Any table top games that feel like zelda?
zelda-esqe not just Zelda GURPS or something.
Any table top games that feel like zelda?
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Im asking for a friend
Define zelda-esque. Most people would agree that OG Zelda was very D&D, for one. But if you just want the "feel" you could play something like Fellowship, which is more of a narrative game about a group of rag-tag heroes defeating a Tyrant.
Ill check out fellowship thanks
I guess Im looking for something that has that "chosen one" scale worked somewhere into the system, and keeps that high fantasy background.
well, "chosen one" is hard to do because it is very singular and centric. You can do a party for it, but to keep things from being biased, you make the chosen one random, but then have to deal with everyone else being second fiddle to the one player, and keep them happy by reminding them that they are part of the story too. The Fellowship to Frodo etc.
And that's sorta what the Fellowship does.
see thats what Im trying to avoid, a whole party of chosen ones has the scale to some pretty bad ass things in scope and all, but it just feels so much like "you get a party pack of themed magic maguffins" in D&D
I dont want to leave anyone out
what do those things actually shoot out with their mouths? rocks?
Kidney stones
Whatever they can get their hands on.
I would recommend MiniSix or D6 Fantasy.
have the chosen one be mechanically weak but lifted to greatness by his chosen one-ness, his companions can be various legendary people who are just straight up badasses but not chosen in any way, just grand people.
worked okay for me, i think if you work on the execution and think it through well it can work really nicely.
Veeky Forums actually has a LOZ RPG system, I gave it a shot once and it seems decent. The only thing preventing me from using it to run a Zelda game for my little brother is that it hasn't been updated for all the new weapons, enemies, locations, food, etc. from Breath Of The Wild.
GURPS lite
You know I never got this.
Why are the called Darknuts?
It's so untimidiating name for what they are.
I'm guessing Japs too lazy to learn english so they confused knight and nut?
Oh fuck they combined dark and knight
Oh shit
I don't have the pdf
>Oh fuck they combined dark and knight
Oh shit, never noticed this before, lol!
Wow a pun in a character name in a jrpg. How unexpected.