
Let's make some chimeras, Veeky Forums. Go to

and set the quantity to 3-4 animals.
Then come back here, tell us what you got and describe how exactly would you combine the animals as to make them a more effective single creature.

As common rules, let's say:
- the size of the result creature is an average of the combined animals
- result creature has to have at very least 1/4 of it's body coming from every combined animal
-result creature can only have as many limbs as any single of the combined animals. You can gain +2 limbs but the chimera suffers STR or DEX penalty

Also, let's discus chimeras, Veeky Forums. Did you ever use them in the game? How did it go?

The horn and hide of a Rhino
The hooves and stripes of a zebra
The laugh and head of a hyena
With an overall build somewhere between all three.

Seems like a pretty terrifying hybrid.

of fuck

>From the above a dark shadow falls to confront the adventurers. A bleak light of the lantern reveals it's horrid form - fluffy, jet black creature with a cat like physique, opens it's duck like mouth, lowers it's long ears, strikes it's big flat tail against the ground and prepares to attack.

I bet most players wouldn't expect that it's bite is fucking poisonous.

Did I just get the dumbest chimera ever?
I guess it'd have the body of an ass, with fawn head and dugong tail.
When excited makes some sort of *honk* sound, jumps surprisingly high.
Tries to run away from things all the time, but forgets the tail and just kind of flops around for a few seconds before realising he can just jump away.

they can't all be winners

No idea if this thing would be cute or a horrible creature that should be put out of its misery.

>chimpanzee, elk, cheetah, stallion

>cute or a horrible creature that should be put out of its misery

That was never cute.

Half Pig
Half Bear
Half Man

An icy-sea dwelling, large shelled predator which spends most of its day waiting in opportunistic ambush, ready to spear anything that swims by with its tusk, using its shell as either camouflage or defense against the leviathans.

Pugs often resist getting oxygen tubes getting taken off their faces after surgery because it's the first time in their life they're able to breathe properly. On the other hand, they're still dogs, so rather than killing them I'd prefer if they stopped being bred in their current form

What systems have rules for hybridized critters? Pic related

This is pretty easily transferable

Greatest RTS ever, no joke. Wish they'd make another, but the whole genre is kill.

I'm not much of a drawfag but I tried.
Idea is body and front paws of a weasel.
Head of a panther
Fur, horns, and hind hooves of a musk ox

ACKS has fairly detailed rules for it, but it's OSR so a lot of it won't be easily transferable to a modern system.

>Arcane spellcasters who reach 11th level or higher may create crossbreeds by magically blending different progenitor creatures together.

>The progenitor creatures must not have HD greater than the arcane spellcaster’s class level, and may not have more than one special ability plus one special ability per point of the spellcaster’s ability score bonus from Intelligence.

>EXAMPLE: Quintus, an 11th level mage with 16 INT, can crossbreed from 11 HD progenitors with 3 special abilities each. The creator of a magical crossbreed will imbue it with various features and abilities drawn from its progenitors, as explained below.

>Alignment: If either progenitor is Chaotic, the crossbreed is Chaotic. If both progenitors are Lawful, the crossbreed is Lawful. Otherwise the crossbreed is Neutral.

>Movement: The spellcaster may assign his crossbreed the movement capabilities of either or both progenitors. If it has the movement of both, this counts as a special ability.

>Armor Class: The crossbreed will have the AC of the progenitor from which it was assigned its movement capabilities. If it has the movement of both, it will have whichever AC is better.

>Hit Dice: The spellcaster may assign his crossbreed the HD of either progenitor, or any amount in between.

>Attacks: A crossbreed may be assigned the attacks of either or both progenitors. If it has the attacks of both, this counts as a special ability. If the crossbreed is of greater HD than the progenitor from which it draws its attacks, the damage inflicted by the attacks will be scaled up proportionate to the increase in Hit Dice.

>Morale: A crossbreed has the better morale of the two progenitors.

Are pugs the ones who can't even give successful births naturally and basically need human assistance?
We've pretty much bred a creature born to suffer.

>Special Abilities: A crossbreed may have the special abilities of one, both, or none of its progenitors. Each special ability makes the crossbreed more expensive and difficult to create, so the spellcaster may opt to drop some abilities.

>Type: All crossbreeds are fantastic creatures. They may also be beastmen, enchanted creatures, giant humanoids, humanoids, oozes, or vermin, depending on their progenitors (Judge’s discretion). Whatever their type, crossbreeds heal naturally, and may reproduce with others of their breed. If they still closely resemble one of their progenitors, they may breed with them as well.

>The spellcaster must decide on the form his crossbreed will take before beginning the actual process of creating the crossbreed.

>The actual process of creating the crossbreed costs 2,000gp per Hit Die of the crossbreed, plus an additional 5,000gp per special ability it possesses. The process takes one week plus one day per 1,000gp of cost. Creating a crossbreed requires a magic research throw. The target value for this throw is increased by +1 for every 5,000gp the crossbreeding costs.

>Creating a crossbreed does not require any special components beyond the progenitor creatures themselves (which are killed in the process). However, the spellcaster must have access to a special crossbreeding laboratory at least equal in value to the cost of the crossbreed. For every 10,000gp of value above the minimum required for the crossbreed, the spellcaster receives a +1 bonus on his magic research throw. By using precious materials, the spellcaster can gain a bonus on his magic research throw, as described above.
(Looks like it'll be 2/3)

That looks pretty dope, user. Kind of like a wise creature awaiting the heroes.

>A magical crossbreed is not automatically under the control of the caster. If the more intelligent progenitor was an intelligent and willing participant in the crossbreeding, the magical crossbreed will have the same relationship with the caster as the progenitor did. Otherwise, the Judge should make a reaction roll to determine the crossbreed’s reaction to the caster. If the crossbreed is unfriendly or hostile, the caster could try to tame, train, or charm it using specialists or spells; imprison it in his dungeon; or just unleash it onto the world.

Thanks user, those seem pretty reasonable


That was easy. It's a spiky horse.

I LOVED that game. Sucked at it like every other RTS, but loved it.
Lobsters were OP.

Some Frankenstein monster stuff from WFRPG Night's Dark Masters

Shadow of the Demon Lord has weaponized hybridization

Savage Worlds Interface Zero 2 has set of hybrid races

SW IO 2 also has bio-horror tables

Not very dangerous, maybe something for the adventuring party to adopt as a mascot, since it's part sloth it can sleep in someone's backpack.

>a medium-sized, winged, elongated, cat-like creature that walks on hooves and just won't shut up
>they go around in large flocks eating vermin and being overall obnoxious, yet adorable
I could see this as a Ryuutama creature.

>gila monster, chimpanzee, dog
Like pic rel but with lizard bottom, tail and head scales, and tongue. Monkey: brain.
A venomous kind of imp that climbs anywhere and eats anything, love it

>tounge, eyes and camo from chameleon
>general shape of the salamander
>Wings and feather from parakeet
I can picture these flying around, catching insects with their tongues and changing color

Imagine discovering huge balls of wool on trees, only to discover it's a herd of these, accidentally startle them and see them bouncing away in their fast fawn hooves

That's english bulldogs

Sloth claws would be devastating on a faster creature.

Imagine if you will, a world...

Now that I'm imagining it... there's no way to make a mollusc with teeth cool to look at.
Sorry for posting it at all.

I'm somewhat terrified.

What if the tentacles are attached to its snout? Like Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Carribean movies.
You get blubbery muscle with longer appendages from its frog physiology and then a goring snout with grabbing power in the front. Basically a water-based murder machine.

I'm pretty sure it would just be some kind of 3 headed goat thing.

I feel like you have to win some points for that roll or something

what monstrosity is this
>A small, winged creature, this horror has six powerful, hooved legs and great translucent wings. With a head like a moose, it does not have antlers but rather a horrible mess of keratin that can only be described as a "bouquet of horns". It is covered in fuzzy hairs that alternate between bright yellow and stark black, and on its posterior is a stinger containing a venom potent enough to slay any creature within its size category. It is not barbed, meaning that the abomination - if provoked - will survive its own assault.
>They form large groups halfway between herds and eusocial swarms. As they wander, they establish massive hives made of waxy secretions where their horrible larval spawn are reared. While normally quite docile, should someone be so foolish as to approach their lair - or any individual in breeding season - they will very quickly be attacked by these winged horrors.
>These attacks are often fatal. While their venom poses a serious threat, it is their weight and sharp hooves that prove far more dangerous - many hapless wanderers have fallen victim to aerial attacks, in which the creature drives all of its hooves into their target from above in an effort to stomp them into the dirt.

>General body shape of an elephant, albeit with a larger chest.
>Its thick legs end in massive hooves hard enough to crush rocks easily.
>In addition to tusks, it has upward-curling horns, long and thin.
>The skin around its neck is loose and tends to fold as it hangs.
>Over its head and neck hangs long hair.
>Its tail is a long, fleshy whip, like a massive rat's.

Elephant, gnu, rat.

Why not a beak?
>The creature has an unsuspectedly powerful beak. It has been known to poke into trees where insects live and use its tongue to probe in for a potential snack.

Nothing special, mostly that I've got both horse and colt at the same time.

An ultra-fast deer with three sets of horns.

I've been working on one, although the process is closer to Spore (take base body and add appendages, instead of IC's mix-and-match preexisting creatures).

It don't really matters what does it look like and what does it do. With those components, it's the most emo/goth mutant animal ever.

Has a nice ring to it.
Alone in the world with a SquirrelYakDog.

I seem to have posted the wrong image. Being a dumb phoneposter is hard. Anyway, for these:
>a giant rat the size of a tapir, with the tapir's colors and trunk.
>It also has a long, thick-furred neck, and is known to occasionally lift its trunk and spit at people. The spit is harmless, but annoying, sticky and smelly.

Oryx, Chimpanzee, Bunny

A Oryx head with horns & all on a chimp torso, & huge bunny legs. Also long cute lop ears.

This fearsome forest dweller uses its powerful legs & dexterous arms & hands to leap into trees, hang & swing from branches & smash down on prey in ambush. It's mighty long horns allow for high impact ramming jumps, imagine goats head butting except they are charging on rabbit leg jumps. This thing is a mean motherfucker. Like some jungle ogre.

I thought of the Dinohyus plus a horn

An agile hopping motherfucker jumping from tree to tree that sprays his shit on you whenever he can.

The body of a lemure, the head of a hippopotamus, and the wings and feathers of a canary. Sure is spooky.

> hears perfect
>completly silent
>perfect sight in night
>it's babies are the most adoreable thing ever

a fucking Marey Sue

>a swarm of thousends of these things maul you to death on your boat trip in pseudo-egypt, always staring at you

And the voice of Alan Rickman.

Thorny Devil

I think I just made the Terrasque, but with opposable thumbs and toes...
The world is fucked.

>200 kg unstopable orangutan covered in spikes with huge claws
>will attack absolutely anything on sight
>smart as fuck
>can survive being attacked by anything, doesn't give a fuck about poison
>can change colour for camouflage
Jesus Christ, user.

>wouldn't expect that it's ankle spurs are fucking poisonous