This Girl

Can we have a thread about the cool gals in our groups and our stores?

All these years and I have only one example.

>DH group is one short after That Guy gets the boot
>okay two guys to invite some gal they know
>gal is quiet and shy
>makes pretty interesting character
>specialized but not to a crippling degree
>follows cues and compliments a lot of scenes with her character's presense

>game dies later after some OoC stuff
>she grasps new systems incredibly easy
>always makes unique and fun characters fitting of the story
>the most active of all players without being a drama queen

>disappears one day suddenly
>don't know if she's okay since she never responded to any messages I sent her way
>can't ask people from the group that she was close with since we had an awkward falling out

I'm currently playing with a table that's 3/4 female, and they're all pretty chill.

>One of them is super new to RPGs but read everything she could before joining so she could come up with a good character. Not a super great roleplayer yet, but she's getting the hang of it really fast.
>Girl #2 is a friend of #1 and came in having played D&D a few times before, but none of them longer than a session or two. Brings table-appropriate munchies. I am convinced she is God's beautiful muffin fallen onto earth because she's the nicest person I've met so far in my entire life.
>Girl #3 is a friend of mine, the gf of another friend of mine who is the only male player. She's super dorky and sometimes borders Chaotic Stupid territory, but overall pretty cool to have around.

I have 3 groups (1 where I'm a player, 2 where I dm, including this one), but this one is the comfiest one overall.

Currently playing a Vampire game with a ration of 2:1 in favour of the feminine. No one OOC is taking things seriously at all, and our characters are a bunch of dramatic idiots. It's a good time.

I only have a That Girl senpai.

What did you do

relatable, she was one of the worse people i looked up to for me

Sounds like you need to sex number 2

I'm unsure of what you mean, user. Ours isn't that bad, just gets super salty when she loses and can easily be put off games by it.

It sounds like he already does want that and either knows it won't work, is too scared to try or has already been shot down.

Had a mental breakdown, cowered in my home, sent on "vacation" to chill down and get a prescription and once back nobody would answer me when the next game is when it was very obvious they were still meeting up. It weirds me out even more, because before that, everyone on the table was super chill and friendly.

sounds like he is to autistic to succeed.

You're definitely avoiding saying something here, m8y.

My guess is simply he tried to ask her out, but is a sperg so it was probably really creepy, and has been overall ostracized. Remember, dudes, don't stare longingly at women. It's not as "romantic" as it seems in movies.

Autism matters less than having a nice smile and an attractive body.

>t. Super autistic anxiety ridden commander player who can occasionally get laid due to giant height, moderately athletic build, and sexy voice

Not even close. She was cool, but not my type at all. I prefer them slutty, not nice.

I'm honestly saying all there is.
We were all pallies, having fun around the table, telling jokes in one game, acting super serious on another. Then one day she leaves, doesn't respond to a some of us but the two dudes the knew her say she's okay and will be back when she can. About four months later, I go cuckoo and then everyone avoids me.

i read it as "That Girl-senpai", my bad

Yeah, that was just the wordfilter. This is already a weird thread though so share your story, too.

thanks for the info captain obvious.

the only girls in my games are other player's wives

>mfw I DM pathfinder for a group of 4 girls.
>mfw they made a balanced party and roleplay actual characters without being snowflakes.
>mfw I am marrying one of them so don't have to worry about getting hit on/molested anymore.
>mfw they are all chill af and have been friends since fourth grade.

Life is good.

I've had a few girls across different groups:

>Current Game
Friend who's played D&D once or twice before. She's really good at taking the lead, which is great because the other two guys are pretty chill and/or timid. She's playing a dark elf rogue but it's thematically appropriate, all three players decided together to make edgelord characters and it's been fun.

>Former Game
My then-girlfriend. I'd played with her a bit and she generally liked to play stoic, straightlaced characters. This time she played an ex-carnie monk and was a bit fun with it. Even still, she knows what she wants and will make it very known, which frequently leads to conflict. I don't fault her though, as what she usually wants is to keep the party focussed and on track and to not fuck around.

Roommates then-girlfriend. Had never played before, was only there because she couldn't stand the idea of him doing something without her. Was actually an okay player in terms of understanding mechanics, but never really got into character.

>>mfw I am marrying one of them so don't have to worry about getting hit on/molested anymore.

>The Virgin Rapist
>The Chad Molested Child

are they hot?

Hey, don't shit-talk spergs because you smell like unwashed asscrack, have a face covered in pubes, and wander around with your coagulated gravy rolls gurgling underneath a stained t-shirt. I bet your double chins are swaying in the breeze like some sort of corpulent fleshy marshmellow kite and you need a q-tip to scrape out the detritus between the folds of your neck-fat, if you were ever motivated enough to shower.

My group has 2 women and one of them is literally the best player at my table.
>makes delicious snacks
>always has a great grasp on the system, but knows not to rule-lawyer when i go against the rules
>always make setting and tone appropriate characters that are strong, but not op and with enough flaws and quirks to be interesting.
>always invested in the story
>helps to keep everyone else on point and focused
>gives me feedback and constructive criticism. Even helps me with story and other dm-related things sometimes.
This is especially appreciated because everyone else just says, "yeah, it was great"
>brings her 4-month-old son to games, but he's quiet, well behaved, and loved by everyone. Also, he always goes to sleep about halfway through the session.
>browses here, but knows to keep Veeky Forums away from the table

I really wish every player I had was like her.

Probably got a crush on her and sperged out

Aint even mad user, that shit's hilarious, and probably accurate for half the posters on this board.

>mfw when I'm a grill
>mfw every day more and more ladies join me in my table having fun just because I invite them and they're curious about the games
Going for that sturdy 50% - 50%, wish me luck

good luck!

>Fucking in your game group
Big no no. Most people leave their significant other out of the table here and it does wonders, for man and woman alike

Have a thorough screening process

>Know girl in high school
>Popular, smart, attractive, medal-winning swimmer
>Gets hit by a car a month after graduation
>Two years later see her in FLGS as her brother stops in to buy some thing
>Playing Scion with friends
>She says hi and asks to watch
>Had no idea games like it existed
>After sitting in again, she joins the game
>She throws all her energy into hobbies because of a permanent back injury
>Hand-makes her mini, leather-binds her rulebook ect.
>Starts to get into other systems
>Becomes a good friend and member of the group
>Always counteracts drama with others in the store
>Always cool and funny
>A damn good player and pretty great GM

She's now married to our resident forever-GM and they've just had their first kid.

i loled, thnx user, for showing me my place.


Man, can't really start, it ain't much of a story, just, some chick that I met one day, and didn't like a whole lot.

So like, way back, I used to hop around Golden Sun forums, I know, what a hipster I used to be. One day, I meet this chick, name's WitchRolina (we'll call her Role for short). Turned out we both were born on the same day, so I started following her around, because hey, why not.
And boy, was she uh, one helluva radical. Always had some sort of "out there" idea. For the record, we also played D&D 4e together a few times. In addition, most of those times, the campaign blew up, because of either her doing something, or just scheduling hell.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that she INSISTED on doing pure voice campaigns, and I usually prefer voice + text. (This came up when I would later attempt to GM a FE campaign, and it blew up.)

Have I mentioned how shit her taste was in mecha, aside from 00? She unironically used the super and real distinction, and called most mecha "Gundams". What made this more frustrating was that THERE WAS ANOTHER GUNDAMFAG IN THE SAME FORUM.

Anyway, the best shit I ever got from her was ideas for a new Fire Emblem system I'm making, and at this point, I might scrap even those, to purge myself of everything related to her. When I pointed out that traps were gay, she denied it.

I think that my gf is a cool girl
>loves to bake so she always makes delicious cookies for x-wing games
>plays 40k and AoS only with painted models
>Picks her army only if she likes the lore and fluff so she reads a lot about the game background
>Makes terrains for wargames by herself
>Timmy type of EDH player - playing just for fun with tribal decks

Well, you know, flirty with attention. I'm not unattractive but getting your bones jumped sucks when you're in a relationship. I've never accepted an offer.

I think they are mostly hot, save one though if she lost some weight she would be insanely cute. Never gotten jumped by her, though she is getting married to an on-again off-again PC in our group.

Well I was in 8th grade and got a 3.5 group together. One girl was in our group and she was constantly sexually harassed by one dude, treated like an object by another, and later she dated and broke up with the 3rd guy. To this date I'm the only person from that group she's still friends with because I had to good sense to keep my emotions to myself like my dad taught me

I'm not to keen on hitting on my players. That, and #1 and #2 are friends of my ex, and we broke up very recently.

This. So much this.
Had a friend who invited over a chick he was into. When he started "making his move" as he put it, she told me she couldn't join anymore. Friend was so heartbroken and took a year long break. Game died.

>I think they are mostly hot
Glad to hear it. Keep up the good work

>mfw would like to actually try RPG in my unis now that I'm far away from my buddies from home
>mfw I can genuinely smell the people from 20 meters, outside the room when the RP society meets up

Pretty sure I spotted a few fedoras and a ponytail/trenchcoat combo back in there when I glimpsed as well.
Quite a shame, but fuck me I don't want to fuck years of personal normification for that. Worked too hard to be finally accepted and considered normal.

Mostly the standard: don't be autistic, be nice to the people on the table, be a responsible player (know your character, prepare for the session, etc)

If you're decently attractive, you can do it while maintaining normie status. You'll be the "one cool normie" in the RPGshits club.

user make them unintentionally ERP and serve them some aphrodiac fruits.

You'll get a reverse gang bang that way.

Idiot, you can't sex cinnamon rolls, it's against the natural order of things.

I'd have to become real good at apnea first.

there is no such thing.

a relationship is usually the goal here.
if you want to just fuck you're why less of them are around.

Ive never ever met a good roastie player

The fuck is wrong with USA? I met very few nerds, even neckbeards, than have sub par higiene (most aren't very pretty to look at but tend to shower daily).

>tfw you actively exclude women from your hobbies


>14 years old
>beautiful big fat tits
>played half-orcs
>energetic and excited
She was the first girl I ever DMd for and the first girl I ever dated, so far the undisputed best in both categories.

I'm actually in the UK.
But the virgin/neckbeard/fedora wearing trope seem to be an anglo saxon thing.

How old were you?



lol epik xD

But for real I was 16-17 when we dated

That Guy brought his fiance and lead to both leaving our group permanently dude to many factors ranging from disinterest, speaking over the DM, poor attendance, and the fiance being a cunt.

Other girl in our group is great, she jumped in session 1 after never playing and is the one in the group who has the most fun, RPs the most, and keeps the group on track. It's a shame she's marrying a good friend of mine.

Isn't a reverse gang bang masturbation? I mean like the opposite of gang is one person.

Got some experience with them. Right now there's one real girl in our group which is fine because the internet, really. If you came to know the player because of mutual interests and not being somebody's girlfriend, you're going to be ok playing with them, no worse than an usual new player anyway.

I'd be lying if I said it's not something I think about when GMing my way around the way the players play. From my experiences, girls, at their best, seems really care about the game and get invested, which is great, though it also causes them to often take things that happen to their character personally.

There is also a pretty stark difference between the two basic types of female players i ran into, the girlfriend and the nerd. The girlfriend makes her character as bland as possible and gives you absolutely nothing to work with, but tends to be pretty stable and decently socially competent once her mouth is open, wheras the nerd tries to make something totally outlandish and it will take you a longer time than usual to get her to play the human fighter with actual character. I prefer the nerd, but you can have a good girlfriend player who eventually learns to invest herself into the game at all, seeing it as a shared experience, and you can have the an awful nerd player who can't bear giving up the spotlight.

Surely that will keep her in your group.

I came to this thread for more fat nerd tits.
I am disappointed.
Anyway I have never played with a girl who is actually good at TTRPGs.
All of the ones I have played with either slut it up as much as possible in character or sit there confused for the entire game.

A good sense of humor will get you far longer than a good looking body. Im an average Joe that unfortunately was raised under the idea that only idiots work out unless you had to. Despite this I was a slim guy. But I had humor and social skills to counter my rather lacking physique.
And to be frank, I've had sex with girls way beyond what I thought was "reasonable" for my looks. And on the flipside, one of my more recent friends has always taken care of his body, but he is super shy. He always complains on how he never gets any girls.... Just strange how the world worked if you ask me.

>Hearing all the good stories here and examples of good female gamers
>tfw I have a "gamer" gf
>tfw she is such an awful player I had to avoid invite her or offer her to play in any game table I play because she will fill everything with needless flirting and drama when things don't go her way
>tfw she is a worse DM and, after having been made to play a solo campaign DMed by her, I can perfectly understand why nobody wants to play with her.

Boring campaign, boring tempo of the adventure, almost no descriptions from her part, making you to specify every little action your character takes until it becomes a slug fest where you just try to word how to even breathe,... And, of course, punishing the player when things don't go her way or when the player defies her headcanon from a setting. Even when she doesn't tell the player about that headcanon.

>tfw she hates Magic: The Gathering and videogames and look me down for playing it. Can 't even talk about MTG or making plans in her presence that involves MTG. Can't even play vydia when she is at home.
>tfw she is constantly spamming me about W:40K and that fucking X-Wing, and normie TV shows. I have to sit down and watch those fucking shows instead of doing something more interesting.

Sometimes I wonder why I am still with her.

Sorry with the negativity in this thread. I... I needed to speak it out loud.

Sounds like she's a real bitch who is bad at games and attempts to shame you for enjoying your hobbies. Bail while you still have the chance.

Best player in my group is a girl. Knows the rules so fucking well everyone consults her for stuff, has vast knowlege of many settings, roleplays like a god and beyond that goes out of her way to ensure that what happens in the game is fun, exciting, memorable and character-driven rather than easy power fantasy.

Honestly, made the campaigns I played with her 10 times better.

Sounds like ol' boy needs to tell his missus to get the fuck out. Politely of course, but get the fuck out all the same.

She sounds kind of terrible.
How can somebody into Warhammer judge somebody for playing videogames?
It sounds like she forces you into doing stuff she is interested in while completely dismissing your hobbies when they don't overlap with hers.

>Homestuck pic
Is your group a remnant?

In other aspects of life, she is kinda a sweet woman. But, yes, each day I feel like it is as long as things go her way...

Weirdly enough, every girl I've ever played with was at least decent or better. They understand the basics of roleplay and catch on to all the conventions pretty quickly, even if they're not the type of person who you'd think would be into it. Never had a female "That Guy" or anything remotely close.

Anybody else have similar experience?

Shoutout to Irena from 2nd yr of highschool, chill girl i DMd for and recieved from my first and only blowjob.

Girl #3 and the dude I met from a Homestuck group, the rest are friends of my (at the time) gf.

tfw no cutie DM


This man asks the important questions

You're correct, definitely not cute



Any tips, fampai?

The only regular female in my group is my gf. Needless to say, i think she's pretty cool. She's a bit slow when it comes to memorizing rules, but she's funny, invested in the story, puts care into her characters, and often notices things that the rest of us miss.

She also has a gloriously fat ass,
which is a nice plus

If it isn't simple enough to pick up most of the local female population avoids it, my wife included.

Bars here like to do board game nights and it's pretty much just Monopoly and Life with a couple guys playing something else in some far corner.

But eons ago did have one gal in my regular D&D group. Roleplayed really well, didn't try to stir shit for no reason, and even ended up dating her for a few years. But life choices sent us on different paths (She's a chef somewhere in Europe, I'm a mortician in the middle of nowhere Kansas), and I've yet to encounter a woman like that when I make the rounds to the game stores and game nights.

>be playing female drown rouge, feel like being full edge/keikaku for once
>this girl plays human male sorcerer, was cool before this, but >drow so was in character unpleasant to him
>drow ends up unconscious
>he pours love potion down her throat
>barely follows up on it, starts to mildly avoid my character
>my character becomes mildly more pleasant towards him, starts to interact better with party, starts giving thinly veiled favors and gifts, not knowing why,thinking about planning betrayal but not actually being able to
>try to learn weak points of party anyway
>most of party and myself forget about it
>year out of game passes
>I find a Wish granting ring while on my own, doing rogue things
>get back to party, have slightly loose lips because camaraderie has been formed,
>even more time passes
>want to wait till right moment to use it
>Fighting tough demon
>drown ends up badly wounded
>sorc casts quickened friends and a healing spell, combined with sorcerer charisma and an honestly good speech
>convinces drow/me to abandon House that betrayed me, give him Wish, and sells me on being slightly less edge
>She got what is essentially a loving thrall with no previous ties, a personal assassin, wish, secrets of drow culture/cities, including secrets of lichdrom/potential blackmail on the party, all in one spell and a potion she never gave me a reason to roll to oppose.
She was planning this for over a year, still shocked I never saw it coming. Shame I had to leave that group, interested as to what would happen at the end.

she may be cool but since the only way i know of her is through a shallow post on an image board the only thing i can think of is "damn i wanna see those titties"

>drown rouge
How do you fuck up both drow and rogue?

He's probably phoneposting

Autocorrect since I'm forced to be a shitty padposter for now. Fighting this thing consistently.

I wrote a custom campaign for warhammer fantasy and told my friends in my uni about it. They suddenly asked me to DM it for them, though I never dmed before. I pretended to be experienced and knowledgeable, wrote my own simple combat system and ran this game. I have 5 players, one of them is literal that guy who wants to become god or betray the party, and I seem to be handling him well. Each player is my friend or at least comrade IRL, and this one girl that plays with us has the most rational and coolheaded character. Also, they are all first time players and got addicted to this shit, can't stop talking about our game (me too)


Forgot to add, this one guy in my group dated her for like 3 days (they just kissed) when they were both depressed, but now she friendzoned him. And now he does awful shit instead of asking her out or going balls deep, I feel like he might ruin my game with this shit.
Last year, he brought a girl who is like 18 years old and slept with like 100 guys despite us telling him not to, then she did awful shit like discussing which guys on the table she would fuck (wasn't even pleasant to be included in the list), randomly running into the toilet saying SORRY GUYS MY BLOODY TAMPON FELL OUT, or complaining she can't sit because her master gave her 50 whip strikes yesterday.
And now this guy might ruin the atmosphere on my table by orbiting this girl, and I can't do anything to neuter or remove him due to our company specifics

You know that it's weird just entering a thread and announcing your name, right?

>Game tonight
>GM is girl, husband is a player
>Friend of GM is schoolteacher and plays, her husband also plays
>My gf plays
>Everybody is very chill. Jokes are appreciated. People try to roleplay.
>Lots of encouragement, very little pressure, no "that person"s
>Is a good time.

Bonus points:
>My gf tries to make cookies for our groups on a regular basis.
>gf has in-depth conversations w/ me about the game, about the systems we like to use, game design and balance, storytelling, roleplaying
>gf has that badass punk look while also qtpi

My roleplaying is in a pretty happy place.

>Start playing 5e with my younger cousin who's friends with a Japanese girl
>She starts coming to sessions. too
>Typically helps my cousin with set up, but almost never speaks
>Cousin explains to me that D&D is so super niche in Japan that her friend just wants to pick up more English
>One day, I find a ring that grants an extra spell slot
>I'm playing a Warlock, so I take it
>Japanese girl starts sitting next to me after that
>Think nothing of it
>Weeks later, party runs into some cultists
>Don the ring for the first time
>Japanese girl leans over to me and whispers in perfect English
"Roll Wisdom to Stop Me"
>Confused, I roll
>Roll for shit
>"Kill your friends"
>Turns out she's playing as the leader of the cult and left cursed objects to control anyone who picks them up
>This had been their plan so they could pit the party against itself
>My dumb ass was the only one who pick one up
I got played by two 19 year olds.

The female players I have run games for have almost universally impressed me by their cooperation while playing, their mutual supportiveness and willingness to share the spotlight, and their ability to problem-solve in group situations without falling into infighting over minor miscommunications. Maybe its because I usually to run games with only female players, I rarely see cause for the kind of complaints that arise here about female players disrupting the game, although I've definitely seen it happen in other groups. In my experience, its my male players who get the biggest kick out of being the center of attention.

If you have a sexy voice you're not autistic. Mental retardation causes speech impediments

ha ha that's pretty funny.

also my fetish

That's pretty solid, user.

>>Japanese girl leans over to me and whispers in perfect English
>"Roll Wisdom to Stop Me"