pretty undervalued at this point. just started its rise about 3 days ago. its a pos system thats probably the best there is right now. low market cap with a new white paper coming in the first week of the new year. this shit is probably gonna keep mooning over the next week. get in for some comfy gains my Veeky Forumsfriends!
You want to make money don't you Veeky Forums?
link must be the shittiest scamcoin ive seen in a while
link is the shittest scam. hyp is pretty good tho.
ex-eth dev thinks it'll be $5 by jan... already going nuts, massively undervalued.
disclaimer: I bought $1k worth a while back
lol get fucked I'm not a pajeet
got into this at
This will be huge in Q1, but it's getting pumped now. Don't miss out!
eth dev jumped ship for this? might have to go all in for this
Checked, Satan
>you are about to make money
Still mad that you missed verge?
The pajeets were right this once!
Lol its ok if you don't want to make money
there maybe is a pump at the moment... but this coin has a serious chance to be around 3-4$ in Q1... do you even read the whitepaper/facts?
All i read about it looks pretty amazing, i mean if IOTA and shitcoins like that are making it to around 4-5$, then this should be srs around 10$ at least...
pretty glad i bought in at an earlier stage
This is going to pump to 1000% and it's still only at
theres a new white paper in a few days.
Bump so you poorfags can still get in
>Eth Dev
>Massive Market
>no marketing
>perfect coin
>just crashed
Like he said, perfect coin
DUDE I JUST GOT DUMPED ON HARD!! STAY THE FUCK AWAY! lost 75% of my investment in ltierally 20 minutes
There’s a meltdown in the discord now, completely. They were responsible for the Burst PnD and shilling as well. Trust NO ONE on here Veeky Forums.
I started looking it up too, that's why I bought in. There's no way this stays under 100 sats.
look up the white paper and read up you pajeets, this is a good investment.
Lesson learned. Will never trust anyone ever again. Fuuuuuuuuuuu
What discord group is this? Like who are these people? Can you post screenshots?
I almost bought, and then I got distracted. Really glad I didn't lol, but after looking at the project a bit, I might buy a little bit now that it's gone back down...
anyone here /comfy/? bought at 30 sats
bought in at 40 here. will see where it goes!
I say it will get back up to 100sats in no time.
If anything the p&d just made everyone aware of the project's future.