I used to think that Dawnforged cast was the best DM ever but Veeky Forums presented me these other 3 gentlemen (plus Perkins who's okay).
It's really hard for me to pick the best one now.
I used to think that Dawnforged cast was the best DM ever but Veeky Forums presented me these other 3 gentlemen (plus Perkins who's okay).
It's really hard for me to pick the best one now.
If you think watching people play games is fun, wait until you actually try playing them for yourself!
Mike, dark eyes
Earring, chin
Fuck Dawnforgedcast, he's a lying, snivling, dried up piece of horse shit who needs to exit the world.
> no Steven Lumpkin
> no Eric Vulgaris
> no John Harper
> no Nadja Otikor
> no WebDM guys
Are these threads getting deleted yet?
i wouldn't be against dawnforgecast if it wasn't so costly for him to come up with a campaign he probably did before. He says it is custom to the player, but he can use anything from his other ones if he wants, just change settings, it is just too shadey imo.
Why does anyone think Dawnforged is a good DM. He's pretty gooney, can't really voice act, and I just can't take him seriously.
Who the fuck are any of these fags
I don't think I'll ever understand why people would want to watch other people run games rather than just spend the time playing a game themselves. It's not even comparable to the whole Let's Play thing because role playing games are infinitely more of a personal experience than videogames.
>mfw I honestly think my regular DM is better than any of these guys and assumed this was normal
That said, top left seems like the one with the best grip on how to run a good game, mechanically speaking. At least from what I've seen of these people.
A lot of people don't know how to 'get into' D&D or other tabletop games. Whenever I introduce these to new players, a lot seem to have been interested in the hobby peripherally for a while and didn't know how to start.
This kind of stuff allows people to see what the experience can be like, to some degree. However, as someone who runs and plays in games often, I definitely don't see much of a point in watching.
>that fucktardo on the bottom left
Yeah, don't even joke about it, dude. He has one of the few Mage the Awakening realplays and his cunt friends and shit DMing destroys it.
Ignore Dawnforged Cast.
Downvote Dawnforged Cast.
Delete Dawnforged Cast threads.
I don't remember Adam doing anything wrong with Mage, but it's been a while. What I remember from that game was that the main issue was Dave, Andrew, and Hillary all wanting to play a different campaign, which will destroy any campaign and happens to the best GMs.
Also everyone found Mage to be clunky and unwieldy mechanically, and any vaguely objective person who's looked at a World of Darkness game shouldn't find that unfair. I say that as someone who started RPGs with VtM.
I play and run games constantly (weekly sessions and play-by-post threads all the time), but still enjoy some actual plays. Sometimes it's because I like the people playing, and their characters enough to be entertained; but it's also useful to see new systems in action before I try them with my group.
If it helps you to understand, I don't think of it as a vicarious form of getting the RPG experience, rather as a separate form of entertainment that I enjoy because I like RPGs. If you go into it looking for the former, then any actual play is going to be disappointing compared to the real thing.
Agreed. Aside from the shit he did to other up-and-coming RPG YouTubers, he just seems like the kind of douche I'd immediately eject from my table. I bet he's never had a real-life friend.
>shit he did to other up-and-coming RPG youtubers
Pardon? Is this why he's pulling in only hundreds of views per vid now, similar to Maddox?
What happened to Maddox?
Tried to fuck over a guy he was working with, ended up losing all his fans and viewers. A dude who did literally nothing but make fun of him used to make more on patreon.
Dawnforged is a fag, and you're a retard for ever considering him the "best DM ever".
Matthew Colville seems cool. I've never seen him GM, and he rambles A LOT, but he offers decent GMing advice.
Adam Koebel. Can't stand his world/political views (he's Canadian, so go figure) nor Dungeon World, but he's actually a pretty solid GM. The old school D&D series they did is the only session series I've ever watched every episode for.
Matt Mercer. Meh, never really watched anything he's done aside for a few highlight clips. He does cool voices?
I've actually enjoyed very few recorded game sessions as I prefer to just run my own games. I do have to give a shout out BlameSociety's "Rated RPG" series. Their TMNT, Gamma World, and Vampire the Masquerade sessions reminded me a lot of my high school groups. Funny as fuck.
No clue about his views now. I'm referring to when Dawnforged was first starting out he was going around making multiple fake YouTube accounts and leaving negative comments and down-votes on what he viewed as competitor channels. He wanted his YouTube shit to be his career so he was trying to take out the "competition". Anyway, he eventually got busted out somehow and made an apology video admitting everything, which he later deleted.
I do it in-between GMing to look for ideas. Sometimes I'll only get through like half a session before tuning out because the GM/players are so shitty. It's definitely helped my pacing more than anything.
>Sometimes I'll only get through like half a session before tuning out because the GM/players are so shitty.
Same. I have a really hard time watching recorded sessions. Often makes me wonder why they're playing or if they're actually enjoying themselves. It's like no matter where you skip to in the video, it's just another awkward silence.
Some people like trpg but don't have time to play, or can't find players to play with, or both.
As far as your brains concerned the same chemical reactions happen either way. So yes, it's scientifically proven that watching people play games is just as fun as playing games.
> I don't understand why people would want to watch the Superbowl rather than just play football themselves.
So this is how you justify not having any friends?
>don't have people to play with
>the people you play with are shit
>YOU are shit, and you like watching people who know what they're doing
>it helps you come up with ideas
>it helps you learn the rules
>you find the story compelling
>the people playing are entertaining
>you enjoy being a part of a community that's easy to fit into because you don't fit in anywhere else
>you have the hots for laura bailey
Who is your favorite roll20 presents Veeky Forums?
Mine is Andrew because he is a huge faggot, gud player, and develops queer magical girls blades in the dark hack.
>>you have the hots for laura bailey
don't we all?
Matt is a solid DM and I enjoy his voice work, which makes sense given he's a professional voice actor. The other one I feel are better on the story and game mechanics but I don't think it makes Matt bad.
Did a new picture for you for next time this conversation is brought up.
Probably Andrew followed by Elf. Dave is a but too annoying when it comes to pointing out rules and being a but too much of a min-maxer for essentially being on a show and Blue Jay is a whining retard.
Fuck me I forgot Colville...now I need an 8th for balance.
I like Let Me Tell You About's little d&d game they've got going on.
Mercer, hands down.
Needs more Pimperneal
I say it's either Chris Perkins or Matt Mercer, but for very different reasons. Mercer DMs like an entire orchestra, while Perkins DMs like a single piano.
Wet dream: Critical Role One-Shot where Mercer DMs for Perkins, Mearls, Crawford and Colville
No room for the Bard?
Bottom left is a member of antifa, which really tells you everything you need to know.
Spoiler alert: not everyone who isn't a nazi is antifa
I didn't say anything about the other three, so unless you think I'm calling them nazis by omission I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
He is trying to sue his previous business for 20 million dollars because people are calling him a cuck
is top right guy using makeup?
and wow koebel doesn't look as disgusting as usually
I do it because I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong. Like watching youtube video for cooking or crafting a thingie.
That's like trying to learn cooking by watching Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.
Because I cant find anyone to play with me Cyberpunk or owod, there are some games that are not even have one game uploaded on youtube (maybe on twich, I should take a look)
Perkins was actually a guest on Critical Role. He was very subdued, but I think it was intentional. He knew he was just there as a support to the main stars, and played it simple, like a human plot device.
Not that I mind the more extravagant guests like "Chod" or Felicia. (Except Chris Hardwick, he should fucking never be allowed to roleplay in anything again).
No one here cares, go back to /pol/ you sad sack
>DawnforgedCast beleives you can only play Paladin ONE (1) single way and it autistic about it
That's a microcosm for how he GMs really. Otherwise his advice is mostly okay
I like Steve Lumpkin, but Zak Sabbath is my personal favorite. He's at least the most creative although not as adept as Koebel at organizing his thoughts.
Haven't seen much DMing from Zak, but his books are top tier.
Haven't watched Colville DM, but from his youtube videos he's extremely well versed and knowledgeable about the hobby and the history surrounding it. Definitely seems like the biggest grognard of the bunch which is a good thing. Say what you want about grogs, but they are almost always the most informed and versatile individuals in roleplaying and narrativist cunts can't compare.