>far future setting
>characters primarily use melee weapons
Far future setting
>far future setting
>characters primarily use melee weapons
>stats for melee weapons are twice better than ranged weapons
>armor doesn't do shit against melee
At the same time,
>any setting
>melee weapons are entirely obsolete
>far future setting
>neo-tribals living in the shattered ruins of the old world
>knowledge of firearms has been lost, war is waged with spear, axe and bow
>far future setting
>characters primarily use melee weapons
>they're just regular melee weapons except with sci-fi sounding words attached
>monofilament sword
>plasma whip
>laser axe
Only way I’d accept this is with a in game reason like fighting in pressurized ship hulls with swords rather than guns.
Dune handled well.
>Armor advanced to the point that it can prevent any collision related damage/disperse energy weapons (think ftl space travel)
>The only way to kill an armored opponent is to rush them, slam a nuclear pile weapon into the armor and rupture it with a focused blast
>To counter this, other combatants have antimatter swords with a single cutting edge designed specifically to dematerialize whatever it comes in contact with
makes sense when you consider how technology of materials is advancing.
we keep discovering better materials, ligther, more resistant to heat and impact, its not hard to believe that future armors could tank modern weapons pretty easily, which makes the return of melee a choice
>but muh energy guns
we are nowhere near discovering lasers or destructive energy weapons
besides if its really the far future why are humans figthing and dying in wars?
shouldnt they be proxy wars fought by robots?
>proxy wars
Not what this means desu.
If destructive energy weapons are not an options (and this shit like isn't either), how is a sword going to be more dangerous than a bullet?
Swords are big enough to fit vibroengines on, bullets aren’t.
Hard to block things that can cut through molecules.
At best they would be using something like maces like they where during the medieval, considering that it's always going to be hard to reduce impact force like that without internal damage.
>vibroswords are allowed while laser guns aren't
>far future setting
>battle is a meaningful concept and not just leaving
do you even spess
Or, high density materials exist.
They are both expensive and extremely heavy, so it’s simplier to just give a robot a high density sword and throw him at the enemy than it is to shoot your extremely heavy billion dollar bullets.
>Carbon steel is allowed F18 isn't
You know the tech for a vibro sword is easier than for an usable and wieldable laser gun, right?
Or what happens in MGR, when your dude moves faster than a bullet, bullets are crap, so equip your dude with a sword and you have sword slashes faster than bullets.
Melee weapons are as fast as your character, bullets have a set speed.
Swords are cool, guns are boring. Next
I'm well aware of that. Your argument is still stupid. It's a sci-fi/future setting, they have all the time to weaponise plasma torches and turn them into usable guns.
>Far future setting
>Combat at all outside of drone strikes.
Also, bullets barely do any damage because Cyborgs basically have an exo-skeleton and dense prosthetic bodies.
>far future setting
>humans aren't an extinct ancient race living on only in the legends of the actually playable, extant races
Depends on the setting
The exactly same thing could be said about blades
You know vibro swords are completely retarded on several levels while laser guns are theoretically possible, right?
Why would a sword be able to cut something an armor-piercing bullet couldn't damage?
And you're right, blades suck in MGR, high frecuency blades on the other hand...
>Bullet hits tissue of Cyborg.
>Barely does any damage due to high density synthetic muscles and tendon
>Sword cuts off arm
We have Vibration cutters already though.
This makes sense if guns are heavily regulated. Typically melee weapons will always have lighter regulations and they are a far sight easier to fabricate in a basement or back room than a gun or laser pistol or blaster or whatever.
You know vibro swords not only are theoretically possible they're easy to accomplish than laser guns, right?. As for the retarded part, I agree, is not something we're going to give much use.
We also have chainsaws in real life, but that doesn't make chainswords any less retarded.
Let's be very clear about one thing, you little faggot. You DO NOT talk shit about Dune.
>half werewolf
>half vampire
>half dragon
Are you one of those guys that think katanas can cut through everything?
To be fair we also have laser cannons, they're just heavy and require utterly impractical power sources so we only kinda put them on navy boats.
Melee weapons would be useful inside space ships or colonies where you wouldn't want to risk decompression, or hitting some vital cabling which could cause a catastrophic failure killing everyone. If it's that far in the future and you still fighting at a reasonably close range, I think it's safe to assume there was a reason you didn't just nuke the site from orbit
No, but you seem to be one of the guys who love strawmen and moving the goalpost
Dune is shit.
>guns don't instantly kill
Not realy. At this point it simply sounds more that your vibro swords are your ultimate weapons, cuts through solid steel, impossible to beat while completly neglecting simple kinetic damage (think mace to medival) or punctual damage (think spears).
see thisRead the last part
Read it again
Yeah, I completelyl think vibro swords are the ultimate weapon as I state in the last part
Well, if you have the technology to accelerate a humanoid body to speeds faster than a bullet then it should be pretty easy to accelerate your bullets even more.
but current vibro cutters cut through solid stell...weren't you aware of this?
>Far Future
>Failure in boarding doctrine exists
>Same for ship materials
>Boarders literally wear hull tier armors, meaning any missed shots with real firepower penetrated the hull, possibly hitting anything vital
>'Guards' wear pistols that is basically space lasers: 9mm edition, incapable of piercing any interior hull
>Results in massive daneaxe battles, and door chopping
>And space massacres
>Nothing of this applies to planet/moon battles for infantry and vehicles
>but that doesn't make chainswords any less retarded.
Chainswords aren't retarded. They're just extremely resource-intensive to maintain and ridiculously expensive to produce.
Chainswords can become entirely practical (as an OPTION, not a universal weapon) assuming you can create a chain mechanism that is not prone to breaking and use a small, hand-held power source that is extremely energy efficient.
Both of these things can be done today, but at an insane cost that makes the implementation and creation of a chainsword not worth the possible benefits (there would be a few) creating such a weapon would have. In the future, this may not be the case, and we very well may see some working prototypes pushed out for testing.
Well technically mass and velocity are both important on the impact scale.
If you could get a sword going fast enough it’s certainly going to be superior to a bullet.
I'm only okay with that being somewhat the case if the setting has Dune shields.
With the exception of city wide gun violence there is no reason NOT to carry a melee weapon even when engaged in gun combat. The issue is that the nature of most RPGs try to pigeonhole a character into one combat type so you're either "shooty man" or "stabby man", being "shooty man who can stab if necessary" just means you're worse than only shooty men and will still die to only stabby guys.
>user has aesthetics
>the aesthetics aren't the exact same as my aesthetics
Also Delta Particles prevent beam/laser weaponry from being used because it'll cause a chain reaction. So it's a good deterrent from using ranged weapons and validates melee weapons.
Maybe you should stop spending all your time in penal colonies, OP
Today, OP was a faggot.
Your sacred cow is overhyped trash.
>future setting
>most battles aren't fought using swarms of drones equipped with shaped charges or powerful electric pulses as the situation fits
>future setting
>most battles aren't fought with sticks and stones
How would an axe be capable of piercing spaceship hull armor?
Power armor
Prussian Space Magic for the axe heads
Repeated chops
>far future setting
>combat at all outside chronal assassinations
Cybrid arts and BPS bullshit are no replacement for a good ol' chainsaw on your arm!
Future tech:
Laser gun
Laser rifle
Titanium collapsable staff.
Vibro claws
Hypno scrambler (grenade)
Personal drone pistol
Bio blaster
Incendiary knuckles
Nano cape
Cyborg arm
Cyberdwarven katana
Exploding spraypaint (explosive runes in a can)
Plasma rollerbladez
Cowboy magnum
Neuroweave nano duster
Shuriken spurred cowboy boots
Chris Rock is posthumously declared the religious savior of man.
Bullet prices sky rocket. Shaking deaths of women become common place. Lethal Weapon 4 becomes holy scripture.
Why not just play Star Wars?
>Far future setting
>Not mastering both gun and blade
>far future setting
>characters have enough funds and personal liberty to use the optimal weaponry of the current tech instead of being reduced to whatever they can scrounge/smuggle pass the omnipresent police scanners
>Mastering both gun and blade
>Not building a Nicoll-Dyson Beam
It's so far in the future that in contemporary dialect "melee" just means close enough you don't worry about speed-of-light delay.
What, you think the meaning of words doesn't change?
>Chris Rock is posthumously declared the religious savior of man.
I can only accept this if Terry Crews is his prophet.
We can make lasers for combat today.
But even low powered combat
asers can and will blind making them illegal options.
Bullet guns are just as capable, far more common, cheaper and most of them are not illegal.
>Cyberdwarven katana
you know you want one
Why is it against international law to blind your enemy? Is it a left over role from when chemical weapon were more popular?
>post-apoc setting rife with primitive weaponry
>bows and spears aplenty
>no fucking slings
Looking at you, Horizon Zero Dawn.
Because you can’t design weapons with the sole purpose to permanently maim.
I enjoy future settings where all combat takes place at light speed and at distances of several hundreds of thousands of miles
>sci-fi settings where hostile ships wait until they’re within human visual range to start shootings at each other
a.k.a. worthless garbage
Uh, there are more weapons that emulate slings than actual bows in Horizon, despite almost every weapon ending with "-bow".
slingshots =/= slings
>>far future setting
>>characters primarily use melee weapons
>>they're just regular melee weapons except with sci-fi sounding words attached
>>monofilament sword
>>plasma whip
>>laser axe
Fight me.
>far future setting
>ftl space travel
>war still a thing somehow
My Mok of a different clan
>Not playing in a setting where Earth has been invaded by monsters or aliens that can only be killed by a special material forged into ten foot megaswords that can only be wielded by teenagers.
So Dune or LOGH
That's honestly not very uncommon, if you're not shot in any vital organ you can keep going for a decent while and if medical services are available survive just fine with just a few feet less of intestine.
>not liking dune
>laser guns
cause a nuclear reaction when fired at a shield
>Implying humanities most basic instinct of "see those guys? Fuck those guys" will ever go away.
Isn’t most of the warfare in Dune actually done with projectile weapons?
Lets see how far that goes when one side catapults a ship at light speed towards a planet
technically yes but the moment someone activates a shield those projectiles are not working.
and it's so wide spread that Vladimir remarks on how it was genius to bring in conventional artillery to trap the Artetries troops in the caves the retreated to.
that at least suggests that shields are wide spread enough to mean artillery is not effective
my theory is that projectile weapons are a method of population subjugation because they wouldn't have a shield and fighting hand to hand with rebels is a waste.
I mean fucker stops blades who penetrate it too fast. almost killed paul in his fight
mind you i've only read the books that are worth reading.
the first one.
>Far future setting
>Willing to set past reality and science to allow things like FTL travel, aliens and psychic powers
>But material that can't be made efficiently into bullets or have a field around it that makes melee the optimal choice is too far out
>Blue Rose
>Not killing poorly trained militias carrying cheap laser rifles with stealth tech and blades.
>not reading God-Emperor
Dune Messiah is worth a read, I'd say. In some ways, I enjoy it more than the original, though the original is a classic. Children is where Herbert starts going off the rails - not that that's a bad thing, but much of the philosophy is lost in vague language. God-Emperor is still worth a read, even if it's slow; Leto is a fascinating character.
Don't see the problem here.
Thats a sign that your ammo type isn't strong enough.
Or that its a effective ammo type, but not effective when its not hitting anything super vital.
Lungs, respiration, heart, liver.
People also survive headshots, if it glance, or if ammo type is insufficient, which modern 9mm will be, if its off angle(hits top of head, instead of face).
Also this.
Civilization has historically been "no wartools allowed".
It makes sense for the gunknight to go down to the space version of a basic 9mm GLOCK, and carry some sort of big knife, possibly really big if rule of Law is really weak.
Inside capital ships, trade hubs, planet cities, etc.
And then add in bonuses, such as social segregation, where nobility/traders, is allowed to wear more/better gear.
high frequency blades duh