Unstable Spoilers

is up.



this is

this is FUN


They answered The Countdown is at One wrong.

Somebody post the black twink card to ruin this thread please.

This seems really powerful if you have sword of dungeon and dragons.

As luck would have it, I do

>having 100 physical counters on a card

boi I wouldnt want to bump that table


half-kitten half-kitten

So the whole set is spoiled and the FAQ is up. Who is excited? I sure as fuck am.

Favorite card? Favorite joke?

I'll do one of these for each of the factions.

>What if the subgame is a draw? Who gets their damage doubled?

>Nobody. A player who drew the subgame didn't win it, so they get no bonus from The Countdown Is at One.

MaRo, you fuckup!

I am, this will be my first un-set, so I am super excited.
>Favorite card
Grusilda, monster masher, can"t wait to combine creatures
>Favorite Joke
Crow Storm, the fact that they actually made it.

Yeah, the FAQ is fucked but that’s to be expected. Maro’s shit at rules.

He really fucked up Busybody too. He’ll get enough flak on tumblr to fix it hopefully.


Day 0 errata? Can't say I'm surprised.

>S U C C

He did intentional (though amusingly nonfunctional) Zero day Errata to Ordinary Pony, but this was just a fuckup.

it's not all bad
>What is a combined creature?
>A host creature with an augment card attached to it is a combined creature. Also, the unholy abominations that Grusilda herself creates are combined creatures. You know what? Let's throw in melded creatures too.
>Let's throw in melded creatures too.


This carf is busted.

Just move your permanents in a ring around it and it becomes a 6 mana "destroy all opponent permanents"


Yeah, I don’t get it. I assume WOTC is thinking we’re not above that. I literally can put this card on top of my land pile.

I’m gonna wait for Mark to tell us that it can’t be touching our shit.


which one?


It needs to be someone in view / same room. I know at least one faggot is gonna name Donald Trump and insist on a draw. Or call his mum like a fucking bedwetter.

Why, user?

Doesn't take a genius to look at these and see that that rarity = power level. Some of them are beyond busted, this isn't a mechanic that should ever see constructed play, even in an unformat.

They have to agree, and if it takes too long for you to contact them/arrive I'd wager a judge would DQ you for slow play


I'm not giving up here.

Well yeah. Since they have no cost and are gotten at random from your contraption deck, rarity is how they balance them.

I.e. Your average Assembling will tend to be Common/Unc powerlevel with the occasional "jackpot" hit for a rare if you pulled it.

You don't even need to specify the person by their name. "Alphabetically first of the children in India under age of 6 inclusive, with exactly 7 siblings, all of which are older." is a legitimate choice here

I play a lot of multiplayer, and frankly I'd rather be one of the opponents and try to put cards on it as sloppily and allowing as little room as possible in an attempt to get a different opponent's board blown up.

Haven't seen a table for 2d6 take the diference yet so here you go.


Mean 1.94 (1 + 17/18)
Median 2

This logic falls apart the moment people start playing unset constructed.

Why is that wrong? A draw is not a win and never has been. Or are people making references to that one Simpsons episode?

Only sort of, contraption deck is singleton in constructed but 15 card min means you could still put all the rares and mythics.

You take more damage from not winning. You don't deal more damage because you won, draws double damage dealt to both players. Both you and Maro are retards.

Man, I can't wait to play two rules lawyers at the same time

I want to see 2 players with Half-Kitten, Half-Constrictor rolling dice as if their life depended on it.And it does!

Oh my

Tabak fixed it already! Also, he says Busybody is intended to work how Mark says.

Too bad I don't think it works. Kitten triggers on damage, but constrictor only causes loss of life.

Isn't there a construction restriction that allows you to only have one of each type of contraption and at minimum 15?
While that's not a great, won't that help preventing too high rarities of contraptions from dominating?

If something is returned to the battlefield by an ability, then it's been subject to that ability this turn even if it's a new object, right?

Well hot damn, looks like WotC's gotten rid of their SJW art director because look at the cleavage on this slut.

>Jamming Device
Only one man would dare give me the raspberry!

Tell me more about how the joke cards meant to be funny are unbalanced

Yup. I misread it. Good job, Matt.

>female goblins are identical to males, just with some tits on


It's fine because she is ugly.

I'd still fuck it.

If you say it often enough, the tumblerinas will try to take out the goblin cleavages.

>Modular Monstrosity can gain Protection from Everything

>lewd shortstacks

Then in game 2 give it Protection from Creatures, Hexproof, and Indestructible.

So, what's your favorite combinations?

Aside from Half-Squirrel, Half-Pony. We all know about that combo already.

The Goblin Explosioneers actually offset the casualtoes from their accidents by breeding a lot.

Its canon every card with them basically takes place befor or aftwr a massive orgy.

already exists on lorwyn

Serpentine Crocodile

Beat me to it. That shit is not only on curve with each other, but also makes it so you never misses a land drop. Without to mention that both are pretty good on their own too.

I don't know about combinations, but Dirty Rat and Bumbling Pangolin looks really good. As for fun, Ninja is one of my favorites, especially because of the reminder text.

It's pretty good but it's not really a combo, is it? Unless you somehow get your hands on Summer Bloom with Spike or something.

Do redundant creature types do anything? Is Half-Kitten Half-Kitten a Cat Cat or just a Cat? What about Half-Shark Half-Man's Fish Man Fish?

Anti-Semitic bastard.

wait a minute, they put the shark as a fish creature type? fucking DROPPED

Sharks are fish.

Serpentine Rocket

A Cat Cat is a Cat Cat and Fish Man Fish is a Fish Man Fish.

It's unlikely to mean anything though, I doubt it counts twice in the case of lords. I imagine it only matters for any cards out there that care about the number of creature types that a creature has. A Cat Cat has two creature types, even if they're the same.

>see pic related
>get excited
>wait for more cards to fill the killbot mechanic
>it's literally only maryokill and curious killbot
And curious killbot is barely playable by itself.

Yeah, she turned out to be trash. Not even any killbot tokens.

It in fact does NOT count twice for lords, just like any other thing that ends up with doubled types (which is quite possible even in black border)
They just care if it is one, not how much of one it is.

there has to be more killbots. its a creature type after all.

I am pissed, its a subtype, you could have put that tribe on ANYTHING.

I think the saddest part is that they printed two other brainiacs for big idea but couldn't manage more than a single killbot.

Don't worry user, she will get more love in Unstable2: Killbot Boogaloo.


i knew wizards was appealing to the shortstack crowd with mizzix

She still works with changing and Dr Julies since they are kill bots too

>Helix Pinnacle, one of my favorite cards design wise despite being useless, but actually kinda playable considering it's an Un-set

new favorite G card, un- or otherwise

the new one has hexproof rather than shroud too, allowing for shenanigans with counter doubling that helix pinnacle was built not to allow.

My only hope is that people look at that FAQ as a guideline and not a bible. Un is about a lotta things but I think the most important rule of all is "Have a good time, dude" so house rules trump all.

I guess it's fitting that a deck built around a supervillain would be the most appropriate place to find a killbot conspiracy too.

Also why wasnt Minion brought back

Conspiracy is secret tech to Mary okill

So when do funny cards get spoilt?

They don't. If you don't like the set, vote with your wallet and buy none of it. If Unstable fails, there will never be an awful """unset""" like it ever again.

probably wouldn't fit on enough type lines to be worth it. things like steady handed mook couldn't have fit it due to rigger-ness, which was a more important thing to permeate the set. they probably would've stuck one or two minions in but if it occurred to anyone they might've been scared that the actual term minion in conjunction with overly cartoony villains would've drawn too much attention to the little yellow entertainment tumors. I'm already wondering how much internal arguing was involved in making ordinary pony not be a little pony.

>Julius Jumblemorph
At least Mary is hybrid, so you don't need to dip in 4c just to run both.

technically you don't need to run GW either, you can just play Mary and throw the good doctor under the bus with her ability.

Half Shark, Half Kangaroo

>not having at least 1 unconstructed un-deck

I'm not sure if unconstructed even works. I mean, conspiracy constructed don't, so I am not sure.

conspiracy constructed doesnt work because there is no reason not to run almost every conspiracy and the cards that care about drafting don't work. Nothing in any of the unsets works like that

I knew there wouldn’t be more. Not part of the fantasy and they didn’t care for Commander.

There are two more commanders for it anyway.

For what, just a dumb big beater?

I still like monkey-bot. not as immediately degenerate as a half-squirrel, half-pony, but you can cycle your etb guys pretty well.

MaRo is an asshole.

Yeah its kinda odd. He talks about how silver border doesnt care about "power" and the infinite is fine, and then removes it anyways.