>"then after we teleported there we started fighting their leader, who was a LITERAL GOD who had already destroyed an ENTIRE MULTIVERSE trying to defeat us..."
What is the cancer that ruined D&D, and why is it spergy videogame-infused high fantasy schlock?
"then after we teleported there we started fighting their leader...
Other urls found in this thread:
>What is the cancer that ruined D&D
You. You and the rest of shitposters, who don't actually play the game and only complain on the internet.
>What is the cancer that ruined D&D
Except I do. I have played every fucking edition just about. BECMI, AD&D 1e, 3.5, 4e, and 5e. I've run long (5+) year 3.5 campaigns, I'm running a 5e campaign for 1.5 years now, I played ad&d for 2 years and 4e for 2 years and ran a short 4e campaign myself. And I've watched 3.5 and 4e and 5e ruin the game with characters fighting deities as a level 20 endboss, and I've watched the game dumbed down into a fucking power wank in the name of "fun." Don't fuck around, you have no idea who you are talking to.
D&D SEAL Team Six, is that you?
I feel like we could use a THE FUCK DID YOU JUST ROLL TO SAY TO ME pasta remix.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Are you also trained in gorilla dice-rolling tactics?
But that sounds cool as fuck
Fucker looks like Aristotle Means
Sounds like the common factor making stuff awful is you and not the game system.
He looks like a human scrotum.
>I've been cancer for over a decade, but the problem is other people!
Have you considered offing yourself? If not, time to start.
I actually beat Dual Destinies recently...after having it for 3 years.
Fucking hate Apollo still but I enjoyed it, Bobby Fulbright may or may not have influenced my soon-to-be-used new character's devotion to justice by just a bit.
Nobody ever actually enjoys listening to somebody talk about their D&D game. You can discuss the finer points of DMing, you can talk about systems, you can talk about group dynamics, but nobody, NOBODY pays attention when somebody starts talking about plots and character arcs.
I added to the cancer because I don't know shit about anything except pattern recognition.
In what way have I been cancer?
At least I don't do the overpowered autistic mouth frothing "LITERAL GOD" shit. Fucking Cheetos dust crack cocaine settings made by faggots who watch too much anime and want their games to be "soooo epik xD." I wish theyd all get hit by a bus. I've been DMing for this type of fucker for a long time now. It didn't used to be like this. My old group was great. But now people don't want a real story, they want to fight LITERAL GODZ N SHEEIT. Any campaign that doesn't end with them fighting goddamn orcus and killing him, is a fucking disappointment. They get triggered as fuck if they run into something above their "challenge rating" nd whine and bitch about not dealing enough damage. Not losing the fight, by the way, just not dealing enough damage. Fuck these faggots. Fuck modern gamers. This hobby may be more popular than ever, but it's turned to shit.
Looks like your triggered players are in good company considering that your SEETHING at the idea that some people play a game differently then you and enjoy it more then your amateur novel writing.
You are not good actor, don't expected to be treated like one.
>how dare my players be powerful enough to pull off the stuff of myths and legends
Bet you expect your players to sit there and suck the dick of your old character who's now coincidentally a level 20 npc. Faggot.
>enjoy it more then your amateur novel writing.
Shut the fuck up boy. You think anyone who doesn't do nat20 powerwank shit is a railroading shit head? Nice false dichotomy. I dont write novels, cunt. Its the players job to make the story. And they are too impatient just because they don't get handed everything on a silver platter, pissed that they dont get as much gold as the book says, pissed they have to use their brains to sell the magic item they found, pissed they can't make any headway defeating the enemy despite having seven different solid leads that any competent gamer would have picked up on by now. They are retard shits, every gamer I've ever seen. At my flgs I saw an entire table of trannies playing, and at the next table was some fat ass explaining his plan for defeating tiamat in 3 turns with some bullshit combo. Seriously, fuckin seriously, this is what d&d is now. People do math to try to figure out how to one shot a deity so they can post on Redddit and Facebook about it.
Fuck this gay earth.
I have never had any Mary sue dick suck npcs. I'm sorry if you can't just power level to 20 and kill a God like it's another dungeon boss. I'm sorry I don't subscribe to the faggot Greek myths that the worthless dago Romans ripped off, that you and everyone else on Veeky Forums bring up when you are whinging about your martial inferiority complex.
Oh please. The god-killing schlock from JRPGs is so overplayed and tasteless.
You're either trolling at this point or lying and privately shitting yourself with rage that people dare to have fun you personally disapprove of.
Either way it's fucking hilarious. Cry harder grognard
I implore you to heed Dooms advice user.
I feel your pain autismo.
In my culture storytelling was an art.
Before the WHITE MAN
You. I like you. I agree with what you're saying and how you're saying it. Fuck new people. Goddam children shitting up my hobby.
Because your "fun" is as artless and shallow as everything else in your life, you millenials fuck. I wish you would all die. D&D was ruined to pander to your faggotry, that's why Lexus is started out now as an endgame boss and why there was a miniature for him for 4e (which was basically a jap RPG power wank anyway, meant for cancerous weebs who play league of legends and Warframe.) Fucking human garbage.
Fucking phone.
Oh now you aren't even trying any more.
>An antire multiverse
>Implying multiple multiverses
Technically the word can be used to refer to a collection of universes that isn't the set of all universes.
However the entire concept of 'multiverses' annoys me slightly because the word UNIVERSE was originally meant to refer to the sum totality of existence.
>talking shit about best edition
The day when you finally get that rage and cholesterol induced heart attack your neckbearded ass has been courting for so long will be glorious. One less whiny bitch clinging to shit ancient mechanics and dismissing new ideas.
Your mindset is the one killing D&D, pal.
Cry harder, please
>A few sessions ago our party faced down a Dragon God
>Managed to have fun anyway
Does Cancer mean "Things I don't like" to you, OP?
4e was absolute trash. Powerwnak shit where you started out a hero at level 1 and just slapped on more hitpoints and samey abilities and the DCs kept going up by level so that it was an even bland infinite treadmill than 3.5. You cunts never played real d&d where you had to use actual strategy, not just move into optimal positioning for your shitty powahs.
Stop responding to bait.
Just powercreep irl.
>actual strategy
Hit everything with a 10-ft. pole. Everything.
>actual strategy
You mean pixelbitching because if you didn't the DM would pull some bullshit trap out of his arse and instakill you? lol 'k
>Managed to have fun anyway
No one cares if you have fun. An infant had fun shitting itself. That doesn't mean shitting yourself is a good idea. But plead keep falling back on the badwrongfun defense, it goes to show that you know how shallow and shitty your AdHd videogames are, and how fucking empty you are of real creativity or imagination. I am so happy the millenials suicide epidemic is underway. Every time a person younger than 25 kills themselves I feel a squirt of happiness. I played adventurers league to try out 5e cause I wasn't sure if I would like the system a and didn't want to commit to a full campaign and these cancerous teens showing each other actual memes on their phones and texting in the middle of the game, I wanted to beat the fucking shit out of them with a hammer. And then i relized that this is 75% of D&Ds playerbase now. That and bugman college students and ugly ass hipster college girls.
Confirmed for never playing am edition before 3rd. You're just regurgitating memes.
I feel so sorry for you. Not because I necessarily think you're actually completely serious, but because of what must have went wrong in your life that you desperately need this attention. Here's a pity (You).
>I am so happy the millenials suicide epidemic is underway.
Sources please, I wish it were true. These soyboys and roasties need to get out of the gene pool.
And the word "atom" meant unbreakable because we presumed it couldn't be further divided.
>Tactical positioning and balancing status effects/abilities to co-ordinate with a team
>Actual strategy and positioning
Say what you want, 4e is the best skirmish d20 fantasy game, which is exactly what grognards bitched about it for whilst simultaneously demanding of it. Do you want your roleplay to be more like a game or less like a game?
I almost believed you for a minute there. If you're gonna bait people, make it entertaining instead of this /r9k/ trash.
>anything I don't like is /r9k/
I hope your flgs goes the way of gay bats and country music concerts, you fat fuck.
Who hurt you user?
>4e is the best skirmish d20 fantasy game,
No it's not.
Its the best d20 superheroes game.
Or tabletop moba.
It's hardly a war game.
Amd if you think that that's "what grognards want" them you clearly have no clue about old school style design philosophy.
>I have over 900 recorded XP kills.
Why would I not be serious?
4e was trash that solidified the shit 3.5 meme that deities should be end game bosses.
It also brought in shitty once per day abilities for fighters, completely destroyed hp as a resource management mechanic, created the false dichotomy that the only way to make martials "interesting" was to make them effectively spellcasters with metagmae powers that have no logical reason for existing, and introduced all sorts of shit mechanics.
>ebinfags actually defending their shit
Now you're just arguing semantics.
>Amd if you think that that's "what grognards want" them you clearly have no clue about old school style design philosophy.
Immediately after mentioning
>Actual strategy and positioning
Is a little on-the-nose, but that is okay. I don't see what you see in the game, and I saw things I really enjoyed. I'm sorry if your experiences with the game were sour, but I really do think it has a lot of tactical depth despite problems with some trap options/etc.
>the only way to make martials "interesting" was to make them effectively spellcasters with metagmae powers that have no logical reason for existing,
Innumerable other games do essentially the exact same thing and don't get picked on. They're just formatted to LOOK different than the spells. If you argue that a fighter played the exact same as a bard or a wizard or something in 4e, you didn't really get a grasp of those games. Yes. They all have dailies and encounters. Read them sometime, they're pretty interesting and some are pretty diverse.
And everything you don't like is garbage. Yes, we know.
What's stopping you from forming a game that's heavy into roleplay and your preferred realism? All this energy you're spending on Veeky Forums ranting could be going towards making a baller campaign.
No one Veeky Forums is going to work towards making games less wanky and shallow. It's up to you.
Because he's a spiteful, bitter failure who can't even shit out another pathetic excuse of a retroclone. It's almost tragic, but mostly really, really funny.
>This thread
Sounds like you’ve only played BEC.
>Innumerable other games do essentially the exact same thing and don't get picked on. They're just formatted to LOOK different than the spells.
Like which games? Cause I guarantee those were the same ones we dismissed as shit as well. I played 4e cause I hit a rough patch and it was the easiest game available. They ended up converting to pathfinder cause they found 4e "too limiting". Still cancer but at least it was a different strain.
Not wanting God slaying as a standard campaign ending, is "realism" now? Holy fucking shit the tribalism false dichotomy brain damage has really solidified on this board.
Keep projecting. The problem isn't the system, it's the players. 5e is a decent game, but it's playerbase are prime candidates for a second Holocaust.
Ha. Cute.
>insulting man-children over the internet
>expecting objectivity
Then be a DM yourself and gather players who want to do what you like doing. The easiest way to solve the problem of people not running things the way you want is to just run things yourself. Be perma-DM if you think nobody can make a campaign as well as you can.
You too, kiddo
Orcus hasn't been a god for several editions and he wasn't even called "Orcus" when he was a god.
Ending a campaign by battling Orcus is perfectly legitimate, as he's like a CR22 demon prince.
This is supposed to be satire, right?
>Ending a campaign by battling Orcus is perfectly legitimate, as he's like a CR22 demon prince
This is why you are shit, and why people like you need to be force out of the hobby.
I do DM games, did you even read the thread before posting?
No, it's not satire. Does that fuck your narrow little Redddit mind of false dichotomy and "anything goes as long as you're all having (((fun)))"??
I caught the scent of cheeto once I laid eyes on that jolly man
I kinda agree with angryanon. A lot of the games ive seen are now twitch/podcast tier anime levels of bullshit and power gaming. People dont want to do puzzles or challenges that require more than move-n-hit.
I really fuckin hate "dips" in classes and multiclassing (not prestige) in general. What happened to having strengths and weaknesses that required teamwork to overcome?
I know this doesnt represent all games, but from my own experiences i can understand and agree.
You are now a god in my setting, you will be the god of randomness. You will be lol so random rawr XD made manifest . Your ascension to godhood will read like a shitty fanfiction with you being a mary sue self insert and in your backstory you will be EDGY as shit, like a poorly written joker. At the beginning of my cancerous campaign I will introduce you to the party as a BBEG, and they will kill you. You will give them a power wank like no one has ever seen before and it shall be beautiful.
now tell me what is your name user? or at least what do you want to be called as the players moan your name as they jizz their pants with the power wank that you gave them.
this is giving me the giggles
I dont think this guy is Trolling, I think he is genuinely too salty to live. We should ignore him lest he die of sodium poisoning
reminds me of that dude in the SCP thread who types *LIKE THIS*
No we need to enshrine him, this man Is goddamned hilarious.
Its only hilarious because if you actually thought about what I am saying you would realize how goddamn pathetic and shallow your campaigns are. You just brush it off with "he's obviously railroading" crap because you think any campaign with a story that isn't "HAHA NAT20 I MAKE THE GUARD CAPTAIN EAT HIS SHIT" is clearly a pregenerated novel the dm rams down his players throats. I.e. you've never been in a real campaign, like most of Veeky Forums.
I feel sorry for you.
I don't actually play D&D I just found you rage very very entertaining. It's the most creative and entertaining thing I've seen in this board for a while.
user ples comeback I need your salt
>BECMI, AD&D 1e, 3.5, 4e, and 5e
Why not AD&D 2e?
>This is why you are shit, and why people like you need to be force out of the hobby.
Because you can't articulate any point and assume your position is tautological, when in fact it is confusing as shit?
Tell me: what's wrong with it?
What I like the most about this rants is how he complains about people strawmanning him while he's strawmanning everyone else.
It's just perfect in its simplicity.
I agree with you OP
This week, I'm going to run a game of PbtA with my friends, just for you.
And it's gonna be fun.
It's like talking about dreams nobody gives a shit
I agree that Neckbeard weeb campaigns are pure cancer along with the people who run them, but-honestly- have they prevented you from running good games?
>inb4 all the players suck because they expect something like this
That's a loser's way of thinking. Are you a loser? I took an entire group of people who had never played anything but juvenile weeb shit and even I managed to get them to abandon it for better taste.
People can learn to better themselves if they have good leadership. If you can't get your group to do that, then you simply aren't a good leader.
In that case, seek to better yourself first before bettering others. The passivity of complaining about the state of gaming stagnates it as much as neckbeard weebs actively do.
You are the problem, OP.
No matter how much of a grognard I am, you manage to be worse with your YOUR FUN IS BADWRONGFUN-Attitude.
>Lexus is started out now as an endgame boss
>if you disagree with me then obviously you run anime campaigns where you slaughter gods wholesale
You know what maybe now I'll run some delta green that ends with actually killing Cthulhu forever, with a katana, just in your honour.
But probably not, you self-involved anus
>gay bats
"gods" are just the assholes powerful enough to get away with calling themselves that. nothing wrong with seeking to challenge or actually killing them
Sort of. Atoms were initially a metaphysical thing that had only a basic relation to scientific atoms and one of their defining features was being indivisible. We named scientific atoms after that concept.
>fantasy ruined fantasy
extremely hot take
>Don't fuck around, you have no idea who you are talking to
whoa back off guys i think this guy is serious, dont want anyone getting hurt.
>What is the cancer that ruined D&D
Let's start with the fact that when you hit epic levels (20+) only (demi)gods are a challenge to you.
Just do a torchbearer game you homo.
I try to keep the levels low and i use a low magic homebrew setting wjere magic is a rare thing. Keep the villains criminals, or just terrible human beings like mob bosses or cult leaders.
>and then we fought a LITERAL MOB BOSS!
...but gods and greater demons had stats that were more accessible in earlier editions. I mean, I don't honestly know what the stats of a single god are in 3.5. I'm genuinely certain they're printed somewhere, but I'll be fucked if I could tell you where. Fiend Folio has like... three gods in it, and it's not even particularly god-heavy. I mean, one of the biggest, most famous modules for DnD was the chain that led up to the Demonweb Pits, where you quite literally kill a god.
What the fuck are you even talking about.
Oh, okay, you gave up around here.
Orcus is literally statted out two or three times before even 2E.