Let's talk Shadespire
What warbands have you been running?
What decks have you been making?
Who are you really liking? Who are you disliking?
Let's talk Shadespire
Used to run Skeletons, but sold my stuff when the game died in my area.
Got Orc box (because fuck the bland starter box factions) and played for a bit. Slowed down after people got hyped for Necromunda, still use the orcs as flavor models in AoS
that was quick.
yeah, i thought the game was alright, but after a little while it became too stale and the area im in moved on to another game (and are getting hyped for Necromunda, though I feel a similar fate will happen to that around here)
I dont like orrucs models.
Wow, is Veeky Forums slow right now or is this a dead game already?
Thinking of getting into this game with the skeletons. I've been looking for a chance to start building an AoS Death army and it looks like a good start.
Dead game
game is kill user
fite me, they're great
So question for the 6 or 7 people who actaully play this game; painted your warbands or just left them colored plastic?
Im running the Better Game warband, using the FTDG (Fuck This Dead Game) deck. Im really liking all the cucks who think this game has any staying power and am disliking the fact that this shitty thread was even created, despite the fact that it has been over a week since someone even uttered the game "Shadespire"
The two people who play this game in my FLGS have theirs unpainted (from starter box). They literally said there was no point painting them since they plan on playing this game for another month or so
How much discussion are you really expecting for a board game? It's not some replacement for AoS, it's a fun side thing for people who don't play wargames or who want a change of pace.
Considering this is a fairly new game, and its from GW with promised support on the way, a bit more than this desu
Tons of board games come out every month, most of them, even the amazing ones, don't ever get their own dedicated threads, and all the GW name is going to do in regards to that is attract people who like to shitpost about anything related to them.
The game is only losing support around here because of negative fucks like you who have a hate microboner against anything GW since you are a poorfag!
Nope, they suxx. Even space marine looks better on that picture.
>Space Marine
what don't you like about them?
i have been running bloodbound and orruks
so far i think orruks have some of the best faction-specific cards allowing them to move after attacking but without considering it a charge, also Gurzag can pretty much become a death star
skellingtons seems quite challenging to play and dispense victory points for their adversaries like candy in halloween
sigmarines ought to have a fourth model, they seem quite hard to win with
khornes is cool, you charge dudes and get exalted by the second or third activation of turn 1
so far i like orruks better and skellingtons the least
i mostly always run whatever decks the store has because i won't get paid for my freelance shit until next week, fortunately is going to be a shitton of money so perhaps i will just buy everything shadespire, and new shoes
>Investing in a dying/dead game
Nah, it just doesn't have many elegan/tg/men in its playerbase
Guess your community is your mama and none autist brother?
Can't really be losing support it didn't really have to begin with, but if you don't think there's a bunch of people who will shitpost about anything GW related you're delusional. They make for a clear as day difference between threads that die after 20 posts and ones that live to 100 with 80 of them just repeating "ded gaem" and calling everyone a cuck.
Dayum, OP got triggered
because is not dead in my area
the main ironjawz player is a great dude, very funny to play against and basically taught us all how to play
the store owner is also invested since GW pushed it into his inventory
from there quite a few people have been dropping in
i took a LGS buddy to my friends' apartment and had a bretty gud time with his copy of shadespire
it's not going to replace 40k or Infinity (the main games at my LGS) but it certainly has more staying power than many Kickstarter stuff my game buddies have been ordering over the years
something that is quite holding back wider adoption of the game is the fact that board only come with the starter, some of my friends want to jump in (one with boners another one with dwarves when they are out) and neither cares about buying the Stormhost vs Bloodbound starter to get more board so they can play on their own (they live away from the LGS) or we can play 4 player free-for-all (when i buy my stuff)
also, i haven't been playing much attention but i think some non-faction-specific cards are only available in the starter and in specific warbands, which is just GW jewing at its best, and will also limit the development of a competitive space
btw, the ironjawz dude is organizing a pseudo tournament, so again, my local spire community is active
You should get a lotto ticket since that is rare as fuck
Not as much, in my area it has a healthy playerbase with 3 (I small: 8, 16 and 20) tournaments in span of a month and a half
Armour design, poses, some weapon design,