Anyone else leaving their family in the dust when they make it?

Anyone else leaving their family in the dust when they make it?

My parents are truly pathetic late 40s minimum wage workers dad cant keep a job longer than 1 year went all of December without working. Mom has $80 in the bank. im embarassed to be associated with them

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Are they emotionally or physically abusive? If not, you shouldn't be a sperg and cut your parents out of your life over lifestyle differences.

My dad cheated on my mom, had a kid with another woman, later married a different one, and already has 2 new kids out of wedlock. You don't have it too bad, user.

> Leaving parents behind because they dont wagecuck for a month and dont have many paperjews

Whew lad

Well, he came from college just the other day
So much like a man I just had to say
Son, I'm proud of you
Can you sit for a while?
He shook his head, and he said with a smile
What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later
Can I have them please?

I'm going to disappear, get surgery, stalk my sister, and marry/fuck my sister without her knowing

You are /ourcoon, user

Selfish nigger why don't you help them

I most definitely will. They've put me down, neglected me, left me in the dark and never truly pushed me to do my best like an actual fuckin' parent should. I've never had a intelligent conversation with them come to think of it. It looks like I'm gonna have to bring myself up. Be my own motivator. Be my own friend.

>my parents have no money
>which is why I will abandon them

So you're embarrassed because you and they are poor. Wew lad. Go see a shrink.

Dont worry, Im sure you fuck up before you "make it"

You're a disgusting worm, I unironically hope you get a brain cancer and die a slow and painful death so you can get to hell ASAP.
Sick fuck

at least you have parents, you ungrateful fuck


I lost my father, OP you know nothing about life.


If I really make it I will give my dad enough so he can pay off his mortgage immediately and double what he has in his bank account so he can retire early

even if this means giving him half of what I cash out I would do it for my old pop

I'm 34, own my $400,000 home outright and have no other debt.

Contrast that with my parents, divorced and still with mortgages and other loan debt.

I don't care. They know I'm debt free from my hard work and thrifty living. I've given them loans in the past but I've cashed them in so no one owes me anything. I'll keep it that way from this point forward because I think I've helped them out enough.

Other than that, what does my tiny mound of wealth have to do with my relationship with them?

Fuck off scumbag

If your parents were good to you you should help them out when you make it.

leave this board forever please

Fuck this man, Sometimes having parents fucking sucks. Just having parents isn't better than not having parents if they are slack jawed losers.

No I actually love my family, OP

You're a terrible person user. Your parents gave you life and nurtured you FOR FREE for all these years.

>reeeeee mommy why won't you buy me tendies

Personally my dream is to have enough money to send my parents on a nice cruise, but I guess whatever floats your boat OP

My father died from cirrhosis and left me enough money to retire at 28 ( I never had a real job in my life).

I have been manipulating my schizophrenic mother, feeding her paranoia and making she save most of her money and allow me to take control of the finances - I will inherit everything once she dies and already got a access to a bunch of resources.

Family is great, OP, learn to use it well.

Kek, eat shit. My dad blew his brains out when I was 7 and mom died when I was 16, go fuck yourself.

disgusting piece of shit.

Dad's 8-track!

Isn't that supposed to be a given? Why the fuck is parents nurturing their own fuckin' seed a privilege these days?

Having poor parents is nowhere near a good enough reason to abandon them. Not that you'd care to think about how'd they feel about it, but you also won't be feeling too good about it either.

Same here.
OP is a faggot that judges his parents buy how much money they have, not by how they treat him.

>Anyone else leaving their family in the dust when they make it?
Nope, I'm taking them with me.

If your father didnt leave you a comfortable nest egg before dying, he was an uncaring bastard and deserved to die.

The good lord sometimes blesses you, so you can help those in need, especially family members or relatives truly in need.

Fuck no. I'm almost near my goal. Been hodling for 2 years now. I'm paying off my mother's mortgage.
Go fuck yourself, OP.

Y'all motherfuckers need Stefan.

>Isn't that supposed to be a given?

No it's not, some parents drop their baby in a dumpster

>injecting my wagecuck into crypto in the hopes of helping the senpai
>lost 50%
>pooled money from senpai promising to make it back plus gains
>10% left in top 10 coins hodling 90% sack of worthless shitcoins
should i kms Veeky Forums

Being a poor idiot has an effect on yoir children that is basically abusive. They probably neglected to raise him to be any better tham they are

nice larp

They're obviously losers. The mom is a loser who chose a loser to be the father of her son. The dad can't hold a job for more than 1 year. Giving money to losers is worse than fucking burning it.

>at least they didn't throw you in a dumpster
>at least they didn't rape and murder you

Come on, faggot. If you have to resort to "at least they didn't", you're grasping at straws.

Your horrendous disrespect of your mother and father won’t lead to anything good. If you don’t fix your heart and sort yourself out, you won’t just bring pain to the people who care about you but you’re also damn yourself to hell. And it is a hell, believe me, but it won’t be coming after death, and it’s not something that money can dig you out of. Be very, very careful. It’s not too late to right this path, but you have a tremendous amount of work to do.

An ungrateful, pathetic human being like you will never find true happiness.

my parents are hardworking mexicans who migrated from mexico as kids to work the fields. My dad became a contractor for farm labor early on and saved up enough to start renting out land and eventually owning it. They were poor as i grew up and are just barely “making it” compared to others in their situation. They have never had money and have always wanted me and my siblings to do better then they have so are extremely supportive of our goals and help out financially when they can. If and when ill make it, ill make sure my parents don’t have to work again

i will be but only because the autism or whatever it is inside my head hates having to be socially available to people

My parents basically ruined my life through, they ignored the obvious mental illness I had, rarely spent time with me (and continue to not bother communicating), screwed up my development by feeding me a poor diet and not doing anything about my teenage drug use, and didnt teach me jack about anything. But they seem to think they did fine and give lame excuses for the tiny bit of blame their willimg to accept. And they say they love me or whatever. Its beem years of me telling them this and they still dont give a fuck for ruining the life they supposedly wanted to create

You don't help losers. Giving money to losers is to subsidize them, which only tells them they can keep being losers because they have someone else to throw their burdens upon.

The blood bond cannot simultaneously be eternal obligation from the child to the parent, but eternal license for abuse from the parent to the child.

Prick. Eat shit. Wanker


I'm definitely gonna give them some "thanks for raising me" money before I dip. My mom works hard and isn't THAT retarded, but my dad is a complete degenerate that I want nothing to do with.

Not an argument, and your spite tells me you might be projecting.

Try to raise the bar, instead of lowering the bar to "at least you're alive".

This is long, but this guy had shitty parents too.

Hahahahaha OP has really rustled some jimmies.

You have Pollyanna syndrome. Creating a human is a big deal, not a fucking game. Most parents dont actually try. Of you look at the state of the average person, they are pretty flawed, and oir society that they have created is Flawed
So naturally, their attempts at parenting are flawed. Its hard to admit because of emotional connections but it should be obvious. I hear lots of people admit straight up that they just want children and will marry basically whoever when they start getting older and running out of time. 50% divorce rate, 30% obesity rate, sedentary hedonism, yada yada

>tfw both parents gave me 2K to invest in crypto
>get to take 10% of the profits once a year

Its the death of humanity. We live in a time where no one has an excuse to be a shitty person. The game of living a mediocre life and not trying to improve is so played out

>parents take care of you
>literally live for you
>literally slave at work for $8/hr for their kid
>he rebukes them for being poor and is a spoiled ass retard

kill yourself asap, you'd be doing your parents a huge service.

Go big or go home, 8 an hour isnt living, why bother

If you can only get jobs that pay minimum wage, and you can't even keep those jobs, you should not have a kid in the first place.

If you turn the ignition and your car doesn't start, your car is not working. If you start it and it explodes, it's worse than not working.

this. i have both my parents still. but i cant imagine how painful it would be to lose them, or grow up without them.

>mom and dad never ever had a stable job
>they never bothered to learn English even though they live 25 years in the US
>they never allowed me to go out or make friends when I was younger

>when they tell you that the only reason they gave birth to you is so they will have someone to take care of them when the old

I wish I was just larping.

Please tell me everything will be ok

kys too, you guys are obviously both virgins
probably mad socially awk too

I basically told mine to give me 3 years and I will pay their mortgage off. Takes some financial strain off me now and allows them to invest in crypto using me as a proxy.

Making 8 an hour at 50 years old is socially awkward lmfao

Kill yourself you brain dead drone fuck. You probably think you're hip and cool for defending working your life away.

so your parents took care for you when you were a baby until now when you became a pathetic manlet. they probably wiped your ass when you were younger and loved you and you would leave them, shame on you for not respecting your parents. dipshit

t. raised by eastern europeans parents

>1 post by This ID


Statistically, your parents have the highest chance out of anybody in this world to actually give a fuck about whether you're alive or not. If you don't think that, be a sperg, but disrespecting family and dissosociation is really fucked up unless you have a real good reason other than what you outlined.

>pic related

It will be ok...when you excise them for the cancer they are.

>they live 25 years in the US
>they never bothered to learn English


exactly the same here. Also have a really shit acne for about 10 years now (I'm 20), because of the diet they've been feeding me since I was a kid. Now I eat healthy and buy my own food and they make fun of me like "uhh muh diet, what are you a girl"

Ignored my mental illness and only acknowledged it when a psychiatrist told them that I'm fucked up (except for my mom, she still think I'm bullshiting everyone). Never cared about my hobbies or interest, everything that is not mindless wagecucking is a waste of time according to them. Once I tried to get into mobile app development. Made an app, spent 3 months working on it and it kind of failed, I only made $100 from it. And they made fun of me.

Never gave me money to treat my acne or fix my teeth and bought me clothes once in 5 years. And now they wonder why I'm a shut-in NEET and want to force me to wagecuck. A single x10 moon mission separates me from making it. Once I made it I'm never seeing them again.

They created him. They kept him alive.

If you think that constitutes good parenting, I have a hut in the Congo to sell you.

man, either you or your parents are pieces of shit.

mine are poor as fuck, both only got proper career-esque jobs in their early 40's and neither will be able to retire without government assistance, but when i make it big i'm gonna buy them both a house or something

they're the people who gave you this opportunity to make money, show them some respect and at least attempt to help them out

man of culture

You ungrateful little piece of shit. Nothing is a given.
Not only cared for you for you when you were not able to provide for yourself they also did it for free. Even if they hated you they could put you in a protectory.

You should help your family bro.

I did the same. I asked my dad for a 20k loan in 2015 and now we've pretty much made it. He's paid his mortgage and retired and I'm still trading 800k worth of coins

That's a retarded scapegoat and you know it. This world is rotten yes but parents have the fucking choice to be the change they see in the world. My parents neglected the fuck outta me and didn't teach me anything useful. They did the bare fuckin' minimum and it most definitely had a part in why I am the person I am today. You're fucking scum. Your defeatist attitude and the "at least they didn't do X to you, it could have been a lot worse y'know!" is why we will we continue to have shitty parents and neglected kids not knowing who the fuck they really are.

you're kinda a fag desu

It truly sucks, just push through ot it and dont let it get to you. Love can be foumd elsewhere

>Nothing is a given

This is what people tell themselves so they can rationalize treating everyone like shit. Avoid this creature like the plague unless you're gonna slit his throat.

>t. never worked with his hand his whole life

You're the piece of shit here you fucking scum. You deserve a painful death and a special spot reserved for you in hell. Your kind is why we will never truly see change in this rotten, horrible world because they're too busy sulking, feeling sorry for themselves, and thinking "durrr it could have been alot worse y'know!". I'd bash your skull in and break your teeth in real life. You don't know half of what you're talking about you fucking idiot.

I wouldn't blame them completely, cus after all successful people can come from any environment. But its kind of lame that someone would have a kid and have no self awareness of what they are doing

nice, only at 300k here, if it goes to 40k its pretty much gg

Unless they're actually bad people, you're a piece of shit.

Think about what you're saying.

it's about the respect you give back. if you leave your parents just because they don't make much money or because they are losers in life then fucking kys

>A single x10 moon mission separates me from making it

that's the wrong mindset

Surround yourself with losers, and you'll be the loser. His mother chose a man who can't hold a job for more than 1 year. She makes minimum wage herself. They don't deserve respect.

By chaining himself to people who saw fit to create him when they were unfit to be parents, OP will find himself being parasitized by them as soon as he makes it with his crypto gains.

your all beta codependents. some parents actually fucked up, some didnt.

You won't make it, don't worry.

>I would fuck you up in real life
You are the piece of scum here on earth, because you think I deserve this, I deserve that. For all we know your mother could have put you in the dumpster and give a shit on you but she didn't. Instead you are here whining about how your parents aren't able to get better jobs or work for more than 8 an hour.

I hope your parents had beaten you when you were younger.

I am beta yes. It is my fault, yes. Its also my parents fault.

My dad's a boomer and when I tried to explain what I was doing to him it lead to a half hour long rant about george bush killing internet gambling, and how I'm an idiot for doing crypto instead of commodities or stocks since those have protections and genuine products. "none of those markets are licensed so they're illegal!" "you'll never see your money because they'll take it and run!" "rich people don't hang out on these websites!" "you should pay a broker to do it for you instead!"

god just fucking shoot me. holliday vacations suck. When I make it I'm not even going to gloat, I'm just never coming back to this shit hole.
sorry for bad quality post, stuck on phone.

Yeah but because they are abusive controlling narcissists who've made sure I've never been able to be financially or mentally free from them. If they were like yours I would probably help them.

I'll leave them 150k and then disappear. Never want to see them after that

Are they Canadian?

No, Russian.