Is there an harassment problem in the MtG community?
Is there an harassment problem in the MtG community?
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Not really? Sounds like a personal problem.
Seems like a problem more with a few specific groups rather than the entire community of a tremendously encompassing game. This pic is like the fourth serious complaint I've seen about MtGHQ/Unsleeved in the last few days, so chances are they're legitimately pretty fucked. Most players? Probably fine, if grating and unintentionally shitty at times.
Came here just to find out wtf is going on with this. Smells like reddit
The fucktard doing this does seem like a problem, yes.
The guy who they are accusing has a really fast growing youtube channel, got blacklisted by WoTC for making a transgender bathroom joke and banned from the official subreddit, and has been getting more popular on youtube. Then suddenly a bunch of MTG reddit community people began mass accusing him of harassment
MtgHQ is a dick, but Professor from TCC is pretty much on the spectrum too.
Yes, it seems like reddit is trying to make this a big scandal similar to the shit happening in Hollywood.
They're asking Wizards to step in and take action.
WOTC already blacklisted him and banned him from the subreddit over a single joke tweet he deleted. Not much Wizards can do.
Oh shit, you mean the quartering.
>so chances are they're legitimately pretty fucked.
Or the accusers have something to gain in trying to destroy the guy's reputation.
Seems like total BS, guys pretty based and not afraid to throw just criticism. Those channels seems to be throwing shit at him specifically to get him ostracized out of the community... and they've failed again
Also, the cosplayer who got "harassed" off the internet just received a bunch of hatred from her followers because she played Flip it or Rip it. And MTGHQ only made one vid 3 months ago about her.
His second channel calls out all the bullshit in these communities (mtg, comics, now warhammer) and they don't like it. Not exactly a new strategy for these types to silence you rather than talk to you
There are nudes of her?
Last thread like this was:
Ecelebs are shit
Back to /pol/
Was it just pissy morning people?
>looked up flip it or rip it
Yeah. I think anyone doing this should be abused out of the community.
Once again, the right leaning guy tells the truth and millions of leftists REEEEEEEEE
Most of you fucks on here white knighted for her.
>reminding ourselves we're literally playing around with colored cardboard should be forbidden, because it makes us feel bad
Piping hot comeback
I've seeing his videos about "problems with Wizard choosing to feature some channels instead of other channels" the guys sounds like a whiny cunt DESU
>middle school tier internet drama
Who cares?
you'd think it'd make buisness sense for a company to work with a big channel, but nope, you made a bad wrongthink joke, now you must be banned from everything ever.
Hardly an inclusive group.
>They're an investment!
I wish they would reprint everything again so the market would collapse and everything just end
Don't quote me on this, but here's what I've gathered so far.
A cosplayer in the MtG community (
I've ben looking for a few concrete examples of what can be called harassment, but mostly what I'm seeing is that, basically, she can't take the banter. This is the most serious one I could find:
Now everyone important in the MtG twitter-sphere is basically saying that mtgHQ is hitler, or something.
In the grand scheme of things, none of this matters because mtgHQ was already blacklisted by wotc and was already basically that one mtg youtuber who's schtick was being anti-sjw. If anything, this'll just make his channel grow quicker.
Who cares? A company is free to chose whoever they want with them to represent them, they're a private sector and can and will do it
It's not enough. It's never enough for these types.
This is a /v/-tier thread, but it will get hundreds of replies anyways.
I wish they'd just reprint everything so I can get cards I want at a reasonable price as opposed to the already inflated aftermarket prices which are driven up by retards willingly destroying cards for teh lulz...
Yeah, its just not smart to tell segments of your audience to go fuck themselves, a 'bigots' dollar is a dollar nevertheless.
>He fell for the (((WotC))) trap
>Not buying indistinguishable chinese fakes for $3/piece
Mostly companies look at who has more chances of being profitable, the 'bigots' dollar (your words, not mine) or the sjw dollars and then make a decision of who to cater to.
If everyone this days is picking one side over the alternative it might mean something (protip, that's where the money actually is)
>This is considered harassment now
We live in an age of pussies
What did you expect from magicfags? Reasonable adults?
Pandering to the SJWs seems to do more harm than good, you don't even need to cater to their bullshit, just promote product and well liked people in the community to further your business.
tl;dr: don't focus on diversity, just make a good product. being good transcends politics.
Tabletop gaming has a white male terrorism problem in general. I am glad to see it finally being addressed.
While simultaneously caring less about the quality if your game as well as pandering to a vocal minorities aethetic "needs"
The problem is that the "bigot's dollar" as that one user called it will still be there. These fags have nowhere else to go. They'll lash out online, get routed from tournaments(if they don't just stay completely silent with their heads down), but they'll still buy the product. It keeps happening.
Summary from third party not involved
- mtg full of virtue signallers that freak out and white knight + attention whores blowing shit way out of porportion
- MTGHQ/Unsleaved is full pol, doesnt hide power level, triggers them all
It's just a self-fulfilling feedback loop. They want victimization and he supplies an easy target.
The real reason she quit is because of compensation reasons. She has made big deals about the smallest amount of twitter hate and obviously has personal issues, same with TCC.
Whole thing is just garbage people and 90% of that is from the "good" side who freak out.
The professor is such a fag
>mfw this is true
They can have their cake and eat it too
This, its a backwards way of marketing.
>lets cater to them in hopes of them coming into the hobby
They're looking at what the status quo is and applying the same values to their companies. They're not even paying attention to the fact that their player base might not agree or want it one way or the other involved in thr game at all
Yes, the problem is that the MtG community isn't being harassed enough.
This cyberbullying stuff is out of control. Are these middle school kids getting counseling yet? Someone inform their parents? What about their school.
MTG stores should really watch out for kids best interest more.
As a pissy morning person, that's exactly how I sound before my first coffee, so probably.
He was afraid dude. He couldn't speak out. Finally he found the strength, #metoo. Where did the mean twitter anonymous person touch you?
>This cyberbullying stuff is out of control. Are these middle school kids getting counseling yet?
Maybe too much counseling? We let the SJWs raise our children.
He's definitely on the spectrum.
I wish people would stop supporting cosplayers. Make these people get real jobs out of the Internet public eye and they'll stop being harassed.
I hope that MTG burns to the ground. It's the biggest cash grab, no skills p2w game ever created yet nerds still play it and feel good about themselves when they win in a game with no skill.
>MTG stores should really watch out for kids best interest more.
Most shops I've been too seem to have this locked down pretty well, at least as far as Magic goes. Yugioh turns into this weird Wild West where everyone steals from everyone and everyone is mean as shit. I had to watch the store owner explain to an autistic late twenties man that a 12 year old just sharked him out of over a hundred dollars in onesided trades.
not really, especially anyone political in their social media you would naturally want to avoid.
Left or right, but sadly companies usually work with overt leftists. Politics shouldn't be involved but society is pushing it into every fucking thing possible.
The mtg community is overtly reactionary against percieved threats and in terms of over-moderations of community. That's just an unbias view, look how they freaked out over crackgate when it should have been the dudes showing their assholes off that got banned.
Actually, you have to separate two groups: casual players who occasionally engage for fun (usually playing with friends, not buying or making expensive decks, not going full competitive) and actual tournament players.
Is the first category they're targeting, and those people usually don't have any problems with diversity pandering because they don't spend 24/7 online on forums checking card by card to optimize play options.
There was no harassment, she is a liar and a pedophile.
If he is willing to speak out against anything, he should be speaking out about Wizard's poor quality cardboard that they have been printing for years now. The only channels that I can think of that have addressed the warping cardboard problem are Alpha Investments and Unsleeved Media.
The death of MtG is the final nail in the coffin of brick and mortar stores. The Magic spergs can have their corner if it means I still have places to places to play wargames and pour over shelves of RPGs.
Now that's a new one. Source?
He's not autistic, he's just a soyboy.
That user
>Tabletop gaming has a white male terrorism problem in general.
I remember that post. And I loved Wyrd's answer.
It's subjective. A whistle from one random dude could be forgotten or could bother you for a week. This was basically 4-5 twitter posts directed at her total in the last month, not even about being female but just upset she ripped a $300 a card in a game.
You are right. I didn't think about that. I guess the retards are a necessary evil.
>but just upset she ripped a $300 a card in a game
Why would anyone get upset for it?
cosplay is the new low pay booth babe for companies.
Link to Wyrd's answer?
Is he that based? Wow
probably none, "pedo" is a common slur thrown up by buttblasted rightwingers when they don't get their way.
>bring their own costumes
>bring their own fans
>bring their own advertising
>no legal affiliation with the company
>no need to pay them
Hot damn you're right. That's a steal.
To be honest I want Magic to be 100% online so I never have to step into those stores to play the game again. I also dislike owning mountains of cardboard. Magic transitioning to online would be the best thing for all of us.
MTGO and Arena are shit for various reasons, but Wizards keeps them shit so they can keep the brick and mortar stores open.
You're the first one to mention pedophilia in this thread.
Considering there's not just the normal run of autists but the current crop of contrarian crypto-fascists in the community? Yeah I'd bet there would be an issue
No link on hand, but I have a screenshot saved.
yeah true, the stores I've been at the kids cheat the most and people are afraid to call them out on it. I personally didn't mind since I don't play mtg regularly or seriously. It's pretty much the opposite of how it seems if you read online. The reason women don't show up is simply because it's a social black hole. Has more to do with it being too competitive and low looks/social status of most people there.
D&D has become popular simply by improving the social image via streams/youtube/tv tie ins.
Like, I really enjoy playing MtG but it's business model is clearly stuck in the 90s.
Which is funny because they prove to be pedos and degenerates far more often than the libtards they like to squawk about constantly.
It's really not. Chinese fakes are getting good and, as /v/ clearly shows, you can care/complain about something and still not spend your money on it.
"OLD ENOUGH TO BLEED" - chanted at every LGS when a girl walks in. 46 pages of replies, top fucking lol, people are so gullible.
When you destroy expensive items "because I can" you tend to come off as an arrogant spoiled person
its the internet and like 5 people mad on twitter, sperges
That sounds awful. Even when I played Yugioh and had people blatantly steal shit from me, they would at least give me equal value trades.
>you'd think it'd make buisness sense for a company to work with a big channel
You don't work with people who stir shit for a living. You find nice quiet well-behaved people to shill your product.
I agree but hasbro doesn't want to cannibilize the profitable cardboard side. They only want to put out entry level digital products, hopefully they wake up one day and figure it out.
they should just jump straight to VR development too. There are some amazing VR card game prototypes where you literally throw the card forward and a monster spawns in the playfield.
Chinese fakes got to the point of quality where you have hard difference spotting the one fake in a playset of legit cards.
>t. someone with fake snapcasters/fetchlands and all the money cards
And lefties with sexual assault
This, many males don't play MTG just because the game store experience isn't that great. Long waits between rounds, awkward angry people when they lose, competitive rules lawyers trying to catch you in a casual release event, cheaters, etc
I don't even think it's sexual harassment women feel at the stores as much as just a bad scene that isn't too enjoyable to them. Each LGS has a different feel too, I'd imagine getting groped or harassed is 1/1000th of the reasons women quit or don't get interested.
Its ok if its a clinton, kennedy, polanski, woody allen etc etc :)
its no big deal!
sorry m8, but it had to be weaponized. One day you'll understand why hopefully. Just be glad they are not manipulative or very persuasive, just end points, they don't convince more.
>there aren't a ton of righties with assault charges right now
>grab them by the pussy never happened
>damage controooooollll
How about we toss all the fucknuts in jail from both sides so that way we can get this out of the way and people can stop thinking that it somehow is only a problem on the other side of the fence? Can I get you on board with that?
We have whinny little bitch problem that's for sure.
>buy the new EDH precons
>have the giant Edgar Markov card sitting on my desk in the corner
>it somehow started forming a gigantic arch in the middle that i can't get rid of
Of everything in this thread this makes me the most mad
Oh please, every time some celeb gets accused of anything, suddenly a million people crawl out of the woodwork wanting a piece of that pie. Happens every single time.
>This hobby is full of "toxic masculinity" that "triggers" me
>That's why I keep fucking playing it
They're no better than the sandniggers who move to Europe literally by the millions so they can be oppressed.
Isn't Rudy/Alpha Investments a friend of MTGHQ and gets hate from reddit?
Wouldn't be surprised if he gets targeted.
Everyone has made videos about the cardstock, TCC included.
I know how to save magic. Give me control over art direction wotc. Revenue will double.
Sex-positive empowered art with no slut shaming.
What's his youtube channel so I can subscribe.