What recent movies, manga and cartoons would you recommend to get in the Veeky Forums mood?
I've enjoyed the American Gods tv series.
What recent movies, manga and cartoons would you recommend to get in the Veeky Forums mood?
I've enjoyed the American Gods tv series.
Other urls found in this thread:
Conan the Barbarian (1983), Willow, Excalibur, Ladyhawke, Beastmaster
Kekkai Sensen
Hunter X Hunter.
Stranger Things and .
>Kekkai Sensen
What's so good about it that sets it apart from the 532425 other superpower anime out there?
The setting is interesting and the characters are fun. (Leo is best boy.) It's not really a "superpower anime", 'though their abilities are definitely important.
Fairly witty and self aware. The characters behave like PCs and are all fun have good chemistry.
Thor: Ragnarok, aside from the party splitting a lot, feels very much like an rpg campaign where the players have finally developed a sense of humour.
so recent! so cutting edge1
Pick a random Black Mirror episode from any season and make your next game take place in that setting/situation.
Dungeon Meshi
>American Gods
biggest disappointment in recent memory
Foundation by Isaac Asimov, The Stars My Destination, Dune, and Forever War.
If instead of a a work that takes place in various small towns, you would prefer a fantasy work made by a random guy form a small town there's Eon's Door.
Dungeon Meshi, Avatar Airbender, Hunter Hunter (it's really long tho, so maybe not worth it. The yorknew art was really good tho, and the first animated adaption was beautiful),
the webcomic Unsounded (took me awhile to warm-up to it, but it has an interesting setting where magic is intertwined with both religion and the governments of 2 dystopias where one is monarchical communism, and the other is a fascist caste-focused union of 2 religions that by the nature of their beliefs are incompatible. One of the religion is the standard pagan religion that's shared with the communist-monarchy dystopia, and the other religion is about a guy who got pissed at how the gods made the world unfair so he went to the afterlife to kill them)
Didnt get deep into eons door and I dont have a copy any more, but it has tree-internet, and a good guy who at the beginning after years of being missing betrays another good guy but people don't know why yet.
Instead of kingdoms there's villages/tribes, and even though they have tree-internet they aren't really focused on the whole mother-nature schtick
>The Stars My Destination
My nigga. Even though that book is 60 years old, the way he wrote a world where anyone can go where they like instantly felt extremely convincing. I wonder if anyone's ever done a campaign based on it.
I also know of a song about it youtube.com
This is fucking awesome. Thanks for sharing, user.
Just doing my job, other user.
If you want to get in the mood to play a wuxia/eastern style game and then realise most systems aren't perfect and you'll never get exactly what you want. I'd recommend Sword of the Stranger... then again, I'll always recommend Sword of the Stranger, it's a beautifully animated and choreographed samurai flick.
Revenant, Spooky Encounters, Swiss Army Man, Seventh Son, Ronal the Barbarian, I Saw The Devil, Feast, Death Race 2050, What We Do In The Shadows.
Fantastic Planet, Bakshi LOTR, Ghost Stories, Fire & Ice, Tank Police
Vinland Saga
Slough Feg is the motherfucking best.
>(Leo is best boy.)
He's a close second but Klaus is best boy.
>John Carter
>Pirates of the Caribbean
>documentaries (history, marine life, Africa...)
>Solomon Kane
>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
>Hansel and Gretel: Witch hunters
>Life of Pi
>last Mummy
>Journey to the Center of the Earth
>The Maze Runner
>Kong: Skull Island (story is shit, the island is nice)
>Wrath of the Titans, Immortals, Clash of the Titans, etc
this reminds me, I still didn't watch Warcraft
>Golden Kamui
>Goblin Slayer
>Dr Stone
Recent things you dumb fucks.
Absolutely this. Some interesting bits here and there, but the pacing is absolutely ruined by incessant padding and a boring MC.
Bester was brilliance non-pareil among scifi writers. The Demolished Man and To Marry Medusa were also fantastic.
goblin slayer is edgy-weaboo shit. I read the first half of the first novel/novella and I was disappointing.
The rest of your ls fine as far as I know, with Otoyomegatari being the most note-worthy.
I'm also gonna use this as an opportunity to recommend Moribto, which has 20-something episodes as an anime, or several self-contained books that share a main character.
Well, now you're just getting what you get. Don't be a whiny fag, OP. You came asking for suggestions, and now we're giving you suggestions.
This is stuff that gets me in the mood for Veeky Forums. You should look for inspiration everywhere, including documentaries.
>Books, you illiterate swine
Lovecraft, his contemporaries, and love letters to them. Derleth, etc.
Robert E. Howard's classic Conan schlock.
JRR Tolkien
Neal Stephenson's stuff
Dresden Files series
Low Fantasy:
Unironically: The Last Unicorn. Skip the songs, they drag.
Xena Warrior Princess
Conan schlock
Evil Dead franchise stuff, including the Ash Vs Evil Dead show
Supernatural first 3 or 4 seasons. The more recent stuff is dumb, for lots of reasons.
Penny Dreadful. Can be stupid edgy at times, though.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Space sci-fi:
Cowboy Bebop
Star Trek
Star Wars tv shows, but not the movies. Movies are cool stories, but don't set a good tone for Veeky Forums adventure. Clone Wars and Rebels both make for good Veeky Forums mood setters.
BBC 80s Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Avatar series
Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series. One of the few series to not royally fuck everything up.
Blade Runner
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
>Manga (Fuck you and your nipshit)
Hellboy, BPRD
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Prince Valiant
(Maybe, I've only read a little) Conan
Fallout. Duh
Syndicate/Satellite Reign
Derp Souls
Darkest Dungeon
Don't Starve
System Shock 2