Albums/album covers to base a campaign/setting on
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That was easy.
Bring on the Glam Dictatorsip.
Pretty self-explanatory.
The perfect Evil Bard party.
I have a meatspace friend who calls Ghost "Scooby Doo spooky".
You and I both know it'd be a clusterfuck.
>first act is post apocalyptic glam gangs running riot in the streets
>middle act is just leftover things from a campaign that fell through, literally add nothing to the story
>last act is just 1984 with a more aggressive tone
Damn it tobias, I hope you can pull through on the next album by yourself.
What about albums based on a campaign/setting?
I know it’s the obvious choice but
How has no one posted this just yet?
This would be a comfy round the world adventure, you start in your roundabout town, explore the polar regions in south side of the sky, watch the heart of the sunrise
Kek, olias of sunhillow would be also be a pretty cool campaign, this too
Little too metal in here for me desu
VtM south of the border?
>be the most hated rap act this side of XXXTENTACION
>make up a complicated mythology for your albums
Holy shit Veeky Forums! You have shit taste in music
>the faggot laying siege to nbbmn threads posts on Veeky Forums
why am i not surprise
Go home /mu/, this is why no one likes your board.
too reddit for me
I feel fantastic.
This whole album could actually work as a series of one-shots.
I'm not into metal of this sort, but man is that a cool album cover.
More or less already has a DM and pre-rolled characters
sooo, a 40k campaign?
Did you just come back from hacking the gibsons or something?
I mean, its not that hard
and it helps that its actually a lady wearing that armor
This album isn’t massively well known but is honestly some of the best power metal I’ve ever heard.
>Talks about shit taste
>Doesn't posts an album
Soybois like you need to go back to sucking Kayne's dick.
Also I can see this working well for an oceanic themed campaign.
Rush Clockwork Angels
I used it as inspiration for my setting.
Both the art and the album itself. Masterpiece.
Came here to post this.
I've been trying to make a whole scene for the campaign I've been running based on The Queen's Rebuke/The Crossing, so I'm glad someone posted this.
Honestly this is so good for "horrific unseelie fey queen".
And it's a rad album to boot.
Came here to post this also.
But ASIA is great for this kind of thing too.
q:^)but for real I think this has some potential
patrician taste passing by
solo ERP isn't much of a campaign
Are you ready to do battle with the Electro-Pharoah?
An Army of the Ages kind of campaign would be cool
Excellent fucking taste, lads.
I loled.
Also, come on. No Rush? Who doesn't like Dystopian future RP?
Magna Carta Cartel always was better, anyway.
Also, pic related, from Absturz by Mother Engine.
Ayreon Universe is a pretty strong contender for best concert I've been to.
I want to play a campaign of space wizzards exploring eldrich worlds.
Top quality taste in music, was considering posting this.
Goddamnit, are my planar-fractal doppelgangers posting tonight?
Incidentally, this was part of the soundtrack to a 5 gram mushroom trip I had Monday. Most excellent.I
I am not an original person.
But this album has great D&D-style art.
Let's not forget the original.
Well thanks user, it is my favorite album of the year, with Mother Engine - Hangar as my close second. The cover of that one isn't as evocative, but it makes me want to play a hard sci fi adventure everytime I hear it.
Well, however similar I may be, I don't actually take drugs listening to this stuff. But I must say that there is just something about Doom/Stoner album covers that often inspires me to play all kinds of settings. Pic related inspired the fantasy campaign I GMed last year.
So, Khemmis, Mother Engine and Elder. I'm starting to think I'm chatting with myself.
Pic unrelated.
Pretty much anything from Iced Earth.
Some kind of For Honor / Deadliest Warrior faction mashup setting.
Not sure if any of you use spotify, but what the hell:
Let's actually talk about how we would do it rather than just posting the cover.
>small party probably, could run this as a solo adventure
>start with the Chrono Trigger hook of the festival and the party is stuck in the future
>It turns into a sandbox where the party is looking for parts to build a time machine from some Final Fantasy Cid motherfucker
>Play on the themes of being replaced a lot; the party will have to relearn a lot of what they knew in their present day and there should be a consideration of whether they even want to go home (make sure to have a session or two before the time travel bit so they're actually attached to the past somewhat).
Build on this Veeky Forums
>Party starts all growing up in the city Fallout 3 style as childhood friends before the World Fell Under Darkness
>Party is hired on to investigate a local mine that robots have dug too deep apparently and have not returned
>Find no trace of them except for a few dead human miners
>Party returns to city and it's ablaze as Wily takes the throne
>One of the party member's father manages to escape
>Rest of the campaign is about resolving this issue any way they see fit and simply building a good world around it so the party has a multitude of ways to solve this issue. The father will suggest they return stronger
>Once the party feels ready, they take on Wily
>TPK and Dr. Wily declares martial law
>New party are urged by the father who survived to not try and stop Wily again
I don't know what I'm doing.
Veeky Forums, not only am I disapointed that no one has posted pic related yet, I am actually physically disgusted.
in response to request for elaboration
I imagine a sort of carnival focused, stage magic is actual magic, but serious real magic is kept under raps, sort of a modified golden age of America setting basically The Wednesday Tales sort of thing of anyone's familiar
Earthbound+Adults+kinda-dystopia, so weird camp sci-fi, magic is psychic powers, all kinds of aliens are invading, robots
This potentially gets into magical realm territory
Fucking lamias and castration
Did this. Came up with a setting in the air plane. Would do again!
anything by El Huevro
Two warriors are forever made to reincarnate in every era of humanities existence to do battle in all wars. The soul of one of the warriors is divided among several people who inevitably are bound together when their rival appears and they remember the whole of their existence
Can't believe no one's posted this yet.
>BBEG is a time-traveling cyberlich roams throughout the different eras, trying to find a way to be reborn as a new man and reshape the world in his own image.
In the end, he ends up dying and being reborn as Alexander the Great, but having forgotten all of his memories from his past life while retaining the wisdom and intelligence acquired from it.
I thought it was kinda neat at the time.
saw them live two times now, great band.
Call of Cthulhu campaign about where the investigators are fighting against a cult which is led by a man who can see in to the future. At some point the PCs get visions of the future earth which is fucked up by the corruption of an Great Old One.
>no Dio
Are you guys even trying?