Gnomish Engineer Corps Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and it's application in and around traditional games
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Gnomish Engineer Corps Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and it's application in and around traditional games
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My friend wants me to roll a very sexually frustrated female void elf who has been separated from her husband since the expeditionary force mustered and went through the dark portal.
When are they going to revive Garithos?
Your friend wants an ERP partner.
Question for the thread: If you could swap one race from each faction, what would it be and how would you justify it?
Being stuck in the void for over 15 years will do that.
You are just in denial on how shitty your faction was written.
When a point must be made about how the Alliance isn't as faultless as they may think, at least as far as Sylvanas and the blood elves are concerned.
Mekkatorque warchief when?
Does your friend then want to "ease her tension"? I fear his intentions might not be pure, user.
But if your friend looking for her husband or a bull?
Mekkatorque wouldn't be listened to by the broader Alliance because he has a relatively niche skillset, despite his willingness to play ball with the Horde. Why would the night elves bother listening to someone who nuked his own people? Oh wait
Literally nobody made it out of Cataclysm in good shape thanks to Dave "Corpsefucker" Kosak.
I concede this
Except the trolls and gnomes. The Darkspears finally got control of the Echo Isles, and the gnomes were able to clean up part of Gnomeregan.
Did Metzen have a corruption fetish?
Send Worgen Hordeside, for similar reasons the Blood Elves went Horde. Plus portraying frosty relations between Gilneas and the Alliance because the latter sees them as dangerous monsters would help add some more complexity to the Alliance and break the White Knight power fantasy a bit.
The default meme answer for which Horde race would go Alliance is obviousy Tauren but I never liked that. The relationship with Tauren and NElves was always frosty at best and their culture is pretty irreconcilable with the Alliance. I'd probably send Blood Elves to Alliance.
That was not a mistake, user
I feel like he did
He'd make a great post-Cataclysm Forsaken!
How would Forsaken/Worgen relationships go in your eyes then?
So asking again, what twist do you wanna see for the big war?
Mutual distrust but compelled by circumstances to play ball with each other. Maybe as time goes on, they reconcile a bit with each other.
Genn was always more interesting as a Rebel, rather than Right Hand to the Lion of Stormwind.
They are fellow outcasts but swiftly learn to hate eachother for new reasons, only playing nice to prevent the horde from falling apart
It was all a dream, none of it happened and everyone starts again in TFT fighting except the world tree gets saved and factions end
Alliance and Horde break down from being world super powers like NATO and Warswaw pact into loose alliances where races no longer trust each other. The big innovation is that now Horde can go to Alliance areas and Alliance Horde because everyone distrusts each other equally, but are too fucked by the war to actually try fighting each other directly again.
>Missing an opportunity to finally add Ogres to the Horde.
>Not adding broken Draenei as playable at any point after several Outland themed expansions.
>Cashing in on 'pretty races' by giving reskins pulled out of the nonsensical turdfountain that is Blizzard lore to both Horde and Alliance - ironically watering down their differences in an expansion meant to evoke them.
Revive Garithos as Forsaken, purge the Elves, add Ogres.
Character concept: Forsaken Death Knight/Warlock who is really just a metal head who thinks the whole thing is brutal. Obligatory leather strap face and mohawk.
>flying swastika made of skulls.
I love it.
Gonna name my no good lord in TW Othmar Garithos
Fuck ogres and everyone who keeps demanding this horrible race as player characters.
Give my Horde the goddamn tuskarr blizzard.
What do you mean? Like, a new fantasy-meme raid boss where both sides must "cooperate" and bring down together?
Tuskar die outside of their native climate other than like the two in Pandaria
Aren't Tuskarr actually part of the Horde now anyways?
Sylvanas served Kel'thuzad the whole time
No, but Taunka are.
Which begs the question why we're not getting them instead of Moose Tauren.
It would honestly explain why the forsaken have been acting more and more like the scourge, she was probably offered a means of forever staving off the fate of the void, and it will prove her final fall as she's effectivly betrayed the last thing the forsaken were supposed to be, and fooled them into going along with it
>Sylvanas shooting Arthas was the ultimate false-flag
I'm not sure how I feel about that timeline.
At the time she ment it, but people change and not always for the better
So with Classic now being a certainty, what other expansions would you like to return to? Tell me what you liked about them.
I don't think there's anything redeeming about any expansion after TBC.
I'm sure there will be a Wrath server as well, since it's the last expansion before the world revamp.
Ulduar. Its not worth doing naxx again though.
Nothing after Wrath.
This may very well be possible. His request was very specific.
Funnily enough, his plan to have his new character acquire his high elf fetish/obsession is to make a male human mage who was taught arcane magic by a female high elf mage. He would undoubtedly act on his predisposition so far away from home and his wife.
This would be quite funny.
How fucking retarded you have to be to even think about something like that? They HATE eachother.
That was vanilla but they decided every expansion needs dumb as a stick RvB, dindu hordies and raising the stakes with an even bigger and doomier world ending doom.
I mostly agree, although Pandaria was pleasantly not-terrible whenever you managed to get away from the faction bickering. Still, I've seen people claim that they loved Cataclysm, so if anything I'd like to at least try to understand how such people's minds work.
I loved Vashj'ir like people loved Ulduar.
He offers to teach her how to make a Phylactery to escape eternal death?
I liked lots of gearsets (And NPC only sets,) architecture, flora in every expansion, along with many of the side stories and even some sections of main quests.
Mainly art and music.
Otherwise really not too much past Wrath.
Yep, I was always jealous of the cross faction adventuring group in Zul'Farak.
That dress shouldn't be folding in under the breast like that.
That doesn't look holy
So what do you think the gameplan of the Old Gods is?
what faction got shafted the hardest by blizz and why is it the scarlet crusade?
>and raising the stakes with an even bigger and doomier world ending doom.
I feel like this is a case of "it worked the first time, so let's keep doing it again and again". The Sunwell was the first truly apocalyptic scenario we had (Illidan was pretty much on par with Nefarian or Ragnaros in terms of active threat). Similiarly, the Battle for the Undercity was the first time we actively fought beside our faction leaders, and was more or less our introduction to phasing to boot. Both of those events were fantastic, but everything they were has been run right into the ground.
My nigger. I thought I was the only person to like Vashj'ir. The single good zone in all of Cataclysm.
>hey, sorry (not really tho) that we plagued your capital city and forced you guys to immigrate to a giant tree, slaughtering tens of thousands if not more. Bygones?
Blood Elves coming back to the Alliance would be like a crack addict coming home to an abusive husband. They'd both always be suspicious of the other and watching eachother out of the corners of their eyes. Jaina would also have ANOTHER meltdown, and abandon the Alliance, probably.
I wouldn't do the Worgen swap AFTER the Cata stuff.
Sylvanas actually gets her comeuppance.
Now that we know the Void Lords are a thing, it's fairly clear: corrupt the world soul of Azeroth and make it a Void Titan so it can serve the Void Lords in their needs.
I gotta agree with you on Pandaland.
That's a fair point. And the art design was nice and SOME of the zone revamps were decent. I just really like the Twilight's Hammer look and the wild elementals and tentacle monsters and such.
The Scarlet Crusade was always bad guys. They were created to be bad guys. They were doomed from the start.
That said, what they did with them in Cataclysm was just embarrassing.
I know this is more /v/ than Veeky Forums but it's 1:30 AM and I'm opening a cold beer because after like 6 hours I've completed the most retarded RTS mission in history on Hard and I felt the need to brag.
I want to have loving sex in the mating press position with a knife to breed a legion of voidspawn that will consume all existence
I'm okay with this
I think they should do rolling servers.
After a certain amount of time, the classic server becomes BC and a new classic server is made, then later the BC server becomes Wrath, the classic server becomes BC and a new classic server is made. Repeat until the penultimate expansion is ending then reset that server back to classic instead of creating a new classic server.
>It would honestly explain why the forsaken have been acting more and more like the scourge
They've been more neutered in the later expansions, the only person more scourge-y than vanilla is Sylvanas due to the Valks, but raising the dead seems pretty tame compared to wanting to genocide the planet, which is what a lot of early forsaken lore had since undeath apparently erodes the moral compass.
that sounds so horrible only a retard could come up with it.
the only thing i remember from WC3 (custom maps aside) was the comfy as fuck rexxar campaign
what's rexxar up to these days anyway?
How would you do the Worgen thing so they get Horde instead. Learn Druidism instead of shamanism from the Horde?
Chilling out with Hunters and doing daily missions for them in the Class Hall.
Why are there red orcs watching over the Dark Portal?
What's wrong with it?
Without it you'd just get a forever content drought once people clear Naxx.
Is this the mini-campaign where you can have the blademaster in your team?
So what's the difference between Fel, Void, and Death magic? I get that Fel comes from the Nether and is tied to demons right, void/shadows come from the old gods and the void gods, while death is what?
Also, are demons as part of the Burning Legion opposed to the Void Lords since Sargeras wants to destroy the Void?
>After a certain amount of time, the classic server becomes BC and a new classic server is made
I've heard that mentioned a lot, but it seems to be a dreadful idea to me.
One of the core appeals of WoW is having and developing a character, if the servers are constantly rolling forward then the people who WANT to play in that era are constantly having their progress erased so they need to level up a new character to do the max level content they enjoy.
If I rolled a WOTLK warlock because I enjoyed WOTLK warlock pvp and the server rolled forward it'd get old fast having to re-level without heirlooms from scratch.
If people want classic servers, give them classic servers.
Having a "next expansion" server that you can copy your previous expansions character over to is one thing, but forcibly moving people forward just seems to create a treadmill I doubt people would enjoy for long when the reason this is a thing is because people wanted a specific, older expansion.
I think the Blademaster is only in one map of it.
You can play at 4:3 with black bars on the sides through your GPU if you wanna avoid the widescreen stretching FYI.
I'd probably shake things up so that after the Cataclysm, the Alliance are the ones trying to invade Gilneas. At first they ask nicely but Genn says no, so they invade. Then they're horrified by the Worgen curse and start trying to purge that.
The Forsake sneak in, and realizing a potential new ally they start courting Greymane. He realizes if he throws in with the Horde, he can have some semblance of autonomy and allies to back it up. Better than being crushed beneath Stormwind's heel.
I'd say that they have 1-60 free, but if you pay you can play on the other servers up to WOTLK
Classic is free user, they'll get that instead.
The rolling server is beyond stupid.
Wouldn't it be much simpler to just have expansion-specific servers with free one-way server transfers to later expansions?
Obviously you'd want a buffer on the transfers, to avoid people poaching limited titles like Scarab Lord and promptly running back to their home server.
>One of the core appeals of WoW is having and developing a character, if the servers are constantly rolling forward then the people who WANT to play in that era are constantly having their progress erased so they need to level up a new character to do the max level content they enjoy.
It's not like BC launching wiped out classic characters. If you wanted classic still you could just hop to the new realm, or play into BC.
The Alliance tries to use Gilneas as a new foothold in the north since the Highlands and Foothills are contested, only to start succumbing to the curse? Gilneans and Alliance blame each other for the curse, shit gets tense, and Forsaken offer the rapidly succumbing victims of the curse safety from Alliance purges.
Basically. I feel it would be a nice switch-up, with the Horde offering safety and the Alliance offering subjugation. One thing always annoying me about the Alliance is they never act un-heroic. Putting the jackboots on their feet for once would've added some more complexity to the whole thing and probably reduce the dindu memeing.
But why make it so that everyone has to keep swapping servers every few years when you could have stable servers set up for each expac and just let the people who want to switch do so anyways?
That's dumb. Forsaken and worgen have been killing each other in Silverpine since the first days of vanilla. Of all the zones where worgen showed up, it has the most bitter conflict.
Or when they do act un-heroic their fanbase screeches at daddy blizzard until it gets soft retconned or buried
I'd leave it ambiguous where the Worgen curse came from though, or if you want to be spiteful say it was all a Forsaken plot. Would be neat if you turned the Worgen lore a bit and make NE just fucking hate them for being abominations for Elune too
And most of the Forsaken fought a bitter war with the orcs in their previous life.
Desperation can change a man's perspective. Especially when Greymane didn't really like the Alliance all that much to begin with.
>But why make it so that everyone has to keep swapping servers every few years
I believe the number of people who are bored and want the server to advance will outweigh the people who want to be in a specific expansion forever.
On the other hand, Greymane really fucking hated orcs too
Why, though? What are you basing that on?
You have to realize that the people who go back to a specific expac are choosing to do so *because* they want to stick with that expac...
Was this the orcs hopped up on demon juice or the orcs not hopped up on demon juice?
Greymane just kind of hated everybody.
The logic of my hypothetical scenario is this: Greymane wants freedom. He can have it, if he allies with the people he hated. Or he can not have it, and be ultimately subjugated by people he also hated. Plus, by letting the Alliance take over, he could potentially open his people up to mass extermination since in my scenario the Alliance doesn't take too kindly to the whole Worgen curse thing. Which is far more in keeping with their original personality.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. But only one of those options keeps Varian's boot off your neck.
>in their previous life.
What's this about Thrall losing his shamanic connection to the elements?
>Why, though? What are you basing that on?
On the fact people get bored.
>they want to stick with that expac...
Forever though? I doubt that very much.
Are gnomes a case of too modern for their own good? It's implied through the Harrison Jones quests that the goblins are at least up to WWI level give or take with squad-level radio, combined arms, and repeating, breach-loading rifles, but the times you see the gnomes fighting (like in Operation: Gnomeregan) they seem to be a very basic organized force lined up in ranks with swordsmen in the front and gunners in the back, machines like Crowd Pummelers and Mechano Tanks used as siege weapons rather than infantry support, and machine guns being used as artillery as well.
Did technology advance too fast for the Alliance which is why they're going at Lorderan with siege towers and footmen of all things? Even the Warcraft movie had Footmen wielding arabesques alongside their swords, so WoW footmen are more primitive than their AU equivalents from several wars ago.
And you can't say the footmen are bullet resistant because their armor is said to still be Imperial Plate, which is hilariously obsolete. If the greenskin part of the Horde didn't have their resources gutted by Garrosh throwing a hissy fit and splitting it in two, the Alliance wouldn't have made it to the front gates before being turned into Alterac-swiss cheese Verdun-style.
Which likewise leads to the question as to what's left of the non-Forsaken/Bloodelf part of the Horde. Given all the times they've had to rebuild and suffering from a recent civil war and their political power waning, are they still the core power of it as a political entity, or are they on life-support?
Thrall is feeling guilty that he squished Garrosh or something.
>Which is far more in keeping with their original personality.
Proof, please. The original personality of the Alliance is that they're the unified attempt of the people of EK to stop the Orcish Horde from raping everybody. Everything else is revisionism.
Greymane realised that freedom is an insignifcant concept next to the glory of righteousness and your fanfic would just reduce him to another stupid idiot like Lord Perenolde and Garithos.
Or just guilty that he left him in charge in the first place.
Probably a bit of both.