
>They're not ugly as fuck.
they are pretty ugly tho.
But you still have the option to run though.
>But you still have the option to run though.
this is the kind of thing that make the comisar shot you user,and they seems to have a good aim,also if you manage to escape i think they will marke you as an heretic
Ancient Rome did actualy kill the cowards that ran away
The only sane regiment are Catachans, they have ways of dealing with full-retard blamhappy Commissars.
Humans are prettier than everyone else
i think some penal legions like the last chancers do the same
look at this mon'keigh
na i think the eldars are hot as fuck
also the savlar chem dogs
Remind me again why people like this faction?
>>Be space commies
Commies > fascists
Do not fall for shitty fanarts, eldar are a ugly species too. Elegant, but ugly.
The tau does seem much more fascist than commie though.
Actualy, I think the tau are some kind of aristocracy
>Be Tau fire warrior
>Just finished getting fucked in the forehead by BBKroot
>Voice my concerns to the nearby (((Ethereal)))
Truly, they are the goodest goys.
Objectively nobody is “good” in 40k. Especially not the Tau
Tau are everything that people love about Star Trek's United Federation turned up to 12 and all the dystopian horror that comes with it.
Not the founding race of Tau (caste members and etherals for humans and Vulcans respectively)? Congrats. You are a second class citizen. But we treat you nice enough to your face, and provide lip service by having the most agreeable member of your race on a council.
I like this interpretation. It's one thing maybe JJ Abrams did right, is that a human federation is going to put humanity first.
Roddenberry's federation is run by a different futuristic humanity. Abram's is run by modern humanity. It's less imaginitive but perhaps more relatable.
Anyways I digress.
Sure humans are but most people use Space marines.
Gue'vesa psykers when?
Psychic shit.
Also, may I know where did you take it?
user, the point of it was, would you rather be forced to suicide even if you don't want to, or die out of free will.
>Being ordered to do something stupid. Vs.
>Getting compelled to do so through mind control.
One of these gets you shot in the head. The other wants you a hole in the helmet that you lift on the end of your rifle.
I was referring to to the older Star Trek. One where everyone likes classical or jazz, everyone drinks the same drinks. (Except the filthy Klingons
This new shit has the Klingons as the "dindu nuffin" race and the ships powered by a space bear hooked up to nipple clamps is just shit.
My problem with Tau, at least mechanically, is they have no fight or psychic phase. So in order to not be totally unplayable, they need a lot of cheesy shit.
Not really sure why GW would write themselves into such a corner with CC. Melee battle robot. Heavily armoured Tau wielding fucking plasma rods. Something
blacks didn't become astronauts by merit. they got there because they are freemasons working fake space and the heliocentric model. research flat earth
A good old tau shitstorm thread would be refreshing. Nobody rages about Matt Ward or Tau anymore, just ADB
Oh, I agree. Like I said, to become more relatable, it sucked out all imagination.
The only faction that doesn't instantly make me want to puke or laugh my ass off.
They are a theocratic republic. Closest thing I can think of.
The only faction that are not evil are the Tyranids, as purely instinctual beings they are not moral agents and incapable of being either good or evil.
Also Orks dindu nuffin, they gud boyz gettin dere lives back on track, need mo teef fo dem gubbinz
Because they're ripped as fuck.
They are disgusting mutants that behave like babies so I guess they fit well with the autists that play them.
>The only faction that are not evil are the Tyranids, as purely instinctual beings they are not moral agents and incapable of being either good or evil.
false, the Tyranid Hive mind has been described in the new codex as being capable of feeling, seeing, plotting, inventing, etc But in an alien way nothing like we can fully comprehend
Orks are probably the most evil.
They’re not killing you out of an idea, or for a god. They want to kill you because it makes them feel good and it’s funny.
>that behave like babies
That's mostly shitty writting.
>Applyin da umies moralz to da boyz
We see them the same way Eldar see humans: Naive twits stumbling into damnation all the while claiming their philosophy is the best, and their Empire is the greatest despite them running into the same mistakes of the Imperium and the Eldar before them and the Old Ones before them.
Also GW doesn't allow them to lose properly. Every threat gets resolved real quick with minimal damage to their overall civilization. No one else gets off as easy as them. Everyone else in the same scenario always suffers some great loss that renders the victory nearly moot. It's bullshit.
They need an Ork WAAAGH! or a Hive Fleet or any sort of enemy that entrenches themselves firmly in Tau space and doesn't get removed by Farsight Ex Machina.
>>makes Orks look smart compared to themselves
That's pretty much every faction that ever lost a battle to the Orks. So, everyone but Tyranids.
I like tau, I collect tau, I do this because of the grimderp of tau. They live in a horrible Orwellian dystopia where personal rights and privacy have been willingly handed over by a mind controlled population that have been manipulated for generations through an incidious cocktail of fascist propaganda, subliminal messages, and pheromone manipulation to submit to a "greater good". They are weak physically and mentally, sheeple in every sense (evolved from herd animals on the Great Plains thus hooves), but they have that tragic yet admirable ant bravery that I find so endearing. Kind of like IG in that the fire warrior is a lovable underdog, but instead of fighting out of fear of the commissar the fire warrior has misguided hope and the sillier idea that he actually is a "good guy". Also I like the look of their infantry.
>among all the baroque and ornate crap the other factions have, some people like the smooth look of the tau
I like the baroque setting of WH40k, wouldn't be right without it, but the Tau look sold me on them
Liking tau in this way is kind of like liking pikmin
I don't know anything about warhammer lore, so i gotta ask:
imagine a tau infant being taken in by any other race (human, eldar, ork, doesn't matter) and for some reason not being killed immediately, will it be able to grow up and adopt the values of said society? Will he find the values of tau, should he ever reunite with them, jarring and alien?
It's nice to have a faction that isn't grimderp and has a cool aesthetic that contrasts with the other factions. Sadly GW seems to like just ruining the faction and adding stupid shit like "wot if the Vespid are brainwashed" or "wot if they cut off your dick if you're a conquered human" to pozz it up with more grimdark AIDS.
>Tau don't belong because they aren't grimdark like the rest
>Tau are evil, more than the good boy Imperials
which is it?
This thread has finally convinced me that Veeky Forums is no place for sophants to express thoughts.
The Tau fill the niche of a proper science fiction faction in a ridiculous science fantasy setting. They're a multiracial empire in a galaxy full of xenophobes and slavers. If GW focused on that the Tau would be cool and interesting. Instead we have giant anime robots and shoddy fluff where they never lose or panic no matter what crazy shit is thrown at them.
Idiot, the Devastation of Baal showed that the Hivemind is incredibly hateful and spiteful.
>hivemind is now petty and moody
Don't you mean sophonts?
So I figure that a tau raised by humans would probably turn out to be a turbo autist. It's been implied that tau as we know them have undergone some SERIOUS modifications post-ethereals to make them better citizens (more pheromone susceptibility, higher herd mentality, not to mention cybernetic brain implants or all the caste variations - speaking of which this is probably highly caste dependent), so imagine the result would be a highly socially disoriented tau. Without the chemical social cues that tau have developed within their own society they might be completely unable to navigate social situations or read the basic emotions of those around them from instinct. Assuming they could be taught these social cues I imagine they would still be faking it like 90% of the time. Another idea which I find almost more interesting is that they might have all these vestigial behaviors and quirks that serve a purpose in tau society but might end up being expressed in odd, random, and seemingly nonsensical manners outside of that context, especially if their pheromone sensors picked up on false positives from random compounds which don't affect humans.
An example might be an earth caste originally meant to be a cargo loader being a Tetris champ, compulsively stacking boxes, and having an inexplicable anxiety regarding unwrapping Christmas presents.
Look into what happens to worker bees during an outbreak of colony collapse disorder.
Also if you couldn't tell I'm both a tau lover and an entomologist, highly related. They call tyrannids bugs, but the real bugmen are tau.
>They ruined my perfect socialist race with reality.
T. Butthurt Chavez
>Capcha is Baptist Church sign.
tau hate thread?
tau hate thread
The post is outright bullshit and can be disproven with a two words.
Farsight Enclaves.
T'au in the Enclaves act normal as they did in the empire. In fact, Farsight seeing the order and unity of his enclaves was made to wonder if the T'au ever needed the Ethereals.
Not OP but I think if we're all honest here on Veeky Forums we all take our plastic army men way too seriously. It's why we come here.
Ooh any more of these?