Why do you hate money so much?

>low market cap (80m) compared to "muh Asian coins"
>Already has a working product
>partnerships with WanChain and ICX
>all the hype died after it went about 4x ICO, meaning it has yet to go on a true moon mission

Why aren't you all in yet, user?


Other urls found in this thread:


80m cap shit coin compared to unique 5m cap coin god coin

ill pass thanks tho

Because I'd rather just go balls deep in ICX or Wanchain

hahahahaha keep shilling that shitcoin bro. I can feel yout heavy bags.

>has an actual physical product and app which have already been in a pilot project since September
>offers something with real-world value (blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting/anti-tampering technology)
>immediate applications for basic food (e.g. baby formula) and alcohol, but later on will expand to pharmaceuticals and other products
>starting in China, where fake and tainted food is a problem, but will expand globally (protip: Chinese spend a fuckton of money buying food products overseas because they don't trust local Chinese goods, so there is already potential money in this market)
>expanding sales in beginning of 2018 (planned for January) and expansion with more partnerships throughout 2018
>planning in 2019 to start partnerships with insurance companies and loyalty programs with product manufacturers

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.


Too bad your timing is fucked and it just so happens nobody needs a crypto specifically for fucking baby food LOL

I had some money in this shit but was tired of getting pajeeted while everything was mooning so i got out and moved it all into link and xlm.

LOL. this moon mission is just about to start and you got out?


I really believe in RFID + blockchain. But Walton is the true player in this market. Do your research and I doubt you'll disagree.


Shill harder bag dad

Man, they got a solid product but I've been holding for like 2 months on/off. It'll moon but the time frame and lack of announcements are killing me.

yea cool if you want to spend your whole stack worming your way to a 2x

Stop shilling your discord's P&D coin.
>anonymous team
Fuck off with your scam coin.

>it just so happens nobody needs a crypto specifically for fucking baby food LOL

Over 1 billion Chinese do.

Let's face the facts on this token. It's currently hovering around the $2 range and I'm being generous. At most this will see over the next year is possibly 5-10$. Why the fuck would I waste a whole year for such a small gain when I can get into much lower coins and do a x100 or more.

100x lol
maybe 10x. unless you have something to share with the class?

but I agree, best case wabi goes 2x in a month. i sold at $2

MFW this young lady truly believes that the world's population of Chinamen require a crypto SPECIFICALLY for Gerber's Beef and Broccoli HAHA

Daily reminder there is absolutely zero reason to buy wabi. The coin provides absolutely zero value to anyone who buys it on an exchange

>b… but Chinese will use the tokens as loyalty points to get discounts

Fine, for them, the coins have value if they get them for free as a part of the scanning process. However, the tokens have absolutely zero value to anyone living outside of china who doesn’t buy the wabi baby food or alcohol products in the first place.

it's the same as holding stock in any corporation, except crypto has a lot of excited speculation in it.

That's the value of wabi. It's like saying "holding walmart stock is dumb because its worthless outside of owning walmart"

> the tokens have absolutely zero value to anyone living outside of china who doesn’t buy the wabi baby food or alcohol products in the first place.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. This is like saying Bitcoin has no value for anybody not using Bitcoin . The token is valuable because ppl are going to be using it and will be receiving it. That's what value is. It only applies to those that use it.

If I had the money, I'd get some comfy stock to hodl, but as things stand, it has to wait. Just hope I won't be too late.

Do your own research on this instead of listening to poor fags on Veeky Forums. 45 mil circulating, real product and 1000 retailers in 2018. Good luck poor fags staying poor. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

Dumbass human-being has been located

Coins/tokens DO NOT equal stock by any stretch of the imagination. You have no promised profits or shares in WABI's beef and broccoli baby food fund

owning stock means you own a piece of the company which has value.

Owning tokens that give a discount has no value unless you actually use them for the discount yourself

bitcoin has value to those who value the convenience of using it to pay for stuff.

wabi has no value even if you hold it if you are not going to be using it to get a discount on baby food and shit.

rofl this token is literally coupon that saves you like 10% off your next purchase.

all fine and dandy if you get the coupon for free and utilize the discount. but LMAO at anyone who buys this token on an exchange

Except wabi holders DO. customers that demand wabi's services are buying into the WABI profit model, which makes the token valuable.

Tokens are the new stock model for many companies. stay stuck in the past faggot

Meh, been holding this for a few weeks now. It'll eventually moon once it hits a big western exchange and announces a partnership, so I don't mind waiting. I actually prefer being in a coin I know will rise rather than stressing out about finding new coins.

mom, please consider trying www.Google.com to DYOR but with all do respect the real life consensus is the exact opposite in regards to tokens. Thanks for playing

The value of WABI is directly tied to the number of products sold with a WABI sticker. If none of those products are sold, WABI is abundant and valueless. If many products are sold, WABI is scarce and more valuable.

Real life "consensus" is always lagging. First they attack and laugh at any new technology, then it becomes the new normal.

>The value of WABI is directly tied to the number of products sold with a WABI sticker.

Actually its directly tied to the market cap and circulating supply. But hey its ok you still have time to learn.

>First they attack and laugh at any new technology, then it becomes the new normal.

Cool story, Banksy.

>Actually its directly tied to the market cap and circulating supply. But hey its ok you still have time to learn.
Mentioning supply and market cap is redundant. It's also valueless because everyone on this board should already know what market cap is.
I have nothing to learn from someone who triumphantly makes obvious and redundant statements.

Wabi's market cap goes up if their product does well because there will be more demand for WABI as more people are scanning the tokens. The company only has a limited supply of WABI to give out in rewards, so the value of the WABI goes up to make up for it.
Try to learn something today, brainlet.

Hey buddy you might just need some rest. Check out that Google site I told you about and have the balls to look up what the determining factor of a crypto's token is. Then I think you should take a nap honey. Don't oversleep though or you could mess up your sleep schedule. Suck my dick also

the logo looks fucking gay, normies will never fomo into that, which is the only thing that makes coins moon

you're an idiot

Sick argument senpai!

idiots keep shilling vertical pumps of shitcoins when this one has been in a slight uptrend and you know the moon is imminent

lol, a retard trying to school people on the internet.