>Unearthed Arcana: More elf
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/: >Thread question
How do you like your fighter, 5eg?
>Unearthed Arcana: More elf
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/: >Thread question
How do you like your fighter, 5eg?
I like my fighters paladins instead
I liked my Eldritch Knight I made for the one session I played him.
How do y'all feel about using minions in 5e?
I'm running a small game and want to use some monster types that would attack in groups but don't want to straight up overpower the party.
>Not playing a Cavalier with an oath
Reposting since I wrote this as the thread was dying: I'm getting back into the game and want to play a charismatic, albeit wicked paladin of conquest. As such I'm looking for some good teamwork feats and stuff that will let me convince people to follow me. Was something matching that description get added in one of the books or unearthed arcanas ?
No, just believes in alliance and friendship between "good and civilized" races like humans, dwarves, elves and so on and ensuring their prosperous future by a merciless genocide of abominations like orcs, goblins or halfbreeds.
So imagine Jeanne d'Arc rallying villagers with torches and pitchforks and leading them in slaughter of orc men, women and children from the nearby orc settlement.
reminder that if you're playing past level 9, you should either play an all caster party or an all martial party.
Huh, the wolverines are beating some university in ohio.
What would be the best way for a battle master, EK, shadow monk, moon druid and rogue deal with a Purple Worm and three Purple Wormlings? Not many magic items of note, except maybe a flying sword (EK) and flying boots (battle master). We are at the bottom of a castle.
>Implying you can't have fun as Captain America in the Avengers movie
Is there no mechanic for follower/cohorts in 5e? Wanted to make a fighter in the old 2e fashion where you’d amass a small army and buy/work towards a fort.
If it’s strictly RP based, that’s cool too; I’ll just have to wait until someone else advances their character a bit.
It'd be cool if 5e martials were captain america, but they're like a hawkeye with a 5% chance of missing instead.
There are hirelings and army mechanics. Talk to your DM and see if he allows it.
the closest the rules come to allowing it is the noble (knight) background.
That's dumb and you're dumb. If I as a caster don't have martials to keep the BBEG from raping my face and who in turn rape the BBEG's face I'm ogre.
If I as a martial come up against enemy spellcasters and/or of trillions of clumped enemies that will eventually kill me if I don't get aoe relief I'm donezo.
Level cap should've been 10 or 11 desu
Why though? The earlier levels don't lose anything just because higher levels exist.
The leadership feat is gone and good riddance.
the higher levels are completely imbalanced in favor of casters because martials aren't allowed to do anything a high school football captain named Kyle couldn't do.
Third time's the charm.
I want some Zariel lore to find out more about them since I plan on making a Zariel Tiefling. Can someone point me in the right direction? All I can find is the '01 Manual of the Planes and the '06 Fiend Folio II, where she's barely a footnote in either of them. I don't even know what they fucking look like or even a general basis of their personality, for fuck's sake.
I'm a relatively experienced DM but I'm somewhat new to the 5e system, what should I do for my first adventure? Is Lost Mines of Phandelver best, or is there a better/shorter introductory adventure?
Not only that, but it gets to over the top for my tastes
>The earlier levels don't lose anything just because higher levels exist.
I'm sure you've never played at level 12+ anyway.
What's a good reason for chaos inflicted modrons to be working at the same goal alongside skyship orc raiders?
hey guys, im playiong a Githyanki war wizard and need a familiar
owl is the obvious mechanical choice but i want something with more flavor, my DM is a big fan of astral plane and would probably work with me if i had a good idea for a thematic familiar.
maybe a cranium rat?
TLDR i need a cool thematic githyanki familiar
actually I've ran several campaigns to 20.
Am I being an idiot for allowing Aasimar in a CoS game?
the orcs are the ones that infected them.
LMoP was very well recieved.
>is there a better/shorter introductory adventure?
If you can convince at least most of your party to /really/ read chapters 7-10 of the PBH you shouldn't have any trouble starting literally anywhere.
Newfounded personal interest and desires?
Why run these campaigns into the levels you don't like then?
What's more important for a Strength based Fighter: Dexterity or Wisdom?
Your characters get pulled in and Strahd hates everything that is happy/good.
I don't see what the problem is other than that Strahd is probably going to specifically want to destroy that guy more than the others ceteris paribus.
Dragonborn fighters are rad
Fair enough, that's what I was thinking but can't think of a mechanism of infection.
I don't run mixed parties at those levels.
If they're fallen aasimar they totally fit with the setting. They're almost made to be in a CoS game.
the orcs have a mcguffin which infects them.
Some kind of chaos rock, I think there is one that is responsible for the existence of Slaads that Primus through into the elemental plane of chaos somwhere. They could have a shard from that.
Any tips for how to best roleplay a FR goblin? They're basically everywhere in part 1.
So I was told to add 1d6 psychic damage and give the weapon charges for their effects does that seem like a good idea?
You wanna know how I know you’re a fighterbabby? Because if you actually played wizard you’d know that they have many tools to keep themselves alive. They don’t need a dumb slab of meat to babysit them.
Inspiring Leader feat.
Or a miniature slaad
Do you mean you don't run parties with martials and casters side by side?
If so has that just been the case coincidentally, or do you tell your players to change classes once you get there?
Be an abominable little bastard thing that eats what it can't use, destroys what it can't steal, and defaces what it can't break, and overall make the world a worse place for your continued existence therein.
I love my dumb slab of meat. Sure I don't need him, but he's so loyal and has so many uses.
Yeah you can use contingency to or just raw teleports and reaction counterspells to not get immediately raped. Well grats - you surviving and needing to leave the encounter means you didn't win it, and the bad guy and his minions are still there with all their stuff, and if they actually think you're a threat they're gonna leave or prepare to fuck you up next time like with an AMF to your face.
The first few were coincidental, but after a couple disasters where they tried it, i've started recommending against it.
Yeah the moment Strahd sees the radiant power in him he’ll fuck with his mind somehow. And definitely keep sending wolves and shit specifically at him.
Protector. I hope the flying isn’t OP and overshadow all others in the party. He’s a Vengeance Pala.
Brazen in numbers, snivelling in danger, cruel in power.
Ancestral Guard barb grappling two dudes and kicking a third in the nuts to give him disadvantage on his attacks - Is there a better lockdown in the game at low levels? Obviously if you’re level 15+ Cavalier can lock down a huge number of enemies, but Barb can do the aforementioned strat at level 3.
Does playing with more magic items help the martial-caster disparity? I feel like as long as you don't give the casters anything that boosts their options, and you give martials stuff with more utility than a +x sword, you can get a better balance.
Any small encounter ideas for players to do while in a port town under siege? The party arrived in the city as the siege was going ahead and defended some citizens in a cathedral last encounter and I was thinking of throwing some kind of distraction task for them to complete while the citizens are led out of the town.
Any adventures that have sieges that I can look up?
The level 4 PAM/Sentinel v human cavalier.
Enemy sappers get under the walls via the sewers They are destroying foundations of key wall sections and buildings. The party has to clear them out.
There is not a martial/caster disparity in 5e combat.
Different and not-competing rolls.
Sounds like story time.
How do I format things the proper way to upload them to DM's Guild?
If a creature uses its movement to go behind something to hide, does it count as been unseen, or is an action required to attempt to hide?
You can hold down one dude with a sentinel opportunity attack. The rest of them are free to just walk away, and your unwavering mark has no effect if they aren’t within 5 feet of you.
Walls have already been breached. We're looking at a Kvatch style thing where the last surviving denizens are hold up in the biggest buildings they can while groups of invaders clear the remnants out bit by bit.
Copy 5e's formatting. You can do that is MS word.
Not the fun kind of disaster. Basically, I had players in two consecutive games who are really into game mastery. So about at level 7-10, they started realizing that in a lot of situations, the casters could do things more efficiently with less risk due to spells.
Both these guys are pretty smart, they practically had the spell book memorized, so they were constantly thinking of spells they could have used in the situation. It became really hard for me to convincingly come up with ways for their character to shine, and eventually they asked me if they could remake.
Game one I thought was a fluke, but after game 2, I decided something was seriously wrong and investigated it with them.
You need to hide to be unseen, and you need to be obscured in order to hide.
You get two attacks with PAM at level 4 - one with your regular action and one with a BA. Both hits can mark, and you just move into 5 feet of them if you weren't already. Your reaction is still up for any provoked AoO. Three targets.
Then you might need to pull a Kvatch and shut down the portal the demons are flowing out of.
>No portal
Evacuate the city, the enemy has won
>No way out
I guess you could die.
They also have free templates and art assets to use that you can download from the DMsG. Usually they seem to be on the "most popular downloads" list, and shouldn't be difficult to find.
You cannot deal 230+ damage to a single target in one round as a caster.
>go ahead and make an attack roll, user
>aw, that's a crit fail. What a shame
>*rolls d100*
>okay, so you bring your flail up to swing at the giant, but as you do, the chain breaks and the head flies at your adjacent ally
>go ahead and roll for damage, this counts as a critical hit
t. person that doesn't play the game
>A level 20 fighter has more chance of hitting an ally than a level 1 fighter
really makes you think
>Talks about options for players
>Gets shit on based off damage memes
Never change /5eg/. I bet you guys hate Xanathar's common magic items.
Red pseudodragon to recall Ephelomon's pact.
Are these two anons playing the same game?
Yeah but what I’m saying is what’s stopping the three dudes from just walking away from you to attack your wizard? You can catch one of them as they’re leaving and bring his speed to 0, but the other two will get off scot free?
With the barb strat, the two guys you’re grappling can’t move away even if they want to, and it doesn’t matter if the guy you kicked moves since the disadvantage follows them wherever they go. With the cavalier, your mark ONLY imposes disadvantage while they remain within 5 feet of you. If they walk away, they’re still marked, but they can attack your allies without disadvantage.
How do you run adventures?
I've only ever ran my own home-brew games, and I feel like I don't get how to run the adventure correctly. I know it sounds so fucking dumb.
Do I just make shit up when it isn't in the module or what? How close do I have to follow it?
Would you rather deal 200 damage to one target or 1000 damage among several targets
If it's an official adventure they're fairly user friendly. There isn't a lot you have to make up, just roleplay the situations presented.
If the several targets represent a fraction of the threat the one target does, the 200 to one.
The wizard, the rogue and the cleric.
no you scream "you can't there's an invisible wall"
Makes sense. When there's an NPC, it's all up to the gm to speak for him right? There isn't a "say this" box or anything?
You can only grapple with as many attack actions you have bruh - a level 4 barb can attempt to grapple one target. A level 5 barb can attempt to grapple two. You can't ever get the three you talked about in your TE.
Would you give the defender champion title to the cav should both barb and cav be 18?
That's already in the player handbook and I might be getting it. I'm looking into other books and extra material for new stuff.
By the way, there are like three versions of Oath of Conquest, which is the newest ? The June one ?
Dex, for the AC and initiative.
How so
The one in Xanathars Guide to Everything
But I will be wearing heavy armor
Usually there's some mannerisms and stuff they know, rest is up to the gm
Consider you are fighting 5 equally powerful enemies with 200 hp each
Are they even different?
Three of them are immune to fire, one absorbs fire, and the other counterspells you with a 9th level spell slot.
Alright bet. I'm gonna run CoS Soon and I'm excited to roleplay Strahd.
Can I cast Leomund's Tiny Hut instead?
>Wasting a level 9 spellslot on Counterspell
Shiggy diggy m'niggy
One round is all they need to turn you into paste.
If only you had martials :*(
>Implying npc isn't a a level 30 warlock with 10 9th level slots/short rest