the rightful Prime Designate edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and it's application in and around traditional games
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the rightful Prime Designate edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and it's application in and around traditional games
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Lei Shen did nothing wrong
What happened to all the Mogu females?
You fight two of them. Don't know about the rest.
they all died when the Mogu Empire fell, and then when Lei Shen rose again they'd figured out how to fully cure it, so they didn't need them anymore and he could keep them all as sex dolls
They all died from Lei Shen's thundercock besides the twin consorts from the raid, the only ones strong enough.
>and then when Lei Shen rose again they'd figured out how to fully cure it,
*the Curse of Flesh
Oh not the Deathwing thing again.
I’m stoked for light touched Draenei but I know everyone and their brother will be rolling paladin.
How can I make hunter work? What would be a solid pet?
IIRC those are supposed to be female clones of the main dude.
>enslaved everyone in his path
>abused a Titan Keeper's depression to get lightning powers
>attacked the Tol'vir like an idiot
Nah, he did plenty wrong.
*needlessly inflammatory post carefully crafted to start faction shitflinging*
>>enslaved everyone in his path
only lesser beings
>>abused a Titan Keeper's depression to get lightning powers
Ra-den had it coming for abandoning his people in their time of need
>>attacked the Tol'vir like an idiot
the Tol'vir deserve to be exterminated for betraying their titanforged brothers
Was perfectly willing to ally with other empires worth his attention like the Zandalari, the Tol'vir got the same offer before they opted to embrace the sandnigger within and blow themselves up along with Lei Shen.
Can we talk about the Mo'Arg, guys? I've been dying to talk about the Mo'Arg.
They are the absolute bulk of the Burning Legion, every soldier from toady slave workers to generals and commanders seems to be some variation of the species, and all the "demon tech" the legion employs is of Mo'Arg design down to the fucking Felreaver and some of their mass portals.
Blizzard obviously doesn't give a shit so obviously we'll never really know, but fuck me I want to know more about them. Why they're such a huge force in the Legion, why some of them have more free will than any of the other demon races, where they come from, etc.
Sargeras did nothing wrong
I always forget the Fel Guards and Fel Lords are Mo'arg too. I wonder what the lore reason for that distinction between names is
also it feels bad that the techno-Mo'args never got a model update for Legion
I see you’ve never once been to either board
I'd really liked to have gotten more lore on demonic races, but Blizzard just gave zero fucks. Legion should have been split into two expansions, one defending Azeroth and one invading Legion worlds where we'd learn about their races and history and fight with the army of light who would actually have new races and new models in them instead of being all Draenei with the other races conveniently offscreen.
>tfw Chronicles 2 and 7.3 confirmed that Apexis adherents weren't part of the Army of the Light
feels fucking bad
So I'm looking at models and such. Apparently warriors can get half of Sargeras's sword in Antorus. I'm curious over the implications of this when Blizzard has adamantly refused to let people even have replicas of Frostmourne.
Reminder that good and evil are stupid and that redemption arcs are for brainlets.
Oh yeah. And apparently half of the sword Sargeras used to cleave planets in half is just a purple drop.
>How can I make hunter work? What would be a solid pet?
A squidgoat
If you're just starting out, Hunters get access to a pet with a battle rez ability immediately after learning to tame pets. So capture a moth from the starting zone and be an asset.
I think they retconned the halved sword thing, Aggramar's sword that you get was always its own thing while Sargeras' did break fighting the titans and he's still used it since, but it's not half of one super sword.
Kerrigan never even bothered to be redeemed because the guilt was too cosmic. She gets to be a universal life-source now because in the Starcraft universe, shit happens to good people and other people move on.
The internal system of morality in the Starcraft universe, while not directionally different, is still significantly shifted from the pure-good pure-bad system that exists in Warcraft. That's one of the reasons why grey morality can -sometimes- work in Starcraft but hilariously reduces to dindus in Warcraft.
And at any stage Kerrigan personality is still more agreeable than any stage of Sylvanas' personality. The comparison is overall unfavourable. She makes a more compelling slave of an evil power, a more compelling pure villain, and a FAR more compelling cured-by-a-man female character.
Same name. Gorribal and Taeshalach, halves of Gorshalach. You get Taeshalach in the raid. Sargeras presumably shanks Azeroth with Gorribal.
I don't see the point of light touched draeni, they seem just the same as regular draenei.
They're more yellow looking.
Oh yeah, names are the same. But in the titan fight in Chronicle it said that Sargeras and Aggramar both broke their swords against each other during the conflict. So that's why Gorribal is broken and Taeshalach is half made of fire.
They're basically just draenei with yellow eyes that have "more" of the Light in them, which is pretty dumb, yeah. Lore-wise, however, they're basically slaves / super soldiers created by the Naaru, turning them into Light-empowered living constructs. Holy warforged, effectively.
Why do Quillboar remain an NPC race?
Didn't they side with the Scourge? Didn't they get genocided to oblivion?
A living weapon designed by the Naaru? That's pretty brutal, don't you think?
That's honest, user. The Naaru aren't truly benevolent. They're obsessed with pushing the Light. They're fanatics. They hypnotize and enslave other races through the use of mind control spells.
The quillboar in the Barrens were always at odds with the Horde, and it was revealed in Razorfen Downs that they inked a deal with the Scourge to get the upper hand.
>Do the naaru speak of the eternal conflict? That the entire history of your world is but a fraction of the time that has passed? Of those that came before the draenei? No?
>do the naaru talk of their servants who came before the draenei?
Like said, we recently learned in Legion that the Naaru are kind'a cunts. To combat the Void Lords, they've been overriding the wills of sapient species in order to expand their Army of the Light.
well since this thread is more or less about the mmo, what allied races are you hoping that we will get?
I jokingly suggested that being light-forged means you're basically host to a parasitic naaru embryo the other day. It'll feed off of your use of the light and then do a windchime twist and discard your carcass.
I kinda expected the Army of the Light to be made up of different aliens.
Instead it’s just what they picked up from Argus and somehow our second war heroes.
I think what he meant was these threads have nothing to do with Veeky Forums, which is correct since Warcraft is vidya universe.
Then what about A’dal, are his Naruu going against the prime? Would explain why he wanted to kill Illidan.
>no Light Ethereals
>no Legion defectors besides Lothraxion
>no Apexis
>no alt-planet Titan Keepers
>no other aliens
Then ban the weekend TES threads, too, and the Fallout threads.
Don’t forget the Stat Me threads with anime or video game characters.
It's talking about the lore of a fantasy universe. /v/ threads tend to get into bitching about meta and the game itself. Veeky Forums threads are all people fetish-posting, avatar-posting, and setting up ERP.
This thread is to, primarily, discuss the lore and story implications of things in the setting.
Or at least that's the intended purpose.
We all know how things usually get.
So what's the canon reason on why demon hunters dont go full fel retard?
What's the difference between them and the legion?
They got a cinematic for that exact question.
Don't be coy, they're Draenei Stormcast.
Discipline. Any magic in the setting is corruptive. Even things like light/holy corrupt you if you go too deep down the well without preparation. So for anyone engaged in using any magic, understanding and discipline are key to retaining the self.
Like most things related to the player characters (especially warlocks): extreme willpower. If the demon hunter ever gives up or lets their will waver, the demon bonded to their soul will break free and cleave them from the inside out. You need to have a cast-iron ballsack to willingly bend a demon to your soul and take their power.
>To combat the Void Lords, they've been overriding the wills of sapient species in order to expand their Army of the Light.
Nothing really suggests that.
Xe'ra was essentially okay with raping Illidan, but that doesn't mean the Lightforged have had their wills overwritten.
They have very strong wills. Also, each demon hunter has lost something or someone to the Legion, emboldening their hatred for them and making their wills even stronger.
I thought they just suck in enough fel power to possibly explode if they’re not careful.
Do most demon hunters just bind demons to their souls? Illidan is doing fine without one.
>dat weapon
oh geez.. That is at least one exotic weapoon feat..I am guessing slashing damage possibly with some aoe thrown in there for good measurement.
A double weapon perhaps?
It looks like a nightmare to try and master
Yes, that's part of the process of making most demon hunters: you bind a demon to your soul and take their power. It's one of those "to beat my enemy, I must become my enemy" deals.
mark my words for tuesday
>the legion itself is just a ruse and sargeras was corrupted by the void since the War of the Ancients, Sargeras and Argus are Void Titans
Sargeras Can use Fel and Void
By Odyn's lava beard, what IS that thing?
>no Sargeras you are the Void
>and then Sargeras was a Void God
I haven't played any of the 7.3 content, but if we destroy the Burning Legion, how will warlocks function?
the same shit as always but the demons will be unemployed
The Legion isn't the source of fel magic, 'though it's fairly clearly a part of them.
>will work for Fel
The Burning Legion aren't the only employers out there for demons. Every demon you bind works explicitly for you.
Fun fact: A bound succubus is known to be rather possessive of their master and has a jealous streak. They get prickly if they see you talking to someone else you could be reasonably attracted to.
I am confus about the Void vs Fel.
The Voidwalker is Void, but is a demon.
Aren't Daemon fel? And Is fel original?
But many daemons use shadow(void) magic too, especially undead, created by daemons
Are the old gods void creatures? If so why they are corporeal?
Hey guys, I quit playing WoW in early Pandaria, but all this news about classic has made me think about trying retail again.
I'm relatively sure I understand the basic plot of what went down in Pandaria, and I MOSTLY understand what went down in Warlords of Draenor. But could I get a basic gestalt of what's going on as of the most recent patch of Legion?
I have no fucking clue who's dead, who's alive, what went down on Argus, etc. I watched the cinematics, but a lot of stuff would have happened off-screen, and it seems to trail off after they arrive on Argus and I have no clue what actually happened there once the Army of Light began getting involved.
The Old Gods are servants of the Void Lords. Void is its own domain separate from fel.
Tirion is dead and everyone gets the Ashbringer
Turalyon and Alleria are back
Naarus are cunts
Illidan and Maiev became lovers and Illidan is Sargeras' new jailer
It looks literally impossible to try and master because it doesn't really make any sense as far as usability goes. The only way I could ever see that functioning as a weapon is if the user used magic to control it on a basic level, in an almost telekinetic fashion.
Varian Wrynn, Vol'jin, Tirion Fordring, a lot of soldiers, the last whelps of the Red Dragonflight, Chromie (she got better), Helya,
Chapter Master Turalyon, Alleria "the Void never bothered me anyway" Windrunner, Illidan "Jailor of the Damned" Stormrage, Magni "King of Diamonds" Bronzebeard, General Nazgrim, Thoras Trollbane, Sally Whitemane, Darion Mograine (again)
An incomplete list.
Super short version, as I understand it:
>The Burning Legion finally found Azeroth (again)
>Alliance and Horde send massive forces to engage the Legion at the Broken Shore near the Tomb of Sargeras
>Alliance and Horde get their shit rocked and are forced to retreat; Varian Wyrnn and Vol'jin are killed in the fighting, among others
>Player characters break off and form cabals among their own class to try and figure out how to beat the Legion
>You eventually assume the lead of your respective class order, becoming the "paragon" of your class
>You build more power and enact plots to fight the Legion, including acquiring artifact weapons of immense power
>Illidan's back, and he's taking charge of the war effort
>Through a series of events, opens a portal directly to Argus
>Kick Kil'jaeden's ass once and for all
>now we will deal with sargeras and the legion once, and for all
>Titans are still alive
>We are Titan blessed heroes since day 1
>Final legion cinematic may spoil that Sargeras and Argus are Void titans
They have etched, golden tattoos as well. They're pretty cool.
>Void is its own domain separate from Fel.
So why the undead are linked to the Void (at least I think, it's shadow magic) while they were created by Demons?
WoW has some pretty cool but impractical weapons but I think this one steps over that line, takes a dump on it, then frolics around in all its stupid glory.
why are naaru so focused on fighting demons and the legion if their opposite counterpart is void, and demons are just sort of a different thing? for that matter, why is the light so anti-undead when that's a seperate thing too and the opposite of undeath is nature/life, not light? shouldn't these things be no different to them than arcane/nature magic, which they seem pretty cool with?
also, what is the basis of light/void? if fel represents chaos, arcane represents order, and so on, then what do light and shadow represent? obviously not literal light and shadow. the chart says light is "holy", but what does that mean exactly?
We're not destroying the Legion. We're basically neutering it for the time being. They'll be back. Blizzard has explicitly said this isn't the last time we'll face the Legion.
Also Demons can exist independently of the Burning Legion. The Legion just united tons of demonic races under one banner, but there are a lot of independent Demons. See: all the Demons in the Black Temple working under Illidan.
Even the developers haven't really answered the voidwalker thing, and trust me, people keep asking. And there's nothing stopping a demon from using shadow (void) magic, just the same as any mortal. I'd imagine these two ideas are related somehow; perhaps some voidwalkers are just demons that have abused such magics, becoming, at least partly, creatures of the void.
Important note: due to Varian and Vol'jin's death, Anduin is the new High King of the Alliance, and Sylvanas Windrunner is the new Warchief.
>Varian dies on the broken shore
>at the last second, blizzard decides to faction balance and kill Vol'jin too
>Vol'jin blazes it up one last time before dying and decides to make Sylvanas warchief as a prank
>Sylvanas and Genn proceed to spend the expansion bickering and screaming about towers instead of fighting the legion
>Illidan is actually just misunderstood and we save him from Gul'dan and because a windchime told us we were bad for killing him
>we push the Legion back into the tomb and kill Kil'jaeden, who at the last minute reveals he was just yandere for Velen all along so that's why he did everything
>Velen forgives him for this and lovingly strokes his face as he dies
>we go to argus where Turalyon has been larping as a space marine for 1000 years with a bunch of draenei
>alleria goes void for reasons
>we introduce Illidan to his windchime fangirl, who he promptly kills for trying to make him less edgy
>nobody really cares
>we find out Argus is a titan and we must stop the Legion from using it
>you are here
Vol'jin also may have been bamboozled by N'Zoth or Kil'jaeden posing as the Loa, or the Loa might be helping his double reverse mobius strip keikaku to redeem Sylvanas by putting her constantly in the spotlight.
We just don't know.
Anduin is sad and nobody in Stormwind has any confidence in him, and every night he hears his father's screams fresh in his nightmares.
>perhaps some voidwalkers are just demons that have abused such magics, becoming, at least partly, creatures of the void.
Is from the developers or from you? I like the idea of a Demon corrupted by other nasty, but not Fel, shit.
>that pic
where's the my feet hurt pasta already
>>Vol'jin blazes it up one last time before dying and decides to make Sylvanas warchief as a prank
So, nobody ever took him seriously, and yet they took him seriously when he notimated the successor.. JUST
>Who was that bitch?
"Baby don't worry about it"
"She's just a friend, honest"
>Oh, just a friend, huh? Tch
People keep telling me Warcraft lore was raped. What are the biggest offenses that have been done to the lore?
Could be that anything born in the twisting nether is classified as a demon.
Naruu can be Light demons.
He's being silly. What he means is that in his final moments, Vol'jin talks to Sylvanas. According to him, the spirits say that Sylvanas must take the reins of the Horde; why, he doesn't know, but Vol'jin always respects the spirits.
We don't know Vol'jin's plan or what the spirits intend to do, but we may find out as we explore Zandalar in Battle for Azeroth.
Voidwalkers are not demons. They're only treated as such for game purposes, but lore wise they are not demons. The Old Gods were created by the Void Lords as a corporeal extension of their will. They're basically a foothold for the Void Lords to exert their power in the material universe and potentially corrupt a world soul and create a Void Titan. That's the entire reason Sargeras betrayed his brothers and created the Burning Legion; to destroy all the world souls in the universe so that the Void Lords couldn't use the Old Gods to create a Void Titan and consume reality in the nothingness of the void.
The Void, like the light, is a source of powerful magical energy that is used by many races, but races like the N'raqi, Old Gods, Voidwalkers, and Void Lords are creations and races native to the plane where that energy comes from.
Where the Light and the Void are opposites, Arcane and Fel are opposites. The former could be thought of as a dichotomy between good and evil magic, the latter is a dichotomy between order and chaos magic.
Garrosh was killed unceremoniously by Thrall using the spirits of Alternate Draenor. This somehow means he can't use the spirits of Azeroth and is basically a non-participant now.
Gul'Dan came from alternate Draenor and landed on Azeroth. Because one of Maievs wardens, Cordana, had too much demon koolaid while on Draenor they steal away Illidan AND open the Tomb of Sargeras to usher in the Legion. Khadgar rallies the Alliance, who presumably inform the Horde, to take down the threat immediately.
The attack becomes a disaster because the Legion weren't braindead in the first 5 minutes of the game, and actually infiltrated Alliance intelligence via Dreadlord. The Horde immediately get curbstomped, Vol'Jin is mortally wounded, Sylvanas flees, Varian has to sacrifice himself to ensure the player and some other notable characters survive. Anduin is crowned King immediately and Vol'Jin dies giving Sylvanas the mantle of warchief. The Horde are effectively damned from ever being taken seriously by anybody for the rest of the expansion, serving only as an afterthought in most quests - with good reason, since the Alliance are the true heroes of Warcraft.
The Alliance champions take the mantle of leadership of such powerful organisations as the Kirin Tor, the Uncrowned, the Silver Hand and the Ebon Blade. Over the course of a long campaign, they stabilise the situation on the domestic front AND build support on the Broken Isles, especially in Suramar. There are also Demon Hunters.
Eventually, the Tomb of Sargeras is besieged, Guldan is defeated, and Illidan warps in to kill him. Khadgar congratulates us, but Kiljaeden sends a much more futile effort of a counterattack than the initial invasion. Illidan and the Alliance heroes counterattack and sieze a means to invade Argus. Illidan promptly makes Argus our neighbors and tells us we've got to go there.
Depends on who you ask. Some people to this day are still sore about "the draenei retcon," for example.
I know is not a prank, I was playing along with the Joke because I hate Sylvanas.
I personally feel like the Draenai/Legion Space ships and such are the worst.
Yes they have. Creative Development answered the question on the forums a few years ago in an Ask CDev topic and confirmed they're only treated as demons for gaming purposes.