Is your PC best boy in the party?
Is your PC best boy in the party?
Only boy, so yes.
Farrah Fawcett? Really?
my PC isn't a boy
But we have a cat in the party so he's automatically a pretty good boy, even if he's a perv
Stay out of my games degenerate
Also only PC. And only GM.
I'm so lonely.
no, no! It's not a furry, it's an actual cat, and nobody can actually take it seriously as a result. Plus, the player's a girl with zero interest in that kind of thing.
My PC is the medic so I'd go so far as to say that that alone disqualifies all other contenders.
I'll play a game with you user.
You live in rural Minnesota near Canada, right?
Central Alberta, sadly. Nowhere near.
>Central Alberta
Anywhere near Fort Saskatchewan, just northeast of Edmonton?
Oops, meant to quote you, not the other one.
Pick your poison,burly and stoic or pretty and crafty.
I plan on him being best boy. I'm the only veteran in the group of the system we're playing, and my plan as a player is to teach the rest of the group how to play, but I want to do it all while in-character. To that end, I'm having my character take all kinds of lore-related skills.
You won't pass for a boy, but you could run at Best Girl (male).
My PC is a goddamn asshole
>Chaotic Evil Barbarian Chromatic Dragonborn
>Chaotic Neutral Half Elf Rogue
>True Neutral-Leaning-Neutral-Evil High Elf Sorcerer
>Neutral Good Human Druid, disqualified because girl
>Me, Neutral Good Dwarf Cleric of Moradin
I'm pretty sure I'm best boy.
Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, he is. Turns out having a mean mug doesn't do much when people like a nice farm lad that fights for his friends.
My PC bullies the good boy PCs and rescues them from danger.
>Fiesty yet Naive lady Swashbuckler
>Haunted, gritty but honest Investigator
>Me, spooky and stoic Mesmerist
Nope. The cop is best boy.
Don't see how a man in his mid 30s could pass for a girl.
but Mike is best boy
>Not Bob
He's not a boy, he's a man
hol up central alberta you say?
Not this season. Best boy was easily King Steve.
He's the only boy so he's best by default. He's more Hopper than Steve, though.
Mike, Steve, and Bob were all incredibly likable this season. Mike and Bob started off bumpy but revealed themselves to be truest of bros, whereas Steve was just an all round hero.
>Sulky emo Mike
Did we watch the same show?
Every time I read the word "boy" nowdays I want to punch people in the neck.
He came through for his bro.
Being a good character for 3 episodes isn't enough to even qualify as best boy.
Best at losing fights, at least.
How does Steve do so well against supernatural horrors and so poorly against high school students?
hi 11
please don't go full yandere
Put all his points in Weaponry and Hunter Tactics rather than Brawl and Fighting Styles, remembered too late that his character is a kid and therefore won't have access to swords and combat knives and shit. Also tends to have higher Integrity than the guys he fights so he can't go as far without risking a Breaking Point.
I have seen this exact character in multiple CofD games.
What is going on in this picture?
Why are they walking on the tracks?
Why do they have plastic gloves?
Is he hitting on that ugly girl?
They were only a boy too?
They've both got buckets of diced meat and are making a trail to lure a supernatural monster into a trap so they can set it on fire and beat it with a nailbat.
yeehaw cowboy hope you rustle up a rootin' tootin' game
>t. maritimer
>How does Steve do so well against supernatural horrors and so poorly against high school students?
He might have won a fair fight but Billy escalated it from a fistfight to a food fight
Dunno, there are five boys among twelve characters in the party:
>Hopelessly naive and sweet kid who grew up isolated from society in the woods
>Paranoid survivalist with trust issues. Really hates the government and uses drugs to meditate and enhance his conciousness (me)
>Depressed sarcastic historian philosopher
>Extremely arrogant rich guy with dreams of grandeur.
>Noble heir with the inteligence and emotional maturity of a six-year old throwing a tantrum with even worse dreams of grandeur
Ehh... Business as usual, then?
>>Noble heir with the inteligence and emotional maturity of a six-year old throwing a tantrum with even worse dreams of grandeur
Is this a Trump joke?
I'm still wondering how the demogorgon was fended off by three teenagers with a bat and a revolver and then easily tore through several soldiers armed with SMGs or rifles.
Not really
Plot, or more likely it was so pissed by that point it just kept hopping between dimensions licking folk off. We've see guns don't really slow them down barring a shotgun to the face.
They don't give a shit about bullets but they don't like being on fire.
She's the only woman in the party, and she's too old and too married to count as best girl.
Best boy would be... dang, I'm not even sure we have one.
>Incubus/succubus warlock, definitively not best boy material
>Shadar-kai psionic, a bit of a little shit, definitively not best boy either
>Githyanki rogue, also a little shit, not best boy ever
>Only the minotaur is left. The indifferent, stoic minotaur. Congratulations on being best boy by default, I suppose?
My old character wasn't best boy. That went to the Monk, who was basically Tiz Arrior without the negatives or love interest (in fact, he was deliberately chaste, which probably won't change since the closest thing he had to a best friend ruined his life by getting married to an assassin).
I'm southwest of Edmonton
just on the fact that the other male PCs were dicks, yeah I was best boy