“The CryptoCurrency Tax Fairness Act”

Saw some fud about Rep. Jared Polis being spread. Do you realize he's literally trying to make cryptocurrency transactions of $600 tax exempt?

>People who use digital currency such as bitcoin for small purchases face a big problem: Under current tax rules, any little transaction—like buying a cup of coffee—can be considered a capital gain, and trigger an obligation to the IRS.
>A solution may be on the way, however, in the form of a bipartisan bill introduced in the House of Representatives on Thursday by Rep. Jared Polis (D-Co) and Rep. David Schweikert (R-Az). Titled “The CryptoCurrency Tax Fairness Act,” the bill calls for Congress to create a so-called de minimus exemption for transactions under $600.
>If the bill is passed, it would subject digital currency to a similar tax regime as what currently exists for foreign currency. It would also eliminate a disincentive for people to use bitcoin (and other digital assets like Ethereum and LiteCoin) in day-to-day transactions.



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Bump for interest.

so cash out in less than $600 increments over a long period of time?

>congressman attempts to introduce legislation that is absolutely needed for any sort of mainstream crypto adoption
> gets attacked by Veeky Forums

Top kek.

>my fiat


Veeky Forums isn't attacking him for his bill though, they just fell for a disinfo campaign by his political rivals. It's concerning because someone somewhere decided Veeky Forums was significant enough in the crypto world to try this in the first place and found it very easy to manipulate.

So go all in on privacy coins in 2018?

bump. the disinfo kikes must be stopped

Yes, with $599 worth of transactions at a time