General for Kingdom Death: Monster
Now with over 20 pounds of death and tiddies!
Last Thread talked to The Hand, and suffered The Penalty:
General for Kingdom Death: Monster
Now with over 20 pounds of death and tiddies!
Last Thread talked to The Hand, and suffered The Penalty:
Post more lolis
So any idea on when my next chance to buy this straight from them will be?
Tomorrow night/friday morning
Probably Black Friday. If not, likely after preorders ship so maybe new year?
Group that I've been taking through the game fought the King's Man for the first time last night without any deaths. I've never been more proud. The claw head arrow did so much work to make the fight go smoother. Almost lost 2 survivors but dried acanthus saved our necks and legs
You had like 5 chances to buy the game in a timeframe of a year. Never ever again.
Ugh, she looks way too old and gangly.
>get girlfriend to play it with me
>now she wants to collect all the figures and paint them
No one warned me of this possibility, NO ONE.
Maybe she discovered all the dicks.
You are not thanking the universe for this outcome?
Clearly you didn't pay any attention to KS1, pretty much everyone was sharing stories of how their wives, girlfriends and/or the female members of their gaming group couldn't get enough of it and would often speak of how the women they knew would often run campaigns of their own once the guys went back to wargames.
Poots takes after Miura in so many ways, if only they had the same taste in girls.
Generally people consider it a big plus if their SO shares their hobby interest, what makes you feel different?
Man I don't have enough disposable income for that much stuff'
I was kinda late to get on the boat, yeah.
what are you posting right now? Did Miura do another Gigantomachia type deal?
It's illustrations from a spin off novel about Grunbeld.
I don't know what happens in it but judging by the illustrations he probably sacrificed the loli.
What does the portcullis key do?
Open the portcullis, duh.
give you access to some rather rare craftable stuff.
Grants you the opportunity to open the Portcullis in a different hunt event later on that hunt or on any later hunt
If you do, You get the ability to make the Perfect Slayer, which is just about the best weapon in the core game
Is there something like a mobile app to easily manage survivor sheets?
>Finaly get the nightmare tree event
>Its LY3 and I have survivor with 3 courage
>It'll be fun!
>This'll be great!
>I actually get to see the mechanics!
>level 1 cant be that hard!
Lonely tree is a unique, dynamic, and punishing fight. The rewards are also generally not worth the headache of both getting the tree and defeating it, but I think it's fun once it's in the campaign (just a little hard to get there both in terms of price and access).
LY3 though.... wow yeah.
That link should also work on mobile, it's a digital character sheet webpage.
Not sure if it can manage multiple sheets, but it's nice for single sheets at least.
Nice! Thanks.
I just finished building my Lion and starting survivors, is it just me or are there a lot of gaps that need filling? I'm not complaining I know that this game has some high level modeling involved with it also i'm used to fixing some gaps but this feels a little excessive.
Poots rearranged the store, but didn't put anything new?
Give it.... 29 more hours and you'll see.
If it's anything, the only people I play it with are guys... but it's me who bought the game, and I really had to restrain myself on the expansions because I wanted almost everything and didn't have the budget. It hurt.
There are a lot more women into horror stuff than you think, I think.
Yes the lion is a fucking mess of gaps. Phoenix too but not as much.
Stay of the chons, Roy. Shouldn't you be watching your results on Fox?
>when you Encourage the Young Survivor
GC IS $225 !!!!
Where'd you see that? I haven't got any emails about it yet.
Go back to your backet kit URL and you can edit add-ons.
I'm so fucking happy all those piece of shit scalpers are sweating now.
Backers only?
Hahah..... yes!
Though now my question is this. I don't have everything from original expansions, and I have Red Witches, Screaming God and Knightmare Ram in my pledge for wave 4. So should I pledge for Abyssal Woods (I have spidicules and the flower knight and a painted resin flower witch already)?
(Of course the answer is "yes fag")
So far my research tell me that for the original expansions the best ones are:
- Dragon King
- Flower Knight
- Gorm
- Sunstalker
Is this correct? Should I add anything else? I'm not sure if I want to "buy" Wave 4 expansions since there is are no reviews. I think I'm safe to wait them out for the next Black Friday re-opening.
Apparently for the pleb who back-ordered the game, we can only buy the 8 Wave 2 expansions in a pack for 500$, not chose which one we want.
I'm wondering if it's worth it to grab them now or wait for the "true" black friday to see if some of those reappear in the store (only want 3~4 of them)
Good picks and good idea on "wait for the next black friday" with regards to wave 4.
Dragon King is a excellent expansion and tons of fun. DBK is a good fight and adds some nice settlement stuff, and the Flower Knight is just a wicked model.
I'd add frogdog or the wasp to that just for another option for early game farming besides lion, antelope, and prolapsed anus baby
>all these fags bitching about the GC price increase
The thing is that those two are Wave 4. I would like to get the expansions that are short to midterm in terms of shipping. Not something that might be pushed back to 2021. Might as well we all be dead by then.
It just makes my dick harder.
>tfw you got 5 at the original price.
I warned you all.
what does everyone think of the paizo crossover? The models could be really nice but for additional gameplay , what is your opinion?
Remind me, what is "KS Exclusive" that I would need to add now or miss out forever? Just the crossovers?
Apparently there are black friday bundles on backerkit. $500 for all current expansions, $900 for all new expansions. Looks like they've been taken down for now though.
crossovers are the only truly exclusive thing , everything else should hit retail eventually , where as the crossovers will only be had at conventions etc
The time has come and so have I.
Yo is this legit
I don’t want to endanger the validity of my original lock-in on DK and DBK aaaaa
As long as Pathfinder staff doesn't insist on co-designing the mechanics it should be ok.
Alternatively, take long deep look at Seoni thighs and ask yourself - what gameplay?
lol , i was just on the ks update eyeballing exactly that
No it is not legit, don't do anything.
While we all enjoy adding all those sweet expansions are cheaper prices.
Should've taken Satan.
TFW your sitting on a Satan pledge
Is it not available for those who preordered the game? Cant seem to access it.
Not for pre-order cucks. Only backers.
>OK I've picked all the new expansions I wanna get, let's just add Pariah and the Inverted Mountain
>See the Inverted Mountain requires almost all of the new expansions
>was planning on hitting up WarStore for Black Friday
>now I'm eyeballing up to $250 of extra Kingdom Death shit because fuck savings
I mean, it's not like I actually play wargames anymore in the first place. KD:M looks better and has actually seen use in the past nine months.
Alas, poor wallet! Where be your gibes now?
Poots must be sweating getting the chinks their copies so he can have a massive black friday sale. Fucker did it , he fucking quit his job and started making thicc plastic toys and will now probably be able to live comfortably for the rest of his life , if he isn't a retard
>Probably grabbing satan and the xpacs I didn't get on KS1.
The only thing I don't give a flying fuck about are the wanderers. user survivor is kinda shitty and the other crossovers have no appeal.
>adjusting to full time work killed my soul
>Just got back into minis and stuff about a month ago
>Was eyeing preorder since I now have the money to buy shit for my hobbies
I'm currently still hoping and praying for black friday right? Since I didn't back the KS, I didn't even catch the preorder.
I have no willpower and I must weep.
Gamblers chest
Ah, cool. I only got the one.
>rewards and add-ons locked
>$927 reward level
Am I fucking up by just trying to buy from the web store?
I'm drooling over a dozen add-ons I couldn't afford before - and that I still really can't afford with rent.
Even if I ignore Slendy, Flowerboy, and the Messengers, I still have to narrow half of Wave 4 down to one, maybe two choices if I'm going to continue to live an actual life for the next two months.
It is a good pain
I might just grab Green Armor, Death Armor, and First Hero for some sweet survivor minis. At least that keeps me under $100.
what are you trying to buy? The core game? That will be the next place to buy it
Well, I figure I should stagger my way into this money pit, so yeah I'm looking for the core game and then I'll be picking up expansions
man I wish Poots would of added Percival and Fade to the 1.5 campaign
You could just swap them out for literally any other mini. They don't even really come with good story events or anything.
i meant the kickstarter campaign , Canuck here , so between shipping and exchange those 2 models are going to cost me a pretty penny compared to everything i got off kickstarter
Yea but they don't really come with anything anyway. Even if pooters makes them part of the Red Witches and BIG DICK BLACK KNIGHT they still won't have any interesting interactions because they just give you a fighting art or some random gear.
yeah sure, I want the models man
Oh I getcha.
>Thinking of picking up one of the wave 2 expansions
Gorm, Spidicules, or shit insect knight?
Gorm > dunking knight > spidey
If you have abyssal woods get DBK or spider.
If you're not getting any early game shit get Gorm.
If you hate money and your wallet get all of them.
Is Gorm that much of a game changer? I mean I like all the models in this game but prolapsed anus baby just doesn't do it for me, the pose is really static and it just looks dumb to me.
I only just got my 1.5 core game, and I have no expansions at all, so i'm mostly looking for what could spice up the game the most. Is Gorm taht good?
Out of those 3, DBK has the most fun content, has good models, and is a good tier 3 fight in place of the Phoenix. But he's kind of a difficult fight.
Gorm is a superior version to the White Lion in a lot of ways, because the weapons, and armor too, are really great, and you've got an early game armor set to make that isn't poorly made like the White Lion set.
But personally, with all the bullshit you have to go through for Gorm (the stupid settlement event that will add itself to every year, the fact you have to roll on tables that will easily fuck you over if you fight a Lvl2/3 Gorm, etc), I really don't care for the bastard. There aren't many alternatives though, however, if you want to get an alternative to the White Lion.
Almost everyone hates Gorm's model, but it adds a lot of variety early game if you're tired of hunting the White Lion a million times. You gotta deal with the Gorm weather shit though.
What about the dragon king? It's a bit more expensive but adds a different campaign to the game? People of the stars? Is that any good?
I wanted to add more of the pinups but they're only in sets and I only want 2-3 from each. POOOOOOOOOTS
Gorm is a good option for when you get tired of Lioning.
Dung Beetle Knight is Poots' baby and ergo it ends up being farily well thought I'm not 100% sure if its as great in 1.5 or not.
Dragon King is a big model people like to gawk at and has an alternate campaign where you try to make a settlement of ubermensches that can inherit the Dragon King's will and become dragons.
Flower Knight has #1 Bow and Drugs.
Tree, Lion God and Lion Knight are not looked kindly upon being too hard for shit rewards, shit fight or just plain shit.
Sunstalker has a Boss Rush style alternate campaign where you have no special showdowns until the end and then its all special showdowns until you die.
It's a fantastic campaign. Totally changes the focus of the game from foster the entire settlement to instead trying to get 4 super soldiers born.
in terms of raw content, DBK brings more, but Gorm is still solid and he's early prey that isn't White Lion
Dragon King is by far the best expansion, in my mind. Great model, lots of content and items, the new campaign is a blast, and the fight's got some fun gimmicks. A shame it's the most expensive, but it's worth it.
Last question, are these being charged for immediately or when do I get charged? Because now i'm leaning toward the Dragon King expansion the most since it changes up the game more it sounds like.
Dragon King is easily worth it just for the model, which would easily run at $150+ retail by itself from a certain major model company. Judging by public responses to his model at my LGS, the big fucker could sell a game by himself.
The rules, armor kit, cards, and entire alt campaign just made it that much more of a sure thing for me.
>Flower Knight has #1 Bow and Drugs.
Also best waifu, real shame she doesn't have pinup.
>Lion Knight
Really now? Guess I should have gone with Slenderman in the first place...