Now that Magic is fucked, is 40k up next on the list of things SJWs will ruin?

Now that Magic is fucked, is 40k up next on the list of things SJWs will ruin?

Oh fuck off

What exactly is wrong with genetically engineered 7ft Adeptus Soritas built like Chun Li?

>The only reason people aren't playing magic is ess jay dubus

I've dropped out of Magic and have been interested in getting into Warhammer, so I hope not.

You fuck off. If you can't handle the discussion that is warranted here, then piss off to Tumblr or whatever shithole you came from.

remimder to report and filter

Lol triggered.
What is this, the fourth time he posted this thread?

The discussion is on-topic and meta concerning a very real possibility of the fate of 40k. It's not bannable because you find it uncomfortable, dipshit.

There's no discussion warranted here you thin skin almond milk drinking faggot

You're comparing two completely different games with core philosophies by two completely different companies one of which is notoriously hardheaded about not giving a fuck and just swinging it's massive dick around powered solely by its name and momentum

So please do fuck off and keep these dumbass questions to yourself

>read dakkadakka
>posters there openly mock the idea of sjw
>they all have browny and furry avatars. They are all obviously SJW
>mods there freak the fuck out at anything anti-sjw
>dhaka mods are retarded degenerate sjw
>they all say they are glad sjw haven't taken over their hobby yet
the sjw have already invaded warhammer community they are now busy denying they exist within the community.

that sword blade needs to be longer

>butthurt detected

>there's no discussion here waaah!
>proceeds to discuss it

Oh no

You're retarded. I'm sorry

Check out the happy thanksgiving image on games workshop's website... female IG models confirmed?

You're incredibly naive and ignorant as evidenced by this post where you think you understand a corporation's values, you're so incredibly stupid that it's adorable.

oh god the memes of primarch and eldar marriage.

I need proof, nigger
Word of mouth from some spamming fag on 4chins is not proof

The financial power that sjw pretended to have is dying. I don't think they will be good at infecting more media. People went to SJWs thinking it will boost revenue and attract millenials.

you're naive as evidenced by you using the word "sjw" without irony and thinking you sound smart when in reality you sound like a pseudointellectual dipshit who probably thinks old norse is the original language of humanity, that influenza is the result of excess black bile and has withput irony a picture of the tokyo skyline with babbys first netart editing and a black sun poorly shooped over it

Abso-FUCKING-lutely nothing!!!

Where my thick-thighed murder-nuns at!?

Why do people have such an aversion to mocking modern social justice? Its a shit movement that only inspire more racial division and toxity.

I hope so!

Enforcing community behavior standards is sjw? You're hilariously juvenile.

thank you for proving you're underage by even bothering to save that image to your harddrive

do us a favor and add to the teenage suicide yearly statistics, would you.

Yes, they've been hinting at it on the Facebook pages and Warhammer Community site for a while. Female IGs imminent, followed by a push for more POC, and so on.

How are female Guard a new thing again?

Female guard can be cool, irregardless of social justice fuckery.

Literally just go there and click on any thread that is slightly controversial.

It's okay with me as long as they stay sex objects.

You sure showed me

Exactly proving my point.

Stay triggered.

>Muh sentence emhancers nigga

I seriously wonder if it's just false flagging or baiting at this point. It's obviously the same dipshit making these threads.

why do the devs decide to constantly make points about Social Justice in their games unless it's important to the game?

MTG employees constantly talk about it. Hence it should be discussable in forums dedicated to said games. Why do people want the devs to talk non stop about it and design their games around it but don't want any fans to ever discuss it as "off topic"

I damn well hope so. All the emperors servants deserve the chance to die for humanity

just r&i

Is it?

People just like talking about stuff blowing up or dieing.

Its also a fact that social justice types have entered traditionally nerdy hobbies and have a goal to destroy the subcultures that inhabit them. (Supposedly to remake it into a more "inclusive" hobby)

Put those two together, and you get threads like this.

>warranted here
The level of discussion in this kind of thread leans toward zero.
You don't want to discuss games or have fun, you want to feel validated in your triggering.
You are a thin-skinned, pathetic faggot that needs the recognition of strangers on the internet to protect him from real debates, and prefer contact through trolling to real socialization with other humans.
Rethink your life, OP.

Because it's not nearly as big as an issue you think it is, nor is it why MTG has been steadily declining over the last few years. It's obviously dumb and misguided, but social justice nonsense doesn't impact sales in any way big enough to notice a difference.

These threads always devolve into race baiting and discussions completely irrelevant to the game too, so there's absolutely nothing constructive about them. You lack the self awareness to realise you're not on /pol/ and present your arguments in the most abrasive and annoying manner possible, unwilling to hear anything contradictory to the narrative you have constructed in your head about how social justice destroys every hobby it touches.

This in some parts.

1. The fact is games are changing art styles, design, and other important features because of social justice.
2. These games have forums dedicated to talking about them

By banning discussion of how the games are being designed and why, it's essentially one-sided censorship. It's not off topic to mention a major art and design shift in a game. It's nazi censorship to decide to censor any discussion about said design changes. It's not off topic.

MTG design changing to accomadate social justice is a self-admitted fact by the developers. The art and lore of MTG is important to the fans, hence the discussion of such a subject is fair game on any MTG forum, which Veeky Forums is.

If you have a Veeky Forums boardgame about political elements for instance, it doesn't suddenly belong on /pol/. IF MTG design is social justice in nature now (devs admit it is) that is now a discussion point around MTG.

Ironic letting juvenile bronies, furries and other degenerates take over your forum is great mature community standards.

Oh look constructive discussion. Meanwhile you two are just shit slinging. (Ironically doing the exact same thing you accuse others of doing)

Tbh, I don't see 40k suddenly deciding to accommodate sjw's anytime soon. 40k is much more niche and also has more static lore that prevents large changes. Magic's problems came when they decided to copy the success of comic book movies but instead copied the decline of comic books.

Again, if it's important to the developers of the game and the developers of the game talk about it when doing design articles it's fair game to discuss when talking about the game.

If a character is explicitly designed in a certain artstyle for a certain reason in a Veeky Forums, it's pretty stupid to say that should be discussed in /pol/

Would we discuss the political model of a 40k faction in /pol/ because it's political? or in a 40k thread?

Do posts about shadowrun SMG weapons belong in /k/?