Its fucking over.... This coin is literally garbage. Look at those sells
Its fucking over.... This coin is literally garbage. Look at those sells
Yep, sold mine at 1020, get dumped on moron!
>Trapped in SALT while everything else is mooning.
Are we holding or are we dumping this peice of shit?
dump it, never buy into fomo
How low can it possibly go? It was 13 BEFORE the release....
I was faithful but I took my losses today. I sold before the last two dips so I gained overall but I sold at 12.70. I'd jump back in if it randomly starts mooning again
$0, no one is actually getting loans yet, it's a ponzi
Selling now is retarded.
It's going down because it's still tied to BTC and BTC is going down. It's holding its sat value very well, still up a lot from last week.
No dude look at those sells , sat value is getting shit on
you faggots got some weak ass hands.
I'm holding and buying more. There is literally no reason for this to be going down, and my gut is usually right. I think whale's are suppressing the price or something.
nah dude no one got a loan bro.... everyone says "eric hooves" but who the fuck is that... fucking vaporwave scam get the fuck out. I just sold 95k sats have fun
2/10 FUD booooooooo
See you at 20k sats my man, enjoy the hold
it's going down because no one actually has a loan
literally no one, all the do is say, "we will get back to you" but they got back to 0 people. What a fucking dissapointment
You are retarded lol, bitcoin going down should mean salt should go up since it has a usd backing supposedly, it's all vaporwave
wait a few fucking days you idiots, this shit will moon so hard
it will shoot up to $25 in 4 days
screencap this
That's what they said a few days ago, just cut your losses
Haha, just fucking sell. Why does Veeky Forums always support shitcoins with their life. Screencap this. SALT will be 20-50k sats in less than 3 days.
Sounds like a scam, man. What a shame, I was really hoping it would be good to invest but was clearly too good to be true.
>there are people in this thread who ACTUALLY believed this scammy lending system would EVER be successful
>unironically believing that the company ANNOUNCING their own token price target is actually a good thing for the health of their shitcoin
> I was faithful but I took my losses today. I sold before the last two dips so I gained overall but I sold at 12.70. I'd jump back in if it randomly starts mooning again
>Anonymous (ID: RFuRbb3u) 12/31/17(Sun)08:35:45 No.5658221▶
> $0, no one is actually getting loans yet, it's a ponzi
>Anonymous (ID: rWOP2Cyh) 12/31/17(Sun)08:37:39 No.5658273▶
> Selling now is retarded.
>Anonymous (ID: 8GxXlUyc) 12/31/17(Sun)08:40:51 No.5658375▶
> It's going down because it's still tied to BTC and BTC is going down. It's holding its sat value very well, still up a lot from last week.
dont explain it to the retards let them lose money.
Typical FUD thread right before a coin is about to moon. I guess I need to buy more, thank you Veeky Forums, never change.
I really hope you and the pajeet fuders here have sold, see you in january
>$42M daily volume
>literal garbage
>look at those sells
never stop Veeky Forums
>Haha, just fucking sell. Why does Veeky Forums always support shitcoins with their life. Screencap this. SALT will be 20-50k sats in less than 3 days.
Dude they are licenced by SEC. They are not a scam. DO NOT sell now you will regret in a week or two.
You motherfuckers have 0 patience.
>>whales create lost of fud
>>buy from weak hands
>>salt now 12$ on exchange - sell for 27.5 on platform
>>stay poor anons
Please stop baiting people in losing money. I bet you guys dont even hold SALT you just like to watch people lose money like sadistic fucks. If they ACTUALLY were worth 27.5 it would be like 19-22. Please stop making noobs buy coins at the absolute top.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
For real though, we should have seen this coming with the way the tokens were distributed.
So comfy atm. go ahead sell your salt we don't need your weak hands anyways pajeet
So you bought the top, sold at the bottom and now you seek for affirmation for "doing the right thing".
Oh and let me tell you, you absolutely did the right thing :^).
It's not a profit until you actually sell, dont get greedy, take your profits before this scam goes to $0
yeah sure sir I'll sell right away dear
Youre like one of the only ones that profited. GET...OUT
>>biz telling everyone to sell salt
looks like its time to buy some more
>why is reddit trying to shill it claiming its worth $27 guaranteed?
This, you should get a trip, ive made so much off your advice
braindead pajeets who fell for the hype
Salties not even salty, but the rest of biz is gonna be
don't be a brainlet user, look at the date I bought, have you wondered why I bought before the hype and shitcoiners looking for a quick and easy coin to complain about?
Because after a simple thread posted here I dedicated like 2 hours reading and investing all about this shit and was convinced this will make me truly rich.
I'm pretty sure you'll hold your bags if you actually read about SALT and realize this will literally go up to $100 easy. but hey that "$100" is all you wanted to hear right??
>now you're in doubt
Don't be a shitcoiner and Dyor user
Haha 100$!!! D E L U S I O N A L. I thought the 27.5 guy were retarded but youre a special case.
dude, you're like the only one who hasn't got out yet, have fun holding your bags.
It was a nice dream but they couldn't hype their price up enough, they doubled down on the $25 price by upping it to $27.50 and offering you to pay off your debt with salt but people saw through it. They couldn't hype their price up to $27 so no one is buying off their website and they cant actually give loans until people do.
Next time learn to fucking market
oh I get it sorry guys ;)
any discord or telegram?
> Buying a coin that has a hard limit of how much it can grow.
> Buying a coin that is absolutely useless on the lending side as lending is only available to "registered investors" aka normie richfags.
You guys got what you deserve for trusting this trash.
LOL he thinks I hold SALT. Holy shit there is no hope for you. When did you get into crypto? Last month when you bought SALT?
>Buying a coin that has a hard limit of how much it can grow
SALT has stated that the retail value of SALT will be increased as the platform gains members, thus giving incentive to purchase the token at full price.
Yeah, just sold my stack and put it in ICX. That has real potential at least.
best fud ever thanks guys once it gets to $10 I'll buy more
>giving incentive to purchase the token at full price.
people don't even want to buy it at 'half price', you guys are fucking delusional
just look at how HARD these anons are trying to get you to sell your salt. Never seen such obvious whales in my life.
hahahahaha SALT holders will hold till 0USD. They are the most delusional people ever.
shhh we're trying to buy a little more ffs
I'll save your picture
People didn't want to buy NXT at 2k sats when the airdrop was first announced and they would've made double their investment just from the free IGNIS tokens. Was at 12k sats a couple weeks later.
Don't be idiots chasing pnds. SALT is a sure thing.
You really think some whales wouldn't just buy up all the salt if it actually worked? deluded...
Why wouldn't whales cash in on FUD and weak hands while they accumulate?
THIS.. If its """"""""""""""free money"""""""""""" why the fuck is it still sitting there, and not only that.... going down. If I saw a 10$ bill on the street id have to fight 10 other guys just to get to it. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
>2 dudes (you)ing each other saying salts a scam
Thanks just bought 100k
Because they can't control the other whales, lol you are a fucking conspiracyfag who thinks all the whales are in on it together
Heheheh...yessssss goyim, keep selling. Dip just a little more, and then we'll start to accumulate.
In just here to drink the salty tears cuz I told these faggots over and over and they didn't listen. Most defensive delusional bunch on Veeky Forums
there's a guy at mid November who literally bought $100k worth of salt that motherfucker must be swimming in pussy
I was that guy
Glad you saw the light and sold, friend, not everyone will make it out of salt alive
People actually bought my bags, funny stuff.
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
I bought SALT at $3
How the fuck is everyone complaining? This coin has been an absolute gem for me, and I think it's going to go up some more.
It will go up. The dude who started this thread is a literal pajeet, he just sold at 950 and has made about 20 FUD posts in order to rationalize his retarded decision.
>It will go up
when? it barely even moved at launch, shit is a scam
Actually the reality is I sold at 118k and I'm tryin gto pick up more faggot. I got some huge order fills at 90k Sats on bittrex and almost filled by bags back up. Its been a pleasure FUDing with you guys. Thank you for the bags.
All you anons with your desperate FUD to buy SALT at lower, just get in already - it's not gonna drop much further if any
lol I bought at $12 sold at $16
what the fuck are you guys doing Veeky Forums ?
how can you lose
Its already a steal lmao jesus. But yes most anons are weak handed faggots so I dont blame you for trying.
Im not even trying to accumulate, just having fun
LOL, i love it. FUD is the best.
I literally could sell at half the cost it is now and make out better than you
good for you buddy.
thank all the other idiot bagholders for your gains?
>Herr derr ponzi scheme
Retard. Hes just havng a good time. Fuck off with your 300 SALT you poorfag.
>>Herr derr ponzi scheme
Seriously let the fuckers sell at loss. Dont fucking post shit. Let them miss the boat. Retards here only want moon mission x142434234 without patience.