Kingdom Death: Monster General. Holy shit an update edition.
Just look at this glorious titty monster.
Kingdom Death: Monster General. Holy shit an update edition.
Just look at this glorious titty monster.
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>Holy shit an update edition.
More like holy shit what an update. Those are some hot previews.
Awesome link faget.
Here's the update for those needing the link.
>Titty monster
> Only has two titties
> Not even that big
I'm gonna call her Mrs. Hands.
Poor widow.
So, just gotten my core box, I'll assemble the minis coming holiday. I have SLO-ZAP glue, but I have used it on a couple of other things and it leaves the trademark 'white' residue if I splurge it a bit. Is there a better glue or will this one do if I am just a bit more careful?
Tamiya clear cement is usually recommended. I use Testor's myself as that's the most available near me.
>black friday sale
>with twilight detective.
just go fucking fuck yourself poots.
i was super happy when it came unto the store, then it just keep coming unto the store with other stuff i would have liked to buy.
I am not really feeling it this time, i know i dont need anything of this except the twilight detective which i bought alone after gencon.
Yeah, I got everything neccessary from the kickstarter.
Can't really buy anything right now anyway, so I'll just wait till I'm home, see what's left and maybe add something on a whim.
Allison and the White Speaker maybe.
I still need to recover from that update.
So, as a 1.5 backer and noob, is the armor kit worth getting in today's sale? My precursory glances at the core set minis seem to indicate that I can make full sets already if I want, so unless I magnetize I feel it's a bit un-needed., but I'd like to be sure.
If your really want even more characters and custom mini's and go overboard with those sure, but eh. Not that great really if you got 1.5.
I would say no. But that's just my opinion.
I think the Narratives look better and I'll definitely be using them and the GC contents instead since they look good.
>Testor, tamiya
It's about getting it to Belgium..
If you like gluing and painting minis for the hobby aspect itself, then I would say it is totally worth the price. But yeah, you get a lot of survivors from the core game itself already. One of the selling points may be that it includes the armor kits from the current expansions as well.
Alright, will probably give it a pass then, thanks Anons.
While I do love modeling, I can always make the buy in the future if I want more bits. Just wanted to confirm that the core set contains everything I need.
Still debating magnetizing my Core Minis, hard to decide.
Debating Sunstalker or Hyperlight/Candy/user Survivor.
Don't really dig the SS campaign and the model is poo but it does give the best upgrades for bows and arrows which are my favourite weapons. That said I can probably grab it on a BF or elsewhere since it's a old xpac.
What's the easiest way to get some extra naked arms to customize the models and bases a bit?
oyumura mold and greenstuff.
>tfw you will NEVER get a massage with a happy ending hand job from the Parasite Queen
>tfw you miss out on Fade's reprint for the Black Friday sale, further depriving you of mommy's milkies.
It's just not fucking fair bros.
anyone have a list of everything that was on sale?
It is literally in the update.
It's in the kickstarter update:
thats just a link to the shop. which wont contain things that have sold out. i want to know everything
Are you retarded or just illiterate? Read the fucking update, christ.
Black Friday 2017 Releases
Black Friday Exclusives
Black Friday Ninja - Read More
Naked Future Bundle - Read More
Black Friday Death Dice - Read More
Art Print Collection - Read More
Loving Monster? Get more...
Armor Kit Bundles - Read More
Encore Releases On Sale
Adult Sunstalker - Read More
Chef (Female)- Read More
Female Visionary - Read More
Male Visionary - Read More
Pariah - Read More
Role Survivors - Read More
Warrior of the Sun Female - Read More
Warrior of the Sun Male - Read More
White Boxes On Sale
Allison the Twilight Knight - Read More
Before the Wall - Read More
Beyond the Wall - Read More
Fade - Read More
Percival - Read More
Pinup Order Knight - Read More
Pinup Warrior of the Sun - Read More
Pinup Wet Nurse - Read More
White Speaker - Read More
Kingdom Death Apparel On Sale
A selection of stylish tshirts sporting Kingdom Death art - Read More
Oh man, Fade really was on sale?
Why does everyone like Fade so much?
Mommy fetish
Well...partially that and generally big boobies.
But I also like the model from a story perspective.
>Go to sleep early so I can wake up early and not miss most of the sale
>Black friday sale open one hour later
Damn, really wanted that ninja girl and percival.
He set a 10 per person limit on percival.
Unless you were there as it went up you got fucked by scalpers.
Poots literally hates the people that actually want this stuff for playing and painting instead of resale.
Or maybe he wants to give opportunities to local game stores to distribute his products too?
lmao wut
Why the fuck would he do that 1. on his regular storefront and 2. on the black fucking friday sale
Made myself a binder where I'll keep track of all the sheets for every campaign.
Nothing fancy, but at least I now got all dem papers in place.
Seeing how they redid the role survivors, I wonder if poots has some other improvements up his sleeve for the other expansions.
I think the weaver looks worse now.
>We had the pleasure of debuting this at Gencon 50 last august. Our largest model to date, spanning 8 sprues. Traditionally sculpted by Thomas David, once we had the scan of the model, Kieran McKay and I couldn't resist further refining and it bringing it even closer to the feeling invoked by its original artwork. The engineering is insane, its a model that truly represents the weight and insanity of our collective team!
>8 sprues
>largest model to date
Reminder that the Abyssal Woods is going to be Fucking expensive after the KS.
The role survivors are also not actually part of the expansion, so it's not exactly indicative that he'll actually fix anything in the expansions themselves.
Red Witch Expansion
>Development on the Red Witch expansion has been going well! Clark has taken the lead on their monster programming and created a fast flowing and dangerous multi monster showdown. Version 3.2 is currently in testing, greatly simplified the mechanics behind their cloak to cloak transportation and implemented supporting trait cards (these are used so we can have more flavorful AI card, but still keep all 3 witches active each turn). The Witches share an AI and a HL deck, which is heavily flavored to showcase their cooperation. It's been a lot of fun to work on something so different!
Sounds neat.
How many GW fanbois gonna buy him to proxy their chaos lords?
Considering you'll have to buy the Screaming God xpac just to get one..I would guess not many.
Considering he's part of the screaming god expansion and thus costs about 60 - 80 dollars....probably not many.
So glad the new expansions deviate heavily from the 4 vs. 1 fights.
Also the HIPS on those witches. Good lord.
The hivemind is real.
Also thicc.
I think cute cyclops looked better in the renders.
But she's still cute.
The most hippest of hips.
>tfw I only thought we were getting 2 narratives with each new expac.
>tfw it's 4.
Well fuck I'm getting way more shit than I thought..
All the new expacs and GC is something like 130 survivor minis.
Fucking hell.
And 20 odd 50mm based monsters.
Is... Is she naked? It doesn't look like she's wearing a bra or panties.
Also, the muscular tomboy witch is my favorite of the bunch. But hippy cyclops is a close 2nd.
I dunno.
Muscle girl could have used a juuust slightly bigger bust.
Just a little something instead of nothing at all.
So here's my hot take.
She'd wearing a gimp suit.
>Not making screaming god armor alpha tier
Literally ONE JOB user
I'll admit, those were borderline mid tier, If only they were a bit less cluttered.
We'll need to update this list to include the GC models teased today. Anyone up to the challenge?
Here's hoping Atnas gets teased on Christmas eve/day
I hope he's not too on the nose evil Santa Clause design-wise.
And I just now fucking got it, Atnas - > Santa.
Brain, you disappoint me again.
No one bought 10 Percivals , I refreshed right as it the sale went up and there were 40 Percivals in the store , I thought about it for about 30 seconds and pulled the trigger on Percival and Fade , By the time i checked out there was about 20 left
When do you get charged on the backer kit? I don't want to spend over 1000 so soon after the black Friday sale
Some of those upgrades are only available in the PotSun campaign, not overly worth it. PotSun replaces Twilight Sword with Katanas, and doesn't even include new katanas.
Rad cloak.
She's wearing a latex suit, my dude.
>Not liking heavy-armor witch cloak.
You get charged when you upgrade your pledge/preorder. You get charged for shipping fees when it's shipping time.
>Charges with the pre-order
Any chance it'll be up as long as the 1.5 core pre-order back in October?
There's just so much superfluous shit on the witch armour.
The Pauldrons look terrible, the frills are over designed, the spicules hands and face look tacked on.
It'd have been much better if it were just a more layered version of the outfits the disciples are wearing, instead of this thing thing to smash together the aesthetics of at least 3 different monsters.
Man I really would have liked one of thoe Mosquito Shirts.
Too bad the sale started when I literally left my house.
The only parts that look tack-on to me are the spider hands and face medallion on the skirt.
Also, the frills are the best part of it, you fiend!
Survivors can't wear the living cloaks, they'd be fucking eaten alive by them. It's why the only living cloak seems to be part of the hat, and the hat is lined so it doesn't touch the head and isn't feeding.
Man that Hunter Lodge looks mighty comfy.
Any Canucks on here that have ordered from the US KD warehouse? Did you have to pay any duty on your order?
My biggest problem with the frills is that there's 2 different kinds of them and they run in desperate directions, making the design look even busier.
You could probably figure it out just looking at my list but I hate pauldrons that jut out horizontally, they look so dumb and pointless and remind me of WoW. They also often lead the eye away from the center of the design.
All these factors contribute to a design that has no focal point, and that leads your eyes in every which way without settling anywhere, making it seem chaotic, busy and unfocused.
Could some kind user measure size of this compartment (depth, width and length)?
Im at work trying to build some extra compartments.
>"They say left-handed folk is more lucky than the right-handed ones. So I got me two of these babies."
I haven't, it depends on the total value. If you're ordering more than 150 you'll probably have to pay duty.
Should we expecting anything else to go on sale later today or can I rest easy knowing I missed everything?
There's a slim chance of a restock of things that went up earlier, but that's only if them doing that last time wasn't a weird one-off. Otherwise nothing new will go on sale, no.
Anyone else's shit getting scratched easily? Under certain lighting my board looks justed as hell and I'm not even being abusive with it. The components all seem really high quality but really fragile as well.
Has anyone painted the white lion to look like it's made from marble? I'm not sure how to shade the contours of the muscles while also doing the marble textre
Check out the by lanterns light or KD painting facebook groups. There's a bunch of examples, as well as people linking tutorials.
Snagged Lion God with the hope of getting Silver city next Black Friday, hopefully I don't end up stuck with just the vagina faced lion.
Can you take negative brain damage? Or if you're at 0 you're unaffected?
Just keep rolling for brain trauma.
If you take brain damage you check the box in your brain. If the box is checked and you suffer more brain damage, you roll on the brain trauma table.
If you are insane, your insanity is used as any other armor and gets reduced per point of brain damage.
Its absolutely normal, now guess why no other games are black matte finish
Maybe I'm just dumb, but is there a list of what monster and are part of what campaign?
I know for the inverted mountain you'll use:
-Red Witches
-Mountain Man
-(some more?)
Abyssal woods has:
-Flower Knight
-Flower Witch possé
-Ultra Mega Chicken
Does the Dragon King campaign have a different set of monsters than the base game? Same with the Sunstalker?
Wait what? I thought if you had +3 brain armor you got insanity. I've been doing this all wrong.
Doesn't bother me too much, but it's weird such a high quality game is easily ruined. Black matte is no good.
Your brain armor IS insanity.
But you are only insane íf you have 3 or more points of insanity.
You gain and lose insanity throughtout the game, whenever you suffer brain damage it's being reduced like regular armor Points.
Once you hit 0 and get dealt another point of brain damage, you check the box. After that, you roll on the brain trauma table. And same as with the regular tables, you only have to roll once on the table per hit, no matter how many damage that one hit deals.
Nope. Those two are just the Monster changing the campaign setup and require no other expansion to run. Though in the case of the Dragon King, rather than facing the Dragon King normally like in a normal campaign, you will instead face his human Tyrant form, until you reach the final battle where you face the mega dragon form.
Okay I've been playing it all wrong but now I get it. However, if you have 3 brain armor and gain insanity, how can you ever lose points if you can't take brain damage?
>Just wanted one of the t-shirts
>They're all fucking gone
Insanity is a state you enter when you have 3+ insanity points.
For every point of brain damage that you take, you lose one insanity point.
Once you are below 3, you are no longer insane.
There is nothing in the rules that says that you can't suffer brain damage if you are insane.
It seemed like most of if not all the shirts in the sale was just leftover stock so they were doomed to go fast
Abyssal Woods has
-Honeycomb Weaver
-Flower Knight
-Dung Beetle Knight
-Spiral Knight
-Lotus monster
-Flower Witch disciples
-Flower Witch
-Death Chicken
-Death Chicken human form
Inverted Mountain has
-Black Knight
-Nightmare Ram
-Red Witches
-Trapdoor Men
-Mountain Man
Currently Dragon King and Sunstalker only replace the end boss and add a nemesis in the case of DK, but Campaigns of death might change that.
Okay, when I looked up Isanity it said immune to brain damage. So what does insanity do then?
This might be a super stupid question, but do you revert the permanent negative attribute modifications from Severe Injuries when you heal them?
I mean, they techincally never mention that it does.
Insanity acts as armour for the brain.
11 1/8" x 4 5/16" x 2 7/16"
Mostly during story or hunt events, good or bad stuff may happen to those who are insane.
Or if the screaming antilope dies and any survivor has, I think, 10 or more insanity, they die as well.
Conditions from severe injuries are not reverted unless otherwise specified, like beds healing broken arms hips, ribs and ruptured muscles, or Bloodletting healing intestinal prolapse and warped pelvis.
Oh shit I didn't get Honeycomb Weaver. Do you think it'll play a major role?