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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Have you ever used a disguise before? If so how well did it work out for you?
Yes I just wanted an excuse to post this Gramps pic.
This is my princess. Or Prince. Whatever she wants to be called.
>Whatever she wants to be called.
>Dat smile
I understand.
Also good taste there Justice.
Nope. Never legitimized, she's just a bastard. No title for her.
Can't argue against that. Confused tomgirls are hot.
Do we even have any besides Mordred?
Your princess is in another castle.
Tell me about the latest OC you made, Jumpchain.
I miss princessanon.
She's my daughteru, not my waifu.
Don't care.
Naoto from Persona? Kinda?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 - Pokemon
Name - Gray Pobydd
Region - Hoenn
Age - 16
Origin - Drop In
Starter - Shuppet; named Grey (950)
Skills - Physical Fitness, Survival Training, Combat Training, Free Running, Ranger, Savant (0)
Gear - Bag, Pokegear, Pokedex, 5x Pokeballs, 3x Potions, RED HAT, Bicycle, Parachute, Rappelling Rig, Rebreather, Tranquilizer Gun (-400)
Drawbacks - Cursed, Marked (0)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ghosts! Arceus damned ghosts! They won't leave me alone. Ever since that entity offered to show me a real world of adventure. I couldn't have been more pleased it was a world of Pokemon - I was gonna set out and nab myself a torchic but nothing went right. It was right in my sights and when I threw it got intercepted by a floating hankie!
And wouldn't you know, the rest of its pals got peeved about that. So here I am, in the woods, tormented by ghosts in what should be my favourite place ever. They keep inserting themselves into my dreams when I try to sleep and taking bites out of my very mind so I wake up screaming. Then in my waking hours I'm always so tired and they keep playing tricks on me.
Well damn it. I won't let them win. I'll teach these ghosts! WE'LL SEE WHO'S LAUGHING LAST!
Grey! We've got a prank war brewing! Put on your best scary face - its time to turn the tables!
I do too Ric.
Christmas is coming.
I like your writing, friend.
>That chick in blue
I forget that historical figures name, but why do so many things made in Japan turn him into a cute girl?
I'm pretty sure I've seen at least four different things of that same person genderbent.
>trainer named Gray
>pokemon named Grey
Fromt he last thread about poison immunity.
Greek myth has the Blessing of Hygieia . Protects from all natural diseases and poisons and any curse less than a god.
Kung Fu Hustle (you don't have to fight) has one that makes you ill with first exposure, but after that you store any poison and can release it from your teeth or nails later.
Japan. Enough said.
I await eagerly, have a cute anime girl.
Now, pls post Love is a Battlefield.
I sat in on a demon lor'd council by wearing a fake mustache, really bad horns, and a sign around my neck that read "I really am a demon." If you have the right perks any disguise works.
Invader Zim has "I was the turkey all along." A damn fine perk.
Well obviously, but I'm curious why it's always that one person in particular.
I'm surprised they aren't a Fate servant already to be honest,
>Prank war with ghostmons.
Noice. We need more writefagging and dis is good stuff. Keep it up Ghostanon.
For a fan. Gladly.
>that one person in particular
Azai Nagamasa? I haven't see much of him getting genderbend.
Love ya.
The first thing i did in Pokemon was steal some hair dye and a pair of glasses. I took Marked and Wanted.
I spent basically the entire jump in disguise, beating up team whatever members and/or running from the police when i was discovered.
>Azai Nagamasa
Wait really? That looks similar to what the various Genderbends of Uesugi Kenshin look like.
Nah, Kenshin in Oda Nobuna no Yabou is pic related.
But, true. It's strange that there's no genderbend kenshin in fate.
I'm 25 and what is this?
Goddamn princessanon. Never fails to impress.
A Generic Princess Rescue Gauntlet.
Then why is it titled "Love is a Battlefield, A Knight's Tale"?
Fair enough.
Because Digger was kind enough to brainstorm a title for the Gauntlet for me after one user got particularly butthurt at me calling it a Generic Princess Rescue Gauntlet.
Well now I am butthurt about a generic jump that doesn't have a generic name.
I will add a subtitle to the document so that both of you may be equally butthurt. I try to be fair.
What's an epic level Cleric or Favored Soul like? Are they basically seen as the next best thing to a direct avatar of their god?
I take it you're not a fan of Great Detective?
Basically, yeah. You're probably the pope or high priest of whatever god you're the cleric of.
...Maybe a messiah figure if you're a Favored Soul, since you're not really a member of clergy then.
What can I say? She's got a beautiful smile.
Newest? Well, that's Dragon, a former bandit lord from Gems and Greatswords Steven Universe combined with Rurouni Kenshin. Jumper beat them in single combat because they, and their gang, were terrorizing the surrounding area and making it unsafe to travel. But instead of simply killing them, Jumper offered them a second chance, healing them and offering a few words of encouragement.
>"What would you do, if you could do anything?"
"Don't know... Doesn't matter... No one is going to give me that chance."
>"You have it now. Everyone is gone. Walk far enough and nobody will even remember you were a bandit lord."
But instead of walking away, Dragon ended up following after Jumper. Dragon didn't have anything to go back to, no direction, no other links, just the thought that Jumper had been the first one to offer them any kind of encouragement in years. So now Jumper has a Shield Maiden even though he really didn't want or need one.
Dragon is a Gem, a Carnelian specifically, with striated skin that starts a reddish-orange at the top of their head and slowly transitions down to a vivid yellow at their toes in six-inch bands of color. They're an utterly massive mountain of muscle. Eight feet tall and capable of driving even Jumper to one knee with a single blow. They use a pair of Hachiwari, blunted swords primarily used for battering down armored foes with raw strength, and they know how to use them.
Dragon, when they are not putting on the strong, angry act they have developed to deal with the unfair world around them, is a surprisingly complicated individual. They know they were created specifically for war and even relish the moments where they can stop thinking to focus on combat. But they desire to be a hero, even though they don't believe they are capable of it because of their brutal nature.
Epic level clerics are often either divine emissaries (akin to sending high tier angels), religious leaders (pope), or wandering incarnations of their deities' will (the adventurer cleric). In most worlds, the high priest of even major religions will not be epic level of 21+, probably falling somewhere between 13 and 19, to give you a sense of scale.
+1'ing the interpretation of epic favored souls as messianic figures, grand prophets, and the like.
Tomgirls are girly boys. Moedred is a tomboy.
I actually read that in Arnie's voice.
Villain or companion? Latest OC antagonist was a supernaturally powerful boxer named Stone, who was dying of injuries from unrelated kung fu bullshit and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. He was undefeated and almost invincible in his homeworld, but ultimately, being 'the champ' and the World's Strongest did little to repair his everyday life - people were afraid of him, his family was long dead, and his old friends were either terrified of him or moved on with their own lives. It was to the point he had refused supernatural healing from his 'hostage' Kaori though this may have been the Jumper's luck perks tilting his despair at the right angle to allow his own survival and planned to die within the match against user.
He then proceeded to viciously curbstomp the Jumper, to the surprise of literally everyone, and would have killed him if he didn't succumb to his illness right before the final blow.
Also Atticus may or may not have been the one who told him about the Jumper being the strongest opponent he could ever face.
Stone will probably be one of the few opponents who sincerely terrifies the Jumper, even after his death.
Stop playing this game, Anya!
>Ever leaving your princess side
>having princesses
>having royalty at all
You an SBer?
I am a Veeky Forumser.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.5 - Warehouse
Utilities - Electricity, Plumbing, Heat/A.C., GravityLink (110)
Structures - Shelving, Terminal, Housing, Workshop, Medbay (50)
Misc - Free Space, Loft, Food Supply (0)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I inspect this otherwordly structure after turning the keys. I prop the door open just a bit after entering and decide to test a nearby spigot by filling a bucket and putting it atop the door. I sigh, satisfied.
Some things are just required, you know?
Grey pads around me with his stuffed legs. He makes a face about the cool, rough concrete floor. Picky, but I agree. Maybe a welcome mat or something would be nice.
I turn and laugh as a pouting purple ghost pushes open the door; wet and wearing a bucket. Another figure phases through the door hiding her mirth as she passes by pulling on her hat. I pull a towel from my bag and toss it to Chess who runs it through his spiky ghost fur. Well, the gang's all here.
We spent the day testing things out - like when Maggie suddenly turned off the gravity leaving me at the whims of my ghostly companions. Or Chess turning off the hot water when I decided to try the shower. I got back at them though; a couple tranquilizers and them waking up in our medbay with some saws and things dragged in from the workshop. Hehehehe.
By day's end we'd settled into the somewhat cramped area. Grey's room we went and stocked up with fabrics, threads, and stuffed animals he likes to hide in. Maggie's we put some cool rocks in, lots of cards for her to write on, and posters from some magician show she liked. Chess, well, we just put a fan in and a bunch of dark cloth around light sources so the shadows are always shifting.
Me? I got a bed big enough that three ghosts can lay in it at night while they nibble on my dreams, because some things don't change.
Ha, well. I shouldn't be so presumptuous. After all when we opened the door again, we weren't in Hoenn anymore.
Right now, the only OCs I've made are my starter Tyrantrum, and another Jumper I'm traveling with along with her starter Ampharos.
Ampharos are good boys
Did you give [Stands] to anyone besides Companions? Did you ever write down their abilities?
I am out of the loop. What is a Stand?
I hand them out like candy. For fun.
I'm not creative enough to design my own stand, I needed help for that, much less other people's.
So, in Medaka Box, if you take both They are mine and mine alone (Abnormal-immunity to power depriving effects) and Concept Ball (Not-Equal-your absolute effects trump other absolute effects), does that make you immune to drawbacks (or gauntlets) that deprive you of your perks?
You do realize that if a person's will isn't strong enough, their stand will kill them, right?
It's a projection of your fighting spirit, from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure. It was originally supposed to be the endgame of Ripple, hence "Ghost Ripple," but Araki scrapped that and made the punchghosts their own thing.
They're all named after either gods, tarot cards, or songs.
Wizard shotguns put them on even grounds
No, because Jump-chan has double-ultra omega Concept Ball. Drawbacks always trump perks.
I give it to everyone that I like, and with strong enough will to not get killed by it.
More or less? My Stand is [This Too Shall Pass] and it's basically a copy of Gold Experience.
My princesses are my adorable daughters! And anyone who hurts them will experience my terrible wrath in the form of ridiculously overpowered magic.
Much like my Benefactor, my disguises are always paper thin. Moustaches, different hats, signs that read "I am not Black Frost", etc. They work surprisingly well, actually.
Well, again, that would be my three daughters. All three represent different aspects of winter. My eldest is cold and terrifying, like a blizzard or frostbite. She loves us, but she lets few into her icy heart, and she is by far the most lethal of my children. My middle child is calm and gentle, like snow, and just as surprisingly dangerous. One minute, she can be talking to someone in that soothing voice of hers, the next they find themselves already half frozen. She only does such things if the person in question deserves it, but still.
My youngest is innocent and playful. She represents the beauty and fun of the winter season, especially Christmas, and she loves to bring joy to the world while making friends with other children. She's very sensitive, though, and so my other daughters, Gaia, and I are all very protective of her.
I'm so generous, I give everyone a Stand! Like that one guy who's pissed off at this boss and wants revenge, or that thief who wants to pull off legendary heists, or that budding Big Bad who just needs a little mentoring and help before he can fulfil his destiny.
Or at least perks that would directly contradict them.
Perks to improve your eyesight are negated by blindness drawbacks, but things like Aura from Pokemon, Vision Nofold from SBURB, or Seismic Sense from the Avatar jumps would get around that drawback by using other senses. In fact, the last two were EXPLICITLY developed by or for blind characters to get around their blindness.
Bumping from last thread, because I bet /jc/ knows more about pokemon than i do.
In Pokemon (jump 1), would an Espeon/ Fennekin starter with the 'Mental Bond' perk help jumper cope with the 'Damned' drawback? (Handle horrible nightmares)
Drawbacks trump perks.
Repeat after me: Drawbacks trump perks.
Your perk can be as mega-special as you want and come from the most powerful jump ever, but even if you jump into a weakass slice-of-life setting and take a powerless drawback you'll still be powerless.
Why? Because Drawbacks Trump Perks.
They couldn't cure you, but they probably could help mitigate it a little.
Here's my Wild Cardz jump again. Please let me know if there's anything I need to fix.
The proper suffix here is -fag.
You mean to say:
>You an SBfag?
Yeah, I know you do things differently on your home site of SB, but you're not on SB right now.
You're on Veeky Forums. Lurk moar and stop embarrassing yourself newfag.
I mean, based on several canon Stand users, that's not exactly as high of a bar as you're implying. There are dozens of people in one town alone who qualify.
Doubtful. Far more likely is that they get to share in your suffering.
The only "mitigation" i can see happening is that you have someone to share the suffering with.
And god help you if your partner ever finds out that you deliberately brought it onto yourself out of greed AND choose to involve them.
Hand them out like candy *to people who I think can handle them*
I barely know what [Stands] are but I am contractually obligated to go to JoJo sometime during my Chain so I can pick up a very specific one.
Blame Heavens.
Apparently it's a shield buster that sounds like a car horn when used.
Given how late in the Chain that's probably going to be, I don't think I would have time to give them to too many people before hitting the end of the Path. But I wouldn't have a problem if it seemed like the best solution at the time.
>fighting pasta with pasta
That's not a great example. Using non-visual senses isn't really a work-around for a drawback that leaves you without visual senses. It's tangential to the issue. I think a better example would be something like a drawback that gave you an enemy. Your "everyone loves me" perks wouldn't function on them and turn them into not your enemy, but you could still eliminate them unless the drawback stated that you'll never be rid of them.
SBer has been a more popular term in this thread than 'SBfag'
>being this much of a newfag
top kek xDxDxDxD
There are even canonically two babies who have Stands, and then there's Boingo. You know, the one who spends most of his time hiding under a box?
Gotta feel kind of bad for that kid, though. Future-vision Stand meant he probably always knew he'd end up working for DIO.
>32 uses ever
>speaks for itself
Lurk moar, and stop embarrassing yourself, retarded newfag.
>Boingo uses his Stand for the first time
>All he sees is DIO staring back at him and beckoning, with the eyes of one who was born pure evil
No wonder he's so terrified all the time, I would be too if the first thing I ever saw was a pure evil monster calling me to serve him and knowing that I would eventually do just that.
Good one, user
Stupid sexy evil sheep.
Dammit, I was really hoping I was the only one who thought of that.
I mean we see many stand users because stand users are attracted to other stand users.
Yes, but most of them were natives. There are definitely a few travelers, but still.
Isn't Kira's dad not a Stand user? And yet he keeps popping out Stand users like popcorn.
Are the Book of the Vishanti/the Darkhold in Marvel Magic worth it? Which is better?
He has Atom heart Father, and the arrow chooses them, not him.
Spider-Man and DOOM really should not play off of each other this well.
Behind Squirrel Girl and the F4, Spiderman is Doom's greatest foe. Literally banned from his country for gratuitous shitposting.
Don't know the setting but it looks good.
I like the Femme Fatale perk.
How does your companion voices sound?
...actually shit, that leads into a good question.
We talk about how jumpers look all the time. But how do they sound? What are their singing voices?
>my singing voice
A drowning cat, probably.
Are you Welsh Yoro? Or maybe Arabic. It would explain your attraction to sheep.
I have been told my Jumper's voice sounds like Gods...if they were high.
>singing voice
I sing like a twenty-something smoker. I suppose I still sound like that in the chain, since I have yet to pick any singing/voice perk.
..My friends tend to laugh when we go to the karaoke, well, they laugh when they aren't looking at me with pity.
I will give my weekly thanks to voice changers and be off.
It's like the 'someone can't cook and so they create a horrific godawful poision' joke anime likes to use, except vocal.