Should I just stop playing Magic

>be user
>have a couple decks, two built off precons that I bought in 2012
>don't have a huge collection, most of the good cards i have are in decks
>start playing with a new group
>everyone has a pretty huge collection of cards, 4+ decks running at once
>do pretty well in spite of having straightforward burn / aggro decks that are sub $25

>next time i play against them
>every single game is against some control or combo deck
>mostly blue / black
>eventually start looking up the cards that are being played and find out they are aped from championship winning decks
>several cards that are worth more than my entire deck combined are fielded
>spend four hours of "lol guess your permenant can't be tapped for mana / block / attack / untap / do anything and also you don't draw this turn"
>"i'm going to use jace's -7 abilitiy.."
>"well, i got this card down. i use this other ability and you lose from 20 life because its an infinite combo"
>"nah bro, don't fold. play this one out, surely this will be different than the last 3 times this combination of cards was fielded and you lost"
>passive aggressively acting like I'm a sore loser for leaving after several games that were won in the first 3 turns but still took 30+ minuets to resolve because the other guy couldn't decide how he wanted to win

What was even the point of that shit?

I think you're a huge baby and the other guys are douchebags

1. Your "friends" are dicks for not tuning to be fair to your level of play.

2. You're kind of being a bitch about this. You could talk to them about this, tune up your decks to match theirs, or borrow one of their decks to play at their level, but instead you're coming to Veeky Forums to passive aggressively whine that they weren't nice to you.

Get a fucking grip, OP, and talk to them like a fucking adult. They're being dicks, you're being a whiny baby, go work it out with them instead of bitching here about it.

>Get a fucking grip, OP, and talk to them like a fucking adult.

To what end?

If you and others take the time to make a deck each to specifically stuff someone elses limited card selection is that person telling you "yeah, that sure sucked." actually going to make a difference?

Of course they know it sucked. They took time out to make sure playing against them sucked and then tried to act like it was impolite to leave.

What format? If you are playing modern this is to be expected. You could always put together a janky cheap brew, using a cheap landbase.

>should i just stop playing magic


Git gud

Isn't that just a code word for buying the expensive cards?

Either that or using proxies. There should be a fucking proxy rule for MTG but wizards hates us.

That's how magic's played in a lot of circles, it's a constant spiral of one-upsmanship, and it never stops.
It's the same thing that turned me off from my local mtg community.

Nigger do I look like an egyptian pharoh to you?

Playing against someone who fields a planeswalker worth more than your entire deck and has 3 more copies of it is like trying to race someone in a Ford Taurus.

if you enjoy playing the game then keep playing it.
stop playing with people that are douche bags.

personally I only play with people that are casually into the game because they actually play to have fun and not min max to finish the game in 2 turns.

whats even the point of playing if that's all you do and all the people your playing against do?
You're basically just rolling the dice on who gets the best start. there's no strategy, its 100% who spent more and who got lucky at that point

That's what killed the local EDH scene here shortly after the first precons came out.

Couple guys forced everyone else into an arms race otherwise the game would end within three or four turns. Really put a lot of people off.

Checked in on it last year, guess some point it came back, and it's the same. Constant flux of participants and the three regulars that spent more on their decks than their education.

Really any card game I don't find it worthwhile anymore to go to a shop or event for. Rather just have close friends take interest and play at someone's house while bantering.

>What was even the point of that shit?
To make money off hugely overpriced cards, what else?

Also, what is that insect?

It's just banter, magic is pay to win. You have to be realty sneaky to use off-meta cards and win.

play Pauper, maybe Commander

I think it is a locust

giant weta

1.- Learn to SPEAK about your problems with the people you have said problems with, instead of running back to the internet after every conflict.
2.- Get better friends.

Ever thought about these magic words:
>We don't want to play with you, sorry.

My LGS has a couple different EDH groups, some like grindy durdlefests, some like full power turn 2 combos. The durdlers don't let the combo junkies play with them because it means not playing at all. So the combo junkies end up playing only with people who actually like their style of play.

And so, everyone at the LGS has stupid fun and nobody goes whining online that Kiki-Jiki needs to be banned.

I quit playing magic in like... 1995? because of this. People with money to burn pay to buy the best cards, and those who aren't willing or able to spend hundreds on decks got stomped on.

It's just the nature of the format.

I do hate it when someones combo fires and they start effectively jerking off over it. I mean, I understand that your combo works and I'm dead, no need to explain it over the course of an hour.

>over the course of an hour
Literally no one does this. They demonstrate the combo, shortcut, and win. And if they don't, like Storm is going off or something, you should concede and save everyone the trouble.

>Literally no one does this
Maybe not in your playgroup, but I've been in several 20 minute conversations (mid-game, mind you) with those FUCKING combo players as they suck their own dicks themselves over some combo. Please send help.

Concede and don't give them the satisfaction of finishing whatever combo they play. Just shuffle up your deck and play another game or pack it up and leave. If they want to masturbate over the table, don't indulge in voyeurism.

>don't indulge in the voyeurism
Yeah, I guess I'll just go for that next time. Conceding has been almost ruined for me by the salty scoopers in my playgroup who drop out of the game on the second round if they feel it isn't going their way. God, my playgroup sucks.

I quite playing MtG because all my friends and all my local game stores either wanted to play standard or two headed giant. Not a single casual magic player or EDH player to be found. This was right around Zendikar released or shortly after the next set was announced. Haven't touched my cards since except once to look at them and take out the proxies in the one "deck" I had them in.

Standard fucking sucks and is a huge waste of cash.

Control and combo decks can be counterplayed, but the game is in a shitty state of affairs at the moment. What keeps me away from returning is the expense of updating my janky Tempered Steel deck from Scars/Innistrad standard into modern affinity, or the expense of getting into standard just to have standard staples become unusable when they rotate out.

The secondary market is choking this game out for every dollar it can get and Wizards don't have the spine to defy it. Hell, they still stand by a dumb reserve list which means some staple cards can't ever be reprinted. What you end up with is an increasingly limited supply of staple cards being controlled by 'investors' which have no interest in the game except making a dollar off it combined with more people entering the game. In short, more demand, less supply and no incentive to play rotating formats.

Build a 1440 card cube and play 60-card limited.

It doesn't have to be expensive, you can get a box of 6000 commons/uncommons for less than $50

The wisest thing Socrates ever said was that whenever a voice in his head told him to stop something he fucking stopped immediately, no questions asked.

just play aggro red. look up boss sligh, burn, ramunap red, goblins aggro, etc. to get the gist of it. kill the other guy before turn 4 and bathe in jace-flavored tears. el-cheapo sligh shouldn't cost more than a week's allowance, if that.

I'm going through the same thing. I don't want my friends to tune down their decks, that sucks they spent shitloads on cards already. But I don't have time or money to drop on one game. Really, I'd rather be able to play using the card I think are cool and fun to use than having to build decks just to fit the meta.
I could invest a lot in a game I only find sort of fun or I can just play other games and hang out with my friends while doing things other than mtg.

It's kind of sad but it's better than the alternative.

The only way to play is with some buddies, using piles of shit cards like you get from those 1000-card boxes off of amazon. The most fun part of magic is making something functional out of actual garbage, and pitting it against the garbage decks of your buddies.
As soon as someone starts buying individual cards for a deck idea, even if it's purely for fun, like a skeleton or fish deck, it's over.

You're playing with actual autists. When they have their degenerate combo out and you can't win, scoop. It kills their fun. Their autism needs the combo to go off for like 20 minutes, so when you cut them off after 30 seconds they go into full autismal rage because they spent hundreds of dollars on a combo nobody will see. Never ever cave in to let them have their "fun turn" or combo. Congratulate them when you see their pieces on the table and walk away.

We have one autist in our playgroup whose idea of a fun casual kitchentable deck is always running 4 sol rings. The best way to beat them is to tell them to fuck off with their bullshit decks.

never should've started, it was always a bullshit money extraction machine. you're supposed to pick it up for a block or two if you're a nerd, realize that it's a huge expenditure of cash and then quit while you're ahead.

Consider trying out one or more Limited formats, by giving everyone a small, unpredictable pool of cards to play with it sorta levels the playing field collection-wise and makes absurd combos less likely to appear and/or more likely to be absurd in a good way.

>That's how magic's played in a lot of circles, it's a constant spiral of one-upsmanship, and it never stops.
yeah sounds like the same for me
>play groups I've been in or ones that have fucked me or my friends
>back in highschool dude would net deck, mana weave for cheating and would order cards expensive for our time that was the worst of it.
>friend I'd play with got targeted down for his race by some elitist korean dudes he played with, after that all of his decks became focused around making the game unfun for everyone.
>a play group with a dude who can drop a couple grand on one deck, and a guy who will casually pick up FoWs and Jtms.
>and the current one has two dudes who also don't care if their deck costs a g. but also have highly tailored competitive decks.

not always an option, sometimes the groups are just small.

Get better friends user. My best friend has been playing Magic for way longer than anyone else I know. At first when I started playing he would stomp me, but he'd always tell me after the game what he thought was a misplay or give me cards to help out my jankbrews. He never went easy, but that made beating him way more satisfying. It sounds like the dudes you're playing with don't really care about helping you get better at the game or care that you're having fun.

Back in 2012, I was introduced to the game, and played with a friend just about every day. I stopped playing in 2013 because I was turned off by the whole mentality of constructed play, where you can't realistically stack up against those with a deck made up of 4-sets of every OP rare.

I've been going to draft events at local stores for the past few weeks, and it's just awesome. Everyone's on an even playing field, you play with a new and different deck each time, and no one's gonna sperg out because their $500 net deck isn't winning.

One caveat: There are still the "uh, you missed the trigger" guys. Fuck those guys.

This is why you play standard user

Magic is for the absolute lowest tier of gamers. Yes you absolutely should stop.

Enjoy buying overpriced standard staples that lose 95% of their value once they rotate out and aren't played in eternal formats.

Just play Pauper, OP.

You can get any card you could want with just 5 boosters

You can get any tier 1 pauper deck for about 20 bucks.

Also don't be dense. Building Standard decks is a mythic playset chase.

I will always grant triggers from the previous turn. I hate winning because my opponent forgot to gain a life or create a token or something, especially when there are 20 things on the table and it starts getting difficult to keep track of.